View Full Version : Bin Laden killing was faked...

05-02-2011, 08:14 AM

05-02-2011, 09:17 AM

05-02-2011, 09:19 AM
i wanna see his death certificate!

Buddy Holly
05-02-2011, 09:22 AM
The long or short form?

Ashy Larry
05-02-2011, 09:22 AM
next on Hannity .......... no death certificate

you know Limbaugh's gonna get huge ratings today

George Gervin's Afro
05-02-2011, 09:54 AM
next on Hannity .......... no death certificate

you know Limbaugh's gonna get huge ratings today

mr prediction for limbaugh:

"Folks the left is going to play politics with this. The implicit media will praise Obama for the capture of Bin Laden..."

Some obscure left wing blog will play politics and capt. obvious will proclaim he is right, yet again, that the 'left' is in fact playing politics..

Some opinion piece from a small market newspaper will be used as proof of the implicit media being in cahoots with obama... states capt obvious!

and his minions will cheer and remain in awe of his ability to predict the future..

05-02-2011, 09:58 AM
"Folks, you and I know the truth. The truth that the mainstream bought and paid for media will not report. That truth is that our very own, George W. Bush, was dropped into the depths of Pakistan and lead Navy Seal Team 6 himself. While our current President leads his Regime from the oval office doing nothing but playing games with remote drones, our true former President Dubya is coming out of retirement and leading the ground troops."

05-02-2011, 10:49 AM
You guys are great....:lmao

05-02-2011, 11:01 AM

05-02-2011, 11:15 AM
mr prediction for limbaugh:

"Folks the left is going to play politics with this. The implicit media will praise Obama for the capture of Bin Laden..."

Didn't take long

“This is the ‘mission accomplished moment’ Bush only ‘fantasized’ about.’”


05-02-2011, 11:21 AM
It would be stupid for the Left to NOT play politics with this.

05-02-2011, 01:48 PM
The Repugs played politics with 9/11 (which wasn't any responsibility of the Repugs. unstoppable 9/11 was all Clinton's fault) to sucker and bully America into Iraq-for-oil.

05-02-2011, 01:52 PM
Bin Laden Raid Complicates G.O.P. Message for 2012

President Obama’s Republican critics, especially his potential 2012 rivals, have been assembling a campaign-season narrative that seeks to label him as weak and indecisive on national security matters.

But that strategy appears in doubt after Mr. Obama’s Sunday night announcement that he had ordered a daring and dangerous raid that ended in the killing of Osama bin Laden.

“This was the mother of all political inoculations,” said Matt Bennett, a vice president at Third Way, a centrist group with close ties to the White House.

“This was as tough as you can get. This was decisive. And it was smart, done carefully and executed perfectly,” Mr. Bennett said. “Unless something else crazy happens, it’s going to be impossible to attack him on national security grounds.”

Mr. Obama’s political adversaries have long cast him as a naïve, inexperienced politician on the world stage who would be too weak to make the tough calls needed to stand up to the nation’s adversaries.

But in recent weeks, as the uprisings in Egypt and North Africa unfolded, the president’s Republican critics sought to make the attack more specific, saying that the president held back on attacking Libya because he was weak and could not decide what to do.


DJ Mbenga
05-02-2011, 01:57 PM
people on twitter were all but sealing the deal for 2012.

05-02-2011, 02:39 PM
nah, Repugs and tea baggers will come up with plenty of lies and slander and racist dog whistles in 2012 for their fucktard voters.

05-02-2011, 02:58 PM
Meet The Deathers: Andrew Brietbart Website Pushing Conspiracy Theory That Osama Might Not Be Dead

Mere hours after President Obama announced the death of Osama bin Laden, supported by incontrovertible DNA evidence, the conspiracy theorists are hard at work. Andrew Breitbart, a prominent right-wing commentator with close ties to the Republican Party and the Tea Party, is pushing the theory on his website Big Peace.

On Breitbart’s website, J. Michael Walker, suggests Obama take a number of extraordinary steps so he can “make sure [Osama] is dead.” Pictures are apparently not enough. Walker asserts that he needs to be able to “walk right up to bin Laden’s corpse and view it.” More:

Walker ads that “For us Doubting Thomases out there – we need to see in order to believe.”The free world, particularly the United States, has a right to make sure Osama bin Laden is really dead. Every American has a right to walk right up to bin Laden’s corpse and view it. We are entitled to know for a fact that the witch is dead. No shroud for dignity’s sake, please – bin Laden’s naked, bullet-riddled corpse should be put on display in lower Manhattan for all the world to see. The entire body should be digitally scanned, inside and out – and made available for everyone to take his or her own picture.

Brietbart isn’t alone. On Twitter, Emily Miller, a senior editor at the Washington Times demanded “proof” that Osama is dead.

With birtherism quickly losing steam after the release of Obama’s long form birth certificate, will the right-wing follow Brietbart’s lead?



Right-wingers are repugnant, shameless, slimebag assholes.

05-02-2011, 03:02 PM
:lol tea party, birthers, deathers, glen beck, fat ass radio guy, Palin, the Donal, Newt (sounds more like a circus freak show than a political party)

dudes don't even have a prayer in 2012 :lol

Obama pretty much locked himself in for 4 more years. And all thanks to Osama

05-02-2011, 03:05 PM
:lol tea party, birthers, deathers, glen beck, fat ass radio guy, Palin, the Donal, Newt (sounds more like a circus freak show than a political party)

dudes don't even have a prayer in 2012 :lol

Obama pretty much locked himself in for 4 more years. And all thanks to Osama


05-02-2011, 03:10 PM

Nice. :lmao

05-02-2011, 03:36 PM

Sarah Palin
05-02-2011, 04:26 PM
I can do this.

Wild Cobra
05-02-2011, 10:34 PM
nah, Repugs and tea baggers will come up with plenty of lies and slander and racist dog whistles in 2012 for their fucktard voters.
I seriously doubt they will compare in number to the lies from the left.

Wild Cobra
05-02-2011, 10:37 PM
Obama pretty much locked himself in for 4 more years. And all thanks to Osama
I wouldn't say that. Still, it is a feather in his cap. Well none Mr. President.

Thing is, this was in motion all along. Credit is due, but it's not a game changer. This was part of his job.

05-02-2011, 10:38 PM
I can do this.

With Trump?

05-02-2011, 10:43 PM
Meet The Deathers: Andrew Brietbart Website Pushing Conspiracy Theory That Osama Might Not Be Dead

Mere hours after President Obama announced the death of Osama bin Laden, supported by incontrovertible DNA evidence, the conspiracy theorists are hard at work. Andrew Breitbart, a prominent right-wing commentator with close ties to the Republican Party and the Tea Party, is pushing the theory on his website Big Peace.

On Breitbart’s website, J. Michael Walker, suggests Obama take a number of extraordinary steps so he can “make sure [Osama] is dead.” Pictures are apparently not enough. Walker asserts that he needs to be able to “walk right up to bin Laden’s corpse and view it.” More:

Walker ads that “For us Doubting Thomases out there – we need to see in order to believe.”The free world, particularly the United States, has a right to make sure Osama bin Laden is really dead. Every American has a right to walk right up to bin Laden’s corpse and view it. We are entitled to know for a fact that the witch is dead. No shroud for dignity’s sake, please – bin Laden’s naked, bullet-riddled corpse should be put on display in lower Manhattan for all the world to see. The entire body should be digitally scanned, inside and out – and made available for everyone to take his or her own picture.

Brietbart isn’t alone. On Twitter, Emily Miller, a senior editor at the Washington Times demanded “proof” that Osama is dead.

With birtherism quickly losing steam after the release of Obama’s long form birth certificate, will the right-wing follow Brietbart’s lead?



Right-wingers are repugnant, shameless, slimebag assholes.


They just want photos and video released publicly so they can accuse the Obama Admin for giving the terrorists more recruiting material. These are the same people that support Evangelical conservatives that believe in practicing cannabilizing their savior when there is little to know historical evidence that he actually existed (much less a body because it magically dissappeared into the clouds). Bunch of hypocrites, I know there's ideological spats on here from time to time but I'm glad no one rides actually Brietbart and Co's nuts on this forum.

05-02-2011, 11:09 PM
With Trump?

Nah, the '12 Republican ticket will be Trump-Perry, aka Badhair-Goodhair.

05-02-2011, 11:14 PM
I'm leaning Romney-'a southern Governor" right now....

I'm just not seeing anyone who isn't a loon up rising from the GOP ashes...

....credit extremism...the GOP desperately needs a candidate that will drag the party back to the middle...

05-03-2011, 01:50 AM
Nah, the '12 Republican ticket will be Trump-Perry, aka Badhair-Goodhair.

Can I quote you later?

05-03-2011, 03:26 AM
all the legitimate republican candidates are smart enough to know they stand no chance in 2012. therefore, the only ones who are going to run are either those who are getting too old or the crazies.

05-03-2011, 04:30 AM
I wouldn't say that. Still, it is a feather in his cap. Well none Mr. President.

Thing is, this was in motion all along. Credit is due, but it's not a game changer. This was part of his job.Good job trying to downplay this.

05-03-2011, 05:16 AM
"This was part of his job."

So was stopping 9/11 part of dubya's job. THAT was a game changer, a pretext for sucking $Ts out of Human-Americans' pockets and for a bipartisan surveillance state where there is no longer any expectation of privacy. DHS employs 250K losers.

05-03-2011, 10:58 AM
Why did the US government give up control of the oil in Iraq?

05-03-2011, 12:48 PM
They finally released the picture... there shouldn't be any doubts now...

