View Full Version : Newborn: Ginobili

06-08-2005, 11:25 AM
A local couple named their newborn son, Ginobili San Miguel-Ramirez. "Gino" for short, of course. :)

Couple Names Baby "Ginobili"
LAST UPDATE: 6/7/2005 11:14:06 AM
Posted By: Jim Forsyth
This story is available on your cell phone at mobile.woai.com.

With the Spurs in the NBA Finals, many San Antonians consider themselves to be born Spurs fans. But Renee San Miguel and Jorge Ramirez' new son really is.

The couple named their nine pound seven ounce baby boy, born Sunday, Ginobili, after Spurs superstar guard Manu Ginobili.

"We're big Spurs fans," Renee told 1200 WOAI's Bud Little from her room at San Antonio Metropolitan Methodist Hospital on Monday, with obvious understatement.

She says they decided on Ginobili Jose Ray San Miguel Ramirez because "all of our other children's names state with 'G,' and we wanted to name him something with a 'G'." That ruled out Tim Duncan or Tony Parker.

"We hope he lives up to his name and becomes a famous basketball player too," Renee said.

Ginobili Ramirez will be watching from his crib Thursday night when the Spurs, and Manu Ginobili, take on the Detroit Pistons in Game One of the NBA Finals.

06-08-2005, 11:31 AM
They beat you to it Obiwan.

06-08-2005, 12:03 PM
I think I like Emanuel better or maybe just Gino.

06-08-2005, 12:38 PM
They beat you to it Obiwan.

:lmao :lmao

OK, but I don;t hink I would have gone with "Ginobili"... it sounds like a kind of pasta..... I could name the other kids "Rigatoni" and "Capellini"

I would go with Manu, Manuel, Gino.

BTW- I'm finding out the sex on Friday June17th!!
:spin :elephant :spin :elephant :spin

Yeah! I'm sooo excited!

06-08-2005, 12:51 PM
I prefer Emanuel too.

Are you hoping for a BOY???

06-08-2005, 12:59 PM
it sounds like a kind of pasta.

BTW- I'm finding out the sex on Friday June17th!!
:spin :elephant :spin :elephant :spin

Yeah! I'm sooo excited!

My husband says it sounds like a sandwich. And just to irk me he always gets "confused" and calls him Tony Ginobili. :lol Now *that* sounds like a sandwich. If I ever open a deli, I'm making a sandwich consisting of salami on a croisant and calling it the Tony Ginobili.

BTW, Good luck and congrats! Let us know! :)

06-08-2005, 02:30 PM
We are both hoping for another girl, but "will be happy with either" obligatory blah blah.

It might be a boy since they are soo prevelant in both of our families and there are absolutrly no girls in Emo's family. We were very surprised to have a girl last time.

06-08-2005, 02:34 PM
Oh, but boys are so much fun!

06-08-2005, 03:44 PM
Well my brothe is only 7 and I took care of him exclusivly for the first year and a half (my mom is disabled).. so i feel liek i allready have a littel boy, and ontop of that he is my very soecial little boy... I treat him like he's a minuature god , especially since we discovered his epilepsy.
I find it hard to think of having another boy after him... i know he wouldn't be "replaced" but in a way thats how I'd feel and I'd hate for him to feel that in anyway.

06-08-2005, 04:22 PM
I felt that way about my first son also, until I had my second. And then you see that the fears were completely unfounded. You don't feel the same way about your daughter and the possibility of having another girl?

06-08-2005, 04:30 PM
It's just the way I so toally set him apart, really i spoil the heck out of him. He's my little man!