View Full Version : 72% of Americans Support Raising Taxes on Incomes Over $250,000

Capt Bringdown
04-23-2011, 09:46 AM
The jury is in on increasing taxes on the rich and saving the social safety net. (http://blog.buzzflash.com/node/12629) The message just hasn't reached DC or some state capitols yet, what with all the lobbyist and Koch brothers' money floating into campaign funds.

A recent Washington Post poll revealed that 72 percent of Americans support raising taxes on those with incomes over $250,000. Only 21 percent support cutting spending on Medicare.

A McClatchy-Marist poll was even more eye-opening:

In a McClatchy-Marist poll released this week, 70% of registered voters who identify with the Tea Party opposed making cuts to either Medicare or Medicaid - the government-run health programs for the elderly and the poor - to help reduce the nation's deficit. Meanwhile, only 28% of tea partiers said they'd be willing to cut spending on those two programs.

04-23-2011, 10:15 AM
Repugs have sworn allegiance to Grover Norquist and bathtub drownings (fuck the Constitution, fuck their voters, and suck the corps and wealthy).

"Where Are The Jobs?"

Aggie Hoopsfan
04-23-2011, 10:46 AM

So, people are surveyed and presented two options for reducing the deficit:

1. Tax the rich
2. Cut Medicare and Medicaid

Shocking human nature that those who make less than $250K would choose #1, instead of #2 which they know will probably affect them at some point in their lifetime.

You could tax 100% over $250K of what every American will make this year and it still wouldn't even cover this year's deficit.

People re dumb.

04-23-2011, 11:17 AM
The deficit is a bad-faith fake issue by the Repugs to keep cutting taxes on the super-wealthy and corps. See Ryan's bullshit proposals, where all the pain is shared only by the lower 4 deciles and none of corporations.

The deficit is completely due to the Repugs:


04-23-2011, 11:25 AM
The deficit is completely due to the RepugsDems voted for :

1). wars in Iraq and Afghanistan
2). Bush era tax cuts
3). recovery measures
4). TARP, Fannie and Freddie bailouts

Deficits completely due to Repugs? Surely you exaggerate.

04-23-2011, 11:33 AM
Afghanistan wasn't a war, it as payback for 9/11. It has become "war" the US military can't win, but at least the MIC is pocketing $10Bs every year.

Without the Repugs lies and bullying, no war in Iraq.

Once these foreign interventions get started, they are out of control of the civilians. The MIC gets want it wants, buys off the politicians. The Repugs totally botched Afghanistan and Iraq then handed them to Barry.

dubya's crammed down his 2001 tax cuts only by reconciliation in the Senate.

TARP was proposed by a Repug Secy of Treasury and approved by the Repugs. Do you really think had McLiar and pitbull bitch winning would have stopped TARP, F&F, AIG, auto bailouts?

The Repugs along with the criminally incompetent Greenspan completely mismanaged the economy, not the Dems. The Repugs shut down the states attempts to stop predatary/sub-prime lending.

The biggest problem now is not the deficit, but the economy.

04-23-2011, 02:52 PM
sounds like the jig is up GOP, they ignorant people have wised up and you act is tired.

Obama 2012.

04-23-2011, 03:05 PM
Fuck Obama. I'll sit out before I vote for him again.

Obama extended those cuts for the rich and codles them just as much as the GOP.

04-23-2011, 03:08 PM
Without the Repugs lies and bullying, no war in Iraq.Without spineless Dems, no AUMF or Patriot Act.

The Repugs totally botched Afghanistan and Iraq then handed them to Barry.Barry not content to continue to botch it up, has expanded the war in Pakistan, Somalia and Libya.

dubya's crammed down his 2001 tax cuts only by reconciliation in the Senate.Dems had a chance to let the tax cuts expire last December, but voted to extend them instead. Now Obama owns them too.

TARP was proposed by a Repug Secy of Treasury and approved by the Repugs.And passed by Democratic majorities in both bodies. Thanks for continuing to make my point for me.

Do you really think had McLiar and pitbull bitch winning would have stopped TARP, F&F, AIG, auto bailouts?Nope. I didn't vote for McCain/Palin.

The Repugs along with the criminally incompetent Greenspan completely mismanaged the economy, not the Dems.:blah

The Repugs shut down the states attempts to stop predatary/sub-prime lending. True, but little has changed since then: Obama's OCC is trying to preempt the state AGs in the foreclosure negotiations as we speak.

Viva Las Espuelas
04-23-2011, 03:24 PM
"they ignorant people have wised up and you act is tired.", huh?

04-23-2011, 05:37 PM
Raising taxes on the wealthy for me includes rolling estate taxes back to where they were in 2000. Estate taxes alone cost $800B from 2001 to 1011.

04-23-2011, 05:44 PM
So small business owners who gross $250k+ from their business should have increased taxes even if they are only taking home ~50k?

Estate tax? Fuck off. If you want to steal from the dead come take it your damn self.

04-23-2011, 05:58 PM
Grossing over 250k is not the same as having a 250k income. Thats pretty damn obvious.

DJ Mbenga
04-23-2011, 06:16 PM
makes perfect sense. cut or tax those who wont feel a thing. in reality its tax so the cuts arent going to be catastrophic.

04-23-2011, 06:19 PM
Grossing over 250k is not the same as having a 250k income. Thats pretty damn obvious.

Let Uncle Sam in on this little secret.

04-24-2011, 12:13 PM
Fuck Obama. I'll sit out before I vote for him again.

Obama extended those cuts for the rich and codles them just as much as the GOP.

I completely agree. Bunch of worthless fucks up there, with no end in sight.

04-24-2011, 12:20 PM
"cuts for the rich and codles them just as much as the GOP"

Yep, the Rich Are Different From The Rest of Us.

Their vote$ actually count.

04-24-2011, 12:21 PM
So a majority of Americans support someone else's taxes going up and they oppose giving up their free stuff. What a surprise.

Wild Cobra
04-24-2011, 12:25 PM
Raising taxes on the wealthy for me includes rolling estate taxes back to where they were in 2000. Estate taxes alone cost $800B from 2001 to 1011.
When you say it costs the government, you prove your socialist/communist attitude. That the money belongs to the government, except for what they allow us to keep.

Why don't you ever speak of the inequity of the bottom 47% not paying any income taxes? Now I could understand maybe the bottom 20% to 30% not paying taxes, but over 40% is definitely wrong. How in hell can you speak of raising taxes on others until addressing this inequity first?

Wild Cobra
04-24-2011, 12:25 PM
makes perfect sense. cut or tax those who wont feel a thing. in reality its tax so the cuts arent going to be catastrophic.
The only ones who wont feel a thing are those already not paying taxes!

Wild Cobra
04-24-2011, 12:31 PM
Fuck Obama. I'll sit out before I vote for him again.

Obama extended those cuts for the rich and codles them just as much as the GOP.I completely agree. Bunch of worthless fucks up there, with no end in sight.
Everyone who pays taxes got a tax cut. Stop using your hatred of the rich as an excuse to punish them.

I'll bet you two are just jealous because you didn't pay taxes to begin with, so had no tax cut. Am I right?

What's not fair that some people pay no taxes. These people have no dog in the fight to keep government spending in check, in fact, most of them get money redistributed from others in form of tax credits. They have an active interest in voting for politicians to raise taxes on others. What ever happened to accountability and pride.

Do you two have no pride?

Wild Cobra
04-24-2011, 12:33 PM
"cuts for the rich and codles them just as much as the GOP"

Yep, the Rich Are Different From The Rest of Us.

Their vote$ actually count.

Why don't you point out that the liberals coddle the poor for their votes by promising them other people's money?

You know what's not fair? I'll bet more democrats get subsidies like earned income credit than republicans. Maybe we need to make that a quota system?

04-24-2011, 01:11 PM
As the wealth gap widens, the one advantage the unwealthy will have is the option to vote to tax the wealthy more.

Of course, if more people were making $250K per year these polls would not be so lopsided. Problem is, the voters can't agree on how to make it so people can more easily earn that kind of money, and our representatives are overwhelmed by lobbyists funded by people who don't want competition.

04-24-2011, 01:13 PM
Social Darwinism is a blood sport for WC.

04-24-2011, 01:25 PM
Let Uncle Sam in on this little secret.

I've made over that in gross income easily several years but I never paid taxes on it for obvious reasons. Uncle Sam is already well aware. There's a reason they are called deductions.

George Gervin's Afro
04-25-2011, 08:29 AM
Anyone who has serious interest in reduing our debt must consider raising quick revenue along with spending cuts.

We have tried trickle down economics as well as reducing taxes on the top income brackets...and we are right where we are in part because of these policies.


You are a class warfare warrior!



04-25-2011, 08:48 AM
The Class War is over, and irrervsible.

The wealthy class won, with the Repugs as their shock troops and goons. Now the wealthy and Repugs are just mopping up every bit of wealth they can.

eg, lenders absolutely insist on the inviolate nature of their mortgage contracts, but the Repugs are insisting that public employee contracts are to be raped, reflexively lying that the public employees ARE the problem, hiding the fact that the wealthy and Corporate-Americans are raping Human-Americans.