View Full Version : Hill will be a star in Indiana

06-26-2011, 08:39 AM
Hill will be an a future allstar in Indiana.
The Spurs did not develope Hill properly, trying to plug him into team needs and playing him as a pg.

Playing him behind Manu and parker stifled his game. If the Spurs were smart they would have seen manu's small window and shipped him out for an upgrade on the frontline and moved Hill to starting sg.
With Hill, Anderson and Neal the Spurs would have been good at sg and they could have gotten a borderline star or really good young player on the frontline for Manu and push Bonner to a limited minutes player.

Now the Spurs will likely fill the frontline with an over the hill washed up backup and call it the summer. Leaving the frontline still too thin to have a legitimate chance at a title next year.

In indiana they will play Hill at starting sg and watch him gain confidence and grow into an all star.
The Spurs should have moved Manu and kept Hill as the starting sg.

Spurs da champs
06-26-2011, 08:47 AM
You're joking right?

06-26-2011, 08:53 AM
imo he has the qualities to be an allstar, whether he gets selected or not is another question,

watch out for him though, i think he can flourish in indiana....

i like what indiana is doing atm, time to build a bench for its starters...

06-26-2011, 09:21 AM
manu is the best player on the spurs, so you don't trade him.

06-26-2011, 09:25 AM
He won't be an all-star, although he can be a better version of Jason Terry. Also, he'll be seeing a lot of time at PG in Indiana as well since they've got a ton of depth at SG/SF (Granger, Dunleavy, Rush, Jones and George).

Love the move for all parts involved. Hill goes back home and can play a bigger role (possibly) on a young, up-and-coming team, the Spurs finally get a solid 6'8''/6'9'' prospect at SF and they didn't part with McDyess' contract. They can conceivably still make a move or two.

06-26-2011, 09:27 AM
As much as I personally like George, the Spurs opened up their offense to an extent not seen in the Duncan era, and his numbers went backwards.

2009 FG% .478 3G% .399 ppg 12.4 apg 2.9
2010 FG% .453 3G% .377 ppg 11.6 apg 2.4

06-26-2011, 09:32 AM
As much as I personally like George, the Spurs opened up their offense to an extent not seen in the Duncan era, and his numbers went backwards.

2009 FG% .478 3G% .399 ppg 12.4 apg 2.9
2010 FG% .453 3G% .377 ppg 11.6 apg 2.4

On reason for his drop-off in stats is that both Parker and Ginobili were relatively health throughout the season. Still, he seem to have flatlined in his development here, hopefully in Indiana he can continue to grow and provide skills the team lacks.

Dunc n Dave
06-26-2011, 09:35 AM
As long as Granger is a Pacer, there won't be enough shots for Hill to even sniff an All Star selection in Indiana.

06-26-2011, 09:39 AM
Hill is going to be a very good back-up/mediocre starter at sg his whole career with limited minutes as a back-up pg. He has the will to defend but size wise doesn't match-up well against most starting SG and he doesn't have the ball handling skill or court vision to be a regular starter at point guard. Ideally he'd find a team with a big point guard where he could play shooting guard but the big point guard experiment era passed quickly.

I don't see all-star from him but I do see a fan favorite 2 position back-up that gets starter minutes.

06-26-2011, 10:06 AM
Hill 2012 mvp of the league

06-26-2011, 10:39 AM
On reason for his drop-off in stats is that both Parker and Ginobili were relatively health throughout the season. Still, he seem to have flatlined in his development here, hopefully in Indiana he can continue to grow and provide skills the team lacks.

Parker and Ginobili's health made his shooting percentages drop sharply?
As much as I personally like George, the Spurs opened up their offense to an extent not seen in the Duncan era, and his numbers went backwards.

2009 FG% .478 3G% .399 ppg 12.4 apg 2.9
2010 FG% .453 3G% .377 ppg 11.6 apg 2.4

Big P
06-26-2011, 10:51 AM
I like GH, but I'm afraid another team would have made an offer during his FA that the Spurs would not match, losing him for nothing...good move for both teams.

06-26-2011, 11:05 AM
They have a decent group of under 26 year olds up there. Granger, Paul George, George Hill, Collison, McRoberts. Not bad at all.

the difference between two teams, their coach is force to play the young players, while the spurs coach only care about playin the stupid vets who would just be happy sitting on the bench collecting a paycheck

Anonymous Cowherd
06-26-2011, 11:12 AM
He'll be a star in Indiana because he's frickin' FROM Indiana! and he is I believe the only IUPUI grad ever to play in the NBA.

06-26-2011, 11:24 AM
Even if Hill becomes an all star this was the right trade. You have to understand that for a team that is built to compete for championships like San Antonio, they can't afford to have young guys such as Blair/Hill playing 40+ minutes. They learn that way but the team's record suffers as a result. It worked for Parker because he had a Duncan in his prime + David. Look at 2009-2010 season when Parker went down. Spurs ended up with a 7th seed. Hill played nicely then but then last year did not improve. If he secures a starting position on the Pacers, Hill could very well make an all star team down the road if he improves his shooting. We all know hes not a point guard. Even if he doesn't, people outside of Spurs fans seem to think highly of him and Hill could have easily made $5-$7mil next year. Spurs can't afford to pay him that much when he would still just be backing up Tony for 4 more years.

06-26-2011, 11:25 AM
trade Manu

five year long broken record

06-26-2011, 11:26 AM
Monta Ellis still hasn't made an All-Star team and he is by far, BY FAR, a better player than Hill will ever be.

I guess if your definition of a "star" is someone who will be known by his team and most non-casual fans around the league while putting up 16/4/4, then yeah he will be a star.

06-26-2011, 11:26 AM
Seriously, the overrating of George Hill on this board is fucking ridiculous.

06-26-2011, 11:30 AM
Monta Ellis still hasn't made an All-Star team and he is by far, BY FAR, a better player than Hill will ever be.

I guess if your definition of a "star" is someone who will be known by his team and most non-casual fans around the league while putting up 16/4/4, then yeah he will be a star.

stat padding on a bad team is overrated, till his team is in the playoffs then we can say something, or replicate that on a winnin team then you can say something

other then that his just another guy posting big numbers on a shitty team aka kevin love...

06-26-2011, 11:31 AM
Monta Ellis still hasn't made an All-Star team and he is by far, BY FAR, a better player than Hill will ever be.

I guess if your definition of a "star" is someone who will be known by his team and most non-casual fans around the league while putting up 16/4/4, then yeah he will be a star.

Monta Ellis is an example of what could happen to Hill if he is given minutes on a bad team. His stats will look good just because of increased usage and playing time. Doesn't mean the trade was bad.

06-26-2011, 11:33 AM
lol comparing Kevin Love or Monta Ellis to George Hill

06-26-2011, 11:34 AM
He will never be an all-star

The only young player in Indy that has the potential to be an all-star is Paul George.

06-26-2011, 11:36 AM
We're just saying people on this board are going to overreact when Hill puts up huge numbers for a sub 500 team while averaging 40+ minutes. Obviously if he got that playing time in SA he could as well but less wins. I believe in 55 starts for Spurs he averaged like 15 ppg and 4apg.

06-26-2011, 11:36 AM
Hill will be an a future allstar in Indiana.
The Spurs did not develope Hill properly, trying to plug him into team needs and playing him as a pg.

Playing him behind Manu and parker stifled his game. If the Spurs were smart they would have seen manu's small window and shipped him out for an upgrade on the frontline and moved Hill to starting sg.
With Hill, Anderson and Neal the Spurs would have been good at sg and they could have gotten a borderline star or really good young player on the frontline for Manu and push Bonner to a limited minutes player.

Now the Spurs will likely fill the frontline with an over the hill washed up backup and call it the summer. Leaving the frontline still too thin to have a legitimate chance at a title next year.

In indiana they will play Hill at starting sg and watch him gain confidence and grow into an all star.
The Spurs should have moved Manu and kept Hill as the starting sg.

stopped reading after that

06-26-2011, 11:47 AM
How to develop a guy's dribbling skills and aggressiveness?

06-26-2011, 11:55 AM
seriously, the overrating of george hill on this board is fucking ridiculous.


06-26-2011, 12:02 PM

Doesn't help when every single sports writer including San Antonio beat writers keep referring to a sarcastic comment by Pop calling Hill "his favorite player." Obviously that title belongs to Bonner :p:.

06-26-2011, 12:04 PM
haters gonna hate

06-26-2011, 12:09 PM
lmao if he was so good, where was he in the 1st round?

both of our PGs got crapped on tbh

06-26-2011, 12:13 PM
Hill can't handle being pressured by defenders and he was obviously screwed when the opposition = Tony Allen and Shane Battier. He had that one good Memphis game during the regular season where he was hitting every shot. I remember behind the back fadeaways were going in for him that game.

06-26-2011, 08:35 PM
Hill will be an a future allstar in Indiana.
The Spurs did not develope Hill properly, trying to plug him into team needs and playing him as a pg.

Playing him behind Manu and parker stifled his game. If the Spurs were smart they would have seen manu's small window and shipped him out for an upgrade on the frontline and moved Hill to starting sg.
With Hill, Anderson and Neal the Spurs would have been good at sg and they could have gotten a borderline star or really good young player on the frontline for Manu and push Bonner to a limited minutes player.

Now the Spurs will likely fill the frontline with an over the hill washed up backup and call it the summer. Leaving the frontline still too thin to have a legitimate chance at a title next year.

In indiana they will play Hill at starting sg and watch him gain confidence and grow into an all star.
The Spurs should have moved Manu and kept Hill as the starting sg.

Rascal, you could very well be right about George. He always played better when he was starting. Whether that was with Tony as a SG or with Manu at PG (really he still played SG when paired with Manu but deferred too much). We'll have to see, but he very well could turn out to be an All Star caliber player if he gets the chance to develop in Indiana.

Also, even though Hill sucked at PG I was still OK with the Spurs trading TP if they could get someone really, really good at PF or C as I thought George usually always plays better when starting so I thought we'd be OK. We also could have payed Hill in the 7 million range and saved some money instead of paying TP 13 million and used the money on a big.

06-26-2011, 08:58 PM
I'll bump this thread in a couple of years.

06-26-2011, 09:01 PM
this guy is a 17-20 ppg player given starter minutes,

06-26-2011, 09:02 PM
You had been wanting to trade Manu for anything going from S-Jax to expiring contracts for years now, so sorry if I don't care about what you have to say right now.

Sean Cagney
06-26-2011, 09:24 PM
Monta Ellis is an example of what could happen to Hill if he is given minutes on a bad team. His stats will look good just because of increased usage and playing time. Doesn't mean the trade was bad.

Come on you two above, we could say that about Ariza as well and look what happened? NOTHING at all. Monta Elis IS VERY SKILLED! He is a better player than Hill and you guys need to stop it. You could put a player on a team as well and he is their main guy and they shut him down and his FG % drops because they are exposed! Monta would put up numbers with that skillset in almost any situation IMO.

I have seen some say so and so could do this on a team if they touched the ball alot, seen the player fade out after leaving a good team who made them look better than they were! Your company often makes you better.

06-26-2011, 09:27 PM
Come on you two above, we could say that about Ariza as well and look what happened? NOTHING at all. Monta Elis IS VERY SKILLED! He is a better player than Hill and you guys need to stop it. You could put a player on a team as well and he is their main guy and they shut him down and his FG % drops because they are exposed! Monta would put up numbers with that skillset in almost any situation IMO.

I have seen some say so and so could do this on a team if they touched the ball alot, seen the player fade out after leaving a good team who made them look better than they were! Your company often makes you better.

Tell that to RJ.

06-26-2011, 10:04 PM
unless hill is conistent he will not be an allstar
I thought they should traded manu also
I mean hurt 4 times in a row when it counts
get a player that can play more minutes regular and postseason even if he can not be the great manu
they would be better off

manu off of the thunder or bulls bench would have maybe put both teams over the top

06-26-2011, 11:32 PM
Over Hill after last year. Got too intimidated in playoffs and played worse overall than 2010

06-26-2011, 11:32 PM
As long as Granger is a Pacer, there won't be enough shots for Hill to even sniff an All Star selection in Indiana.

Yah, that's why Wade couldn't make it either, that damn Lebron and Bosh taking all the shots.

06-26-2011, 11:46 PM
Rascal, you could very well be right about George. He always played better when he was starting. Whether that was with Tony as a SG or with Manu at PG (really he still played SG when paired with Manu but deferred too much). We'll have to see, but he very well could turn out to be an All Star caliber player if he gets the chance to develop in Indiana.

Also, even though Hill sucked at PG I was still OK with the Spurs trading TP if they could get someone really, really good at PF or C as I thought George usually always plays better when starting so I thought we'd be OK. We also could have payed Hill in the 7 million range and saved some money instead of paying TP 13 million and used the money on a big.


Why pay Parker 14m when you can pay Hill half of that or less? And considering how thin the spurs are at point guard, iron-man Hill would have been the safer bet IMO than the oft-injured high mileage Parker.

Spurs will be totally up a creek if Parker has his annual 2-3 ankle rolls or god forbid, an injury.

06-27-2011, 12:13 AM
Parker and Ginobili's health made his shooting percentages drop sharply?

I wouldn't call that a sharp drop. And of course you don't mention his FT% which climbed up to 86%, as well as taking 40 more trips to the line. Which is the equivalent of approx 17-18 more made baskets which more than makes up for the slight drops in FG%.

Defensively is where he showed some problems last year (esp in the grizz series), and I attribute this more to Pop making him defend so many different positions (from PG - SF) and Pop not formulating a plan to stop the grizzlies' offense to shut down all those backdoor cuts, which victimized the spurs' backcourt time and time again. With better coaching in Indiana plus a more defined, steady role Hill will pick up where he left off from his 2nd year and continue to get better.

Buddy Holly
06-27-2011, 12:17 AM

Why pay Parker 14m when you can pay Hill half of that or less?

Because Hill sucks more balls, than you at a ABBA concert, at the point guard position. That's why.

Buddy Holly
06-27-2011, 12:19 AM
When the Spurs needed this bright and shiny "star" in the making during the playoffs last year against Phoenix and this year against Memphis. He disappeared. Hell, he let Steve Nash drive past him something fierce. Steve Nash is one of the slowest point guards in the NBA.

Buddy Holly
06-27-2011, 12:23 AM
Also, so done with the EW-EE-PUH-EE bs during Spurs games. Got tired of it the 100th time it was said in the same broadcast.

06-27-2011, 12:41 AM
GH3 is gonna go the way of Beno minus all the hate.... He will put up some numbers then fade away into memory.

Anyone remember the hype the Kings had with Beno and how much his cock sucker Spurs fans jerked off to that shit? thats going to be George Hill.

speaking of which, whatever happened to the Rasho cock suckers? Angel Luv, namely.

06-27-2011, 04:37 AM
Why pay Parker 14m when you can pay Hill half of that or less? And considering how thin the spurs are at point guard, iron-man Hill would have been the safer bet IMO than the oft-injured high mileage Parker.Hill doesn't play point guard.

06-27-2011, 04:57 AM
I think George Hill can be a larger part of the Pacers than he was of the Spurs offensive production. That might not be enough to make him an All-Star, but if he overcomes that mental barrier of his and begins to score naturally (which he can), he can average 17+ PPG.

Looking at the Spurs roster, the decision to trade George was once again heavily influenced by money issues. Spurs have enough SGs, George never really was a PG.

Question: If he had developed more, would he still have been traded (for more value)?

06-27-2011, 08:01 AM
Between Dwayne Wade, Deron Williams, Derrick Rose, Joe Johnson, Rajon Rondo, John Wall and probably a couple of other guys not coming to mind at the moment, I'm pretty sure we don't need to be worrying about George Hill making an allstar team anytime soon.

06-27-2011, 08:14 AM
Between Dwayne Wade, Deron Williams, Derrick Rose, Joe Johnson, Rajon Rondo, John Wall and probably a couple of other guys not coming to mind at the moment, I'm pretty sure we don't need to be worrying about George Hill making an allstar team anytime soon.

He can still be an All Star caliber player and not make the All Star team. I think he's got the tools to be an All Star caliber player. Whether he gets there or not is another story.

06-27-2011, 09:07 AM
I hope Hill flourishes indiana. Great person and very skilled once he gets it all together. It still hurts to see him go but I only wish the best for him.

06-27-2011, 09:07 AM
Question: If he had developed more, would he still have been traded (for more value)?

I think so. Again they can't really afford him next year. Right now he's going to command $5mil+ probably.

06-27-2011, 09:16 AM
He can still be an All Star caliber player and not make the All Star team. I think he's got the tools to be an All Star caliber player. Whether he gets there or not is another story.

To be an all-star caliber player you still need to produce something close to what the guys making the all star team are. Do you really see George Hill being a 20ppg guy? Because that's what he's going to have to do if he's to be considered all star caliber.

I like George Hill as much as the next guy, but saying he's all star caliber is a reach. Nice player, will have a long NBA career, but he's not an all star caliber player.

06-27-2011, 09:38 AM
I think so. Again they can't really afford him next year. Right now he's going to command $5mil+ probably.

Thanks, thats what I wanted to hear. Perhaps a better George Hill would have moved us into the second round of the playoffs, but he would be gone anyway. We do not need this to go in the typical Louis Scola type of thread ...

06-27-2011, 09:46 AM
To be an all-star caliber player you still need to produce something close to what the guys making the all star team are. Do you really see George Hill being a 20ppg guy? Because that's what he's going to have to do if he's to be considered all star caliber.

I like George Hill as much as the next guy, but saying he's all star caliber is a reach. Nice player, will have a long NBA career, but he's not an all star caliber player.

Hill has the ability to get to the line 6-7 times a game and knock em in at almost 90%. Beyond that, it's a matter of how many shots he'll get in Indiana, IMO he'll have an expanded role over there and be doing alot of the ballhandling over there so the shots will come. I could see him averaging 19-20 next year, which won't get him on the all star team but might propel the pacers to a winning season.

But even more important than the scoring, however is Hill's playmaking. Which is the biggest question most ppl have with him and that will determine how far he goes in the league. If he learns how to become a great passer, it will just create even more opportunities for himself offensively (to score). And if that happens, he'll become one of the elite players in the league.

06-27-2011, 09:54 AM
Hill being a local kid and being a nice guy is certainly a reason why Spurs got so much for him. Pacers were the last team in average attendance last year, they badly need to attract more people at their games.

06-27-2011, 09:57 AM
Hill being a local kid and being a nice guy is certainly a reason why Spurs got so much for him. Pacers were the last team in average attendance last year, they badly need to attract more people at their games.
Now that is a novel and interesting take. I disagree with those that say he'll be an all-star, but he already seems like he'll be a fan favorite. I really think that his size and lack of the "killer instinct" will impede any massive leaps in his game.

06-27-2011, 10:03 AM
To be an all-star caliber player you still need to produce something close to what the guys making the all star team are. Do you really see George Hill being a 20ppg guy? Because that's what he's going to have to do if he's to be considered all star caliber.

I like George Hill as much as the next guy, but saying he's all star caliber is a reach. Nice player, will have a long NBA career, but he's not an all star caliber player.

I didn't say at all that he would be. I just said that he could be. He has the tools to do it, so we will see I guess if he can get to that level.

06-27-2011, 10:06 AM
To be an all-star caliber player you still need to produce something close to what the guys making the all star team are. Do you really see George Hill being a 20ppg guy? Because that's what he's going to have to do if he's to be considered all star caliber.

I like George Hill as much as the next guy, but saying he's all star caliber is a reach. Nice player, will have a long NBA career, but he's not an all star caliber player.

Saw somewhere that George averaged 15ppg in 55 starts for Spurs. It's plausible. Look at a player like Tyreke Evans? Team sucks but he still has the stats. If Hill secures a starting shooting guard position playing 40+ he could average that.

06-27-2011, 10:07 AM
Now that is a novel and interesting take. I disagree with those that say he'll be an all-star, but he already seems like he'll be a fan favorite. I really think that his size and lack of the "killer instinct" will impede any massive leaps in his game.


06-27-2011, 10:10 AM
Now that is a novel and interesting take. I disagree with those that say he'll be an all-star, but he already seems like he'll be a fan favorite. I really think that his size and lack of the "killer instinct" will impede any massive leaps in his game.

Very true but who knows being at home may make him feel more comfortable playing and that could carry over to road games. I wish him the best though, if he does develop into a solid point guard, be nice if Spurs signed him once Tony's done.

06-27-2011, 10:13 AM
what should the pacers pay hill next year
hill homers
do you think he worth the mle
three million over thee mle

06-27-2011, 10:15 AM
Thanks, thats what I wanted to hear. Perhaps a better George Hill would have moved us into the second round of the playoffs, but he would be gone anyway. We do not need this to go in the typical Louis Scola type of thread ...

Realistically looking at the salaries I think the Spurs could have afforded to sign Hill with Duncan coming off the books. However, another young guy like Danny Green would be a restricted agent and then they have to save room for Anderson/Blair/Butler or whoever they want to sign.


06-27-2011, 10:16 AM
Hill will do just fine and he is still developing as a player. Good luck.

06-27-2011, 10:20 AM

I'm not quite sure where you're going with a random highlight.

Ed Helicopter Jones
06-27-2011, 12:42 PM
Hill has a chance to be a star on an average team...you are correct sir.

That's why trading a guy that had other people in front of him who were better players, to a team that can use him, all the while getting a guy considered to have top 7 NBA draft talent in return was a genius move by the FO.

06-27-2011, 02:22 PM
george hill live coverage 2 pm watch here


That "Welcome Home" sign and seeing him in a Pacers jersey hurts a bit ... I still think the FO made the right choice, but Leonard has to make an impact to not piss me off ...

06-27-2011, 02:40 PM
The Pacers are now my 2nd favorite team.....good luck George.

06-27-2011, 02:45 PM
talk about overhyping

06-27-2011, 06:22 PM
Hill has a chance to be a star on an average team...you are correct sir.

That's why trading a guy that had other people in front of him who were better players, to a team that can use him, all the while getting a guy considered to have top 7 NBA draft talent in return was a genius move by the FO.

The more genius move was to trade Manu and move Hill to the starting 2, develop Hill into the player he will become in Indiana and make a major upgrade frontline acquisition with the Manu trade.

Now the spurs are left with little for a major frontline addition and will again fall short because of frontline deficiencies.

06-27-2011, 06:24 PM
trade Manu

06-27-2011, 06:37 PM
Yeah because trading Manu and starting George Hill would solve all our problems. People really don't understand how important Manu is to us.

Teams won't pay much for Manu because he is 34 years-old and frequently has healthy issues. It doesn't make any sense for us to trade Manu because he is a top 3 SG and the little value in return we would get.

If you think we are going to get a super stud big with Manu you are delusional my friend. And we are not going anywhere with a backcourt with 2 6"2 players.

06-27-2011, 06:53 PM
Yeah because trading Manu and starting George Hill would solve all our problems. People really don't understand how important Manu is to us.

Teams won't pay much for Manu because he is 34 years-old and frequently has healthy issues. It doesn't make any sense for us to trade Manu because he is a top 3 SG and the little value in return we would get.

If you think we are going to get a super stud big with Manu you are delusional my friend. And we are not going anywhere with a backcourt with 2 6"2 players.

It's pretty much just the OP.

06-27-2011, 07:01 PM
Yeah because trading Manu and starting George Hill would solve all our problems. People really don't understand how important Manu is to us.

Teams won't pay much for Manu because he is 34 years-old and frequently has healthy issues. It doesn't make any sense for us to trade Manu because he is a top 3 SG and the little value in return we would get.

If you think we are going to get a super stud big with Manu you are delusional my friend. And we are not going anywhere with a backcourt with 2 6"2 players.

The spurs are not going anywhere with the frontline they have + the backup quality scrub they will add. Manu has really gotten the team far the last 4 years.

Manu is a top 3 sg yet has no trade value. :lol

06-27-2011, 07:02 PM
See what I mean.

06-27-2011, 07:13 PM
The spurs are not going anywhere with the frontline they have + the backup quality scrub they will add. Manu has really gotten the team far the last 4 years.

Manu is a top 3 sg yet has no trade value. :lol

When did I say Manu has no trade value ?

Considering age and healthy issues, Manu has more value to us than any other team in the league. Our best trade chip is Parker and he is not going anywhere.

I will ask you. What players do you think we could land with Manu? Tell me 5 reasonable names that would make us immediate title contenders considering the fact that we would not have Manu anymore as well.

06-27-2011, 07:21 PM
When did I say Manu has no trade value ?

Considering age and healthy issues, Manu has more value to us than any other team in the league. Our best trade chip is Parker and he is not going anywhere.

I will ask you. What players do you think we could land with Manu? Tell me 5 reasonable names that would make us immediate title contenders considering the fact that we would not have Manu anymore as well.

This is where is says it's not his job to come up with trades.

Apparently it's his job to whine about the FO and demand that Manu be traded.

06-27-2011, 07:22 PM
See what I mean.

Yeah pretty much. He doesn't have a clue. I'd love to hear his ideas about what kind of players we could land with Manu that would make us immediate contenders with a Parker/Hill backcourt.

Trade Manu and start Parker/Hill is one of the dumbest ideas i have ever seen in this forum. :lmao

06-27-2011, 07:34 PM
The spurs are not going anywhere with the frontline they have + the backup quality scrub they will add. Manu has really gotten the team far the last 4 years.

Manu is a top 3 sg yet has no trade value. :lol
even if he is 40 years old the spurs won't trade manu.

06-27-2011, 10:37 PM
Didn't read the whole thread. If it's been said, I apologize for repeating it.

Hill might be an All Star. The Pacers will not get out of the first round if they even get to it.

SA isn't trying to make All Stars. They are trying to win championships.

06-28-2011, 08:47 AM
Yeah pretty much. He doesn't have a clue. I'd love to hear his ideas about what kind of players we could land with Manu that would make us immediate contenders with a Parker/Hill backcourt.

Trade Manu and start Parker/Hill is one of the dumbest ideas i have ever seen in this forum. :lmao

You would rather go into the season with quality players like Bonner, Blair and a backup over the hill type player with Duncan on the frontline and keep Manu. The Spurs have tried that route enough times. Like that has been successful the last 4 years.

06-28-2011, 08:49 AM
trade Manu

06-28-2011, 08:55 AM
He will never be an all-star

The only young player in Indy that has the potential to be an all-star is Paul George.

Danny Granger sends his regards.

06-28-2011, 08:57 AM
Danny Granger sends his regards.

Granger is a 27 year old vet who has already been an All-Star.

06-28-2011, 09:01 AM
Granger is a 27 year old vet who has already been an All-Star.

Congratulations, you have came across my point. It was a hard one to figure out, but somehow you've achieved it.

06-28-2011, 09:05 AM
Congratulations, you have came across my point. It was a hard one to figure out, but somehow you've achieved it.

And yet you've missed mine.

06-28-2011, 09:09 AM
Danny Granger sends his regards.

The word YOUNG send its regards. Danny is 28.

06-28-2011, 09:10 AM
And yet you've missed mine.

If it was that 27 isn't young, that is an epic fail.

06-28-2011, 09:10 AM
The word YOUNG send its regards. Danny is 28.

Epic fail.

06-28-2011, 09:16 AM
Epic fail.

Sorry to hurt your feelings grandpa :lol