View Full Version : Knicks Management Puzzled As To Why Chauncey Billups Wants To Return

05-03-2011, 11:09 AM
Knicks Management Puzzled As To Why Chauncey Billups Wants To Return
MAY 3, 2011

NEW YORK—Several members of New York Knicks management expressed bewilderment Thursday as to why Chauncey Billups would openly express a desire to return for a second season with the organization.

"He knows this is the New York Knicks, right?” said team president Donnie Walsh, explaining he was skeptical of Billups’ request and outlining a list of reasons why, which included outdated facilities, an unreliable fan base, and his recent managerial track record. "He must have meant the Nets. They have a new arena, they have Jay-Z… Yeah, he probably meant the Nets."

After several phone calls to ask Billups if he "was positive" and "wasn’t just messing around," Knicks management immediately picked up the 34-year-old point guard's option for next year and began negotiating a 10-year, $140 million extension.

Link (http://www.onionsportsnetwork.com/articles/knicks-management-puzzled-as-to-why-chauncey-billu,20308/)

05-03-2011, 11:36 AM
lol 10 year extension?..

05-03-2011, 11:37 AM
I love the Onion


05-03-2011, 11:38 AM
The first thing I did was check the source based on the title alone. lol The Onion