View Full Version : The Coach Cost Us the Series: Here's Why

04-25-2011, 09:58 PM
I've always been a Spurs fan - love their style, love the team, love the professionalism. However, after watching a series that should have been won (albeit through tough wins) slip away due to the coach, I've had enough. It's time to call out the mistakes Popovich made in this series... mistakes any average fan could have known.

1) The Blair/Bonner combo killed the Spurs. In each of the first two losses, the Spurs were beaten by a few points. Those few points would not have been there had this combo never made it to the floor. In a series ultimately decided by the Spurs' ability to shut down Memphis' front court, the fact that Popovich put in this ridiculously undersized lineup, which was routinely decimated in the regular season, shows that he doesn't know what he's doing.

2) I don't know how many times I watched a Spurs player (usually Ginobili) heat up just to be sat down immediately afterwards because it was time to switch the rotation to manage minutes. This completely destroyed the flow of the game and the players' rhythm. It is so frustrating to watch a player bring the team back only to see that player sitting on the bench and the ball returned to players who put the team in the hole in the first place.

3) All season long, people have been clamoring for Popovich to develop Tiago Splitter. And all season long, Popovich has neglected that need. That alone cost this series. In the fourth game, Tiago was finally given playing time and responded with a very decent performance - defensively and offensively much more than either Bonner or Blair were capable of producing the previous three games. It's not that they're terrible... it's just we had to have a third big man with height this series. But even when he was put in the fourth game, it was often with loopy lineups that made absolutely no sense.

4) Managing minutes is great in the regular season, and I'm even okay with it in the first two games. Game three and four, however (especially four), when the entire season is on the line... why the HELL is Manu Ginobili sitting on the bench at the beginning of the fourth quarter when he is the only chance for a comeback??? It is beyond ridiculous. It is senile. When you have one of the greatest players in the NBA sitting on the bench while you play your bench plus a struggling starter in desperation time, you have just killed your team's aspirations.

I could keep going, but those are the big four mistakes he made. No, he can't fix that Tony Parker played like a careless douche. No, he can't change Neal and the three point shooters losing their touch in the playoffs. And no... he can't turn back the clock for Tim Duncan. But this series should have been won. Heck, there's still a small chance it could be won - how many games did this team win in a roll at one point? But I am not convinced that this team can overcome it's coaching mistakes. As I've said elsewhere, I don't know how Manu Ginobili kept his composure sitting on the bench while the game slipped away, and then entered the game with scrubs down by twenty points. I'm not sure my competitiveness could let me be as polite as Manu was on the outside.


04-25-2011, 09:59 PM
Series ain't over yet. The Spurs can win three straight against this team. I wonder if any of the leaders have any toughness though. Certainly seems like it was others that provided the fire that the Spurs needed to keep from quitting in the playoffs.

04-25-2011, 10:03 PM
Is douche a French word?

04-25-2011, 10:03 PM
I've always been a Spurs fan - love their style, love the team, love the professionalism. However, after watching a series that should have been won (albeit through tough wins) slip away due to the coach, I've had enough. It's time to call out the mistakes Popovich made in this series... mistakes any average fan could have known.

1) The Blair/Bonner combo killed the Spurs. In each of the first two losses, the Spurs were beaten by a few points. Those few points would not have been there had this combo never made it to the floor. In a series ultimately decided by the Spurs' ability to shut down Memphis' front court, the fact that Popovich put in this ridiculously undersized lineup, which was routinely decimated in the regular season, shows that he doesn't know what he's doing.

2) I don't know how many times I watched a Spurs player (usually Ginobili) heat up just to be sat down immediately afterwards because it was time to switch the rotation to manage minutes. This completely destroyed the flow of the game and the players' rhythm. It is so frustrating to watch a player bring the team back only to see that player sitting on the bench and the ball returned to players who put the team in the hole in the first place.

3) All season long, people have been clamoring for Popovich to develop Tiago Splitter. And all season long, Popovich has neglected that need. That alone cost this series. In the fourth game, Tiago was finally given playing time and responded with a very decent performance - defensively and offensively much more than either Bonner or Blair were capable of producing the previous three games. It's not that they're terrible... it's just we had to have a third big man with height this series. But even when he was put in the fourth game, it was often with loopy lineups that made absolutely no sense.

4) Managing minutes is great in the regular season, and I'm even okay with it in the first two games. Game three and four, however (especially four), when the entire season is on the line... why the HELL is Manu Ginobili sitting on the bench at the beginning of the fourth quarter when he is the only chance for a comeback??? It is beyond ridiculous. It is senile. When you have one of the greatest players in the NBA sitting on the bench while you play your bench plus a struggling starter in desperation time, you have just killed your team's aspirations.

I could keep going, but those are the big four mistakes he made. No, he can't fix that Tony Parker played like a careless douche. No, he can't change Neal and the three point shooters losing their touch in the playoffs. And no... he can't turn back the clock for Tim Duncan. But this series should have been won. Heck, there's still a small chance it could be won - how many games did this team win in a roll at one point? But I am not convinced that this team can overcome it's coaching mistakes. As I've said elsewhere, I don't know how Manu Ginobili kept his composure sitting on the bench while the game slipped away, and then entered the game with scrubs down by twenty points. I'm not sure my competitiveness could let me be as polite as Manu was on the outside.




04-25-2011, 10:05 PM
Yes. But douche bag would have been more appropriate for how Parker played. I don't mind him suddenly playing like a scared rookie as much as I mind him not showing any care. At pleast for PR, show just a little care about sucking so much.

04-25-2011, 10:05 PM
I think we need an official list of grievances thread.

04-25-2011, 10:07 PM
Well said my friend.

04-25-2011, 10:08 PM
Exactly, Tony Parker, did, not, care.

04-25-2011, 10:08 PM

Marcus Bryant
04-25-2011, 10:10 PM
Game 4 is probably too late to introduce a change in your bigman rotation.

04-25-2011, 10:12 PM
Game 4 is probably too late to introduce a change in your bigman rotation.

That's why it's so great that he did it in game 3.

Capt Bringdown
04-25-2011, 10:12 PM
Good points, and this has been years in the making. Something happened after the 07 championship...perhaps it was the Gasol trade that convinced Pop to throw in the towel on defense? No use even trying, right Pop? Nice work, pizza face.

04-25-2011, 10:13 PM
Game 4 is probably too late to introduce a change in your bigman rotation.

It's never too late to play a better matchup. The better matchup was only late in arriving.

04-25-2011, 10:13 PM
IF Tony had had a better sereis and especially a great 1st game the Blair Bonner tandem would not even be a topic of discussion, realistically what else could Pop do, his failure to develop Tiago or allow him to gain some chemistry with any of the units he put on the floor was to me the major stumbling point on Pop. He had to go with Bonner and Blair.
The other thing was Pop's reasoning for the last 2 games of the season, he sat everyone against the Lakers but not against the Suns for the last game. Manu got hurt in that game and for all practical reasons, there went our season. What was the point? He should have tanked both games the way Chicago was playing, you knew they were not going to lose. Very strange moves by an otherwise excellent coach.

04-25-2011, 10:14 PM
This coach cost us the season a long time ago. I knew, like many others, this team was in trouble when we became to dependent on the 3. All those 3's that fall in the regular season don't usually transition well into the playoffs against the better teams. I know its a broken record but Pop should of developed Splitter, being that he was our only other 7 footer besides Duncan. Combined I think they could of made a formidable interior defense which we lack now.

04-25-2011, 10:17 PM
It's not too late to play defense.

04-25-2011, 10:19 PM
Yes, Yes, Yes, the Spurs can win this series and everything else but not with this kind of coaching. Sorry.

04-25-2011, 10:25 PM
I used to like Pop...

04-25-2011, 10:25 PM
IF Tony had had a better sereis and especially a great 1st game the Blair Bonner tandem would not even be a topic of discussion, realistically what else could Pop do, his failure to develop Tiago or allow him to gain some chemistry with any of the units he put on the floor was to me the major stumbling point on Pop.

You're a Spurs fan and probably a nice person, so I like you.

That said, what you said is completely stupid.

Tiago Splitter, Game #4 Stats:
22 Min, 5/9, 10 pts, 9 rb, 1 to

Bonner and Blair Combined, Game #4 Stats:
22 Min, 3/8, 6 pts, 3 rb, 1 to

Bonner and Blair Comined, Game #3 Stats:
32 Min, 4/8, 9 pts, 6 rb, 0 to

Bonner and Blair Combined, Game #2 Stats:
33 Min, 2/7, 5 pts, 9 rb, 1 to

So... in the past three games, Splitter's one game, 22 minute performance was more productive than BOTH Bonner and Blair's work COMBINED. It doesn't get any clearer than that. It is pathetic.

04-25-2011, 10:28 PM
Game 4 is probably too late to introduce a change in your bigman rotation.

Splitter is getting the George Hill treatment of 09.

04-25-2011, 10:28 PM
Splitter showed tonight he has SO much potential to develop.

04-25-2011, 10:30 PM
Splitter showed tonight he has SO much potential to develop.

that doesn't mean shit if Pop is the coach of this team

04-25-2011, 10:31 PM
Splitter is getting the George Hill treatment of 09.

And thus the team is getting the treatment of '10.

04-25-2011, 10:33 PM
If I were Splitter, I'd demand a trade...

04-25-2011, 10:35 PM
We're so lucky we have Splitter. I don't know what's wrong with Pop. When did he decide to throw defense mentality out the window?

04-25-2011, 10:39 PM
You're a Spurs fan and probably a nice person, so I like you.

That said, what you said is completely stupid.

Tiago Splitter, Game #4 Stats:
22 Min, 5/9, 10 pts, 9 rb, 1 to

Bonner and Blair Combined, Game #4 Stats:
22 Min, 3/8, 6 pts, 3 rb, 1 to

Bonner and Blair Comined, Game #3 Stats:
32 Min, 4/8, 9 pts, 6 rb, 0 to

Bonner and Blair Combined, Game #2 Stats:
33 Min, 2/7, 5 pts, 9 rb, 1 to

So... in the past three games, Splitter's one game, 22 minute performance was more productive than BOTH Bonner and Blair's work COMBINED. It doesn't get any clearer than that. It is pathetic.

Bonner and Blair is a castrophe in the making, and but I think if Tony has a dominant game especially in game one, we are still in this series. And I still have hopes that they can win 3 in a row. The first 3 games were all close, this game was a nightmare. Maybe Splitter can help in game 5, one thing for sure Bonner is playing scared, and Blair is just too short and doesn't use his biggest strength, his width and power like he was last year. This season he has turned into a finesse player, avoids any kind of contact and makes stupid plays in the paint. And if I'm stupid Im in good company, POp.

04-25-2011, 10:53 PM
What up, Blue-Lightning. I'm pretty sure you're the same BL from 2Ksports, right?

Anyway, I agree with your assessment of Pop. But, people also forget that Popovich never introduced a true backup for R.J. and played an undersized, one-dimensional gunner in Neal big minutes. Anderson never had an opportunity to contribute either, though his lack of conditioning and early season injuries had a lot to do with that.

Also, why were Novak and Quinn kept on the team all season? The team could have used those spots for better developmental talent (Curtis Jerrells) or more size upfront. Popovich fucked this team over with his over dependence on the three ball. How ironic that this same idiot claims he wants it abolished when it is the only skill Neal, Bonner, Novak and Quinn possess.

04-26-2011, 04:27 AM
Good call, Paco... you caught me.

Go Spurs and go 2K Sports =)

04-26-2011, 04:35 AM
Nice write up

04-26-2011, 08:18 AM
If Pop had any sense left in him he'd quit after game 5/6 loss.

He won't quit.

Trill Clinton
04-26-2011, 08:43 AM
Pop's style of coaching is soooooo early 2000's. He's holding the team back by being so damn stubborn.

Is it RC Buford that is handling all of the personnel decisions? If so, he also has lost a grasp at what he was once a master at.

04-26-2011, 09:58 AM
This coach cost us the season a long time ago. I knew, like many others, this team was in trouble when we became to dependent on the 3. All those 3's that fall in the regular season don't usually transition well into the playoffs against the better teams. I know its a broken record but Pop should of developed Splitter, being that he was our only other 7 footer besides Duncan. Combined I think they could of made a formidable interior defense which we lack now.


The team was truly in trouble when Pop and RC elected to trot out probably the smallest frontline rotation in the Western Conference -thinking they even had a chance of playoff succss. Many of us spent time wondering how this frontline, and this team, would match up against the Fakers, who sport the biggest frontline in the NBA. As it turns out, the Spurs wilted under the weight of the probably next biggest frontline inthe conference - the Grizzlies.

An aging Duncan, an undersized Blair, an undersized and aged McDyess and a red-headed, one dimensional, stretch-4 in Bonner. And we wonder why the Spurs could no longer play adequate defense?

04-26-2011, 10:03 AM
Pop will pay for his huge mistake of not acclimating Splitter during the season and then bringing him out as panic move in game 4. Betting the teams chances on Bonner. It will all be written in his biography as one of his most stupid mistakes as coach.

04-26-2011, 12:44 PM
We need to keep the same starters Tiago does'nt seem to have chemistry with them, so bring him off the bench let him play with Manu and a little when Tim comes back off the bench. Having one of the true big guy in at all times. The managing of minutes has made me nuts in this situation you tell Tony he's playing the whole game and whoever else needs to. What the fuck is he saving them for, now there is no tommorow he better take his head outta his ass. I think he's lost the team time for him to step down. Hell even phil lost la for a while had to leave and come back. It just happens.

04-26-2011, 01:01 PM
We need to keep the same starters Tiago does'nt seem to have chemistry with them, so bring him off the bench let him play with Manu and a little when Tim comes back off the bench. Having one of the true big guy in at all times. The managing of minutes has made me nuts in this situation you tell Tony he's playing the whole game and whoever else needs to. What the fuck is he saving them for, now there is no tommorow he better take his head outta his ass. I think he's lost the team time for him to step down. Hell even phil lost la for a while had to leave and come back. It just happens.

Maybe that has something to do with Pop NEVER PLAYING HIM!!! Maybe I'm grasping at straws here, but integrating Splitter into the rotation early in the season and allowing him to play with Duncan or McDyess for more than a few minutes in the season would have allowed Splitter to have some form of on the court chemistry!

04-26-2011, 01:53 PM
also what was up with the team resigning Danny Green? If he was not good enough to keep earlier this season why resign him? mind boggling moves by Don Nelson errr Pop!

J Mack
04-26-2011, 02:48 PM
look around the NBA at all the new/young head coaches and what they are achieving. please pop give it up after this year. i still would feel this way even if some how , miraculously they won it all this year. :wakeup