View Full Version : 10 Common Body Language Traps for Women in the workplace

05-11-2011, 05:38 PM
Would love to hear the male opinion on this one

10 common body language traps for women in the workplace

A female executive was having problems dealing with her male colleagues. "They like me, but they never take me seriously," she complained. "It's as if they think I'm flirting with them. Which I definitely am not!"

After watching her interact with various men on the senior management team, I saw the problem. She was trying to discuss work-related issues while using a "social gaze."

Here's what I mean . . .

If you create an imaginary triangle on someone’s face, with their eyes as the base and mid-forehead as the apex, you will have mapped out the "look of business." When you keep your gaze in that area, you nonverbally signal a no-nonsense, business-like approach. But when you invert the triangle and move your focus to the area between the eyes and mouth, you turn your gaze into one more appropriate for social encounters. And a social gaze can be misinterpreted as flirtatious—even in a corporate setting.

It’s a small thing, really. But as this woman found out, one small nonverbal signal can change the dynamics of an entire business interaction.

There are two sets of nonverbal signals that are especially important to all professionals. When first introduced to a leader, followers immediately and unconsciously assess him or her for warmth (empathy, likeability, caring) and authority (power, credibility, status). “Warm” leaders connect with staff in a way that makes them want to do a really good job because of that personal connection, affection and respect. But employees also look for leaders who project stability and authority, who make them feel secure, and whom they believe can follow through and achieve results.

Obviously the most appealing leaders are seen to have both qualities, and the least effective leaders are those regarded as uncaring and insecure. Perhaps not so obviously, many of the nonverbal signals for warmth and authority are divided along gender lines. Although I know several leaders of both sexes who do not fit the stereotypes, I’ve also observed that gender differences in body language most often do align with these two groupings. Women are the champions in the warmth and empathy arena, but lose out with power and authority cues—mostly because they fall prey to ten common body language traps.

TRAP #1: Using too many head tilts.
TRAP #2: Physically condensing.
TRAP #3: Using girlish gestures.
TRAP #4: Speaking “up.”
TRAP #5: Smiling excessively.
TRAP #6: Nodding too much.
TRAP #7: Waiting your turn.
TRAP #8: Flirtatious behavior.
TRAP #9: Being emotionally over-expressive.
TRAP #10: Having a delicate handshake.


I don't disagree with any of them. Click the link to read more details about the traps. I didn't copy the whole thing.

Nick Manning
05-11-2011, 05:41 PM
I agree that those are things an attractive businesswoman must work to overcome.

05-11-2011, 05:43 PM
I don't like to read that much so I'll just say that the modern woman has no more of a right to be in the workplace than a 1st grader has to attending classes at MIT

05-11-2011, 05:47 PM
TRAP #6: Nodding too much. When a man nods, it means he agrees. When a woman nods, it means she agrees—or is listening to, empathizing with or encouraging the speaker to continue. In fact, women tend to nod so much that we’ve been accused of looking like bobble-head dolls. TIP: Constant head nodding can express encouragement and engagement, but not authority and power. To project authority, especially when stating your opinion, keep your head still.
So in other words, men understand things and women are (generally) retarded. No news here.

05-11-2011, 06:05 PM
Hard to say who's at fault. There's no reason a woman should not be able to use her skills to maneuver in the workplace. Men use theirs. We don't worry about the triangle. Hell, this isn't Pakistan.

If you think your coworker is flirting with you because she looked at your mouth when you talked, you probably have some issues that go beyond her gestures. Now if she unzips you and starts choking on it right in front of the guided tour, that could be something but you have to make sure it's not just a friendly "hello".

05-11-2011, 06:20 PM
I've never held back, in the workplace or elsewhere, from being who I naturally am----warm, friendly and playful. Older men can appreciate it, but most the younger ones think I "want" them. But I really don't think it's as much because of my mannerisms, than it is them believing, how could I not want them? :lol

05-11-2011, 08:42 PM
I wasn't aware that communication was an entirely one-way interaction. This article assumes that women are necessarily wrong in their behavior, rather than that men may be wrong in their interpretation.

And as far as #10 goes, I think a weak handshake is problematic in ALL situations, but disagree emphatically that women with weak handshakes are judged more harshly than men with weak handshakes.

05-11-2011, 09:01 PM
I wasn't aware that communication was an entirely one-way interaction. This article assumes that women are necessarily wrong in their behavior, rather than that men may be wrong in their interpretation.

And as far as #10 goes, I think a weak handshake is problematic in ALL situations, but disagree emphatically that women with weak handshakes are judged more harshly than men with weak handshakes.

I agree the article is very one dimensional- assuming that the woman is doing things wrong.If you look at it from the male side of things then you enter the "I have to take sensitivity training classes again..." realm of thinking. Not that I'm advocating against that at all.

However, I also think the article is just trying to help women who are having trouble in a male dominate workforce. The start of the article explicitly states that the author was observing someone who was having issues with her male co-workers. She just wanted to help her. It wasn't like she just set out on a mission to write these 10 tips because her editor gave her assignment.

Capt Bringdown
05-11-2011, 09:06 PM
TRAP #4: Speaking “up.”
Women's voices often rise at the ends of sentences as if they're asking a question or asking for approval.

Speaking Australian in other words.

05-11-2011, 09:19 PM
I wasn't aware that communication was an entirely one-way interaction. This article assumes that women are necessarily wrong in their behavior, rather than that men may be wrong in their interpretation.

And as far as #10 goes, I think a weak handshake is problematic in ALL situations, but disagree emphatically that women with weak handshakes are judged more harshly than men with weak handshakes.


05-11-2011, 09:27 PM
However, I also think the article is just trying to help women who are having trouble in a male dominate workforce. The start of the article explicitly states that the author was observing someone who was having issues with her male co-workers. She just wanted to help her. It wasn't like she just set out on a mission to write these 10 tips because her editor gave her assignment.

Granted, but I don't think it's particularly helpful.

Rather than taking an approach that suggests the importance for all people in the business world (or, really, any professional environment) to communicate confidently, the article as written just lays out a laundry list of items that only women supposedly have to worry about. Seems to me the likely result is that it would just make women even more self-conscious within an environment in which they are already often meant to feel inferior.

05-11-2011, 09:31 PM
Granted, but I don't think it's particularly helpful.

Rather than taking an approach that suggests the importance for all people in the business world (or, really, any professional environment) to communicate confidently, the article as written just lays out a laundry list of items that only women supposedly have to worry about. Seems to me the likely result is that it would just make women even more self-conscious within an environment in which they are already often meant to feel inferior.


05-11-2011, 09:32 PM
Granted, but I don't think it's particularly helpful.

Rather than taking an approach that suggests the importance for all people in the business world (or, really, any professional environment) to communicate confidently, the article as written just lays out a laundry list of items that only women supposedly have to worry about. Seems to me the likely result is that it would just make women even more self-conscious within an environment in which they are already often meant to feel inferior.

And depending on what type of field you work in. I mean, if I don't nod and feel/look empathetic in my field I would not be looked at as successful. Speaking up and interrupting, indeed, would be rude- not seen as assertive. I think taking these just as suggestions is helpful - if having issues in the business world. But, having them in the back of your head and mentally checking them off would be detrimental to professional success.

05-11-2011, 09:36 PM
And depending on what type of field you work in. I mean, if I don't nod and feel/look empathetic in my field I would not be looked at as successful. Speaking up and interrupting, indeed, would be rude- not seen as assertive. I think taking these just as suggestions is helpful - if having issues in the business world. But, having them in the back of your head and mentally checking them off would be detrimental to professional success.

I think the problem is in dealing with all of this as a gendered issue, however.

05-11-2011, 09:37 PM
I think the problem is in dealing with all of this as a gendered issue, however.No

There. Did it for you this time.

05-11-2011, 09:39 PM
I think the problem is in dealing with all of this as a gendered issue, however.

I totally agree. There's no winning. One step forward 2 steps back.

05-11-2011, 09:41 PM
There. Did it for you this time.

Do us all a favor and leave your replies to 2 letters

Viva Las Espuelas
05-11-2011, 09:47 PM

Now THAT'S a chore.

05-11-2011, 09:50 PM
Do us all a favor and leave your replies to 2 letters


Nick Manning
05-11-2011, 09:53 PM

05-11-2011, 09:58 PM

05-11-2011, 10:09 PM

See its easy

05-11-2011, 10:13 PM
lol pretentious, uppity skanks who overuse the English language

05-11-2011, 10:43 PM
The Club could use more topics like this.

05-11-2011, 10:44 PM
I don't like to read that much so I'll just say that the modern woman has no more of a right to be in the workplace than a 1st grader has to attending classes at MIT

I went to MIT and had to do 5th grade twice.

05-11-2011, 10:47 PM
They have 5th grade at MIT?

05-11-2011, 10:49 PM
lol pretentious, uppity skanks who overuse the English language

That's mostly a compliment seeing we're both in Masters programs right now. :toast

05-11-2011, 10:51 PM
Remember this story? The woman who gets fired for "dressing too sexy."


05-11-2011, 10:56 PM
Lets turn this around.....what about men getting hit on at they're jobs?


05-12-2011, 01:03 PM
I thought it was a really interesting article. I agree it seemed one-sided, but it was written from a woman's point of view for women in leadership roles in the workplace, basically pointers on how to be taken seriously as a competent manager.

Most of them are kind of common sense, but I thought the one about interrupting is the most interesting, because I (perhaps because I'm a woman) am especially sensitive to being interrupted when I'm speaking and I think it's extremely rude to interrupt someone when he or she is speaking. Rather than competence, to me it seems like bullying. But maybe that's a gender thing. RG was awful at interrupting people when we first met and I started pointing out to him every time he did it. He's much better now.

05-12-2011, 01:04 PM
Lets turn this around.....what about men getting hit on at they're jobs?


That looks like a fun date right there! :lol

05-12-2011, 02:18 PM
That's mostly a compliment seeing we're both in Masters programs right now. :toast

First, don't think I was lumping you into this. While CF might be those things I stated above, she's also obviously quite intelligent. Massively annoying, but smart

You, on the other hand, aren't.

lol lifelong students

05-20-2011, 11:58 AM
Granted, but I don't think it's particularly helpful.

Rather than taking an approach that suggests the importance for all people in the business world (or, really, any professional environment) to communicate confidently, the article as written just lays out a laundry list of items that only women supposedly have to worry about. Seems to me the likely result is that it would just make women even more self-conscious within an environment in which they are already often meant to feel inferior.

You missed the point of the article. She was directly addressing female centric behavior that needs to be modified in a typically male-dominated business landscape.

With tips like:

TRAP #1: Using too many head tilts.
Men do not tilt their head in conversation nearly as much as women.

TRAP #2: Physically condensing.
This is also a typically female trait. Sure, some men do it, but they are usually meek and not looked upon as leaders.

TRAP #3: Using girlish gestures.
No explanation needed. I dont know men who twirl their hair or play with their jewelry.

TRAP #4: Speaking “up.”
This is asexual. Your point stands.

TRAP #5: Smiling excessively.
Asexual, but certainly something I could see being a more female trait. Debatable, I know.

TRAP #6: Nodding too much.

TRAP #7: Waiting your turn.

TRAP #8: Flirtatious behavior.
Most definitely a female trait.

TRAP #9: Being emotionally over-expressive.
Also, a very female behavior. Most women wear their emotions on their sleeve. Even women who think they dont, do.

TRAP #10: Having a delicate handshake.
The best advice of all of this crap. Nothing worse than a limp handshake, bad for female's, a show-stopper for a male.

To put it bluntly, picture a male who exhibits all 10 behaviors. That guy is the catcher, not the pitcher in a homosexual relationship.

Now picture a female having all 10 tendencies. Pretty typical, maybe minus one or two.

As much as we'd like disagree with biology and evolution, the reality is that males have certain subtle tendencies as do women. Point is, when youre a woman in the business world, youre not in a female dominated landscape...and it never will be. You either conform to the expectations of the underlings sense of authority, or you curtail your ability to manage.

Your choice, just dont bitch about it. No one is forcing you to be the boss. Youre not going to just change 30,000 years of social engineering because "it isnt right that woman should have to." Tough shit, life sucks, get a helmet.

Maybe in some far-off future, women will finally be able to be themselves in the workplace and still be respected as leaders. That day isnt today. Thats why the women in power today are all stereotyped as frigid bitches. Because they have to be, thats what the job demands management to be. Cold-hearted, ruthless and demanding, no exceptions, no equivocations. That sort of behavior is looked at differently when a woman wears those clothes, however, even though the men in similar positions are not.

But thats life, it aint fair. Ask black people.

05-20-2011, 12:17 PM
You missed the point of the article. She was directly addressing female centric behavior that needs to be modified in a typically male-dominated business landscape.

And you missed my point, which is that her article is problematic for furthering the idea that expressions of femininity are bad or wrong within the business world. According to the framework/methodology of her article, women are at a disadvantage in the business world because they are women and can only counteract that disadvantage by acting less like women. It's 2011. The fact that such an article would be written by a woman and aimed at helping other women is, I think, quite troubling.

Incidentally, the business landscape is not as male-dominated as it once was. And it hasn't been for a long time. Articles like this just further a construct that becomes less and less accurate as time goes on.

05-20-2011, 12:20 PM
Maybe in some far-off future, women will finally be able to be themselves in the workplace and still be respected as leaders. That day isnt today.

And it never will be as long as articles like this continue to be published. Hence the fact I find it problematic.

05-20-2011, 12:25 PM
Maybe in some far-off future, women will finally be able to be themselves in the workplace and still be respected as leaders. That day isnt today. Thats why the women in power today are all stereotyped as frigid bitches. Because they have to be, thats what the job demands management to be. Cold-hearted, ruthless and demanding, no exceptions, no equivocations. That sort of behavior is looked at differently when a woman wears those clothes, however, even though the men in similar positions are not.

But thats life, it aint fair. Ask black people.

:sleep my new favorite smiley.

05-20-2011, 12:28 PM

05-20-2011, 12:47 PM
And you missed my point, which is that her article is problematic for furthering the idea that expressions of femininity are bad or wrong within the business world. According to the framework/methodology of her article, women are at a disadvantage in the business world because they are women and can only counteract that disadvantage by acting less like women. It's 2011. The fact that such an article would be written by a woman and aimed at helping other women is, I think, quite troubling.

Feminine expressions are not seen as authoritative. You can ignore that fact and cite the advances in social equality over the past half century, but youd still be wrong.

Flirtatious behavior by a female superior: Less than competent management style.
Flirtatious behavior by male superior: Sexual harassment.

All the author is doing is pointing out the obvious differences in social interactions that a woman of power can be aware of.

All youre doing is saying how wrong it is that it has to be that way.

One person is offering a possible solution, youre beating a dead horse.

Incidentally, the business landscape is not as male-dominated as it once was. And it hasn't been for a long time. Articles like this just further a construct that becomes less and less accurate as time goes on.

Arent you still in school? Graduate school?

What do you know about the business world besides what you read in a book or are told by associates and professors?

Its a very male dominated world, Ms. Funt, yes even today. Sure, there are specific businesses that one could hire into that are not, but those are exceptions, not the rule.

It seems to me you wax poetic about an alternate universe and how things should be. If the world you envision actually existed, articles like this one would never even have to be written, right?

But since there are articles, books, websites, government subsidies and community actions groups specifically addressing and assisting women's ascent to power, while no such equivalent exists for men, I find it hard to stand here with a straight face and say all things are equal.

They are not. Again, specific exceptions do exist, of that I am sure. And I hope a majority of woman find themselves within such a company/field that does in fact treat all things equally. Where 50%+ of the workforce below you being male are not the type to catch on to the subtle visual cues of typical female behavior and the view them as a sign of incompetence or non-seriousness.

Im sure they exist. But not in manufacturing, not in textiles, not in pharmaceuticals and certainly not in academia (shit, it might be the worst).

This article isnt about the way things should be, its about the way things are. You can be the best manager in the company at tasking, delegation, team building and project management, but if you dont have the respect of "the managed", you failed before you started.

05-20-2011, 12:54 PM
:sleep my new favorite smiley.

Im not quite sure what youre trying to say with your new favorite smiley.

05-20-2011, 12:56 PM
And it never will be as long as articles like this continue to be published. Hence the fact I find it problematic.

Right. Articles like that have significant impact in shaping the business world.

05-20-2011, 02:18 PM
Im not quite sure what youre trying to say with your new favorite smiley.

That everything gets turned into a race thing here and it bores me.

05-20-2011, 02:40 PM
That everything gets turned into a race thing here and it bores me.

Fair enough, but dont lump me in with degenerate threads I never even post in.

My point was/is, life isnt fair for black people.

Nothing more, nothing less.

05-20-2011, 02:45 PM
I went to MIT and had to do 5th grade twice.

you went to MIT like I went on a diet.

the triangle on ashbeeigh starts at the base of her tetas.

05-20-2011, 03:07 PM

^ worlds smallest violin playing for all the women and black people in America.

I. Hustle
05-20-2011, 03:32 PM
I've never held back, in the workplace or elsewhere, from being who I naturally am----warm, friendly and playful. Older men can appreciate it, but most the younger ones think I "want" them. But I really don't think it's as much because of my mannerisms, than it is them believing, how could I not want them? :lol

That and when you start grabbing crotches

05-20-2011, 03:51 PM
That and when you start grabbing crotches

I suppose....

05-20-2011, 05:32 PM
Control of the womans body language is crucial to controlling her workplace. Walk like a man, talk like a man, work like a man, dress like a man, and then you shouldn't have any problems. Whether women like it or not, the workplace IS a mans world. They should act accordingly as to not distract the men from their jobs. If a woman doesn't like the fact that they can't "be themselves", then they should get back in the kitchen where they belong.

Real life example from me. When I was in the military a new e-4 came into my section. She was a decently attractive woman, and immediately all the guys are fawning over her. I on the other hand went out to do my fucking job. Later on in the week, she was observing us working, and distracting most of my crew. I was pretty much left alone to do all the work. Then she has the nerve to come up to me and tell me that I am doing my job wrong when she has never even worked on that airframe before. So naturally I put her in her place very quickly by telling her that instead of flirting and looking for a pickle tickle, how about she get some fucking tools and help work. Then she bursts into tears and goes crying to our flight chief. The flight chief tried to get me to apologize to her, but I wouldn't and recieved an LoR. I made a verbal statement that this woman comes in here, is distracting my crew, and tries to tell me that I am not doing my job right when she has been here a grand total of 1 week and hasn't even taken the basic airframe training courses yet. I then inform them that in all my time on duty, I have never once made a mistake on the equipment, aircraft, or weapons.

To have a woman go into a mans world, shaking her tits, distracting people and crying when there is work to be done pisses me off. If she would have kept her trap shut, and quit talking, more work would have gotten done and we all could have went home early.

05-20-2011, 05:58 PM
You missed the point of the article. She was directly addressing female centric behavior that needs to be modified in a typically male-dominated business landscape.

With tips like:

TRAP #1: Using too many head tilts.
Men do not tilt their head in conversation nearly as much as women.

TRAP #2: Physically condensing.
This is also a typically female trait. Sure, some men do it, but they are usually meek and not looked upon as leaders.

TRAP #3: Using girlish gestures.
No explanation needed. I dont know men who twirl their hair or play with their jewelry.

TRAP #4: Speaking “up.”
This is asexual. Your point stands.

TRAP #5: Smiling excessively.
Asexual, but certainly something I could see being a more female trait. Debatable, I know.

TRAP #6: Nodding too much.

TRAP #7: Waiting your turn.

TRAP #8: Flirtatious behavior.
Most definitely a female trait.

TRAP #9: Being emotionally over-expressive.
Also, a very female behavior. Most women wear their emotions on their sleeve. Even women who think they dont, do.

TRAP #10: Having a delicate handshake.
The best advice of all of this crap. Nothing worse than a limp handshake, bad for female's, a show-stopper for a male.

To put it bluntly, picture a male who exhibits all 10 behaviors. That guy is the catcher, not the pitcher in a homosexual relationship.

Now picture a female having all 10 tendencies. Pretty typical, maybe minus one or two.

As much as we'd like disagree with biology and evolution, the reality is that males have certain subtle tendencies as do women. Point is, when youre a woman in the business world, youre not in a female dominated landscape...and it never will be. You either conform to the expectations of the underlings sense of authority, or you curtail your ability to manage.

Your choice, just dont bitch about it. No one is forcing you to be the boss. Youre not going to just change 30,000 years of social engineering because "it isnt right that woman should have to." Tough shit, life sucks, get a helmet.

Maybe in some far-off future, women will finally be able to be themselves in the workplace and still be respected as leaders. That day isnt today. Thats why the women in power today are all stereotyped as frigid bitches. Because they have to be, thats what the job demands management to be. Cold-hearted, ruthless and demanding, no exceptions, no equivocations. That sort of behavior is looked at differently when a woman wears those clothes, however, even though the men in similar positions are not.

But thats life, it aint fair. Ask black people.

Well said. This is exactly my point!!! :toast

05-20-2011, 06:05 PM
Control of the womans body language is crucial to controlling her workplace. Walk like a man, talk like a man, work like a man, dress like a man, and then you shouldn't have any problems. Whether women like it or not, the workplace IS a mans world. They should act accordingly as to not distract the men from their jobs. If a woman doesn't like the fact that they can't "be themselves", then they should get back in the kitchen where they belong.

Real life example from me. When I was in the military a new e-4 came into my section. She was a decently attractive woman, and immediately all the guys are fawning over her. I on the other hand went out to do my fucking job. Later on in the week, she was observing us working, and distracting most of my crew. I was pretty much left alone to do all the work. Then she has the nerve to come up to me and tell me that I am doing my job wrong when she has never even worked on that airframe before. So naturally I put her in her place very quickly by telling her that instead of flirting and looking for a pickle tickle, how about she get some fucking tools and help work. Then she bursts into tears and goes crying to our flight chief. The flight chief tried to get me to apologize to her, but I wouldn't and recieved an LoR. I made a verbal statement that this woman comes in here, is distracting my crew, and tries to tell me that I am not doing my job right when she has been here a grand total of 1 week and hasn't even taken the basic airframe training courses yet. I then inform them that in all my time on duty, I have never once made a mistake on the equipment, aircraft, or weapons.

To have a woman go into a mans world, shaking her tits, distracting people and crying when there is work to be done pisses me off. If she would have kept her trap shut, and quit talking, more work would have gotten done and we all could have went home early.


Call me when the shuttle lands.

05-20-2011, 06:24 PM
Workplace or not, I just naturally assume everyone with a vagina wants to have sex with me. And this article is pretty much directed at attractive women. Unattractive women can look at my mouth all they want and it won't change my desire to keep it business with them.

05-20-2011, 10:16 PM
Control of the womans body language is crucial to controlling her workplace. Walk like a man, talk like a man, work like a man, dress like a man, and then you shouldn't have any problems. Whether women like it or not, the workplace IS a mans world. They should act accordingly as to not distract the men from their jobs. If a woman doesn't like the fact that they can't "be themselves", then they should get back in the kitchen where they belong.

Real life example from me. When I was in the military a new e-4 came into my section. She was a decently attractive woman, and immediately all the guys are fawning over her. I on the other hand went out to do my fucking job. Later on in the week, she was observing us working, and distracting most of my crew. I was pretty much left alone to do all the work. Then she has the nerve to come up to me and tell me that I am doing my job wrong when she has never even worked on that airframe before. So naturally I put her in her place very quickly by telling her that instead of flirting and looking for a pickle tickle, how about she get some fucking tools and help work. Then she bursts into tears and goes crying to our flight chief. The flight chief tried to get me to apologize to her, but I wouldn't and recieved an LoR. I made a verbal statement that this woman comes in here, is distracting my crew, and tries to tell me that I am not doing my job right when she has been here a grand total of 1 week and hasn't even taken the basic airframe training courses yet. I then inform them that in all my time on duty, I have never once made a mistake on the equipment, aircraft, or weapons.

To have a woman go into a mans world, shaking her tits, distracting people and crying when there is work to be done pisses me off. If she would have kept her trap shut, and quit talking, more work would have gotten done and we all could have went home early.

I thought DR toed the line but was being brutally honest, but you took it to another level. You just come off like a whiny little bitch.

05-20-2011, 10:58 PM
Control of the womans body language is crucial to controlling her workplace. Walk like a man, talk like a man, work like a man, dress like a man, and then you shouldn't have any problems. Whether women like it or not, the workplace IS a mans world. They should act accordingly as to not distract the men from their jobs. If a woman doesn't like the fact that they can't "be themselves", then they should get back in the kitchen where they belong.

Real life example from me. When I was in the military a new e-4 came into my section. She was a decently attractive woman, and immediately all the guys are fawning over her. I on the other hand went out to do my fucking job. Later on in the week, she was observing us working, and distracting most of my crew. I was pretty much left alone to do all the work. Then she has the nerve to come up to me and tell me that I am doing my job wrong when she has never even worked on that airframe before. So naturally I put her in her place very quickly by telling her that instead of flirting and looking for a pickle tickle, how about she get some fucking tools and help work. Then she bursts into tears and goes crying to our flight chief. The flight chief tried to get me to apologize to her, but I wouldn't and recieved an LoR. I made a verbal statement that this woman comes in here, is distracting my crew, and tries to tell me that I am not doing my job right when she has been here a grand total of 1 week and hasn't even taken the basic airframe training courses yet. I then inform them that in all my time on duty, I have never once made a mistake on the equipment, aircraft, or weapons.

To have a woman go into a mans world, shaking her tits, distracting people and crying when there is work to be done pisses me off. If she would have kept her trap shut, and quit talking, more work would have gotten done and we all could have went home early.

I was training a woman who was a 6 year surface nuke tech in the Navy. She would stand at parade rest and not touch anything. She carried a little notebook with her and wrote down gauge readings and had no idea what the readings were for at that point. She would question the effectiveness of anything I was doing, what if it ever stopped working, how do I know it wouldn't stop working? I had to tell her I didn't know, I test and that's that. She was so fucking up tight you couldn't drive a nail up her ass with a sledge hammer. In the 2 years she was there, she never did anything except set pressures and flows to marked gauge standards. 2 years is about how long it takes to get someone fired. It was even harder for her because she was attractive and a few guys made the mistake of asking her out.

Just saying that not all cockiness is because they are female. Some of it is just lack of confidence. Some women (many it seems) feel they are expected to fail from the start, so they go to extra lengths to avoid it. That causes a bigger issue.

To be perfectly honest, in all my years I have never worked with a female who was more than barely competent. They are not wired how men are, and that's not their fault. They do make some really good maids and housewives though.


05-20-2011, 11:00 PM

Call me when the shuttle lands.

Do you work on the shuttle or do you even have a job? Get a job then critique others, wing slinger.

05-20-2011, 11:06 PM
I thought DR toed the line but was being brutally honest, but you took it to another level. You just come off like a whiny little bitch.

Aren't you whining about the way my post reads?

Well if that isn't the pot calling the kettle black.

05-22-2011, 08:39 AM
Aren't you whining about the way my post reads?

Well if that isn't the pot calling the kettle black.

lol throwing a tantrum at work because a pwetty girl distwatcted your crew

05-22-2011, 11:29 AM
Control of the womans body language is crucial to controlling her workplace. Walk like a man, talk like a man, work like a man, dress like a man, and then you shouldn't have any problems. Whether women like it or not, the workplace IS a mans world. They should act accordingly as to not distract the men from their jobs. If a woman doesn't like the fact that they can't "be themselves", then they should get back in the kitchen where they belong.

Real life example from me. When I was in the military a new e-4 came into my section. She was a decently attractive woman, and immediately all the guys are fawning over her. I on the other hand went out to do my fucking job. Later on in the week, she was observing us working, and distracting most of my crew. I was pretty much left alone to do all the work. Then she has the nerve to come up to me and tell me that I am doing my job wrong when she has never even worked on that airframe before. So naturally I put her in her place very quickly by telling her that instead of flirting and looking for a pickle tickle, how about she get some fucking tools and help work. Then she bursts into tears and goes crying to our flight chief. The flight chief tried to get me to apologize to her, but I wouldn't and recieved an LoR. I made a verbal statement that this woman comes in here, is distracting my crew, and tries to tell me that I am not doing my job right when she has been here a grand total of 1 week and hasn't even taken the basic airframe training courses yet. I then inform them that in all my time on duty, I have never once made a mistake on the equipment, aircraft, or weapons.

To have a woman go into a mans world, shaking her tits, distracting people and crying when there is work to be done pisses me off. If she would have kept her trap shut, and quit talking, more work would have gotten done and we all could have went home early.

I know exactly what you mean. When I was 18-21 I used to work Flowers foods in the shipping department. My section took care of all the orders going to the prisons, South Texas markets, and international orders going to the Mexican markets. The environment is very fast pace and you have to hustle so you don't fall behind and cluster-fuck the line-production. I used to hate it when my bosses would hire women because they were severely just too limited for a job like this. All they could ever do is just scan the merchandize with the laser gun and mark it off on the order sheet. Did they load them up on trailer and do other heavy lifting that came with the job? Hell to the no. And I didn't except them too either because some of the stacks of bread and tortillas could weigh up to 300lbs and 8 feet tall, and then you have to load them by hand with a heavy ass dolly. I know it wasn't their fault, but the majority of women don't belong in certain environments that are male dominated. I blamed my superiors because I know that the reason they hired them is because they wanted to talk to them. Yeah, some of them were eye candy, but when you hire 18-25 year old women in male dominated environment, it's going to cause problems.

05-22-2011, 08:32 PM
lol throwing a tantrum at work because a pwetty girl distwatcted your crew

When you are handling military grade explosives that weigh as much as a pickup truck, wouldn't you be a little bit concerned that your crew isn't completely focused on the job?

Tantrum? You call my 1 sentence said to her a tantrum? Go cut yourself some more emo boy.

05-22-2011, 08:39 PM
Control of the womans body language is crucial to controlling her workplace. Walk like a man, talk like a man, work like a man, dress like a man, and then you shouldn't have any problems. Whether women like it or not, the workplace IS a mans world. They should act accordingly as to not distract the men from their jobs. If a woman doesn't like the fact that they can't "be themselves", then they should get back in the kitchen where they belong.

Real life example from me. When I was in the military a new e-4 came into my section. She was a decently attractive woman, and immediately all the guys are fawning over her. I on the other hand went out to do my fucking job. Later on in the week, she was observing us working, and distracting most of my crew. I was pretty much left alone to do all the work. Then she has the nerve to come up to me and tell me that I am doing my job wrong when she has never even worked on that airframe before. So naturally I put her in her place very quickly by telling her that instead of flirting and looking for a pickle tickle, how about she get some fucking tools and help work. Then she bursts into tears and goes crying to our flight chief. The flight chief tried to get me to apologize to her, but I wouldn't and recieved an LoR. I made a verbal statement that this woman comes in here, is distracting my crew, and tries to tell me that I am not doing my job right when she has been here a grand total of 1 week and hasn't even taken the basic airframe training courses yet. I then inform them that in all my time on duty, I have never once made a mistake on the equipment, aircraft, or weapons.

To have a woman go into a mans world, shaking her tits, distracting people and crying when there is work to be done pisses me off. If she would have kept her trap shut, and quit talking, more work would have gotten done and we all could have went home early.

Aren't you whining about the way my post reads?

Well if that isn't the pot calling the kettle black.

When you are handling military grade explosives that weigh as much as a pickup truck, wouldn't you be a little bit concerned that your crew isn't completely focused on the job?

Tantrum? You call my 1 sentence said to her a tantrum? Go cut yourself some more emo boy.


05-22-2011, 08:40 PM

05-22-2011, 08:41 PM
whiny little bitch.

lol throwing a tantrum at work because a pwetty girl distwatcted your crew


05-22-2011, 08:43 PM

05-22-2011, 08:44 PM

05-22-2011, 08:45 PM
symple is ruthless :lol

05-22-2011, 08:45 PM

05-22-2011, 08:46 PM

05-22-2011, 08:46 PM
good day

05-22-2011, 09:17 PM
And all this body language is going on in the kitchen?

05-23-2011, 08:41 AM
Real life example from me. When I was in the military a new e-4 came into my section. She was a decently attractive woman, and immediately all the guys are fawning over her. I on the other hand went out to do my fucking job. Later on in the week, she was observing us working, and distracting most of my crew. I was pretty much left alone to do all the work. Then she has the nerve to come up to me and tell me that I am doing my job wrong when she has never even worked on that airframe before. So naturally I put her in her place very quickly by telling her that instead of flirting and looking for a pickle tickle, how about she get some fucking tools and help work. Then she bursts into tears and goes crying to our flight chief. The flight chief tried to get me to apologize to her, but I wouldn't and recieved an LoR. I made a verbal statement that this woman comes in here, is distracting my crew, and tries to tell me that I am not doing my job right when she has been here a grand total of 1 week and hasn't even taken the basic airframe training courses yet. I then inform them that in all my time on duty, I have never once made a mistake on the equipment, aircraft, or weapons.

To have a woman go into a mans world, shaking her tits, distracting people and crying when there is work to be done pisses me off. If she would have kept her trap shut, and quit talking, more work would have gotten done and we all could have went home early.

This is part of the reason im glad im no longer in the Air Force, specifically my former AFSC of Security Forces. I dont know how many times I had been approached by a female Airman with "this bag is too heavy can you lift it for me?" to which I would normally follow up with "women wanted to be equal, my bag is just as heavy as yours is, lift that shit yourself". Normally their jaws hit the floor as if I was out of line by saying that and sometimes they caught an attitude with me then I would inform them they could switch career fields or get out and that pretty much stopped them dead in the tracks.

Point is, women wanted equality and when they are treated as an equal to a man they bitch. Not all women, some embrace it but those that dont ruin it for everybody else.

05-23-2011, 12:50 PM
good day

It isn't purple hair dye by the way. It is red. Oh yea... why the hell would you save my picture to post so much anyways? Kinda creepy.

05-23-2011, 03:02 PM

05-23-2011, 03:08 PM
It isn't purple hair dye by the way. It is red. Oh yea... why the hell would you save my picture to post so much anyways? Kinda creepy.

it's on your profile, dipshit.

05-23-2011, 03:09 PM
it's on your profile, dipshit.


05-23-2011, 03:11 PM
It isn't purple hair dye by the way. It is red.

lol getting asshurt about the color of your tips

I'm sure your mom knows some good topical creams that can alleviate your pain

05-23-2011, 07:08 PM
it's on your profile, dipshit.

I know, still the obsession with my picture is pretty creepy.

05-23-2011, 07:08 PM
lol getting asshurt about the color of your tips

I'm sure your mom knows some good topical creams that can alleviate your pain

She probably does. She isn't colorblind.

John Basedow
05-23-2011, 07:09 PM
it's on your profile, dipshit.
