View Full Version : Gasol Dirty Hit on Manu

04-28-2011, 12:39 AM
Somebody needs to get the video of the very last rebound at the end of the game and put it on here. Gasol hammered Manu in the back of the neck on the rebound. It should be reviewed by the league.

Manu turned and looked at Gasol after he did it very upset. He was holding his neck all they way into the lockeroom.

04-28-2011, 12:40 AM
He pulled on his elbow on at the end too, held on to it for a few seconds.

I'd be pissed too if Manu (and Gary) had just shit all over me.

04-28-2011, 12:42 AM
Gasol was doing alot of shit like that. but Dice was playing pretty rough too.

04-28-2011, 12:42 AM
The common denominator about the Gasol brothers seems to be that they both enjoy the cock really hard. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

04-28-2011, 12:44 AM
One of the reason that prick has been kicking our butts. Somebody needs to drop him. Where is Horry or Bowen when you need them.

04-28-2011, 01:01 AM
i didnt' see that part.. vid pls?

04-28-2011, 01:28 AM
Battier took a cheap ass shot on Duncan from behind on a play where they were just running up the floor, and sort of trailing the play. Like I said, it was from behind and there was absolutely no reason for it. It reminded me of something that happens on a football kickoff, when someone takes a cheap shot way away from the ball, just because nobody is looking.

And on another play Battier just ran up on Tim's ankle under the basket. Tim was looking for a rebound, but I swear Battier's head was looking down. I know there's no way to say for sure, but it really, really looked like he intentionally came down on Tim's achilles from behind. I sure as hell couldn't see anything else productive that he was trying to do in that spot.

I've always thought pretty highly of Battier, but those two make me not like him so much. Those weren't good hard playoff fouls. One was totally off the ball and away from play, and the other sure looked like an attempt to hobble another player.

04-28-2011, 01:45 AM
there was one when gasol hit tony in the mouth and seemed to do it on purpose

04-28-2011, 01:47 AM
The Grizz were throwing the usual playoffs cheap shots from the start of the series at game 1 when every time they swiped for the ball they got a piece of a Spurs player's eye too. They weren't afraid to announce that they only way they'd overcome the talent disadvantage in the series was through physical play. Kinda like how the Mavs threw plenty of cheap shots, even clotheslines, at the Spurs guards last year.

From the end of this game I think Gasol briefly held on to Manu's injured elbow with both of his arms. Must feel pretty shitty to lose to a "faker" with one arm out there.

Every minute Battier's on the court he's up to dirty plays especially since his athleticism has declined significantly and its the fucking playoffs. He could even teach some of our veterans how to sell fouls as well.

04-28-2011, 02:21 AM
From what I saw, Gasol and Battier excessively fouled the shit out of Manu, swiping at his head and face...

04-28-2011, 02:25 AM
I remember Splitter fronting Z-Bo on defense who then pushed Splitter with both hands ... Splitter flew a few meters and Randolph has the easy bucket. No dirty foul, but pushing with both hands (full arm extension) normally is a technical foul ...

04-28-2011, 02:27 AM
Incidental contact imo, which Manu responded to understandably yet unknowingly.

04-28-2011, 09:08 AM
MEM game plan from the very beginning has been to play rough and actually hit people whenever they can. They thought if they imposed their physicality the spurs would cave in - until last night it has worked for them as only last night I actually saw some spurs getting back at them.

Game 6 at MEM will require some kind of performance like what Horry did in PHX a few years ago. I think the Spurs will have to play really rough all over the floor and foul hard if possible. MEM needs to respect the Spurs and the Spurs need to earn that respect.

04-28-2011, 09:23 AM
The Griz aren't really too dirty of a team, they just play up into you. They're pretty physical. Spurs are starting to like the taste of blood. Props to the officials, too, for letting the two teams play. I honestly did not seen such even officiating throughout the season. Spurs should be hype for this next game and come out ready to play a hard-nosed game. Bruce thrived on those kinds of games.

04-28-2011, 09:25 AM
Battier took a cheap ass shot on Duncan from behind on a play where they were just running up the floor, and sort of trailing the play.

And on another play Battier just ran up on Tim's ankle under the basket. Tim was looking for a rebound, but I swear Battier's head was looking down.

I've always thought pretty highly of Battier, but those two make me not like him so much. Those weren't good hard playoff fouls. One was totally off the ball and away from play, and the other sure looked like an attempt to hobble another player.

Yes, Shane was definetly playing with an edge. He was pushing a lot early on, and being very physical. I like those kind of players, but we really don't have any. We have to fight back. We can't complain about it because nothing is going to change, and we must fight back to give ourselves a chance.

If you're not playing scrappy this time of year, then something is wrong. When we play hard we're either right there at the end and lose, or we win. When we didn't fight, we got killed. No matter the gameplan we have to fight for the 50/50's, scrap in the paint etc.

04-28-2011, 10:00 AM
Meh. Cheap shots are part of any physical team's playoff game. It's not like Elie, Horry, or Bowen didn't try to get in cheap shots whenever they could get away with it.

Of course, I thought that Arthur foul on Bonner should have been a flagrant. It was an obviously intentional hit to the back of the head, but whatever.

04-28-2011, 11:02 AM
The Griz aren't really too dirty of a team, they just play up into you. They're pretty physical. Spurs are starting to like the taste of blood. Props to the officials, too, for letting the two teams play. I honestly did not seen such even officiating throughout the season. Spurs should be hype for this next game and come out ready to play a hard-nosed game. Bruce thrived on those kinds of games.

The only reasonable post in this thread.

I would add that the refs seemed to tighten up in the 4th and call a bit more stuff, not sure why, maybe they thought the game might get out of control. This really helped the Spurs. Interestingly the Grizz weren't complaining about the calls, I think they knew they were on the edge of fouling at all times and just hoped they'd continue to be "allowed to play".

04-28-2011, 11:09 AM
Somebody needs to get the video of the very last rebound at the end of the game and put it on here. Gasol hammered Manu in the back of the neck on the rebound. It should be reviewed by the league.

Manu turned and looked at Gasol after he did it very upset. He was holding his neck all they way into the lockeroom.

I saw that, too. That was lame and stupid of Gasol and I think will contribute to Memphis' demise. The Grizzlies played the best they possibly can and the Spurs continued to miss some easy shots and had a few turnovers. I expect the Spurs to come back focused and physical for Game 6.

04-28-2011, 11:11 AM
The physical teams win. The Spurs would have lost many times if not for our more physical players risking suspension and fines by delivering the pain to the opponent. Regular season is over.

04-28-2011, 11:13 AM
One of the reason that prick has been kicking our butts. Somebody needs to drop him. Where is Horry or Bowen when you need them.

It would take a good lick to drop Gasol. That's a big corn fed fucker.

04-28-2011, 11:22 AM
It would take a good lick to drop Gasol. That's a big corn fed fucker.

I bet McDyess could do it, but he won't.

04-28-2011, 11:40 AM
I really dont like Battier.

Video anyone?

04-28-2011, 11:45 AM
We just need that one guy to come in for a possesion and hammer somebody, preferably tony allen. Cause im sure you can get under his skin pretty easily and get him to do stupid stuff that hurts his team after that. I mean seriously, the dude punched his own teammate.

04-28-2011, 11:52 AM
The Griz aren't really too dirty of a team, they just play up into you. They're pretty physical.

this man gets it

04-28-2011, 12:32 PM
Somebody needs to get the video of the very last rebound at the end of the game and put it on here. Gasol hammered Manu in the back of the neck on the rebound. It should be reviewed by the league.

Manu turned and looked at Gasol after he did it very upset. He was holding his neck all they way into the lockeroom.

I saw the play too. Thought it was a bit bush-league too, considering the clock had expired. Too bad the Spurs don't have an enforcer to exact some measure of physical revenge on these guys. To me, that's part of the problem, the Spurs lack of physicality. The Grizz has brought the fight to the Spurs, but the Spurs have rarely responded.

04-28-2011, 01:00 PM
Just saw this on the replay. What a piece of garbage, he went out of his way to hurt Manu.

04-28-2011, 01:19 PM
I watched the replay a number of times and couldn't see anything dirty about it. I'm not even sure what part of him hit the back of Manu's neck. Looked like it might have been his chin.

If you guys are going to send a video to the league office hoping for a suspension, you might send the one of Zach Randolph clubbing Dice on the top of his headl. I think it was right near the end of regulation. That looked like a frustration type foul that clearly made contact above the shoulders.

04-28-2011, 01:44 PM
Yeah, I saw that...right at the end...all that's gonna do is piss off Manu...and we all know what happens when you piss off Manu...watch him drop 40 on the Grizz on Friday night.

04-28-2011, 02:13 PM
The refs let memphis get away with all of those cheap shots, what's the real problem? The cheap shots or the refs? Most of the time when Timmy gets the ball guys run over there and tear the ball out of his hands how is that not a foul I've seen that shit go down like 10 times this series.

04-28-2011, 02:24 PM
how bout mcdyess putting tony allen on his ass with that screen

wouldn't mind a gif of that. dude ran into a brick wall. looked clean too.

04-28-2011, 02:31 PM

04-28-2011, 02:41 PM
how bout mcdyess putting tony allen on his ass with that screen

wouldn't mind a gif of that. dude ran into a brick wall. looked clean too.

That was fucking awesome. For the first time in this series, somebody on the Grizz got thumped. A few more of those, and they might start to think about where the Spurs bigs are. Get in their heads.

04-28-2011, 02:42 PM
Anyone have a youtube/gif or something of that nature? I'm very curious to see this (the Gasol hit).

04-28-2011, 03:00 PM
Chillpill people. Scroll to 12:22.


04-28-2011, 03:05 PM
Looks like it might have been incidental...he did reach out and grab Manu to try to keep him from falling.

04-28-2011, 03:07 PM
Bah...the Girllz play EXTREMELY dirty,no ifs ands or buts.I don't know what you guys watch the game on but but I watch in HD on a 72" screen w/ instant rewind and Battier,Allen,Young etc the whole team is constantly giving cheap shots away from the ball even.

Its been a MUGGING and do you really think that kinda ball would be allowed by the NBA say against the Lakers?!?

Stern is managing the PO's as usual and honestly game 6 in Memphis,the Spurs have to shoot lights out because the refs are gonna follow the company script.Cmon the ticky tack fouls called on the Spurs during the 2nd Q when they were up big time,when the Girllz had been MUGGING the Spurs all night.Those calls had the Stern desired effect,slow the Spurs momentum and allow the girllz to get back in it.

Hollins has that big ass grin on his face because his team is being allowed to play THUG ball and the Spurs just don't play that way(Dice well he was a Piston,so he can fall back on it)

Honestly,Memphis isn't that talented.But when yer allowed to foul and mug the opponent you don't have to be.Truly a disgrace to the game IMHO

Reason number one why I only watch the Spurs,no other team

04-28-2011, 03:10 PM
Dice laid a pretty nasty offensive foul late in the game, I think it was on Allen or Young. He should have been called but wasn't.

Battier had about three cheap screens in the back court where he turned his body and wasn't set, he only got called for one of them.

Crap happens but the Spurs cannot whine about the refs. This series has been called fair and the Spurs have not been screwed by the refs like what you expect when you play LA. If anything, we have received the benefit of the doubt. The Grizz have just wanted it more to this point. Hopefully, Neal changed that and Parker will be able to shoot like he did in OT. If Parker shoots like that, we will be watching a game 7 at the AT&T Center.

04-28-2011, 03:15 PM
It didn't look dirty to me.

04-28-2011, 03:16 PM
Looks like it might have been incidental...he did reach out and grab Manu to try to keep him from falling.

04-28-2011, 03:17 PM
One of the reason that prick has been kicking our butts. Somebody needs to drop him. Where is Horry or Bowen when you need them.
Bruce is severely needed, that's another kind of player almost impossible to replace. TD, Manu and Bruce are the players impossible to replace from dinasty days.

As I always say, scoring can be replaced, what such guys bring to the table, at their best shape, is not easy to be replaced with other players.

04-28-2011, 03:24 PM
Chillpill people. Scroll to 12:22.


Thanks. Looks like incidental contact, as others have mentioned. That said, Gasol should have known it was over and simply walked off the court without the extra hop.

04-28-2011, 03:27 PM
Manu looks pretty fragile if he was hurt on that play.

04-28-2011, 03:31 PM
Oh my, Do you guys forget when we had tough nosed players like Bowen, Horry, Ellie? You guys praised them then... It's not dirty play it's just very physical players being physical.

That last foul was incidental and Gasol grabbed Manu to try to keep him from falling on the floor, nothing was sinister about that. I agree that it wasa pretty stupid foul by Gasol though.

04-28-2011, 03:40 PM
That last foul was incidental and Gasol grabbed Manu to try to keep him from falling on the floor, nothing was sinister about that. I agree that it wasa pretty stupid foul by Gasol though.

Heh...yeah...would've been funny if the Spurs were down by 1 there and the refs whistled the foul just before the clock expired, and Manu hit both FTs to win the game. :lol

04-28-2011, 03:41 PM
Somebody needs to get the video of the very last rebound at the end of the game and put it on here. Gasol hammered Manu in the back of the neck on the rebound. It should be reviewed by the league.

Manu turned and looked at Gasol after he did it very upset. He was holding his neck all they way into the lockeroom.

Anyone have Bruce on speed dial?

04-28-2011, 03:54 PM
:lol There wasn't anything dirty about this play, nor any physical act that Memphis has committed..

Spurs need to match their intensity and physicality..Bowen and Horry would have done it..if Sam Young and OJ Mayo were miaculously scoring on those teams, you can rest assured that Bruce would have kicked one of them in the face, or attempted to break one of their ankles..

That's basketball, Spurs need to deal with it..

Marc Gasol is fucking ugly though, they should punish him for that..