View Full Version : Will the Spurs be prepared for game 6?..

04-27-2011, 10:29 PM
Memphis will undoubtedly come out with anger and energy..absolutely no doubt about it..they just lost a heartbreaker, when they were seconds away from winning the first playoff series in their franchise's history..

The Spurs have had problems sustaining a high energy level, they have played without passion for most of this series, and some key rotation players on this team have no balls..

Do you expect the Spurs to come out strong?..they will have to keep the game close by halftime, within 3 or have a lead IMO..

04-27-2011, 10:31 PM
Isn't it the other way around? That is, the Grizzlies being so demoralized after coming so close to winning that it negatively affects their psyche and confidence and completely shifts momentum in our favor? Just like that Duncan 3 against the Suns.

04-27-2011, 10:33 PM
They fucking better

04-27-2011, 10:33 PM
Spurs season ends on Friday.

04-27-2011, 10:35 PM
Splitter MUST get more PT.

04-27-2011, 10:36 PM
Grizzlies aren't going to be demoralized..

They have already shown that they're a team that talks a lot of shit and plays with a lot of swag..their coach has displayed that he enjoys that type of style of play..their style of play translates to toughness(interior scoring + defense on the perimeter)..

Spurs need to come out strong..I'm not sure how confident I am in that, though, tbh..

04-27-2011, 10:36 PM
Memphis is going to ass fuck the Spurs in their own building.

BOOK it.

If the Spurs win, I'll ban myself for life.

But if they lose, your girlfriend has to suck my dick.

04-27-2011, 10:37 PM
If there was an ideal way for the Spurs to win, I think this was it. If they blew out the Grizz, I think they would just write it off and tell themselves they wanted to win it at home...Losing a heartbreaker like this where so much emotion was spent will really hurt the young team more than the experienced one...

Grizz still probably win Friday though...

04-27-2011, 10:39 PM
This wasn't the ideal way for Memphis to lose at San Antonio.

I would say if they got blown out it was ok but this has to be disheartening somewhat.

04-27-2011, 10:39 PM
The solution is simple: they MUST match the Grizzles energy in g6 or it's over!!

04-27-2011, 10:40 PM
I hope this game does something for them. I really do.

04-27-2011, 10:40 PM
Memphis is going to ass fuck the Spurs in their own building.

BOOK it.

If the Spurs win, I'll ban myself for life.

But if they lose, your girlfriend has to suck my dick.


04-27-2011, 10:41 PM
the good news is that Tony has found his jumpshot.

Teams either come out angry or demoralized after a loss like this. i expect the Grizzlies to come out absolutely angry on Friday in front of their home court.

Like HH said, keep it close or maybe get a lead through 3qtrs and the doubt starts to creep in...

04-27-2011, 10:41 PM
If there was an ideal way for the Spurs to win, I think this was it. If they blew out the Grizz, I think they would just write it off and tell themselves they wanted to win it at home...Losing a heartbreaker like this where so much emotion was spent will really hurt the young team more than the experienced one...

Grizz still probably win Friday though...
Probably one of your better posts on this forum. :tu

Honestly...I don't think they make it back...but I'm so proud of these guys right now that it really doesn't matter. Even if it was for a moment...they looked and felt like the Spurs I've come to know so well.

04-27-2011, 10:42 PM
Do you expect the Spurs to come out strong?..they will have to keep the game close by halftime, within 3 or have a lead IMO..

I think it's more like the Spurs should come out strong after halftime. The Grizzlies have been raping the Spurs in that damn third quarter.

04-27-2011, 10:43 PM
Closing a team out in the playoffs is something the Grizz have never expierenced. So lets see how Memphis responds.

04-27-2011, 10:43 PM
Uh the season is over if they lose

no shit they will be prepared..

04-27-2011, 10:52 PM
As excited as I am about the victory I still believe Grizzlies will come out with more of the same for Game 6 and close it out at home. We still do not have an answer for Randolph and their role players keep stepping up. Spurs only chance of winning is of the Grizz role players do not step up.

04-27-2011, 10:54 PM
Grizzlies aren't going to be demoralized..

They have already shown that they're a team that talks a lot of shit and plays with a lot of swag..their coach has displayed that he enjoys that type of style of play..their style of play translates to toughness(interior scoring + defense on the perimeter)..

Spurs need to come out strong..I'm not sure how confident I am in that, though, tbh..

I may be wrong...but old heads remember Bullets-Spurs in 78, when SA was up 3-1, should have won G5, lost...didn't win again.

04-27-2011, 10:54 PM
So much pressure on the Grizzlies now.

04-27-2011, 10:55 PM
Memphis will undoubtedly come out with anger and energy..absolutely no doubt about it..they just lost a heartbreaker, when they were seconds away from winning the first playoff series in their franchise's history..

The Spurs have had problems sustaining a high energy level, they have played without passion for most of this series, and some key rotation players on this team have no balls..

Do you expect the Spurs to come out strong?..they will have to keep the game close by halftime, within 3 or have a lead IMO..

If these spurs come out like they did in the last 4 mins and the overtime I say yes but im going to stay with my original opinion of the spurs being jeckyl and hyde. One day up one day down. :toast1 more spurs

04-27-2011, 10:57 PM
So much pressure on the Grizzlies now.


They don't want game 7 in our place. The pressure is all on them to close it out in theirs..

04-27-2011, 11:01 PM
i want pop to pull his head out of his ass, and use proper sub rotations to protect a lead or close out a fkn quarter....

04-27-2011, 11:06 PM
I'm hoping for a repeat of Game 2 - where Gasol and Randolph had a crappy game. I keep waiting for this Memphis team to come down to earth and make some mistakes.

And I'm hoping for the Spurs to be REALLY hot from 3-point land. They're due for a game like that (keeping fingers crossed).

04-27-2011, 11:11 PM
I honestly think it will all depend on Pop. If the Pop who woke up during the last five minutes of tonight's game and resembled the Pop who orchestrated the Spurs winning four rings shows up then it won't matter how the Grizz respond. If it's the Pop who seemingly is ready for retirement while he wastes Tim's last couple of years as he pony-expresses in his game plan then it also won't matter because it will be fishing time.

04-27-2011, 11:13 PM
Never too late for the real Spurs to finally show up for the first time this postseason.

04-27-2011, 11:13 PM
I hope the Spurs show up, but MEM has earned the benefit of the doubt. They won't crumble. The Spurs have crumbled for the most part. I'm worried about the Spurs having legs. If Hill and Neal can show life and TP and Manu have some juice, then it should be a game, but that remains to be seen.

I really want them to just play hard and smart.

04-27-2011, 11:14 PM
Never too late for the real Spurs to finally show up for the first time this postseason.

04-27-2011, 11:22 PM
you build up a huge lead, you rest the starters, chucks in the worst rotation possible with 1 trick pony players like bonner, rj, splitter at the same time playing with hill and ginoboli..fck waste a lead and closing out a quarter or momentum killer...when a lead goes to down half, pop should be chuckin in back the starters...fckn u cant to be relentless against this memphis shit.....

Seriously this wouldve been a sweep for us if pop took care of business and limited rjs and bonners minutes, the longer they stay on the court the longer it hurts us, they are just 1 dimensional players who offer nothing on the court besides making up the numbers to play 5on5 but in reality its more like 2 on 8 ou there....

splitter looked very impressive out there today again...contributing and bailing out lazy plays...thats what his known for...

04-27-2011, 11:23 PM
Memphis has the pressure now of having to win at home. They played loose for the better part of the series because no one expected an 8 seed to beat a 1 seed. But now after they took a commanding 3-1 lead the tables were turned and now everyone is expecting them to end the Spur's season. If the Spurs can somehow build a lead in game 6, those open jumpers memphis has been hitting will start clanking off the rim.

04-27-2011, 11:25 PM
Hopefully, that overtime will inspire Tony to shit all over scrub-ass Conley.

04-27-2011, 11:30 PM
If there was an ideal way for the Spurs to win, I think this was it. If they blew out the Grizz, I think they would just write it off and tell themselves they wanted to win it at home...Losing a heartbreaker like this where so much emotion was spent will really hurt the young team more than the experienced one...

Grizz still probably win Friday though...

Definitely good for the Spurs from a mental toughness standpoint....showed they could step up when necesary.

I remember in 2008 when the Hornets destroyed us in NO for 2 games...Tony stepped in with some clutch shooting in Game 7 and the defense rotated better. All we need is 1 road win and the pressure will be the equivalent of what SA faced tonight so it was a good spar....Friday is now the Main Event.

04-27-2011, 11:32 PM
Definitely good for the Spurs from a mental toughness standpoint....showed they could step up when necesary.

I remember in 2008 when the Hornets destroyed us in NO for 2 games...Tony stepped in with some clutch shooting in Game 7 and the defense rotated better. All we need is 1 road win and the pressure will be the equivalent of what SA faced tonight so it was a good spar....Friday is now the Main Event.

Difference is Tim Duncan was sick for the first two games. The similarity is that the other team didn't realize it, and the Grizzlies don't realize that they have yet to get anything remotely resembling the Spurs' best shot yet in this series. Whether that shot will come is anybody's guess, but there's the potential that the Spurs walk over them for the next two games.

04-27-2011, 11:35 PM
I'm hoping for a repeat of Game 2 - where Gasol and Randolph had a crappy game. I keep waiting for this Memphis team to come down to earth and make some mistakes.

And I'm hoping for the Spurs to be REALLY hot from 3-point land. They're due for a game like that (keeping fingers crossed).

I think Memphis comes down to earth in next series. So happy that Spurs won tonight-they needed it but grizzlies didn't go down w/o a fight. I expect them to close it out on their court (hope I'm wrong). So glad the old dogs went out fighting tonight! :toast

04-27-2011, 11:47 PM
If Spurs can win game 6 - then I think they win the series. Game 6 is going to be tough. You know the Memphis crowd is going to be loud and wild. I just hope we get a good reffing crew and they call the game evenly. I think if the Spurs can build a pretty good lead in game 6, then the Grizz will start feeling the pressure and maybe they'll start making mistakes and missing shots. They've been just too calm this series - I want them to play like a young team and start getting rattled!

04-27-2011, 11:49 PM
if these idiots continue to allow duncan that bank shot, he should continue taking those shots if they fall in...he was on fire in the first quarter building up that lead only for pop to fuck it up resting him too long allowing the grizz 18-7 run to end the 2nd quarter with a 3 pt lead :(

04-27-2011, 11:52 PM
If Spurs can win game 6 - then I think they win the series. Game 6 is going to be tough. You know the Memphis crowd is going to be loud and wild. I just hope we get a good reffing crew and they call the game evenly. I think if the Spurs can build a pretty good lead in game 6, then the Grizz will start feeling the pressure and maybe they'll start making mistakes and missing shots. They've been just too calm this series - I want them to play like a young team and start getting rattled!

depends on stern what he wants to do for ratings...get rid of the spurs or advance :( fck him anyway

game 6 if its properly called, we have a chance of extending it to 7 games,

04-29-2011, 08:20 PM
They haven't responded well, so far..not that surprising, I suppose..

04-29-2011, 08:22 PM
lol 2 points

04-29-2011, 08:23 PM
No they aren't ready, and neither are the refs.