View Full Version : Let them play

04-21-2011, 11:25 AM
I'm getting sick and tired of seeing all of these ticky tack fouls called in this postseason. I can't remember a playoffs where the refs have been more whistle-happy (last night's Lakers-Hornets game being the exception). I'm seeing worthless loose ball fouls called, touch fouls on the perimeter, and a ridiculous number of FTAs for teams.

If it becomes obvious that illegal contact has lead to a player losing position/the ball, or missing a shot then call the foul. Otherwise, let it go. Let the guys fight for rebounds/position, let them man up on D. This is the motherfucking playoffs, not little league. People watch the playoffs to watch two teams compete at basketball's highest level, not to watch a FT contest. To me it seems as though the refs haven't adjusted to the physicality of the playoffs.

Rant over. Anyone else getting fed up about this? My team is benefitting from these bitch fouls, and it's still frustrating to watch.

04-21-2011, 11:26 AM
STFU & count your blessings.

04-21-2011, 12:14 PM
^ likewise
tee, hee

Axe Murderer
04-21-2011, 12:17 PM