View Full Version : kicked out for cheating on a test?

Axe Murderer
06-28-2011, 01:30 PM
has anybody ever seen it happen in high school/college?

tbh I saw it for the first time this morning while taking my cal III test. I come in late and sit next two these two black kids (big surprise) who always skip class.

About 10 minutes in, I could tell both of them were cheating. Our tests are based mainly off our homework, so they hid the HW solutions in the test and were just copying off it. I've seen people do this plenty of times so I never imagined they would get caught but a few minutes later our asian professor starts walking down their aisle. He just stares down both kids, grabs their test, and puts it on the front table:lmao

You could tell they were extremely embarrassed as they just sat there awkardly, with their heads down for 2 minutes before they walked out. Before they left he said "see me after class" Guess I'll find out tomorrow what happened:rollin

anybody else witnessed this?

Axe Murderer
06-28-2011, 01:35 PM
cause i have to

06-28-2011, 01:40 PM
Saw it happen in high school a couple times; pretty much always goes down the same way. Never saw anybody get busted in college, but when your tuition is on the line, most people are smart enough not to cheat, or at least not to get caught when they do.

Axe Murderer
06-28-2011, 01:49 PM
Never saw anybody get busted in college, but when your tuition is on the line, most people are smart enough not to cheat, or at least not to get caught when they do.


there's a lot of prof's here that will push for you to get suspended even if it's only one time.

our professor's asian but he's also really smart when it comes to this stuff. either that or these two aren't very smooth. This is actually the second time they tried to outfox him and failed. Our class is two hours long and he gives us a 5 minute break after about an hour. He also gives out an attendance sheet at the beginning of class so one time they left during the break hoping he wouldn't notice them. He sat there and watched them walk out and then passed around another sheet once we continued the class :lmao

baseline bum
06-28-2011, 02:17 PM
There were a couple of motherfuckers in my real analysis final who stashed the textbook in the bathroom and took shit breaks to go read it during the exam (I finished early and found the book and a binder of notes in one of the stalls when going to take a piss). Then I had this algebra class (group, ring, and module theory; not HS shit like quadratic equations, lol) where the professor gave a brutal take-home final. In a class of 40 there must have been 5 people who actually did the exam and 35 who copied it from friends. I can't believe the dumbass professor gave As to practically everyone in the class. Still, nothing compares to the level of cheating in upper division computer science classes. Lots of people can slide by in the lower division courses without learning how to program and design, but when you have to implement TCP in C or write a database from scratch tons of people just plagiarize. I can't say that I ever saw anyone get caught though.

06-28-2011, 02:22 PM
I thought learning how to copy code was what CS was all about?

baseline bum
06-28-2011, 02:25 PM
I thought learning how to copy code was what CS was all about?

Maybe in practice, but not in theory. :lol

06-28-2011, 02:30 PM
When I was taking an inorganic chemistry exam a couple of years ago, the professor assigned a student assistant (who was known by everyone as a pushover) to administer the exam.

A couple of people who sat in the back of the class were cheating off of class notes provided by the professor.

LOL, you all know what happened next.

baseline bum
06-28-2011, 02:34 PM
When I was taking an inorganic chemistry exam a couple of years ago, the professor assigned a student assistant (who was known by everyone as a pushover) to administer the exam.

A couple of people who sat in the back of the class were cheating off of class notes provided by the professor.

LOL, you all know what happened next.

They pushed him over and ran to the front to put their exams in the middle of the pile?

06-28-2011, 02:37 PM
What school?

06-28-2011, 02:43 PM
They pushed him over and ran to the front to put their exams in the middle of the pile?

Not quite. The SA confronted them and took their exams. The funny thing is the professor was in a dark room behind the class, so he saw everything unfold from a very good seat.

The sad thing? Out of the group that was caught cheating, one was heading to dental school.

Last I heard, he is working at JC Penney. :lmao

06-28-2011, 03:05 PM
Busted several students over the years. Never pursued having them expelled (I have the right to punish as I see fit) but gave them all zeros which would have resulted in them failing if they didn't drop.

Had one rich little punk's dad call me and threaten me because he an attorney and claimed to be very powerful.

He still failed.

06-28-2011, 03:07 PM
Why did the OP find it necessary to state they were black kids he sat next to? Believe me when I was in school I always sat next to white kids and they cheated like mofo's.

06-28-2011, 03:14 PM
Never saw that happen before. Some bitch I ended up banging a year later got kicked out of our SAT testing because her phone buzzed, and this was before they had finished passing out the tests. Took her test up, told her to turn her phone off next time and made her leave. :lmao

06-28-2011, 03:18 PM
Maybe in practice, but not in theory. :lol

That's what I learned from my CS classes. :downspin:

06-28-2011, 03:35 PM
Unfortunately, I've seen/heard about a lot more cheating than I would've thought happened. I've heard of 2 people who got expelled for blatant cheating and getting caught in genetics. The professor basically warned us the first day he LoVES to catch cheaters and will expel you if you're caught. In one of my physics classes, it was rampant. Kind of turns my stomach. I've even known a girl who slept with the TA to get copies of the old exams.

06-28-2011, 04:17 PM
I got caught cheating in a music class.

crofl me.

06-28-2011, 04:47 PM
at the end of the day, how many of these schools dont give a shit and just let it slide to keep up the schools performance base on marks, to get further govt funding

06-28-2011, 04:56 PM
tbh I saw it for the first time this morning while taking my cal III test. I come in late and sit next two these two black kids (big surprise) who always skip class.

I'm wondering what the big surprise to you is...

is it that the black kids were cheating, that they always skip class or that they are in Cal III?

Axe Murderer
06-28-2011, 05:04 PM
Saw it happen in high school a couple times; pretty much always goes down the same way. Never saw anybody get busted in college, but when your tuition is on the line, most people are smart enough not to cheat, or at least not to get caught when they do.

tbh I'm not sure how they got caught other than the fact that our prof just has some crazy sixth sense. they covered their homework pretty well and had somebody sitting in front of them. the guy just got up from the front and immediately grabbed their tests without hesitation

i see people cheat way more obviously than that all the time.

06-28-2011, 05:11 PM
Why did the OP find it necessary to state they were black kids he sat next to?

He's just giving us the heads up in case those two decide to become affirmitive action surgeons.

06-28-2011, 05:32 PM
He's just giving us the heads up in case those two decide to become affirmitive action surgeons.


06-28-2011, 05:38 PM
I myself have never been caught cheating but I did get caught telling some dumb ass the answers to the TAKS (you have to be a retard to fail it) test in high school but luckily the teacher didn't care.

06-28-2011, 05:38 PM
I had a kid on my caseload get caught cheating in his Algebra II class. His teacher chewed him out, called his mom and they decided the punishment. He just had to retake the test by himself. I mean, for a kid that doesn't get in trouble it might of been a big deal but for a kid that doesn't get in trouble it was.

That being said, I'd take writing over a multiple choice test any day. I'd cite 500 sources before cramming for a multiple choice test.

06-28-2011, 05:43 PM
I saw someone copy "The Road Not Taken" and turn it in as his own work when we were supposed to write a poem in 6th grade.

That kid was a genius...

06-28-2011, 05:45 PM
What are black people doing in a cal III class? I call BS.

Tbh, I've thought about reusing my terms papers for each English course, but I could never do it.

Axe Murderer
06-28-2011, 05:46 PM
What are black people doing in a cal III class? I call BS.

crofl im guessing they probably cheated through Cal I/II

06-28-2011, 06:07 PM
tbh Tech must be a pretty swole school at communicating if they require calc III

06-28-2011, 06:23 PM
Not quite. The SA confronted them and took their exams. The funny thing is the professor was in a dark room behind the class, so he saw everything unfold from a very good seat.

The sad thing? Out of the group that was caught cheating, one was heading to dental school.

Last I heard, he is working at JC Penney. :lmao

So he was actually headed to JC Penny. He may have wanted to go to dental school, but he wasn't headed there.

06-28-2011, 06:24 PM
What are black people doing in a cal III class? I call BS.

Tbh, I've thought about reusing my terms papers for each English course, but I could never do it.
Because you failed the term papers?

06-28-2011, 06:48 PM
Wow, in the University I went to, if you're caught cheating on a midterm or exam, you're suspended for a least 2 years.

06-28-2011, 07:52 PM
Part of my grad program includes working as a TA and a lot of grading and/or proctoring exams. People cheat a lot. In a lot of different ways.

Something like blatant plagiarism or obvious answer copying carries a harsh enough punishment that a) people don't do it often, and b) professors will often avoid reporting it without being certain they've got proof. There have been a few times (each semester) that my fellow TA and I were pretty sure that people were cheating during the tests based on their behavior, but the answers were different enough that in each case the prof told us to let the cheating go, but to grade harshly. By and large, the type of cheating I encounter the most is of the intentionally vague response and/or intentionally indecipherable handwriting variety. In those cases, I don't report anything, but I certainly make sure the grade reflects the effort.

06-28-2011, 07:52 PM
Because you failed the term papers?Failed? Why would they be reused then? I'm saying papers that I get a very good grade on, that can be reused again in another English class instead of writing something new. Just never did it cause it wasn't worth it if I did get caught.

06-28-2011, 08:32 PM
you're a mathematical broadcaster
Tbh kinda like CBF is an astronomical beaner :lol

06-28-2011, 09:00 PM
Failed? Why would they be reused then? I'm saying papers that I get a very good grade on, that can be reused again in another English class instead of writing something new. Just never did it cause it wasn't worth it if I did get caught.

Get caught? Resubmitting your own work? How is that wrong now?