View Full Version : Re-evaluate yourself Spurfan

05-27-2011, 09:29 AM
We have come to a very difficult moment in our fandom. We experienced the bitter, sand-in-our eyes feeling of 8, we see the Mavs marching all the way to the Finals pillaging all in their path, and we now have LeBron back in the Finals without us there to regulate him again, primed for a ring.

But think: Is is really that bad if the Mavs finally ring?

As a Spurs fan, it really isn't that great to lose the ability to rag on mavfan about 8 and O & Forever in the same playoffs. But let us evaluate the Mavs behaviour these playoffs...

Cuban has been on his best behaviour, and has been justly rewarded (so far). JET has finally found a Pepto-Bismol to that diarrhea mouth of his. And Dirk is Dirk, can't really hate on him.

On the other hand, we have the Heat. LeTravel has been acting as if he had ringed ever since Game 5 against Boston. Chris Bosh's bitchassness has finally been exposed this season (I didn't think he was this much of a fag, because I seen him in Canada).

And them ringing would forever change the league we play in again, making attractive markets even MORE magnetic to all free-agents, killing our ringing chances unless we strike draft gold like we did with Timmy.

So spurfan, you really hate Dallas this much that you would potentially sacrifice your own team's success in order to put see a franchise who's played their butts off all season remain in turmoil? Fine. But I for one have less of a problem with Dirk and the whole line-up of veteran misfits catching that ever-elusive first ring.

05-27-2011, 09:36 AM
God bless you son..well said. Miami winning is really bad for the league and sets a bad example...that team is going to be there for 6+ years....other star players will only want to go to a handful of teams. EVERYONE should be cheering for the Mavs....unless you are a true dummy


05-27-2011, 09:43 AM
I think it's easier to cheer for the Mavs this year cause of what they did to the Lakers. I would say the majority of the fans here hate Lakers more than the Mavs.

So seeing them embarrass our most hated team imo makes it easier to root for Mavs...for these playoffs and these playoffs alone.

And though its unlikely but I pray that somehow, someway Lebron never gets a ring.

05-27-2011, 09:58 AM
First, the top-tier free agents have never been attracted to San Antonio, so the argument is baseless that the Heat winning will have a negative free-agent impact on the Spurs.

Second, just because they beat the Lakers doesn't mean that the history between the Mavs and Spurs magically disappeared. Cuban still talked out his ass about the the town and the people. JET as well, including his nut buster of Finley. The Derek Anderson incident in the 2001 playoffs?

Third, the entire 2006 post-season was able how the Mavs were built to beat the Spurs and had wrestled the division, conference and league from their grasps. The sun had set on the Spurs, and the Mavs were the new kinds. And we all know what happened to both the Mavs and the Spurs after that.

Fourth, I have never been about awarding trophies based on sentimentality. You don't deserve rings just because you were a good/great player for a long time. You earn them. If you aren't good enough, then you aren't good enough. Dirk doesn't "deserve" a ring. He has to earn it like everyone else has to. Not saying that he can't earn it, but it makes for a weak reason to root for a team that has been one of the top two rivals of your own franchise.

05-27-2011, 10:03 AM

05-27-2011, 10:52 AM

05-27-2011, 10:59 AM
Go HEAT!, I became a fan of D Wade in 06 so its easy to root for MIA and him, plus Bosh is from Texas, and well James was a player I really liked until he became a punk drunk off his own hype, but the Heat r gonna get a ring sooner or later, shit maybe a couple b2b's, so why hate it plus their gonna be the only team in the foreseeable future thats gonna be able to stop LA esp since they'll probably get Howard. Plus if Dallas wins uhh imagine Mavfan's happiness, it makes me sick. If they lose there pretty much done and will be unable to duplicate this.

In short, Mav's ringless is what I'm really rooting for.

05-27-2011, 11:02 AM
the only sad thing about anything here on ST is the amount of bandwagon faggots who think us Spurs fans give a shit about the mavs. fuck them! i can't wait to see the mavs lose once again on the big stage and it's going to be great considering their opponent.

05-27-2011, 11:18 AM
I can never ever root for Lebron. If the Heat played against a team starting

Osama Bin Laden
Kim Jong Il
Justin Bieber

I'd still root against the Heat.

05-27-2011, 11:21 AM
Dallas it is... they deserve one - Dirk deserves one.
I have no problem with Dallas besides that little faggot Terry. But from a basketball POV he deserves it too. He's been playing great in the playoffs.

I just don't want Bosh to win a ring.

Viva Las Espuelas
05-27-2011, 12:00 PM
Can't people just understand the mavs are RIVALS. Is it that hard? So what, we're not in it. No way in piss I'll ever cheer for the mavs. Heat in 6. Maybe 7

05-27-2011, 12:01 PM
I guess I just don't really care who wins. All I know is that Spurs fizzled and choked. That concerns me more than anything.

05-27-2011, 12:04 PM
Can't people just understand the mavs are RIVALS. Is it that hard? So what, we're not in it. No way in piss I'll ever cheer for the mavs. Heat in 6. Maybe 7

You have no pride or morals son....get out of Texas loser


05-27-2011, 12:05 PM
Here's a scenario I'd go with.

Lebron and Bosh collide during practice and have to sit out for the Finals.
But somehow Wade is able to carry the team. In spite of Terry going 0 for 20, Dirk is able to get the team to a deciding game 7. But Terry fouls Mike Miller who converts a 4 point play to win the series.

05-27-2011, 12:05 PM
Edit. Double posted because it was so great. But not anymore.

Nathan Explosion
05-27-2011, 12:13 PM
God bless you son..well said. Miami winning is really bad for the league and sets a bad example...that team is going to be there for 6+ years....other star players will only want to go to a handful of teams. EVERYONE should be cheering for the Mavs....unless you are a true dummy


Miami may set a bad example, but it may not matter anyway because the new CBA may (more likely will) contain a hard cap which will prevent what happened in Miami from happening again.

Just look at what happened to football with a hard cap. Other than the Patriots, name one big dynasty since the Cowboys 90s pre-cap dynasty.

05-27-2011, 12:16 PM
the only sad thing about anything here on ST is the amount of bandwagon faggots who think us Spurs fans give a shit about the mavs. fuck them! i can't wait to see the mavs lose once again on the big stage and it's going to be great considering their opponent.

Preach it brother...

Nathan Explosion
05-27-2011, 12:16 PM
Can't people just understand the mavs are RIVALS. Is it that hard? So what, we're not in it. No way in piss I'll ever cheer for the mavs. Heat in 6. Maybe 7

This. I don't cheer for A&M (even when my team sucks like last year) because I'm a Longhorns fan. I don't cheer for the Eagles, Giants or Redskins because they're in the same division.

A rival is a rival. I don't care if Houston and Dallas are from Texas, they're rivals. Hell, they're in East and North Texas. We don't have much in common with either other than sharing the same governor.

05-27-2011, 12:17 PM
Miami may set a bad example, but it may not matter anyway because the new CBA may (more likely will) contain a hard cap which will prevent what happened in Miami from happening again.

Just look at what happened to football with a hard cap. Other than the Patriots, name one big dynasty since the Cowboys 90s pre-cap dynasty.

Memo to you dummy...so if they change the rules now...how does that help us when the 3 stooges are still on the Heat for the indefinite future....so just hand them the next 6 rings?


05-27-2011, 12:20 PM
This. I don't cheer for A&M (even when my team sucks like last year) because I'm a Longhorns fan. I don't cheer for the Eagles, Giants or Redskins because they're in the same division.

A rival is a rival. I don't care if Houston and Dallas are from Texas, they're rivals. Hell, they're in East and North Texas. We don't have much in common with either other than sharing the same governor.

you spurs morons must have low IQs...miracle you can even get on the internet. You rather a bunch of no good punks from Miami win than a class act like Dirk....get the f out of Texas dummy....


05-27-2011, 12:20 PM
I wonder if Mav Fan has ever rooted for the Spurs in the Finals?

Nathan Explosion
05-27-2011, 12:21 PM
Memo to you dummy...so if they change the rules now...how does that help us when the 3 stooges are still on the Heat for the indefinite future....so just hand them the next 6 rings?


You obviously didn't get the point of your own thread. You said that the Miami sets a bad example for the rest of the league. It doesn't matter what example they set, no one will be able to follow it.

Also, the amount those three are being paid will hurt the cap that is more than likely going to lower, which will limit Miami from signing better, higher paid role players.

Viva Las Espuelas
05-27-2011, 12:25 PM
This. I don't cheer for A&M (even when my team sucks like last year) because I'm a Longhorns fan. I don't cheer for the Eagles, Giants or Redskins because they're in the same division.

A rival is a rival. I don't care if Houston and Dallas are from Texas, they're rivals. Hell, they're in East and North Texas. We don't have much in common with either other than sharing the same governor.

Now I would cheer for Houston :tu

05-27-2011, 12:41 PM
You have no pride or morals son....get out of Texas loser

All is fair in love and sports, Fuck the Mavs!

05-27-2011, 12:44 PM
All is fair in love and sports, Fuck the Mavs!

You and that chick in your picture are horse-faced son...that's were you get your name from?


05-27-2011, 12:51 PM
Dirk and Kidd deserve a ring

05-27-2011, 12:53 PM
There is big difference between 2006 and 2011, like day and night. Doesn't bother me if the Mavs won since they would have had the most difficult road to get to the finals and beat the champion Lakers in the process.
Here we are again 5 years later and the Mavs are facing the same finals opponent. My question is, why do Mav fan care about what Spurs fan thinks?
I seriously doubt any of you rooted for the Spurs during any of their 4 championship runs. So what makes you think you'll any support from us? :lol
Although I will admit I have taken a liking in watching the Mavs play, however I don't think they can beat the Heat.
Am I rooting for Miami? Absolutely not. I cannot stand Lebron or the Heat, but the level of basketball they're playing is unbelievable.
All I can say is good luck, because the Mavs will need it.

silverblk mystix
05-27-2011, 12:54 PM

Listen here, I will S-P-E-L-L it out for you idiot alleged Spurs fans who are -all of a sudden- jumping on the hated Mavs bandwagon....

Next season...

Be fuckin' prepared to hear these words every fuckin' time the spurs play the mavs;

The Spurs vs. the DEFENDING CHAMPION MAVERICKS with FINALS MVP Dirk....blah...blah....

You really wanna hear that shit all year?

Do you also want to have to hear those insufferable cocksmoking smug mavs fans talking TWICE the amount of shit you hear now???? They will say that 4 rings is ancient history and that the ONLY title that is relevant is NOW....

Do YOU want to have to defend that shit and talk about PRE-2007???????

I think not.

So S-T-F-U with all this fuckin' bullshit talk about, "Dirk has class" "Dirk is humble" ...."Cuban is a good owner" blah-fuckin'-blah....

When the game is on the line next season...and the spurs are hanging on to a precarious lead....and the Mavs come back to win---because they now have new-fangled championship swagger....

all you little bandwagon faggot mavs supporters who are also allegedly Spurs fans can suck my dick and remember how you were sucking off these idiot Mavs and their idiot fans...

I will remind you how you were ready to suck on Dirk's dick when he hits a fallaway game-winning 3 ball to break the spurs hearts...and...

as he runs down the court with his tongue hanging out and that stupid smirk on his face...

I will call out all you fuckin idiot Spurs/Mavs bandwaggoners.


0 & FOREVER!!!!!!!

silverblk mystix
05-27-2011, 12:54 PM

Listen here, I will S-P-E-L-L it out for you idiot alleged Spurs fans who are -all of a sudden- jumping on the hated Mavs bandwagon....

Next season...

Be fuckin' prepared to hear these words every fuckin' time the spurs play the mavs;

The Spurs vs. the DEFENDING CHAMPION MAVERICKS with FINALS MVP Dirk....blah...blah....

You really wanna hear that shit all year?

Do you also want to have to hear those insufferable cocksmoking smug mavs fans talking TWICE the amount of shit you hear now???? They will say that 4 rings is ancient history and that the ONLY title that is relevant is NOW....

Do YOU want to have to defend that shit and talk about PRE-2007???????

I think not.

So S-T-F-U with all this fuckin' bullshit talk about, "Dirk has class" "Dirk is humble" ...."Cuban is a good owner" blah-fuckin'-blah....

When the game is on the line next season...and the spurs are hanging on to a precarious lead....and the Mavs come back to win---because they now have new-fangled championship swagger....

all you little bandwagon faggot mavs supporters who are also allegedly Spurs fans can suck my dick and remember how you were sucking off these idiot Mavs and their idiot fans...

I will remind you how you were ready to suck on Dirk's dick when he hits a fallaway game-winning 3 ball to break the spurs hearts...and...

as he runs down the court with his tongue hanging out and that stupid smirk on his face...

I will call out all you fuckin idiot Spurs/Mavs bandwaggoners.


0 & FOREVER!!!!!!!

05-27-2011, 01:26 PM
I re-evaluated myself.

I'm doing a great job.

silverblk mystix
05-27-2011, 01:55 PM
I re-evaluated myself.

I'm doing a great job.

That's still under debate...

05-27-2011, 01:58 PM
You rather a bunch of no good punks from Miami win than a class act like Dirk....


Pretty much

05-27-2011, 02:09 PM
Sons, I am in no way shape or form endorsing the Mavericks to win a ring. If I could have it my way, both of these piss-breathed teams could wallow in filth while trapped in a dark shithole, forfeiting the LOB due to not finding their way to the arena.

But if the Heat win.... our game will never be the same.

Thus, the Mavs are truly the lesser of the two evils THIS time around, considering they did us a favor by cock-blocking the 3peat. But NEVER again.

05-27-2011, 02:15 PM
Not a fan of how either the Mavs or the Heat was constructed tbh. Heat deserved their controversy but Mavs got their own even this season with the Peja deal. Also its not like they weren't trying to turn Erica Dampier into getting one of the big 3. Jason Terry and Mark Cuban are bigger dbags than anyone on the Heat as well. Sorry, can't root for Dallas :toast

And players are going to join where they can get money or wins. Otherwise the Clippers would've been a much more popular FA destination.

05-27-2011, 03:05 PM
I can never ever root for Lebron. If the Heat played against a team starting

Osama Bin Laden
Kim Jong Il
Justin Bieber

I'd still root against the Heat.
Would Justin be your pg? Though it's hard to go for a team that has Justin Beiber on it, I'd have to go with his team because Cuban and Terry are not very likable people. Satan would probably be a good influence on Justin's music as well (see Bill Hicks)!

John Basedow
05-27-2011, 03:07 PM
Fyi, rooting for Miami to win is akin to rooting for the Lakers to win...as long as Spurfan understands that, then it's all good :tu

05-27-2011, 03:12 PM
Fyi, rooting for Miami to win is akin to rooting for the Lakers to win...as long as Spurfan understands that, then it's all good :tu

Nope, this is about the Heat and Mavs tbh.

05-27-2011, 03:12 PM
Would Justin be your pg? Though it's hard to go for a team that has Justin Beiber on it, I'd have to go with his team because Cuban and Terry are not very likable people. Satan would probably be a good influence on Justin's music as well (see Bill Hicks)!

Kim Jong Il would probably be PG at 5'3". But I wouldn't be uncomfortable with Bieber bringing the ball up and running the offense. I haven't thought of Bill Hicks in years. But unlike Wilt Chamberlin, I do realize he (Hicks) is no longer with us.

John Basedow
05-27-2011, 03:13 PM
Nope, this is about the Heat and Mavs tbh.

hey, whatever justifications you need to root for Miami, don't let me or the facts sway you.

05-27-2011, 03:14 PM
hey, whatever you need to root for Miami, don't let my abs sway you.

Thanks, DD :toast

05-27-2011, 03:15 PM
Sons, I am in no way shape or form endorsing the Mavericks to win a ring. If I could have it my way, both of these piss-breathed teams could wallow in filth while trapped in a dark shithole, forfeiting the LOB due to not finding their way to the arena.

But if the Heat win.... our game will never be the same.

Thus, the Mavs are truly the lesser of the two evils THIS time around, considering they did us a favor by cock-blocking the 3peat. But NEVER again.
Whose 3peat ours or the Lakers?
Miami's team exists and have no effect on who is going to play in SA. The disrespect Cuban has shown the Spurs and Terry's never ending idiocy are not going to be over looked in my house. Go Heat!

05-27-2011, 03:17 PM
Kim Jong Il would probably be PG at 5'3". But I wouldn't be uncomfortable with Bieber bringing the ball up and running the offense. I haven't thought of Bill Hicks in years. But unlike Wilt Chamberlin, I do realize he (Hicks) is no longer with us.
Bill Hicks RIP....

05-27-2011, 04:07 PM
Fyi, rooting for Miami to win is akin to rooting for the Lakers to win...as long as Spurfan understands that, then it's all good :tu

Lebron = Kobe now?

Nick Manning
05-27-2011, 04:10 PM
Lebron = Kobe now?

They're both arrogant, self-serving douchebags.

05-27-2011, 04:30 PM
lol I would totally cheer for the Rockets just not the Mavs

05-27-2011, 04:39 PM
I swear I try to root for the mavs but I can't same old shit I root for them untill the beginning of the fourth then .... the fuck the mavs happen

05-27-2011, 04:42 PM
Fyi, rooting for Miami to win is akin to rooting for the Lakers to win...as long as Spurfan understands that, then it's all good :tu

ummmm naw, there's sum big differences between MIA and LA, 1st MIA is in the East, more importantly MIA doesn't have the history that LA and SA have, nor the ships or so called prestige. LA's old money MIA's new money and their fan base, well, could care less their just there for the party and lights. Plus LA has a history of having unfairly stacked teams.

05-27-2011, 04:58 PM
The teams who have won championships in the last 30 years is an exclusive club of which the Heat are already a member of. I do not want the Mavs to join the club and start stinking the place up.

Also, with a Heat win the owners will focus more during the CBA on issues that limit player movement that is not team endorsed. This is better for the league overall. It may also force a breakup at some point of the Heat because they will not be albe to retian all three at their salaries. A Heat victory will cause the owners to be more entrenched, while bad for the NBA next year will be better for the league in years to come.

05-27-2011, 05:20 PM
Fyi, rooting for Miami to win is akin to rooting for the Lakers to win...as long as Spurfan understands that, then it's all good :tu

That is like saying Laker fans hating the Heat is akin to admitting they are bandwagoners because if you hate the Heat you have to hate LA.

05-27-2011, 05:26 PM
This match up is the worst one Spurs fans could have imagined. I have such a low disregard for the Heat and their attitude. However, Jason Terry is one of the biggest punks on the planet and its been great making fun of a Dallas team that chokes every year.

Screw it. No one says I have to pull for either of em. What will be, will be.


John Basedow
05-27-2011, 05:39 PM
That is like saying Laker fans hating the Heat is akin to admitting they are bandwagoners because if you hate the Heat you have to hate LA.

Terrible comparison...just terrible.

Spur fans are jumping on the Heat bandwagon because pride won't let them pull for Dallas. But in doing so they are hopping the bandwagon of everything they hate and admonish :lol:A team buying their way to a title, self-aggrandizing superstars, media circuses, and shameless self-promotion. Imagine the internal conflict the average Spurfan must be going through right now. Laker fans accept what the Heat are (cause LA has the same MO) and are pulling for Dallas because they dethroned us and are the WC representatives. The only time I can remember not rooting for a WC team in the Finals was 99, and that's cause I wanted to see an 8th seed pull off the impossible. If Spur fans want to violate their classy code out of personal pride, far be it from me to stop them.

John Basedow
05-27-2011, 06:01 PM
OP has wisdom beyond his years, and his advice should be heeded. Re-evaluate yourselves, Spurfans. Re-evaluate very closely...once you go down a path of hypocrisy your words no longer carry the same weight.

Cheers :toast

silverblk mystix
05-27-2011, 06:12 PM
OP has wisdom beyond his years, and his advice should be heeded. Re-evaluate yourselves, Spurfans. Re-evaluate very closely...once you go down a path of hypocrisy your words no longer carry the same weight.

Cheers :toast


Go Heat.

John Basedow
05-27-2011, 06:16 PM

Go Heat.

So long as you realize that you just forfeited all rights to use "class" in an argument ever again. You are a classless, bandwagoning maggot now and there's no turning back. Good luck to your boys in the Finals :tu

05-27-2011, 06:50 PM
I don't see why I have to choose to root for anybody.

I'm going to root against the Mavs and against the Heat, and have just come to the conclusion that I'm bound to be disappointed either way.

05-27-2011, 06:50 PM
So long as you realize that you just forfeited all rights to use "class" in an argument ever again. You are a classless, bandwagoning maggot now and there's no turning back. Good luck to your boys in the Finals :tu

Um, wait... how is it bandwaggoning exactly if you root against one of your biggest rivals?

05-27-2011, 07:06 PM
Um, wait... how is it bandwaggoning exactly if you root against one of your biggest rivals?

Because you're rooting for a team that's a blemish on the existence of the NBA, and you're too immature to realize it.

05-27-2011, 07:26 PM
screw the jedi mind tricks, no one here cares if MIA wins or doesn't win, its about DALLAS NOT WINNING!

05-27-2011, 07:33 PM
screw the jedi mind tricks, no one here cares if MIA wins or doesn't win, its about DALLAS NOT WINNING!

Miami winning pushes the NBA closer mirroring the WWE... closer than it already is.

05-27-2011, 07:34 PM
You and that chick in your picture are horse-faced son...that's were you get your name from?

Not my face my ding-dong just ask your mamma!

05-27-2011, 07:52 PM
Go Mavs

05-27-2011, 09:29 PM
That's still under debate...Eh, I got an award. :bking

05-27-2011, 10:12 PM
I'm rooting for the Mavs!! I'm not a Princess James fan so it's easy to root against him. If the Mavs win there won't be that much national media "orgasm". If the Heat win they'll probably make the day they won a national holiday, they'll crown LBJ the Second Coming plus endless commercials of Princess James! I really don't want that! Soooooo........


05-27-2011, 10:50 PM
I'm rooting for the Mavs!! I'm not a Princess James fan so it's easy to root against him. If the Mavs win there won't be that much national media "orgasm". If the Heat win they'll probably make the day they won a national holiday, they'll crown LBJ the Second Coming plus endless commercials of Princess James! I really don't want that! Soooooo........


He kinda is the second coming of Jordan...he has been by far the closes thing we have gotten to Michael...he is an efficient scorer, great defender, and raises the ability of his teammates like Jordan...he probably will never pass him and will more than likely be in the area of Magic and Bird.

And tbh the media deserves to eat its crow for all the shit they have give LeBron these past few years. If the Mavs win, the obnoxiousness of the Mavfags here will be unbearable.

05-28-2011, 08:43 AM
That's still under debate...

Screw both teams. I'm a spursfan only. It grieves me to see any team but SA win. I am an equal oppurtunity hater. But no matter who wins one part of me will be satisfied. Either the miami circus crumbles or dallas is humbled once again.

05-28-2011, 12:08 PM
Terrible comparison...just terrible.

Spur fans are jumping on the Heat bandwagon because pride won't let them pull for Dallas. But in doing so they are hopping the bandwagon of everything they hate and admonish :lol:A team buying their way to a title, self-aggrandizing superstars, media circuses, and shameless self-promotion. Imagine the internal conflict the average Spurfan must be going through right now. Laker fans accept what the Heat are (cause LA has the same MO) and are pulling for Dallas because they dethroned us and are the WC representatives. The only time I can remember not rooting for a WC team in the Finals was 99, and that's cause I wanted to see an 8th seed pull off the impossible. If Spur fans want to violate their classy code out of personal pride, far be it from me to stop them.

I think you misspelled Spot on...just on.

Laker fans hate the heat and are jumping on the Dallas bandwagon because pride won't let them accept that Lebron is better than Kobe and has been for years. They think everything Lebron adds simultaneously subtracts from Kobe. So they say they hate Miami because they are brash, cocky & arrogant:



and were put together in matter of collusion.


Sound familiar?

You can call it "rooting for the WC" all you want, but the pure hatred, shit talking and venom spewed says otherwise. No, I had it right. If you are a Laker fan who hates the Heat just like most on here, you are pathetic hypocritical bandwagon POS.

John Basedow
05-28-2011, 12:19 PM
I think you misspelled Spot on...just on.

Laker fans hate the heat and are jumping on the Dallas bandwagon because pride won't let them accept that Lebron is better than Kobe and has been for years. They think everything Lebron adds simultaneously subtracts from Kobe. So they say they hate Miami because they are brash, cocky & arrogant:



and were put together in matter of collusion.


Sound familiar?

You can call it "rooting for the WC" all you want, but the pure hatred, shit talking and venom spewed says otherwise. No, I had it right. If you are a Laker fan who hates the Heat just like most on here, you are pathetic hypocritical bandwagon POS.

Weak, again. You're not talking about Laker fans. You're talking about Kobe fans and LeBron fans. A lot on this site are kobe fanbois, just like there's Lebron fanbois (Harlem). I can't speak for all Laker fans but you know me well enough on this board to realize I'm not a Kobe fanboi. LBJ has proven that he's the best player in the league, and it would be counterproductive to go on a personal vendetta against a player who's inevitably going to ring multiple times.

I root for Dallas for the reasons listed previously, and as a Laker fan that's not a stretch in the least.

For a Spurfan to violate all his principles just for the sake of personal pride is pathetic, and reeks of indescribable faggotry.

Whatever justifications and deflections make you feel better, more power to ya.

John Basedow
05-28-2011, 12:30 PM
So they say they hate Miami because they are brash, cocky & arrogant:

Terrible comparison...just terrible.

Spur fans are jumping on the Heat bandwagon because pride won't let them pull for Dallas. But in doing so they are hopping the bandwagon of everything they hate and admonish :lol:A team buying their way to a title, self-aggrandizing superstars, media circuses, and shameless self-promotion. Imagine the internal conflict the average Spurfan must be going through right now. Laker fans accept what the Heat are (cause LA has the same MO) and are pulling for Dallas because they dethroned us and are the WC representatives. The only time I can remember not rooting for a WC team in the Finals was 99, and that's cause I wanted to see an 8th seed pull off the impossible. If Spur fans want to violate their classy code out of personal pride, far be it from me to stop them.


05-28-2011, 12:31 PM
Weak, again. You're not talking about Laker fans. You're talking about Kobe fans and LeBron fans. A lot on this site are kobe fanbois, just like there's Lebron fanbois (Harlem). I can't speak for all Laker fans but you know me well enough on this board to realize I'm not a Kobe fanboi. LBJ has proven that he's the best player in the league, and it would be counterproductive to go on a personal vendetta against a player who's inevitably going to ring multiple times.

I root for Dallas for the reasons listed previously, and as a Laker fan that's not a stretch in the least.

For a Spurfan to violate all his principles just for the sake of personal pride is pathetic, and reeks of indescribable faggotry.

Whatever justifications and deflections make you feel better, more power to ya.

Just because it would be funny if Miami lost... rooting for the Mavs.

doesn't remove him from bytch status nonetheless and I can care less what your justification is. phuck him. I am sure he'll ring but please don't think this guy is going to ring a'la Jordan, Kobe or Duncan. I've said it once and I'll say it again; "that window ain't as open as ya'll think"...please.

odds will be stacked against the Mavs but here's hoping they pull it off and if for anyting, for Dirk and his loyalty to his team and fan base unlike bytch Lebum.

probably, but stay with the topic on hand....this is about the bytch Lebum is.....

No laker fans give a fuck about that.

Not me, I am not sure yet. Buy I think I am leaning towards the Heat here is why:

1. Lebron. Yes he is a pompous ass, yes the media gives him love and protects him in ways Kobe does not get, but my eyes don't lie. The man is the most athletically gifted player i have ever seen. he has worked on his game to take advantage of those gifts. the man has had more hype on him than ANY player in sports history (maybe only tiger is in the ballpark) and he has delivered on everything but a title. he gets that his chance at GOAT remains alive and for me personally, Im ready for someone to put a legit threat to MJ's GOAT status ... Kobe could not, hard has he tried. Now lebron may get his shot. He just needs to win on the Finals stage and it starts Tuesday.

2. the Lakers and the rest of the league. Look unless major injury strikes the heat will ring an probably at least a couple times. If the Mavs win, it will give teams like the Lakers, celts, spurs etc. "false hope". Without changes none of those teams have a chance at beating Lebron with wade at his side 4 out of 7. i do not want my team to think only minor tweaks can make up the difference. if Miami wins espcially if they win convincingly ...it will force teams to build up a contender or purge contracts for a rebuild. Because the Heat are the favorites for the next 3 years ...

3. Living in DFW hard to root for the Mavs. Though the Laker "hate" is not as bad as when i lived in SA ...having to eat turd sandwiches after the Laker loss the past two weeks and seeing the bandwaggoners hop on just like when the rangers were winning last year, it has been disgusting. (no disrespect to the diehards that post on here)

Nope, what I said is the MAJORITY of the Laker fan base, so if you want to lump Spurs fans, I can lump Laker fans.

There are no principles. We don't root for teams we hate. We hate the Mavs. I don't give a crap about who wins when it's not the Spurs as long as it's not LA or DAL.

The difference is that Spurs fans would be rooting for the Heat if it was vs LA for the same reasons. Laker fan would still say they love LA for the reasons they hate MIA. They are the hypocrites, not Spurs fans.

John Basedow
05-28-2011, 12:34 PM
Nope, what I said is the MAJORITY of the Laker fan base, so if you want to lump Spurs fans, I can lump Laker fans.

There are on principles. We don't root for teams we hate. We hate the Mavs. I don't give a crap about who wins when it's not the Spurs as long as it's not LA or DAL.

The difference is that Spurs fans would be rooting for the Heat if it was vs LA for the same reasons. Laker fan would still say they love LA for the reasons they hate MIA. They are the hypocrites, not Spurs fans.

A bigger lie has never been perpetrated on this site. Come Sunday I will provide you with all the evidence you need know about the hypocrisy and soul-selling from the majority of your fanbase

05-28-2011, 12:35 PM
I already provided the proof to back up what I say. Spurs would root for the Heat whether it's LA or DAL. Those are the two teams we don't root for period.

However, in the proof I have shown here today, Laker fans bash the Heat for the same things they love LA for. It's over.

05-28-2011, 12:37 PM
Lesser of two evils, in my opinion. Dirk and Kidd deserve rings...the only guy who's earned a ring in Miami already has one. While I won't cheer for anyone, I will be less pissed if Dallas wins.

John Basedow
05-28-2011, 12:41 PM
I already provided the proof to back up what I say. Spurs would root for the Heat whether it's LA or DAL. Those are the two teams we don't root for period.

However, in the proof I have shown here today, Laker fans bash the Heat for the same things they love LA for. It's over.

Son, don't get worked up. You get emotional with a quick trigger and fail to face reality when you're in this state. Post Game 6 of the first round showed that, when JaG had to talk you off of the ledge.

I'm not the one who ditched his team to piggyback a self-aggrandizing cast of store-bought talent (everything Spurfan repeatedly cries about). Come tomorrow I'll provide you ample evidence of the hypocrisy of Spurfan.

Till then, you'll have to remain in suspense, good buddy

05-28-2011, 12:52 PM
No matter what you provide, it doesn't take away from what I said. They aren't mutually exclusive. Spurs fans can be hypocrites by rooting for MIA at the same time Laker "fans" can be hypocrites for hating MIA.

I am a person of logic.

John Basedow
05-28-2011, 12:59 PM
No matter what you provide, it doesn't take away from what I said. They aren't mutually exclusive. Spurs fans can be hypocrites by rooting for MIA at the same time Laker "fans" can be hypocrites for hating MIA.

I am a person of logic.

The difference is that Spurs fans would be rooting for the Heat if it was vs LA for the same reasons. Laker fan would still say they love LA for the reasons they hate MIA. They are the hypocrites, not Spurs fans.

yew jess kent dew teengs like det!

I love you man, no homo.

The 4cc Dictionary
05-28-2011, 01:01 PM
yew jess kent dew teengs like det!

I love you man, no homo.

oh boy, corso!

i dont know what it is but I think i've just been crominated i saaaaaiiiiiiiiddddddddd

:elephant :nope yewwwwww jesss kent dew teengks lyke det!!! :elephant :nope

05-28-2011, 01:51 PM
you spurs morons must have low IQs...miracle you can even get on the internet. You rather a bunch of no good punks from Miami win than a class act like Dirk....get the f out of Texas dummy....


a class act like dirk, hahahahaha! gtfo of here already with that bs.

first off, i don't cheer on rivals and second, i don't cheer on big german babies that cry and kick stationary bikes either. fuck the mavs! fuck dirk! fuck you! fuck dallas! fuck them all!

go signup on some mavs board and stop polluting this spurs board.

Fyi, rooting for Miami to win is akin to rooting for the Lakers to win...as long as Spurfan understands that, then it's all good :tu

so if you wish the worst on your rival, it's like wishing the best for your rival? wtf? fuck both LA and DALLAS! i don't give a shit about either and i don't give a shit about miami either but i'd rather miami kick the living shit out of your crap ass dallas team.

and just because you're here on ST trying oh-so-hard to convince us spurs fans to cheer on your shitty team doesn't mean you'll be backed... as well, you putting us spurs fans down isn't helping your case any. like i said before, go signup on mavstalk.com or some shit. oh wait, i own that domain! haha!

Now I would cheer for Houston :tu

hahaha! fuck the mavs! go HOUSTON go!

So long as you realize that you just forfeited all rights to use "class" in an argument ever again. You are a classless, bandwagoning maggot now and there's no turning back. Good luck to your boys in the Finals :tu


Um, wait... how is it bandwaggoning exactly if you root against one of your biggest rivals?

because he's a fuckin' moron troll.

Andrew Cunanan
05-28-2011, 02:08 PM
a class act like dirk, hahahahaha! gtfo of here already with that bs.

first off, i don't cheer on rivals and second, i don't cheer on big german babies that cry and kick stationary bikes either. fuck the mavs! fuck dirk! fuck you! fuck dallas! fuck them all!

go signup on some mavs board and stop polluting this spurs board.

so if you wish the worst on your rival, it's like wishing the best for your rival? wtf? fuck both LA and DALLAS! i don't give a shit about either and i don't give a shit about miami either but i'd rather miami kick the living shit out of your crap ass dallas team.

and just because you're here on ST trying oh-so-hard to convince us spurs fans to cheer on your shitty team doesn't mean you'll be backed... as well, you putting us spurs fans down isn't helping your case any. like i said before, go signup on mavstalk.com or some shit. oh wait, i own that domain! haha!

hahaha! fuck the mavs! go HOUSTON go!


because he's a fuckin' moron troll.

The individual who just posted this gold is 29 years old. Twenty-nine, folks.

He's also a Spurs fan. Yikes.

05-28-2011, 02:14 PM
The individual who just posted this gold is 29 years old. Twenty-nine, folks.

He's also a Spurs fan. Yikes.

are you just finding this out now? hey, why don't you regurgitate the calf tats, hs diploma, etc bs you and your "krew" spouts out around here.

go HEAT go! fuck bandwagon fans and fuck mav fans too! oh and fuck miami as well but hey, i can't wait til they fuck dallas!

EDIT: also, i can't wait til you stupid fuckin' trolls go hide under a rock once your shit gets pushed in while miami is parading around their 2nd LOB.

Dr House
05-28-2011, 02:17 PM
a class act like dirk, hahahahaha! gtfo of here already with that bs.

first off, i don't cheer on rivals and second, i don't cheer on big german babies that cry and kick stationary bikes either. fuck the mavs! fuck dirk! fuck you! fuck dallas! fuck them all!

go signup on some mavs board and stop polluting this spurs board.

so if you wish the worst on your rival, it's like wishing the best for your rival? wtf? fuck both LA and DALLAS! i don't give a shit about either and i don't give a shit about miami either but i'd rather miami kick the living shit out of your crap ass dallas team.

and just because you're here on ST trying oh-so-hard to convince us spurs fans to cheer on your shitty team doesn't mean you'll be backed... as well, you putting us spurs fans down isn't helping your case any. like i said before, go signup on mavstalk.com or some shit. oh wait, i own that domain! haha!

hahaha! fuck the mavs! go HOUSTON go!


because he's a fuckin' moron troll.

05-28-2011, 02:21 PM
look it's an LA fan! just now coming out of your depression or what?

05-28-2011, 02:35 PM
poor poor lakerfan, prob posting from his laptop at the psych ward in a straight-jacket. So much pent up rage after that humiliation at the hands of Dirk & co.

Andrew Cunanan
05-28-2011, 02:39 PM
are you just finding this out now? hey, why don't you regurgitate the calf tats, hs diploma, etc bs you and your "krew" spouts out around here.

go HEAT go! fuck bandwagon fans and fuck mav fans too! oh and fuck miami as well but hey, i can't wait til they fuck dallas!

EDIT: also, i can't wait til you stupid fuckin' trolls go hide under a rock once your shit gets pushed in while miami is parading around their 2nd LOB.

I wasn't going to, but if you insist Joey...


Andrew Cunanan
05-28-2011, 02:40 PM
poor poor lakerfan, prob posting from his laptop at the psych ward in a straight-jacket. So much pent up rage after that humiliation at the hands of Dirk & co.

...and another one bites the dust...

05-28-2011, 02:44 PM
dude, i have more tattoos than that now... and it doesn't phase me one bit when you post a photo of my tats. i don't care... or when you post my name around ST, doesn't matter.

Andrew Cunanan
05-28-2011, 02:46 PM
dude, i have more tattoos than that now... and it doesn't phase me one bit when you post a photo of my tats. i don't care... or when you post my name around ST, doesn't matter.

I believe you, really I do.

05-28-2011, 02:48 PM
I believe you, really I do.

well then, we're finally on the same page. i hope you don't jack off to my lovely legs though, that's a bit of a concern considering how gay you are. i know how you little fresas love my legs.

Andrew Cunanan
05-28-2011, 02:49 PM
well then, we're finally on the same page. i hope you don't jack off to my lovely legs though, that's a bit of a concern considering how gay you are. i know how you little fresas love my legs.

Have you and Pops reconciled? Father's Day is just around the corner.

05-28-2011, 02:51 PM
Have you and Pops reconciled? Father's Day is just around the corner.

you should get into the therapy/psychology/psychiatrist field cause you know, you're such a caring person.

Andrew Cunanan
05-28-2011, 02:56 PM
you should get into the therapy/psychology/psychiatrist field cause you know, you're such a caring person.

I actually am a psychologist, so I'm blessed with the innate ability to spot people who are crying out for help, such as yourself. I think with the right combination of therapy and pharmaceuticals I can have you back on track as a functioning member of society.

05-28-2011, 02:58 PM
$91 million in salaries for 2010/2011 sounds like buying a ring more than $67 million. Got to go for the lower cost team, since they are the underdogs - Heat it is.

Didn't the mavs think they had a chance at Lebron?

05-28-2011, 03:02 PM
I actually am a psychologist, so I'm blessed with the innate ability to spot people who are crying out for help, such as yourself. I think with the right combination of therapy and pharmaceuticals I can have you back on track as a functioning member of society.

well, most in that field are complete undeniable head cases who think they can help others and yet don't seek the help they oh so need themselves.

no pharmaceuticals for me, just bud. and i have no reason to cry out for help, life is grand!

Andrew Cunanan
05-28-2011, 03:06 PM
well, most in that field are complete undeniable head cases who think they can help others and yet don't seek the help they oh so need themselves.

no pharmaceuticals for me, just bud. and i have no reason to cry out for help, life is grand!

I'm gonna start you out on 1800mg of Lithium, and we'll see how that's working for you when you come back in a couple weeks. You have my emergency pager # if there's any problems. Good luck, Joseph.

05-28-2011, 03:17 PM
I'm gonna start you out on 1800mg of Lithium, and we'll see how that's working for you when you come back in a couple weeks. You have my emergency pager # if there's any problems. Good luck, Joseph.

no one calls me joseph but you... plus fuck that lithium shit, that shit is horrible for you!

Andrew Cunanan
05-28-2011, 03:18 PM
no one calls me joseph but you... plus fuck that lithium shit, that shit is horrible for you!

I didn't realize you were on it before, perhaps i could find something else.

05-28-2011, 03:32 PM
I didn't realize you were on it before, perhaps i could find something else.

nope, never was on it but i know a couple people who were(or still are). too many fucked up people in this world...

05-29-2011, 05:55 PM

Listen here, I will S-P-E-L-L it out for you idiot alleged Spurs fans who are -all of a sudden- jumping on the hated Mavs bandwagon....

Next season...

Be fuckin' prepared to hear these words every fuckin' time the spurs play the mavs;

The Spurs vs. the DEFENDING CHAMPION MAVERICKS with FINALS MVP Dirk....blah...blah....

You really wanna hear that shit all year?

Do you also want to have to hear those insufferable cocksmoking smug mavs fans talking TWICE the amount of shit you hear now???? They will say that 4 rings is ancient history and that the ONLY title that is relevant is NOW....

Do YOU want to have to defend that shit and talk about PRE-2007???????

I think not.

So S-T-F-U with all this fuckin' bullshit talk about, "Dirk has class" "Dirk is humble" ...."Cuban is a good owner" blah-fuckin'-blah....

When the game is on the line next season...and the spurs are hanging on to a precarious lead....and the Mavs come back to win---because they now have new-fangled championship swagger....

all you little bandwagon faggot mavs supporters who are also allegedly Spurs fans can suck my dick and remember how you were sucking off these idiot Mavs and their idiot fans...

I will remind you how you were ready to suck on Dirk's dick when he hits a fallaway game-winning 3 ball to break the spurs hearts...and...

as he runs down the court with his tongue hanging out and that stupid smirk on his face...

I will call out all you fuckin idiot Spurs/Mavs bandwaggoners.


0 & FOREVER!!!!!!!

Preach on, brother.


I've got no love for the Mavericks. Hoping that Miami sends them to the tree of woe (again) and all we hear is crying about how many calls Wade and James will receive.

06-12-2011, 11:33 PM
what a contrast for before and after spurfan, :lol.....
