View Full Version : Spurs quit tonight, but...

04-25-2011, 09:57 PM
It's evident to me that we finally broke, a team that doesn't stop playing hard regardless of how much we're down. When Manu Ginobili saw a wide open veteran Shane Battier in the corner, he straight up didn't try to do anything about it. He KNEW we had lost.

But I don't think he's going to accept that. We've got to look at this series from a whole new prospective right now. We could be in a situation where we were tied 3-3 going into game 7 after fighting hard every single game and quit, players would have to live with regret the whole offseason. But what we have is a special opportunity, instead of going into San Antonio as the Spurs team down 3-1 weak and scared, we can go to San Antonio as something we're fully capable of being - the better team.

The NBA playoffs are a seven round title fight, Memphis has been doing nothing but hitting us the whole series. If we didn't sneak out game two, we'd have been knocked out tonight. But what we've got to do, walk in as the better team, the team we know that they're capable of being, and hit them back. When we beat Miami by 30 this year, Miami got pissed, came right back and beat us by 30.

It's not about having to win three straight to win this series, it's now about having to win one game to shift the momentum. We win this one game in San Antonio and all of a sudden for the first time in this series, the pressure goes to Memphis, all of a sudden they don't have the experience in this situation and they're facing the 4 time champion San Antonio Spurs, where if they don't close it in Memphis, they've got to go back to San Antonio and play a team with all of the momentum.

As a fan, the easy thing to do would say that Tim Duncan is done. You can say that Pop needs to be fired, he's an idiot for not playing Splitter til game 4. You can say that we quit. And Bonner, need I say more? It's pretty damn easy to look at this game and say when our backs were against the wall last night we folded. All of that is pretty true, no fucking doubt. But nothing about winning an NBA championship is easy and in the face of adversity, when they don't even look like they want to be there, the last three people I'm going to give up on are Tony Parker, Manu Ginobili, and Tim Duncan.

I just bought a new home Manu Ginobili jersey last week and it's supposed to come in the mail by tomorrow and you can bet your sorry ass I'll be wearing it on Wednesday for game 5.

So as a fan, you can do the easy thing and say our team gave up on us tonight, why not give up on them? But I'm not about that. Hell who knows, we might go into San Antonio and quit again Wednesday night right in front of the home crowd, but I've got faith that we're not going to let that happen.

Sink with the ship or ride high. Either way, :ihit til the end and any true Spurs fan will be right there with them.


04-25-2011, 10:07 PM
Until the wheels fall off?

04-25-2011, 10:10 PM
I think I'm going to have to bring out a Sean Connery quote.

"Old tigers, sensing the end are at their most fierce."

04-25-2011, 10:16 PM
Well obviously the spurs are much better than this. But you have to give credit to memphis, they're defense is top notch. And I realized something when Pop coached the all star this year. He saw Lebron and Wade flying all over the court like trampolines are everywhere and just teasing the West team. I think we just have to admitt, at the end of the day, we just simply can't physically hang with the speed/athleticism/hops of the lebrons, the wades, the roses, the westbrooks. the nba is getting younger and younger, and its hard for such an old team to keep up. I'm surprised manu can still hang with the young folks though. amazes me everytime. tony plays like he's 35.