View Full Version : Congrats and a tip of the hat...

05-08-2011, 06:15 PM
Congrats on the well deserved and hard earned victory Mavs and Mav fans!!!! :toast

You have definetly paid your dues and good luck going forward! I will be rooting for whoever comes out of the west.

Absolutely pathetic effort from all Lakers not named KB and non existent 3 point D from all incuding KB. But we can go over all the issues that the Lakers have ad nasuem over the off-season and the moves that will be made to correct them. This is not a post of sour grapes but of congratulations.

No excuses here, I stood by my boys and they came up pathetically short to the better team who gave absolute effort and capitalized at every opportunity. I am proud of the Lakers for their latest 4 year run resulting in 2 more championships and completely embarrassed (as are they) by several players lack of composure down the stretch. Bush moves.

Impressive effort Mavs! Never seen anything like it. And that goes for you fans too cause it's YOUR victory as well as you are all part of the Mav's community.

~Tip o the hat~ :toast

And for me...


05-08-2011, 06:17 PM
Congrats on the well deserved and hard earned victory Mavs and Mav fans!!!! :toast

You have definetly paid your dues and good luck going forward! I will be rooting for whoever comes out of the west.

Absolutely pathetic effort from all Lakers not named KB and non existent 3 point D from all incuding KB. But we can go over all the issues that the Lakers have ad nasuem over the off-season and the moves that will be made to correct them. This is not a post of sour grapes but of congratulations.

No excuses here, I stood by my boys and they came up pathetically short to the better team who gave absolute effort and capitalized at every opportunity. I am proud of the Lakers for their latest 4 year run resulting in 2 more championships and completely embarrassed (as are they) by several players lack of composure down the stretch. Bush moves.

Impressive effort Mavs! Never seen anything like it. And that goes for you fans too cause it's YOUR victory as well as you are all part of the Mav's community.

~Tip o the hat~ :toast

And for me...


Your hero was just as pathetic as everyone else. 7-18 and 5 turnovers for the "Best Closer in the Game."

05-08-2011, 06:17 PM
:cry so classy :cry

05-08-2011, 06:17 PM
Props for showing up, buddy boy. I had my doubts, but you proved me wrong. Now eat it!!!!

The Skunker!!!!!!!!

05-08-2011, 06:18 PM
Props for showing up, buddy boy. I had my doubts, but you proved me wrong. Now eat it!!!!

The Skunker!!!!!!!!

The Skunker!!!

Axe Murderer
05-08-2011, 06:18 PM

05-08-2011, 06:21 PM
Simply a damage control thread. Cobbler created this as a preempt, hoping his "class" would prevent Mavfan from the trolling the shit of out him.

If anyone deserves to be trolled into oblivion, it's this frontrunning, welcher endorsing fuck.

05-08-2011, 06:22 PM
Kobe was 7-13 at the half and went 0-5 the rest of the game?


05-08-2011, 06:22 PM
So do I get an apology now?

05-08-2011, 06:23 PM
So do I get an apology now?

Let's see how classy he really is...

05-08-2011, 06:25 PM
Your hero was just as pathetic as everyone else. 7-18 and 5 turnovers for the "Best Closer in the Game."

Not "my" boy. One of the Lakers. And he is the only one to bring it all 4 games regardless of stats. He definetly was not at his best but you can look at 12 other Lakers before pointing the finger in that direction.

All good things come to an end. I have no doubt we will be contending with another crowd next year.

05-08-2011, 06:25 PM
So do I get an apology now?


05-08-2011, 06:28 PM
Really, Cobbler. Really?

05-08-2011, 06:34 PM
Simply a damage control thread. Cobbler created this as a preempt, hoping his "class" would prevent Mavfan from the trolling the shit of out him.

If anyone deserves to be trolled into oblivion, it's this frontrunning, welcher endorsing fuck.

Troll away. Im here to take it. Frontrunning from 1965. That a first i guess. Never ever once endorsed welching, thats an outright lie as usual.

And why you so upset Mid. Im here to take my punishment for standing up for my team through thick and thin. We took it on the chin and I'm here to give congrats.

I didnt quit on my team. And I will never be so insecure as to hop on a arch rivals bandwagon to somehow get something over an obsession. Yikes! Funny someone who tucks tail like you would be so opinionated on how other fans should behave.

I told you I would be here win or lose and be humble in the process with the loss and thts exactly what I have done. Kept my word. Nothing pre-emptive. Laughable that one would even think in such terms.

The obsession consumes you... :lmao

Trolled into oblivion! :lol:lol:lol God you take this serious! :lmao

05-08-2011, 06:36 PM
Really, Cobbler. Really?

Yes, seriously... i dont remember what it was. It's hard to keep up with all you guys and your trolls while your belittling me on a personal basis just cause you hate my fanship. But seriously, remind me.

05-08-2011, 06:41 PM
Troll away. Im here to take it. Frontrunning from 1965. That a first i guess. Never ever once endorsed welching, thats an outright lie as usual.

And why you so upset Mid. Im here to take my punishment for standing up for my team through thick and thin. We took it on the chin and I'm here to give congrats.

I didnt quit on my team. And I will never be so insecure as to hop on a arch rivals bandwagon to somehow get something over an obsession. Yikes! Funny someone who tucks tail like you would be so opinionated on how other fans should behave.

I told you I would be here win or lose and be humble in the process with the loss and thts exactly what I have done. Kept my word. Nothing pre-emptive. Laughable that one would even think in such terms.

The obsession consumes you... :lmao

Trolled into oblivion! :lol:lol:lol God you take this serious! :lmao

I was hoping for this kind of response when I made that post.

05-08-2011, 06:46 PM
Yes, seriously... i dont remember what it was. It's hard to keep up with all you guys and your trolls while your belittling me on a personal basis just cause you hate my fanship. But seriously, remind me.

This is why you cannot ever be taken seriously and are well, a fool.

First off. The Lakers are still playing.

Second, All you haters all year long bitch and whine. If Kobe only played team ball. If he only did this, If he only did that. ANd you all talked about MVPau ad naseum. Kobe has had a very good series. You can look at 12 other Lakers before Kobe in this one. Game one he shot a lot for 49% and played well. Game 2 he takes less shots for 49% and gets his teammates even more involved. 3rd game he had his most effecient game of the series. He has had some costly turnovers and a few blunders but by far has been the best and most consistent Laker out there. He has changed his game all 3 games trying to get his players to respond and only a few have. Shame on you.

Pau shit the bed. It's been seen by the entire country. It's been commented on by EVERYONE. And PJ showed you all who needed motivation and heart and even then nothing.

What a tool you are DPG. And the comeback with Kobe leading it will be shitting right where most your diarrhea resides. Your mouth.

Cobbler, are you mad chum? I am simply stating what is very obvious. Kobe not only is a quitter (see the Suns series), he is a choker who completely melted down in the single biggest moment of his career.

I really do admire you and the way you stick by your team. How do you feel about Cul when he says it's over after game 2?

By Kobe not playing the right way all year, he set himself and his team up for this failure. It's on him and him alone.

If Kobe doesn't lead the comeback and they lose, will you write an apology to me for taking out your anger towards me instead of where it belongs? Kobe's mouth.

You will get an apology from me about the time you could beat me in a one on one game. ie. never.

You have already concluded a series that is not over. Cul is entitled to get his Mid on. Many have. You will not hear it from me. It isnt over till the 48th minute of the 4th loss. That has not happened. If it does, I will tip my hat to the Mavs and their fans and root for the winner of the west whoever it is.

Anybody blaming Kobe for the situation they are in in this series is a complete fool with no knowledge of basketball. He has been the one constant.

On to game 4...

05-08-2011, 07:33 PM
So what do you want the apology for? If you want to go on and on about Kobe be my guest. You want me to apologize for predicting the game wrong? :lol I have no issues with his play this series. He could have done some things better but he had absolutely no support. Players played soft and they will be gone. Well be back next year with a better cast. If that i have no doubts.

btw, thanks for looking that up. I sure wasn't going to.

Now with all that said, This thread was for giving congrats to Mavs fans and taking whatever they care to deliver. This isn't about bandwagoning insecure Spur fan.

05-08-2011, 07:35 PM
I told you cobbler.... you didn't want to hear it... told you all the way back to January...

They never learn...

05-08-2011, 07:37 PM
I told you cobbler.... you didn't want to hear it... told you all the way back to January...

They never learn...

Yes you did. We gave it a shot.

Maybe we should have listened to each other about our teams. But what fun is that. We will be back "SHORTLY".


Apparently the Lakers 3 point D never learned. :depressed

05-08-2011, 07:39 PM
http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRpl7F3NzpK1PkXqLlS925DMU6QYLU8c zRUxFVo5vHI7dZ83B8qjw

05-08-2011, 07:39 PM
Yep... the lack of defense was telling... too late to fix bad habits... that Lakers bench was also suspect all season long... oh, well... next season it is...

05-08-2011, 07:40 PM
So what do you want the apology for? If you want to go on and on about Kobe be my guest. You want me to apologize for predicting the game wrong? :lol I have no issues with his play this series. He could have done some things better but he had absolutely no support. Players played soft and they will be gone. Well be back next year with a better cast. If that i have no doubts.

btw, thanks for looking that up. I sure wasn't going to.

Now with all that said, This thread was for giving congrats to Mavs fans and taking whatever they care to deliver. This isn't about bandwagoning insecure Spur fan.

Just for taking your anger out on me. It was misplaced. I know aren't my biggest fan, but you know I call it fair and like I see it. I don't bandwagon and I don't begrudge those who don't deserve it.

05-08-2011, 07:40 PM
This guy talked mad shit right up until the final buzzer and now he's classy? :rolleyes

05-08-2011, 07:41 PM

05-08-2011, 08:04 PM
Just for taking your anger out on me. It was misplaced. I know aren't my biggest fan, but you know I call it fair and like I see it. I don't bandwagon and I don't begrudge those who don't deserve it.

If you are hurt by my standing up for myself with you and your moronic pals then you should hang with a better class of people. Otherwise you have no claim to the fair and see it card, at least where I am concerned.

Here: I apologize for taking what you considered anger out on you.

Feel better? :toast

05-08-2011, 08:04 PM

05-08-2011, 08:06 PM
This guy talked mad shit right up until the final buzzer and now he's classy? :rolleyes

Yeah, what an unclassy thing to do. Believe in your team and support them till the end. This from the tuck and tale live on the mavs coattails spurfan.


05-08-2011, 08:08 PM
Agree, props to Mavs fans.

05-08-2011, 08:09 PM

Jersey boy sits in some expensive seats. Apparently he doesn't own a mirror.

05-08-2011, 08:18 PM
Thanks Cobbler.