View Full Version : Is Peja the best 2nd round player ever?

06-06-2011, 01:30 AM
There's a plethora of good candidates for this spot this season, IMO.

Russell Westbook, Kevin Durant, ZBo (:lol), Mike Conley Jr (:lmao)... But Peja walked into the Lakeshow series like he just received a new lease in life or had sex with a pornstar (or both).

I think the way he demolished a dominant Matt Barnes with just class (:cry) might put him a cut above the rest all-time.

Who was your best 2nd round player this season (or ever)?

06-06-2011, 01:36 AM
2008 says hi.

06-06-2011, 01:52 AM
IIRC, he was pretty good in '08... along with Jannero Pargo, he was one of the reasons Hornets made it all the way to a game 7 that 2nd round.