View Full Version : Simmons tweet about Sean Elliott and Bill Land

04-21-2011, 01:17 AM
"Just muted Grizz-Spurs. Couldn't take it anymore. It was like sitting in the stands w/ 2 overbearing Little League parents."


Sean Cagney
04-21-2011, 01:18 AM
THEY are very homer yes, very homer! But Boston announcers are any better? I bet if it were there he would not MUTE IT! WOULD HE?

04-21-2011, 01:20 AM
"Just muted Grizz-Spurs. Couldn't take it anymore. It was like sitting in the stands w/ 2 overbearing Little League parents."


I wanted to mute it on Sunday when I thought I heard one of the Raptors' announcers commentating the game on TNT. Sounded exactly like that annoying fuck that would scream "DEROZAN" all the damn time.

04-21-2011, 01:21 AM

I will say, the commentators for his Celtics is way way worse.

04-21-2011, 01:21 AM
A Celtic Fan complaining about homer announcers? I've heard it all now.

04-21-2011, 01:28 AM
A Celtic Fan complaining about homer announcers? I've heard it all now.


DJ Mbenga
04-21-2011, 01:29 AM
haha its that bad a guy that listens to tommy has to turn it off.

04-21-2011, 01:38 AM
But the thing I love about the Celtic announcers is Tommy Heinsohn. Nobody blows a gasket like that and if the Celtics are losing, that's the only reason to listen to that idiot. And yes, sean is an absolute homer but I like Bill Land "OH MAMA!"

Sean Cagney
04-21-2011, 01:39 AM
haha its that bad a guy that listens to tommy has to turn it off.


baseline bum
04-21-2011, 01:40 AM
LOL... that's classic. Sean's one of my favorite players all-time, but he's awful doing color.

04-21-2011, 01:56 AM
As if the home broadcasters for most teams are not. GMAB.

04-21-2011, 01:58 AM
I wanted to mute it on Sunday when I thought I heard one of the Raptors' announcers commentating the game on TNT. Sounded exactly like that annoying fuck that would scream "DEROZAN" all the damn time.

It is the same guy, Matt Devlin is his name.

04-21-2011, 01:59 AM
Who cares? I hate it when local announcers try to be neutral.

The Btown Spur
04-21-2011, 02:03 AM
Another tweet by Bill Simmons: "Who is announcing this Grizzlies-Spurs game? These guys are such homers that even Tommy Heinsohn is disgusted."

and another one: "Shame on NBATV - it's the playoffs, you can't cheap out with local announcers. Who owns that channel, the Maloofs?"

Not that I totally agree with Simmons first tweet, but i think my roommate who is from memphis has a good point when he told me he hated having to watch his team with Spurs announcers, and complained how much of a homer the announcers were. Although Im in college away from Texas and it was great to hear Sean Elliott's commentary for me, i understand where hes coming from. I would hate to have to watch a Spurs game and have to listen to a biased Grizzlies announcers. NBAtv is a joke and should get their own announcers if not at least for the playoffs. Why Playoff games are on NBAtv in the first place is beyond me.

04-21-2011, 02:19 AM
Land and Elliott are to cater to a local market.

He does not notice Heinsohn because he agrees with what he says because he is a fan. He used to have a blog called "Boston Sports Guy."

He has never liked the Spurs and is probably still butthurt over Duncan and their sucking for years.

He is a big market guy. That fine. I like his Red Sox stuff as I am a Red Sox fan.

its the same with Lakers, Rockets, Mavericks, and Knicks games that I have heard.

I would rather listen to any of them than Mark fucking Jackson or Reggie dumbass Miller.

04-21-2011, 02:25 AM
The Raptors, Celtics, Rockets, and Utah announcers say go fuck yourself Simmons. Land and Elliott get into the game, but they call it like they see it with a slight bias. It isn't like they misdirect the viewer or don't correct their mistakes.

04-21-2011, 02:25 AM
While he does appreciate what the Duncan-era Spurs have done, I've also noticed that Simmons has also taken some shots at the Spurs crowd and PA announcers in his book and previous articles as well. Something about how playing the Jaws theme during the game is dumb and if you need to use so-and-so sound effect (forgot what it was) to get your crowd on their feet and make some noise then your crowd basically sucks. Imo the dude's just jealous that San Antonio was able to grab Duncan and sustain a legendary amount of success especially since the Celtics had a good chance of drafting him :downspin:

But the Spurs announcers are indeed huge homers and a Celtics fan should be well accustomed to that. Maybe its just some pent up form of revenge.

04-21-2011, 02:28 AM
Bill Land is the annoying one who orgasms all the time. Bill also does all of the product placement and advertisements.

Sean is much more chill and usually just laughs when he sees a good play. He also drops great one-liners quite frequently.

I wouldn't mind if Bill Land was replaced, but usually I'll seek out the San Antonio feed just for Sean and his player's insight on the team.

04-21-2011, 02:32 AM
Its also a product of how people from the northeast view Texas. They see us all as backwoods hicks and white trash.

You have no idea how many people I have talked to from the NE that ask about cowboy hats and tumbleweeds.

Yes MIT and Harvard are there but the average Bostonian is nothing to write home about. The average joe in the beltway is just as dumb as any other motherfucker i have met.

But thats why you get so many comments from him to the crowd. NEngladers have been uppity bastards since the 18th century.

04-21-2011, 02:35 AM
NEngladers have been uppity bastards since the 18th century.

Yeah, and those bastards will never admit they lost the civil war.

04-21-2011, 02:45 AM
How dare an announcer point out that Manu put up what in any other NBA city would have been viewed as a historically heroic performance?

04-21-2011, 02:47 AM
Yeah, and those bastards will never admit they lost the civil war.

I am not sure what that is supposed to mean and the civil war was in the 19th century but whatevs its been since the 18th I guess.

04-21-2011, 03:02 AM
LOL... that's classic. Sean's one of my favorite players all-time, but he's awful doing color.


04-21-2011, 03:31 AM
Sean Eliot brings a lot to the table as an announcer. He's a former player good enough for ESPN to hire, but came back to San Antonio because he missed calling Spurs games. He still has a good relationship with a lot of players and knows Pop on a level that other color commentators can't get from interviews.

Bill Land does a good job. He brings a lot to the table and he conveys the emotion of the game at the right spots. When he goes crazy, the Spurs crowd is with him. It's never out of place.

Simmons probably wanted Memphis to win this game so when San Antonio was making all those great plays in the 1st quarter to get the crowd into it, he was disappointed and didn't want to hear "Oh Mama" anymore.

I've been a fan of Land, Eliot and Simmons for a long time, but here I'm taking Land and Eliot. If I have to choose between Bill and Sean or ESPN/TNT, give me the Spurs broadcasters every time.

And they don't have to be neutral AT ALL. ESPN and TNT do, but Bill, Sean, and every other "local" broadcasters are paid by the team. Spurs Sports and Entertainment pays them. So there's no "conflict of interest" in calling the game. They're being PAID to be homers.

And the Heinsohn comments are right on the money. I've watched Celtics games, and you don't learn anything from the commentators. Sean breaks down plays and gives you insight into the players and coaches. While Heinsohn has won championships with Boston, he's much more of a little league parent than Sean. If Sean doesn't like a play, he'll say so and is really quick to point out missed opportunities and even when he's wrong.

04-21-2011, 03:43 AM
Well - Now you can get Joel Meyers back (if you want him) since his contract is not being renewed with the Lakers.

He is pretty good and not disgustingly homer to listen to.

04-21-2011, 04:34 AM
Sean made like one homer comment in the entire game. Not getting excited when the other team scores does not constitute being a homer.

04-21-2011, 04:44 AM
I watched the game every day and since I'm not a local I get to listen to various tv hosts while watching games--I didn't think the Spurs announcers were particularly good or bad. Yes they are homers but at least they're not trying to hide behind neutrality like the ESPN does while still sucking LA's and Boston's balls.

Maybe Simmons didn't like Sean's "homer" take on the play when Gasol headlocked Duncan and a fucking jumpball was called. Or when Duncan fouled out AT HOME.

04-21-2011, 04:51 AM
People know I agree. I muted it many times.

The main issue is that these are playoff games. If the game in Memphis is on NBATV, and all you have to listen to are Memphis announcers, you would probably feel the same way.

04-21-2011, 04:55 AM
People know I agree. I muted it many times.

The main issue is that these are playoff games. If the game in Memphis is on NBATV, and all you have to listen to are Memphis announcers, you would probably feel the same way.

Agree that a playoff game should have neutral announcers

But it's not Sean and Bill's fault if they were the put on NBA TV
And they are not the biggest homer. There is at least 5 others annoucers way more homer than them

04-21-2011, 05:03 AM
This maybe a little bit off tangent, but speaking of muting the TV, I turned the volume off everytime it's Chris Webber's turn to speak. He even made the comment that if what he and the other analysts would be doing is to talk while waiting for spurs-grizzlies players/coaches to speak on the podium, then he should be better off watching the lakers game or something to this effect. Somebody should tell him he is being paid to talk on TV. If he doesn't want to be a analyst, then he should just quit his job. And there might be a little bit of paranoia here, but I think it really pains him to say something nice about the spurs.

04-21-2011, 05:13 AM
I can understand Memphis fans can't stand watching a game with these announcers. As for me, i'd expect for local announcers to 'support' their tame, it kinda adds something to the game for a passionate homer fan. One thing that does bother me is when Sean IMMEDIATELY dissagrees with a call, without having seen the replay. He does it almost every time. You can't get more biased than that :lol

04-21-2011, 05:17 AM
One thing that does bother me is when Sean IMMEDIATELY dissagrees with a call, without having seen the replay. He does it almost every time. You can't get more biased than that :lol

On the other hand he was right every time last night, which wasn't hard given the horrible officiating.

Short list: first goaltending; second goaltending; Duncan headlock; how was that a foul on RJ? etc.

04-21-2011, 05:48 AM
Elliott was wrong twice before the replay, and said that he made a mistake both times. He and Land praised the Grizzlies throughout the game for their good play, never said anything disrespectful, and gave them credit for keeping it close at the end. When Elliott complained about Duncan's fifth foul because Battier was moving, he said exactly the same thing when Dice drew a charge the next time down.

And I was wrong, I counted two homer calls from Sean in the game, one per half. Some of you guys need to listen to The Glide in Houston or Jeff Wade for Mavs games if you want homer takes.

04-21-2011, 06:27 AM
The Rockets and Celtics announcers are far worse. Oh Mama is a lame catchphrase though.

04-21-2011, 06:48 AM
This maybe a little bit off tangent, but speaking of muting the TV, I turned the volume off everytime it's Chris Webber's turn to speak. He even made the comment that if what he and the other analysts would be doing is to talk while waiting for spurs-grizzlies players/coaches to speak on the podium, then he should be better off watching the lakers game or something to this effect. Somebody should tell him he is being paid to talk on TV. If he doesn't want to be a analyst, then he should just quit his job. And there might be a little bit of paranoia here, but I think it really pains him to say something nice about the spurs.

Funny, cause Webber also made a comment about Sean being a homer

04-21-2011, 06:53 AM
I wanted to mute it on Sunday when I thought I heard one of the Raptors' announcers commentating the game on TNT. Sounded exactly like that annoying fuck that would scream "DEROZAN" all the damn time.

It was the Raprors announcer
Matt Devlin

04-21-2011, 06:56 AM
Sean Elliott and Bill Land give the Spurs the kind of respect they deserve. Theyre the only ones that do it. Its sad but true. Elliott was calling tonights game the way it should be called and that was from the persepective that Manu's performance was heroic and stuff of legends.

No other broadcasting team would do that cause they dont care about the Spurs. We do as Spurs fans. Fuck everyones else. They dont give a fuck about us so fuck them.

04-21-2011, 06:59 AM
It was the Raprors announcer
Matt Devlin

Yeah, I figured. He should never be able to commentate another Spurs game. I thought my ears were gonna bleed.

04-21-2011, 07:06 AM
Fuck yall...I love them, they're great. If I have a choice between two different stations, it's FOXSW all the way.

04-21-2011, 07:21 AM
I don't care what anyone else thinks, I look for Sean Elliott and Bill Land it's entertaining to me as a spurs fan.

That said.....yesterday I recorded the game on NBATV then I realized I was able to see the game on FOXSW so I deleted the first recording so that I made sure I got Sean and Bill. I guess it would have not mattered since they gave the same feed. LOL

04-21-2011, 07:27 AM
WTF is simmons? Is it that shitty espn writer? He's a nobody. Sean is an NBA legend with the right to say, do and act the way he damn pleases.

04-21-2011, 07:41 AM
One thing I always like about Sean and Bill is they make it obvious when they are taking a homer point of view. Sean, in particular, is amazingly obvious when he disagrees with a all in principal but likes it because he helps the Spurs.

The paid are actually pretty fair while supporting the Spurs, which as has been pointed out is what they are paid to do.

04-21-2011, 08:07 AM
I could not stand Sean as well.
And it's not his homer stance the worst

He sometimes keeps talking about the same shit all the time. Like Manu elbow all the time over and over again.
I was like STFU already. As much as you can like the guy he is just bad commentary guy.

04-21-2011, 08:10 AM
They're true fans. Sean bleeds silver and black and you can tell Land really enjoys working for the Spurs. They're SPURS BROADCASTERS, not National TV announcers, so why does anyone give a fuck if they're homers? It's not like they don't give the other team's respect and their due.

04-21-2011, 08:18 AM
Yeah, I figured. He should never be able to commentate another Spurs game. I thought my ears were gonna bleed.
I agree, I live in Canada and we get a heavy dose of Matt Devlin

He screams as if the Raps have won the title, when in reality they have cut their deficit to 15 points

04-21-2011, 08:37 AM
Chris Webber told Sean to quit being a homer on the NBA TV show after the game.

All commentary sucks. If I have to hear one more god damned time how Pop worked with Jefferson in the off-season...just stfu and call the game. Enough with the endless loop of the same things you have been stating since game 1 of the reg. season.

04-21-2011, 08:38 AM
If BS would learn to use 1 word instead of 100 his writing would be greatly improved. Don't know where he, as the world's largest Boston homer, gets off saying anything.

04-21-2011, 08:48 AM
One of my favorite comments of all time was when Ben Wallace was sporting a giant 'fro, and Sean said he looked like a Mister Microphone. Sean can get by with saying things that nobody else can, and I love it.

Yeah, Sean is a local announcer and gives a Spurs' view of things. But he is also big enough to admit when the refs blow a call in the Spurs' favor. He does it all the time. We even talked about it when he did just that during last night's game. The refs called a foul (I think it was in Tim) that looked a little iffy. After looking at the replay, Sean basically said that it is tough to get those calls in the playoffs, but that the refs "really have to make that call". Most local/homer announcers can never admit that their team deserves to get a foul called on them.

All Simmons did with that comment was to show how sadly biased he is as a sports writer.

04-21-2011, 08:52 AM
bill simmmons=failed stand-up comic/humorist posing as sports writer

04-21-2011, 08:52 AM
They're true fans. Sean bleeds silver and black and you can tell Land really enjoys working for the Spurs. They're SPURS BROADCASTERS, not National TV announcers, so why does anyone give a fuck if they're homers? It's not like they don't give the other team's respect and their due.

This. As someone else said earlier - who pays them... SS&E. Would you expect anything else?

Do agree that local announcers should not be on a national feed for a playoff game though.

I assume Memphis had a local feed/team for their viewing area, right? If not, it's kinda their own problem/fault, no? Does every team have that right for the first round? I know the Spurs said FSSW is carrying every game. I assume that means we won't be on ABC for any games because they get exclusivity for this round while TNT/ESPN do not, correct?

K-State Spur
04-21-2011, 08:55 AM
There is no way that Sean is worse than Tommy. Sean looks at most individual plays with a spurs bias, but he can also look at the big picture and acknowledge when the spurs are being out-played, out-hustled, or out-smarted. To the best of Tommy's knowledge, this has never happened to a Celtics team. All losses are easily attributed to bad officiating or dirty play by opponents.

I think Portland's team is worse than Sean/Bill as well - every Blazer shot is either a make or a foul that wasn't called. Houston (with Clyde) is at least as biased as Sean.

And, for all the talk of NBATV vs. network, Sean at his absolute worst is not anymore pro-Spurs than Jon Barry was anti-Spurs last year on the ESPN telecast (and I've never accused any other broadcaster of having a slant against any of my teams).

04-21-2011, 08:55 AM
Sean Eliot brings a lot to the table as an announcer. He's a former player good enough for ESPN to hire, but came back to San Antonio because he missed calling Spurs games. He still has a good relationship with a lot of players and knows Pop on a level that other color commentators can't get from interviews.

Bill Land does a good job. He brings a lot to the table and he conveys the emotion of the game at the right spots. When he goes crazy, the Spurs crowd is with him. It's never out of place.

Simmons probably wanted Memphis to win this game so when San Antonio was making all those great plays in the 1st quarter to get the crowd into it, he was disappointed and didn't want to hear "Oh Mama" anymore.

I've been a fan of Land, Eliot and Simmons for a long time, but here I'm taking Land and Eliot. If I have to choose between Bill and Sean or ESPN/TNT, give me the Spurs broadcasters every time.

And they don't have to be neutral AT ALL. ESPN and TNT do, but Bill, Sean, and every other "local" broadcasters are paid by the team. Spurs Sports and Entertainment pays them. So there's no "conflict of interest" in calling the game. They're being PAID to be homers.

And the Heinsohn comments are right on the money. I've watched Celtics games, and you don't learn anything from the commentators. Sean breaks down plays and gives you insight into the players and coaches. While Heinsohn has won championships with Boston, he's much more of a little league parent than Sean. If Sean doesn't like a play, he'll say so and is really quick to point out missed opportunities and even when he's wrong.

Very well put and I fully agree. Give me Bill and Sean for any Spurs game. I think Sean gives a lot of insight on the game plays and points out the good and bad ones with good detail.
Celtic fan hates other teams announcers? Shocker.

04-21-2011, 08:58 AM
Game 3 is on ESPN...

IMHO I think that was simmons being simmons (if it's not about boston or boston related teams, he's gonna bitch about it)

04-21-2011, 08:59 AM
Most announcers annoy everyone but their own fans.

04-21-2011, 09:04 AM
Elliott was wrong twice before the replay, and said that he made a mistake both times. He and Land praised the Grizzlies throughout the game for their good play, never said anything disrespectful, and gave them credit for keeping it close at the end. When Elliott complained about Duncan's fifth foul because Battier was moving, he said exactly the same thing when Dice drew a charge the next time down.

And I was wrong, I counted two homer calls from Sean in the game, one per half. Some of you guys need to listen to The Glide in Houston or Jeff Wade for Mavs games if you want homer takes.

OMG, yes to all of that. I find Sean to be just about perfect for local commentary. Funny, insightful as a former player who still actively interacts with the team, willing to poke fun at the team, willing to call the team out for bad plays or getting away with bad calls, willing to admit when he is wrong about a call, frequently praising the other teams and players.

And I cannot STAND Houston's team. We watch a number of Rockets games b/c we live here and all Spurs/Rox games are Houston local and it's AWFUL. Clyde is so biased it's not funny and he doesn't have the same interest or interaction with the team Sean does. (the local Reliant Energy commercials with Clyde are funny though)

I appreciate Bill Simmons being annoyed that they had local commentary instead of national/neutral commentary. I don't generally like listening to other team's locals myself.

But to continue to slam Sean/Bill for being good local guys instead of neutral? Made him a dumbass. Everytime he posted something on Twitter, I responded by saying a Boston fan can't say that shit seriously.

04-21-2011, 09:06 AM
A Celtic Fan complaining about homer announcers? I've heard it all now.

04-21-2011, 09:26 AM
Thats what you get when NBATV broadcasts the playoffs. I enjoyed it personally.

04-21-2011, 09:27 AM
only remember 1 homer comment last nite:
"clearly he was inside the circle!! clearly!! (replay shows he wasn't) ok, he was outside, but he was clearly moving!!!"

04-21-2011, 10:09 AM
only remember 1 homer comment last nite:
"clearly he was inside the circle!! clearly!! (replay shows he wasn't) ok, he was outside, but he was clearly moving!!!"

yeah-that was big time homerism.

04-21-2011, 10:13 AM
Sean is a homer no doubt but on a Tommy Points level? No even close.

all I know is the refs had a sequence last night that cost the Spurs 5 points (no goaltending and a clear charge back-2-back)

04-21-2011, 10:16 AM
I agree, I live in Canada and we get a heavy dose of Matt Devlin

He screams as if the Raps have won the title, when in reality they have cut their deficit to 15 points


And I agree with a couple of the posters already. Sure, they're homers, but if you wanna get mad, pick a fight with the NBA playoff game tv-schedulers. It isn't as if some higher-up from the league office can quickly give Bill or Sean a ring pre-game and ask them to "take it down a notch" so as to not offend or turn anyone off.

Trill Clinton
04-21-2011, 10:25 AM
Bill Land is entertaining, I laugh at him all the time.

Sean Elliott on the other hand.....

04-21-2011, 10:29 AM
Bill Land and Sean Elliott are awesome as a local announcers. I absolutely love Sean's insight on Spurs players and coaches. Plus, his one-liners are classic. Yeah we may have heard some of them several times but then again after broadcasting Spurs games for five years or so it would be difficult to come up with fresh material. As far as Bill Land he definitely an upgrade over play-by-play predecessors. And how can you not like his well-timed 'Oh Mama' shout outs?

04-21-2011, 10:58 AM
Being out of state I don't get to hear Bill Lamb and Sean very often so last night was great for me. Sean may be a huge homer, but you can't deny the fact that he's far moe witty and articulate than most NBA announcers so I really enjoy that. I actually got a chance to listen to the Memphis announcers a couple of times through the year on League Pass and I thought they were pretty damn good. I really enjoyed the 2 games I saw them call.

That being said, there are a lot of terrible announcer teams out there who are not just homers but incompetent idiotic homers. The Houston Team and Boston come to mine. Drexler is terrible, but the game I got to see also had the Rockets owner on the telecast and that was pretty much a cue for Drexler to give him a verbal blowjob the entire game.

04-21-2011, 11:20 AM
Sean made like one homer comment in the entire game. Not getting excited when the other team scores does not constitute being a homer.

sean is a homer

04-21-2011, 11:56 AM
Sean and Bill are homers, but mild ones. Drexler/Murphy in Houston and Heinsohn in Boston are far, far worse.

I'll give props to the Atlanta and Minnesota FOX Sports announcers for being objective. The Minnesota guys were bringing up advanced stats all night, and the Atlanta guys seemed very even-handed to me.

04-21-2011, 12:17 PM
Simmons should just be glad that Rose isn't commentating the game.

baseline bum
04-21-2011, 12:48 PM
He has never liked the Spurs and is probably still butthurt over Duncan and their sucking for years.

Nah, he was an enormous 05-07 Phoenix Suns fan.

04-21-2011, 12:54 PM
I don't give a heck, Bill and Sean are the best broadcasting team in the NBA IMO.

04-21-2011, 02:29 PM
Pointing out that Boston's are worse does not make Land any better.

04-21-2011, 02:30 PM
"Just muted Grizz-Spurs. Couldn't take it anymore. It was like sitting in the stands w/ 2 overbearing Little League parents."


I find it amusing that Sean still refers to the team as "we".


04-21-2011, 02:31 PM
I always :lmao when Land goes into full "IUPUI!!!!!!!" orgasm mode...

I've mocked Sean before, but last night he wasn't too bad (other than the "he's in the circle...oh, well he was moving" comment. During the 3rd quarter he foresaw the Grizz comeback after the Spurs had built a 6 point or so lead...saying they got outhustled and let them hang around like they did in Game 1.

04-21-2011, 02:31 PM
I want to hit my mute button whenever the Heat play in their home court. I cant stand hearing that PA guy screaming CHRRRRRRRRRRRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISSSSS BOSH!

04-21-2011, 02:42 PM
Nah, he was an enormous 05-07 Phoenix Suns fan.

I know he was on the Nash dick but his dislike goes farther back then that. He has been one of the leading voices on the 'boring Spurs' brigade for a decade.

04-21-2011, 02:49 PM
I know he was on the Nash dick but his dislike goes farther back then that. He has been one of the leading voices on the 'boring Spurs' brigade for a decade.

He gives Duncan his due though. I'll give him that.

04-21-2011, 03:00 PM
Where is sean the worst?

During game against sacto he was talking all the 1st Q about Kings D and how awful it is. Basically all the time. HE shut up himself after Sacto was leading. So how in ahell spurs can be losing with such a high school team on D huh

Get otta here

04-21-2011, 03:50 PM
Pointing out that Boston's are worse does not make Land any better.

You constantly posting criticism of anything relating to SA does not make you any better.

04-21-2011, 04:15 PM
Pointing out that Boston's are worse does not make Land any better.

I pointed out Houston and Boston as examples of ACTUAL homers. Elliott roots for his team, but not blindly, therefore he's not a homer.

Bito Corleone
04-21-2011, 04:19 PM
Land and Sean were on NBATV? It was blacked out in SA so most of us had to watch on FSSW...hard to believe someone who lives in LA would be watching the game on FSSW though.

BTW, can someone tell me why Sean's last name is blocked here?

04-21-2011, 04:20 PM
Land and Sean were on NBATV? It was blacked out in SA so most of us had to watch on FSSW...hard to believe someone who lives in LA would be watching the game on FSSW though.

BTW, can someone tell me why Sean's last name is blocked here?

It only is if you don't spell it correctly. Elliott.

Bito Corleone
04-21-2011, 04:22 PM
It only is if you don't spell it correctly. Elliott.
Ha. I guess I just get lazy with that second T