View Full Version : One thing Piston fans and Spur fans can agree on.

06-07-2005, 12:08 PM
ABC is PISSED that these two defensive minded teams are in the finals. No Shaq's ass to kiss....no Suns all-run, no defense "pretty" basketball.

And we love it!

Screw ABC.

06-07-2005, 12:09 PM
ABC is PISSED that these two defensive minded teams are in the finals. No Shaq's ass to kiss....no Suns all-run, no defense "pretty" basketball.

And we love it!

Screw ABC.

we might be the only ones watching, too.

I'm getting excited -- can't wait for this sucker to start.

06-07-2005, 12:10 PM
I wonder if SAS will have the balls to show up to any ABC San Antonio broadcasts...


06-07-2005, 12:13 PM
With a little luck, the nation might learn to appreciate the beauty of a Ben Wallace block, a clean Ginobili steal, a forced 24-sec. turnover....yeah, scoring is neat and all, but it's the big defensive plays that get me up out of my seat every time.

06-07-2005, 12:13 PM
If the Spurs win....I would love to see Rasho walk over to SAS and say....

"my english is not too good so Tim taught me this...Fuck you!" :lol

06-07-2005, 12:14 PM
With a little luck, the nation might learn to appreciate the beauty of a Ben Wallace block, a clean Ginobili steal, a forced 24-sec. turnover....yeah, scoring is neat and all, but it's the big defensive plays that get me up out of my seat every time.


06-07-2005, 12:15 PM

Pistons < Spurs
06-07-2005, 12:16 PM
Yeah the media will hate this series...but screw them.

Persoanlly I for the life of me cannot understand how ppl (nationally) cannot LOVE this matchup. I am sooo happy to see these 2 teams face eachother. This is what basketball should be about. Offense AND defense. I truly beleive this is going to be one of the best finals we've seen in quilt a long while.

06-07-2005, 12:24 PM
Last night I was sitting there screaming for Brown to put in Lindsey Hunter, that goes to show you how defense has become inbedded in Piston's fans minds.

06-07-2005, 12:26 PM
If the Spurs win....I would love to see Rasho walk over to SAS and say....

"my english is not too good so Tim taught me this...Fuck you!" :lol

Maybe they'll do their pregame show from a barge on the Riverwalk and we can dump a bucket of piss on him...


06-07-2005, 12:30 PM
Yeah the media will hate this series...but screw them.

Persoanlly I for the life of me cannot understand how ppl (nationally) cannot LOVE this matchup. I am sooo happy to see these 2 teams face eachother. This is what basketball should be about. Offense AND defense. I truly beleive this is going to be one of the best finals we've seen in quilt a long while.
I don't agree with your screen name, but I do agree with that last sentence.

Duff McCartney
06-07-2005, 12:30 PM
I always said that if the Spurs and Pistons meet in the Finals the NBA would probably collapse. I think it might.

06-07-2005, 12:32 PM
Spurs fans and piston fans don't belong in the same sentence.

Screw The Pistons.

Spurs in Four!

06-07-2005, 12:39 PM
Spurs fans and piston fans don't belong in the same sentence.

Screw The Pistons.

Spurs in Four!
I'm starting to like you. Screw the Pistons, they barely beat a broken down Miami team. Imagine if snaq had more than one leg, Wade hadn't busted a rib, Haslem would not of had a broken finger, and the backup center wasn't on dialysis. Miami would have swept detroit.

Spurs in 6, the refs will surely give detroit one game and the spurs will give them another with missed free throws.

06-07-2005, 12:45 PM
By the time this is over ignorant fans and journalists will probably be saying they're looking forward to the lockout.

06-07-2005, 12:50 PM
By the time this is over ignorant fans and journalists will probably be saying they're looking forward to the lockout.


06-07-2005, 01:10 PM
Im not buying the whole Shaq was injured theme. He averaged more points in this series per game than he did in the regular season.

We had the same game plan this year of letting him and Wade get their points and shutting everyone else down and guess what it worked.

The Pistons were going to win game 6 no matter what, they had to, elimination game at home. They busted the Heat's @ss! Game 7 Wade was hurt, who knows what would have happened if he was healthy. The point is he wasn't and didnt do so bad. 12 3rd quarter points. Then 0-8 in the 4th can you say ball hog?

He didn't feed Shaq the ball when they needed to. That had nothing to do with his injury. Can you say Kobe part 2??????????? Wade the Heat's biggest star hands down was also their biggest liablity last night.

His selfish game play cost Miami the game.

06-07-2005, 01:33 PM
One other thing we might agree on is what a drag it is for ABC to carry the finals. On the bright side, unless I'm mistaken, Walton won't be doing the play-by-play, so at least we'll hear the game called while it's ACTUALLY BEING PLAYED.....

06-07-2005, 01:37 PM
I think its Al Michaels and Hubie Brown so you would be correct! :)

06-07-2005, 01:44 PM
Well...better than ESPN.

Tho, in the next bargaining agreement, there should be a clause stating that TNT be given exclusive rights to NBA broadcasts.


Extra Stout
06-07-2005, 01:57 PM
Hubie Brown is solid. That is key.

Al Michaels' contribution will consist of:
-- Belittling the Pistons' 2004 title because "Karl Malone was injured"
-- Talking about how awesome 0.4* was for him to witness
-- Wondering aloud what it would be like if the Heat and Lakers were playing in the Finals instead of the Spurs and Pistons
-- Discussing the Lakers' coaching vacancy
-- Talking about the greatness of Phil Jackson
-- Reminiscing about Kobe Bryant's greatest Finals moments
-- Belittling the Pistons' 2005 Finals appearance because Shaq and Wade were "injured"
-- Wondering how much more exciting the Finals would be if the Suns were playing
-- Belittling the Spurs' 2005 Finals appearance because Shaq and Kobe "broke up"
-- Discussing how much better it is for the NBA when the Lakers are contending

Fuck Al Michaels.

06-07-2005, 02:00 PM
I think its Al Michaels and Hubie Brown so you would be correct! :)

Is Al Michaels the same guy that sounds like Alan Alda? :lol

06-07-2005, 02:07 PM
I can get behind this. You know that David Stern was crying into his fifth vodka last night after the win.

And yet . . . and yet. The basketball fans are as excited as we are. This truly is a match up between two of the best teams in the league. The last two title winners. What an incredible matchup! It'll be amazing if they break 85 . . . and who cares? It'll still be incredibly exciting, tense, and dramatic.

06-07-2005, 03:27 PM
Hubie Brown is solid. That is key.

Al Michaels' contribution will consist of:
-- Belittling the Pistons' 2004 title because "Karl Malone was injured"
-- Talking about how awesome 0.4* was for him to witness
-- Wondering aloud what it would be like if the Heat and Lakers were playing in the Finals instead of the Spurs and Pistons
-- Discussing the Lakers' coaching vacancy
-- Talking about the greatness of Phil Jackson
-- Reminiscing about Kobe Bryant's greatest Finals moments
-- Belittling the Pistons' 2005 Finals appearance because Shaq and Wade were "injured"
-- Wondering how much more exciting the Finals would be if the Suns were playing
-- Belittling the Spurs' 2005 Finals appearance because Shaq and Kobe "broke up"
-- Discussing how much better it is for the NBA when the Lakers are contending

Fuck Al Michaels.

haha! good stuff....

06-07-2005, 03:42 PM
Im not buying the whole Shaq was injured theme. He averaged more points in this series per game than he did in the regular season.

We had the same game plan this year of letting him and Wade get their points and shutting everyone else down and guess what it worked.

The Pistons were going to win game 6 no matter what, they had to, elimination game at home. They busted the Heat's @ss! Game 7 Wade was hurt, who knows what would have happened if he was healthy. The point is he wasn't and didnt do so bad. 12 3rd quarter points. Then 0-8 in the 4th can you say ball hog?

He didn't feed Shaq the ball when they needed to. That had nothing to do with his injury. Can you say Kobe part 2??????????? Wade the Heat's biggest star hands down was also their biggest liablity last night.

His selfish game play cost Miami the game.

you will soon find out what most people already know, the Pistons are not that good. Spurs are gonna whoop that ass.

06-07-2005, 03:54 PM
I'm holding out hope for a miracle that perhaps this series will mark a turning point for the league. While the reality of the last decade or so in the league is that you can't win a championship without at least a good defense, this is really the first time I can remember that two teams known primarily as defensive teams have gone to the finals. My great hope is that the average fans who will watch the finals no matter who is playing will be exposed to the kind of basketball that we in SA and Detroit love so much and will learn to like it too. And that in the process of watching defense win one of these teams yet another championship that some of the assclowns in management in the NBA will sit up and say, "Hey, that doesn't look so damn hard. Maybe I could make our players do that too!"


Oh yeah, and fuck ABC. I'm thrilled, THRILLED, that my favorite team (really my favorite two) are going to cost their sorry asses some serious money. And watching Stern try to not cry while he hands the trophy over? Priceless.