View Full Version : You rookies kill me

Walton Buys Off Me
04-21-2011, 11:14 AM
As one of the founding fathers of Spurstalk and the man who mentored timvp into the astute, level headed sports journalist he almost is today I find the levels of fanaticism and overall panic here amusing.

Many of you 'fans' have never walked the walk or talked the talk that comes with winning an NBA championship.

As Gregg Popovich recently said, "it's really, really, really hard to win a title".

He's not wrong.

Flashback to 2003. A young, gritty, up and coming Phoenix Suns team, coached by the tough minded Frank Johnson came in as the West's eight seed and won game 1 in our gym on a late three. Sound familiar yet?

The Spurs anchor on defence, the incomparable David Robinson was ruled out of game 2. Panic set in. Doubt spread through San Antonio faster than Julian Assange can throw chloroform over the mouths of unsuspecting Swedish models.

Are the Spurs tough enough? Did we have an answer for Stephon Marbury? How can we slow Amare Stoudemire? Was Pop out of touch? Just how many hot dogs did T Park inhale at halftime?

Admittedly, even I, diehard Spurs fan, he who proudly wore his David Robinson jersey after the Rodney King beat down that was the 2001 WCF, was teetering on incertitude.

Now fast-forward to 2011. Three championships later. Frank Johnson sells shoes at a mall in North Dakota, Stephon Marbury is an extra on the show Extras, Amare Stoudemire is still trying to accomplish something in the playoffs and T Park has moved on to pogos.

Bottom line amateurs- there is no reason to panic.

We squeaked out game 2 at home against the Suns that year and then went on to dethrone the Lakers on our way to what is still my personal favourite championship.

Along the way, we've left chunks of guys like Lionel Hollins, Tony Allen and Zach Randolph in our stools.

The playoffs aren't easy folks. Seeds mean nothing. The Philadelphia Flyers made the playoffs on the last day of the regular season last year and went to the Stanley Cup Finals. The Dallas Mavericks were making championship hats in April 2007 before Golden State rained on the parade- in the first round.

Stop thinking we should be blowing these guys out. Assume every game from here on will be a war. If everything was easy, teams wouldn't be battle tested and championship champagne wouldn’t taste so good. We seem to forget that every title we’ve won had playoff runs that were riddled with highs and lows. Blowout losses to Seattle and Jerome James for Christ sakes!

Yes I'm concerned. I'm concerned that Tony Parker worries more about who Eva's dating than he does about guarding Mike Conley. I'm, concerned Popovich still thinks Matt Bonner is going to make big shots on the road. I'm concerned Manu's elbow is a grade 2 sprain that probably needs 3 weeks to fully heal.

Saturday night we walk into Memphis and remind these chumps that four finger bling doesn't grow on trees.

04-21-2011, 11:19 AM

04-21-2011, 11:22 AM
Entertaining...but this part stood out:

The Spurs anchor on defence, the incomparable David Robinson was ruled out of game 2.

Those were the days when we actually HAD a notable defense to speak of. We live in different times...

04-21-2011, 11:29 AM
Saturday night we walk into Memphis and remind these chumps that four finger bling doesn't grow on trees.



04-21-2011, 11:43 AM
"Lower the bar for 'Poppeds expectation level. Forget the rosters he's had and has."

++SaiNt TiAg0++
04-21-2011, 11:43 AM
good thread and i agree that theres alot of panick .

i think its because we realize its not just about this year and this series were worried that we lost the our coach who had defensive principles. now we see our "leader" turn into everything we stood against as an organization, but to add salt to the wound we have a player that can get us where we need to be (post defense) so its alot more of anger towards pop to wake up. sorry had to post

04-21-2011, 11:54 AM
Entertaining...but this part stood out:

Those were the days when we actually HAD a notable defense to speak of. We live in different times...

Actually I think the Spurs-Grizzlies series has been the most defensive/physical series in the playoffs thus far. While Memphis is an eighth seed they have notable bigs in Randolph, Gasol and to some extent Arthur plus they have some big physical guards in Allen and Mayo. Its not a far stretch to say that the Grizz frontline is one of the best in the NBA.

This is a good test for the Spurs if they reach the WCF and play the Lakers. I dont see either Thunder/Nuggets giving as much defensive effort as they are facing now from the Grizzlies.

04-21-2011, 12:00 PM
Nicely done.
I remember how damn tough Marbury seemed to be and wondered if Tony was just capable of competing. He later proved my doubt was misplaced.
These guys will see a highly charged Memphis atmosphere on Saturday. I believe we will see two teams compete their hearts out.
If the Spurs can get just a bit loose and hit some shots, it could be a real good time.

Solid D
04-21-2011, 12:07 PM
I use my shower rods for curtains and an occasional damp towel. That's it.

As far as Memphis goes, I have an appropriate fear of what this gritty but effective team can do. This series is NOT over by any means. This Spurs team will have to earn what they get, each and every trip.

If I'm not mistaken, Frank Johnson works with AAU and other young athletes and runs a basketball academy.

04-21-2011, 12:08 PM
2003 was my favorite title too... seeing David Robinson go out a champ was so satisfying.

Man In Black
04-21-2011, 12:12 PM
Marbury F'in travelled!!!

Frank got the boot because he couldn't keep his Johnson in his pants and was involved in an extra-marital affair.

For whatever reason, in the 2nd half, Parker has only been seen on the side of a milk carton. Come back TP.

04-21-2011, 12:22 PM

04-21-2011, 12:29 PM
Prime Tim Duncan and Bruce Bowen are not walking through that door though... Comparing this team to 2003/2005 is an exercise in futility...

I agree there's no need to panic...

04-21-2011, 12:29 PM
Oh yeah remember at the end of Game 4 of that Phoenix series when Jake freaking Voshkul hit the winning basket and acted like he had just owned the world?

04-21-2011, 12:30 PM
Best post of the post-season.

04-21-2011, 12:39 PM
2003 is also my fave ship. This season, I've kept its wiki page open everytime I open my browser....not that it had any effect right?

Solid D
04-21-2011, 01:01 PM
You can pretty much count on Zebo getting more than 26:46 of playing time in each of the next games versus the Spurs.

04-21-2011, 01:08 PM

Great points, Walton.

04-21-2011, 02:23 PM
You can pretty much count on Zebo getting more than 26:46 of playing time in each of the next games versus the Spurs.

What was the deal with that? I know he had foul issues but he never HAD to come out of the game for them after the 1st quarter. I did notice he was a little lazy getting back a few times...

04-21-2011, 02:26 PM
If this thread would have been posted after game 1 and before game 2 I would give props. but posting this after a win and seeing Manu ok is not impressing at all.


04-21-2011, 02:27 PM
Ummm...the Spurs anchor on defense was not 57 year old David Robinson whose back was about to go out at any second it was then back-to-back MVP Tim Duncan, who was in his prime, anchoring the paint.

04-21-2011, 03:09 PM
I am just happy this rag tag group of marauders have made it this far. Anything else is a bonus. Hell the whole season is a bonus. Maybe I have low ambitions.

04-21-2011, 04:10 PM
good thread and i agree that theres alot of panick .

i think its because we realize its not just about this year and this series were worried that we lost the our coach who had defensive principles. now we see our "leader" turn into everything we stood against as an organization, but to add salt to the wound we have a player that can get us where we need to be (post defense) so its alot more of anger towards pop to wake up. sorry had to post

:lmao you're an idiot

04-21-2011, 04:15 PM
When WBOM is making sense, you know shit done got serious.

04-21-2011, 04:20 PM
I am just happy this rag tag group of marauders have made it this far. Anything else is a bonus. Hell the whole season is a bonus. Maybe I have low ambitions.
True that. I'm happy we won a game this post season. The hipster OP can go on and on all he wants, but that limp to 60 wins was just...wow. So yeah, I'm glad we made it this far too.

04-21-2011, 04:45 PM
Saturday night we walk into Memphis and remind these chumps that four finger bling doesn't grow on trees.

Yes sir!!




04-21-2011, 06:29 PM
WBOM with the first round goods

04-21-2011, 11:16 PM

04-22-2011, 01:27 AM

made me smile tbh

04-22-2011, 02:02 AM
You rookies kill me

when and where?

04-22-2011, 02:57 AM
Marbury just had Tony Parker's number in that series. He was young, and the learning curve is steep in the playoffs. He's all grown up now, and I expect better things from him in Game 3.

The Griz youngsters are really expecting to win the next game - being at home and all. If the Spurs win Game 3, it will cut the heart right out of them. Mark my words. They'll be wondering what the hell happened, and it will be done in 5.

I'd love to see Tony and Manu put up about 55 points between them.

04-22-2011, 12:56 PM
Stop thinking we should be blowing these guys out. Assume every game from here on will be a war. If everything was easy, teams wouldn't be battle tested and championship champagne wouldn’t taste so good. We seem to forget that every title we’ve won had playoff runs that were riddled with highs and lows. Blowout losses to Seattle and Jerome James for Christ sakes!

Ah, yes. Good times.

"We give them no respect!" "None!"

04-25-2011, 12:11 PM
"Saturday night we walk into Memphis and remind these chumps that four finger bling doesn't grow on trees."

Where is Walton after a loss? :rolleyes


I'm sure he'll be back as soon as spurs win game 4 ;)

04-25-2011, 12:16 PM
"Saturday night we walk into Memphis and remind these chumps that four finger bling doesn't grow on trees."

Where is Walton after a loss? :rolleyes

He's probably playing it smart like most of our vets and avoiding the Spurs forum cause of all the crying.

04-25-2011, 12:17 PM
Can believe all these supposed Spurs fans already bailing ship.

Here is latest poll taken in here:

Poll: Will the Grizzlies win Game 4 of their playoff series against the San Antonio Spurs on Monday night?

Response Percent Votes
Yes 86% 507
No 13% 77
total votes: 584

Walton Buys Off Me
04-25-2011, 12:25 PM
Can believe all these supposed Spurs fans already bailing ship.

Here is latest poll taken in here:

Poll: Will the Grizzlies win Game 4 of their playoff series against the San Antonio Spurs on Monday night?

Response Percent Votes
Yes 86% 507
No 13% 77
total votes: 584

I would never bail on my team but I must say I'm disappointed in both Popovich and Parker.

We'll see what the Spurs are made of tonight.

Walton Buys Off Me
04-25-2011, 12:30 PM
"Saturday night we walk into Memphis and remind these chumps that four finger bling doesn't grow on trees."

Where is Walton after a loss? :rolleyes


I'm sure he'll be back as soon as spurs win game 4 ;)

Walton right here chump.

I was wrong about game 3, I admit it. Disappointing loss.

Do you want me to say I've given up on my team and start complaining non-stop like everyone else? Not gonna happen.

Bottom line- we win tonight we're in the exact same position as the Lakers.

We need to relax, execute like champions and we need Tony Parker to find his testicles.

Time to get behind your team.

04-25-2011, 12:34 PM

oh we're winning tonight. 110% sure.

04-25-2011, 12:34 PM
Being in the same position as the Lakers is irrelevant, the alarming thing is OKC will sweep Denver tonight and have a ton of rest while the Spurs go through the wars with Memphis.