View Full Version : NBA has come down to a 3 pt shootout

06-13-2011, 12:06 AM
I don't think the NBA is that great anymore since the rule changes that took away defense.

The three point shot is the great equalizer. When J.J.Barrea can be one of the most dangerous guys on the court (no offense to J.J. but he is not near the talent of a D.Wade), something is wrong.

The three point shot makes it very possible for weaker teams (or players) to get hot and win.

Give credit to the Mavs though. They can shoot. LeBron played scared. The Heat have no pure shooters and the zone defense takes away any driving to the hole.

Dunks aren't exciting anymore....it's all about the 3!

JJ is now greater than Dr.J !

It won't be long before a woman will be playing and succeeding in the NBA. Some of those WNBA players can shoot! Now with all the three point shooting and touch fouls....why not? Sign a girl who can shoot and sell more tickets!

Venti Quattro
06-13-2011, 12:07 AM

06-13-2011, 12:07 AM

06-13-2011, 12:10 AM
You can't say they didn't play defense. Chandler was great all playoffs inside. Kidd might not have a lot left in the tank, but defensively he kept up with everybody (including Westchuck). Marion also played great defensively. They also are one of the few teams that practiced and play an effective (as opposed to gimmicky) zone D.
Furthermore, when Haywood went down, they stuck with playing big (Mahinmi) instead of going small and putting another 3 point shooter (ie: Peja).

06-13-2011, 12:12 AM
I give the Mavericks credit. They are the jump shooting team that adapted to the new style of NBA ball better than anyone. A 3 pt contest or free throw contest is tailor-made for them. They should be the first team to sign a chick who can shoot lights out!

The days of the big man banging inside and controlling the paint is over......no more Chamberlain, Russell, Abdul-Jabbar, Duncan, Shaq, Lanier, etc......no more legends.....now it's 7 footers who can drain the 3 pter like Dirk....short guards who can shoot like JJ Barrea and Jason Terry that win.

It's the new NBA! Learn to love it!

06-13-2011, 12:12 AM
I think the 3 is really just an aspect of a totally different approach to the game from years
past. There are fewer big men to work offenses through. Teams play spread offenses
and offensive rebounding is completely a thing of the past. As soon as a shot goes up
half, there's usually one guy on the boards and 4 already running back on D. I prefer
old style where guys used to box out for O boards but whatever

06-13-2011, 12:13 AM
the two things the Mavs did that i thought put them in a spot to win it (remember they didnt start hitting 3's until the past two games) were:

1. Liberal use of the zone

2. getting size to deal with us ....

3. most important their ball movement. Best i have seen since the Lakers and celts in the 80's Tbh ...

06-13-2011, 12:14 AM
hey well theres always football