View Full Version : "Es un caballo salvaje" (Manu) Needs transl.

06-11-2005, 11:07 AM

SAN ANTONIO (ENVIADO ESPECIAL). Dicen que de entrada Gregg Popovich prefería a Gordan Giricek, el otro extranjero que los Spurs habían elegido en el draft 99 pero que el general manager RC Buford lo convenció para que se quedaran con Manu. Luego, en su primer año, lo tuvo cortito. Lo retaba cada vez que arriesgaba de más. Manu nunca se quejó y, de a poco, todo fue cambiando.

Esta temporada el DT aflojó las riendas y el grado de confianza en el bahiense es tal que hasta le da la pelota en los últimos minutos de los partidos. "Cuando llegó teníamos nuestras dudas. Nos decían que venía de ser el mejor jugador de Europa, de ganar la Euroliga, pero igual las teníamos... Encima llegaba con esa lesión en el tobillo. Pero, desde el primer día, nos dimos cuenta que nadie podía con él, que su competitividad era mucha, que aprendía todo muy rápido. Era alguien especial y ahora debo reconocer que su crecimiento e impacto en estos playoffs tiene que ver con su madurez como jugador, pero sobre todo con que yo me di cuenta que no puedo contenerlo tanto", recordó primero y admitió después.

Olé se metió en ese tema y Pop lo amplió. "Para mí es un placer dirigir alguien tan competitivo, pero también ha sido un desafío. Manu es como un caballo salvaje. Debo dejarlo ir porque si lo retengo demasiado le sacó sus mejores cosas... Es demasiado bueno, el mejor en situaciones caóticas, de confusión, como Nash o Iverson. Debería ser un poco más seguro, a veces... Generalmente toma demasiados riesgos, pero se ha disciplinado, reconoce mejor las situaciones y ha aprendido rápido. Sabe cuando correr, cuando ir al rebote... Casi no se equivoca más, conoce cuando arriesgar. Ha ajustado muy bien porque es muy inteligente y conoce bien el juego. En cuanto a mí, yo he aprendido a dejarlo ser más (sic).... :lol Cuando toma un mal tiro y penetra frente a tanta gente, hago lo posible para mantenerme tranquilo y no retarlo. PJ (Carlesimo) me agarra del cinturón y me saca para atrás. :lol Por eso digo que su progreso ha tenido que ver con su madurez y la mía como coach", analizó.

—¿Qué le impresiona más?

—Lo que más me impresiona es lo que tiene adentro. Es el competidor más consistente y duro que dirigí. Hace lo que sea para ganar. Ayuda a todos, puede ser algo en defensa o ataque, un rebote, un robo, una tapa, un triple... Compite todo el tiempo y de una manera que nunca he visto desde que soy entrenador.

06-11-2005, 11:33 AM
Es verdad!

06-11-2005, 12:15 PM
here it is (a bad altavista translation, so sorry for the mistakes)


SAN ANTONIO (SENT SPECIAL). They say that at first, Gregg Popovich preferred Gordan Giricek than Manu, the other foreigner who the Spurs had chosen in draft 99 but that the general manager RC Buford convinced him so that they remained with Manu. Soon, in his first year, he had him restrained. He took him out whenever he risked too much. Manu never complained and, little by little, everything was changing. This season the DT relaxed the reins and the degree of confidence in the argentinean is so high, that Manu has the ball in his hands in the lasts minutes. Pop said: "When he arrived we had our doubts. They said to us that he came from being the best player of Europe, to win the Euroliga, but still had them... He arrived with that injury in the ankle. But, from the first day, we realized that nobody could with him, whose competitiveness was much, that learned everything very fast. He was a special one, and now I must recognize that his growth and impact in these playoffs has to do with his maturity like a player, but mainly whereupon I realized that I cannot contain him as much as I used to", remembered first and admitted later. "For me it is a pleasure to coach somebody so competitive, but also it has been a challenge. Manu is like a wild horse. I must let him do because if I retain him too much, I would remove his best things to him... He is too good, the best one in chaotic situations, of confusion, like Nash or Iverson. Sometimes... he takes too many risks generally, he has learned how to be disciplined, he recognizes better the situations and he has learned fast. He knows when to run, when to go to the bounce... He makes ver few mistakes, he knows when to risk. Manu has fit because he is very intelligent and knows the game. As far as me, I have learned to let him be. When he takes a shot badly, or penetrates in front of a lot of people, I do everything to stay calm, and do not shout at him. PJ (Carlesimo) takes hold of me from the belt and takes me me back. For that reason I say that his progress has had to do with his maturity, and mine like coach", Pop analyzed. - What impresses more to him? - What makes the bigger impression on me is what has inside. He is the most consistent and hard competitor that I've directed. He does what it takes for winning. He helps the whole team, it can be something in defense or attacks, a bounce, a robbery, a cover, a triple... He competes all along and in a way that never I have seen since I am trainer.

06-11-2005, 02:19 PM
Summary, by ... ME
1) Manu is Like a WILD HORSE

2) Back to 1999, Pop preferred Gordan Giricek, but RC told and convinced him to choose Manu

3) During the first year, Pop became crazy, because Manu used to act like Manu

4) Pops says when Manu initially arrived they (Spurs) have their doubts about him, especially because Manu came to States as European MVP, but he was injured ... but later on they appreciate Manu’s competitiveness.

5) Some (Pop) great quotes are

“I realized that I cannot contain him as much as I used to"

“I must let him do... "

"He is too good, the best one in chaotic situations, of confusion, like Nash or Iverson”,

Nowadays “he recognizes better the situations and he has learned fast”

"I make efforts to stay calm an try no to shout at him ... PJ Holds me mostly of the time”


06-11-2005, 03:52 PM
Yeah, that's much better!

Great quotes from Pop!