View Full Version : Executive Paywatch: CEO Pay Database

Capt Bringdown
04-19-2011, 12:41 PM
For a true picture of the vast inequities in the American workplace, try comparing the pay of your company's CEO with your own. (http://www.aflcio.org/corporatewatch/paywatch/ceou/index.cfm)

If you're looking for the executive pay data at a Russell 3000 corporation, this database will lead you to the following information:

-What the CEO of your company took in last year.
-How his/her pay package compares with yours, how long you would have to work to earn what the CEO gets in one year and the number of workers at your salary the CEO's compensation would support.
-How his/her pay package compares with that of the average worker, a minimum wage earner and the president of the United States.
-A fact sheet on all of these comparisons.