View Full Version : Manny(NBA Dan too)...(Graphic)

09-22-2004, 04:56 AM
This is a video of Armstrong's beheading. Do not click this link unless you have an incredibly strong stomache. It makes anything else you have seen in this war look like a Walt Disney film. I'm dead serious about this. No fucking joke, it is the sickest most graphic thing you will ever see in your life.

It is the absolute saddest thing you will ever see in your life. These are not human beings we are fighting. (

You asked me a question about what is moral in war with regards to civillians...Well I think a governments first morality is too it's own people and the soldiers it sends into battle to protect it's own people...I think what it is moral for the government to do is to put the lives of it's own citizens and soldiers over those of other countries civillians.

Sometimes, morality and liberalism are a luxury. In any case, there is a huge difference between deliberately targeting civillians and civillians being killed because people(terrorists) are deliberately trying to make them targets.

And if you still doubt about what our enemy will do then click this link...

And then remember...these guys respect our millitary power and our conservatism...it's our liberalism(homosexual and womens rights) that makes them think we are evil...And it's also what gives them hope to think we don't have the stomache or the guts to finish this war.

Think about what would happen to you the first time you got on a liberal soapbox in that country...and then try not to focus on the ones who don't want us there...but those who do...those who are sane like us. Leave them to these guys and we are truly immoral and we have let everyone down.

Sometimes liberalism and morality are a luxury, and no one ever said war was supposed to be pleasant. IT's supposed to suck.

09-22-2004, 05:32 AM
Sometimes, morality and liberalism are a luxury.

First off, morality is never a luxury, especially during a time of war. One of the things that gives the U.S. the legitimacy to continue its war on terrorism is that we have the moral authority to do so thanks to the historical goodwill of the American people around the world.

Liberalism is a luxury in totalitarianisms and for fascists.

09-22-2004, 05:40 AM
And if you still doubt about what our enemy will do then click this link...

It's a brutal murder, but all murders are brutal. This is clearly an effort by the Iraqi rebels to intimidate private contractors who are aiding the Coalition forces in the rebuilding efforts, and the more we use them as scare-tactic against each other, the more we make the terrorists tactic effective.

09-22-2004, 07:54 AM
First off, morality is never a luxury, especially during a time of war. One of the things that gives the U.S. the legitimacy to continue its war on terrorism is that we have the moral authority to do so thanks to the historical goodwill of the American people around the world.

Liberalism is a luxury in totalitarianisms and for fascists.

I'm sorry I mean they are luxuries to those in a war. And they are. Survival of you and yours comes first, even if it comes at the direct expense of others who may or may not be the ones you are fighting.

And I'm sorry if you don't agree with that but I know which one I am going to put first in that situation...and I'll think **** anyone sitting back home in the states who doesn't agree with that philosophy.

Whichever side has more regard for human life in general is more moral....and which side has more regard isn't even open to debate in this war. After all...America has liberals...I don't think there are many liberals in groups that go around sawing the heads off of bound men.

And all wars are fascist to someone, we aren't some big ant colony...surely you realize this?

And Dan, I'm not trying to use a scare tactic on you...It's terrifying all by itself. It's called the reality of just who we are fighting against and the fate our men and women face if they put anyone elses lives above their own. I'm not willing to ask them to face that fate for another countries civillians. They didn't sign up for the millitary to lay down their lives for someone else. They signed up to defend us and our country and asking them to risk their lives for any other reason is too much to ask of them.