View Full Version : Katie-Girl, in Las Vegas. Part 1.

07-11-2011, 01:50 AM
"Kobe five, Duncan four...Kobe five, Duncan four...Kobe five, Duncan four..."

Culburn timed his favorite phrase with each thrust, and with each thrust, the words grew louder. These words, which Culburn has been saying night and day for a year, were delivered with a breathless, high-pitched voice that tells me he is nearing his climax.

"Kobe five, Duncan four!"

"Kobe five, Duncan..."

The last of the phrase was replaced by a sustained moan that lasted about ten seconds, which quickly dropped in frequency to a rhythmic pant. I parted my legs and Culburn rolled off of me. He lay there, bathed in the neon of Vegas, catching his breath. I lay beside him, thinking about anything but him or the last two minutes, which were like every other two minutes since our honeymoon.

Culburn's stamina gives another one of his favorite phrases, "That's it and that's all," a new meaning, indeed, one that Culburn definitely would not appreciate, because in his mind, he is the lover of lovers, a regular Casanova that women the world over would kill sleep to with. Truth is, Culburn has all of the sexual sophistication of a schoolboy. And for me, a woman who has never known another man, to make such an observation without any kind of compare and contrast says a lot.

He caught his breath and said, "Koolaid Man invited us to dinner tomorrow. Buffet at the Circus-Circus. We're paying of course."

"I hate that n-----."

The words just flew out, right through that part of our brains that keep our prejudices, fetishes, temptations and other inappropriate thoughts and feelings locked up where, for most people, the people we deem "socially well adjusted," they serve a life sentence as our dark side.

I just let a prisoner escape. And Culburn got out the search light, which is a metaphor for that steely eyed stare he gets when the Lakers lose, when a college student stands him up at restaurant, and in this case, when his beloved wife says n-----.

"I can't believe you just said that," Culburn said. "Koolaid Man's the goods and you just called him the n-word."

"I'm sorry, Cubby," Oh how I hate calling him Cubby. I gave an apologetic tug to his post-orgasm member, which had all the consistency of a regurgitated hot-dog, or so I imagine, since I've never taken it upon myself to find a vomited up weiner and examine what it feels like.

"That's okay, baby. We don't have to oblige. We'll go catch Danny Gans instead."

"He's dead."

"I know."

A joke. Ha-ha. I gave Culburn a playful slap. "Think I'm gonna take a shower," he said. He pecked me on the cheek. "Even if you have a little racist in ya, you're still my Katie-Girl." With that, he disappeared into the bathroom. I reclined into the bed and stared up at the ceiling, which was illuminated with a kaleidoscope of neon that seemed to dance.

I thought about what Culburn just said, and you also might think I have some racist in me, but I don't. N----- didn't escape from the prejudice cell block in that part of our brains where we keep our dark side prisoner, it escaped from another area, the fetish cell block, released by the inadequacy I feel as a woman.

The fetish I have for black men started when I was a young girl. I'm not sure how it began, it just kind have always existed. I grew up in an all white small town, and dad refused to buy a television, so I wasn't able to see black musicians, actors, preachers, or athletes, therefore the black man remained on the edge of my consciousness, as something mysterious, alien, and forbidden. Only in school is where I could learn about them, and one day in my 8th grade history class, as the teacher talked about slavery, I had my first and most intense fantasy.

If you would've looked at me at that instant, you would've seen my eyes widen and stare far away into something you yourself couldn't see. If you would've tried to talk to me, I wouldn't have responded, because I was in a place where I couldn't hear your words. I was deep into my thoughts, which had widened into the landscape of a daydream that I was helpless to escape from.

It was 1858 Louisiana. I was the only daughter of a wealthy plantation owner. As you might have already guessed, we had many slaves. I was 13 and on the verge of womanhood. Father rode into Baton Rouge one day for a meeting with the Governor, who was a close friend of his. Father had no qualms about leaving me alone with the slaves, which I understand isn't completely realistic, but this is a fantasy after all.

I was in my room reading a passage from the Bible, wearing a pure white lace dress. Outside, the birds were signing, a breeze fluttered the curtains, and a shaft of sunlight spanned the room. I lifted my eyes from Exodus and took a moment to enjoy the contentment that seemed ubiquitous throughout my body. Then suddenly, the cramping I experienced all week long, which I thought had finally stopped, returned with an intensity unlike before. I fell from my chair and collapsed to the floor. As the tears welled up, I felt a dampness between my legs. I looked down and noticed my white dress turning red, the color of blood. I had no choice but to scream.

Moments later, Ezekial, a slave of about 20 and father's stable boy, rushed in, frightened at the sight of a bloody 13 year old girl crumpled on the floor, clutching at her belly as if nails were being driven into it.

"Miss Katie, whassa matter?" Ezekial said.

"I-I dunno. I just started bleeding for no reason," I replied, trying my best to hold back the tears.

"Didya cut yourself or somethin'?"

I shook my head.

"Where it hurt?" Ezekial said.

I pointed at my belly. Ezekial inched closer and I inched away, wary of the slave's intentions, which I must admit was by my imagination's design, since I liked the idea of being this helpless girl somewhat afraid of Ezekial, this large, muscular, obsidian black negro whose mercy I was at.

Ezekial sensed my fear and halted. Smiling he said, "Don't worry, Miss Katie. I a good Christian man and would never in one million years think'a doing harm to you. I jus' wanna make sure you alright and don't need the hand of a docta to fix you up."

I nodded and allowed Ezekial closer. He smelled of hay and horse sweat, which stirred me, awakened in me a desire I never knew I had. His first gesture was not to check my body for injury but to wipe a freshly shed tear from my face. His finger was calloused and rough against my cheek, and at that moment, I loved him.

He said, "Now, now. Les' have a look."

He placed his hand on my belly and gently pressed. My breathing grew rapid at his touch.

"This hurt, Miss Katie?"

I shook my head.

Ezekial took his hand away, and I immediately felt a void, like some unknown part of my body was just amputated. I knew then I needed his touch like I needed my arms and legs.

He looked me over with brow furrowed and studied. His eyes traveled down to the source of my bleeding. He stroked his chin for a moment and then his face lit up with a smile.

He said, in a cheerful and singsong voice, "Aw shucks, Miss Katie. You alright. Today's the day God decided you become a woman."

I replied, "I can have babies now?"


The room fell silent. And outside, the birds stopped singing, the wind stopped blowing, and the shaft of sunlight diffused into nothingness. Next, the walls of my room fell away, the blue sky turned to night, and we were surrounded by nothing except stars.

"Come here, Ezekial," I said.

The negro needed no further provocation. Incited by the scent of my blossoming womanhood and emergent sexuality, he took me in his arms, laid me down, and made love to me, under a canopy of stars.

I was a woman.

Now here in Vegas, I was a woman, but a woman very different from the one I imagined I'd be.

The bathroom door opened. Culburn stepped out wearing a towel around his waist. He smiled.

"Boiled down, it's still Kobe five, Duncan four."

I placated him with a smile of my own, as is custom when he utters any of his asinine sayings.

"Whatta ya say, Katie-girl? Round two with the ol' Cubster?"

I nodded. What else could I do?

And all I could think about during the uneventful two minutes was Ezekial and how I could make him a reality.

Tomorrow, I would figure out a way to fuck a black man.

07-11-2011, 02:19 AM
:lmao that was hilarious, can't wait for part 2: katie girl meets koolaid

Katie-girl is definitely going to go on some Eyes Wide Shut type of sexual odyssey.

07-11-2011, 03:25 AM
Wow what a colossal waste of time . Didn't read any if it, already know how much time you waste trying to act cool on spurstalk. Lol glorifying another spurstalk poster :lmao giuseppe must be gleaming right now! :lmao You are fuckin lame, midget. And tyson, you ain't near the gangsta you claim to be reading and laughing at this weak shit. I'm Really disapointed in you, pretty fuckin lame brah.... Goodnight, homos.

07-11-2011, 05:03 AM
Wow what a colossal waste of time . Didn't read any if it, already know how much time you waste trying to act cool on spurstalk. Lol glorifying another spurstalk poster :lmao giuseppe must be gleaming right now! :lmao You are fuckin lame, midget. And tyson, you ain't near the gangsta you claim to be reading and laughing at this weak shit. I'm Really disapointed in you, pretty fuckin lame brah.... Goodnight, homos.

Solid Addition.

Seriously though, this Midnight Pulp guy is fucking hilarious.

07-11-2011, 07:24 AM
Wow what a colossal waste of time . Didn't read any if it, already know how much time you waste trying to act cool on spurstalk. Lol glorifying another spurstalk poster :lmao giuseppe must be gleaming right now! :lmao You are fuckin lame, midget. And tyson, you ain't near the gangsta you claim to be reading and laughing at this weak shit. I'm Really disapointed in you, pretty fuckin lame brah.... Goodnight, homos.


07-11-2011, 09:15 AM

07-11-2011, 02:08 PM

07-11-2011, 02:57 PM

07-11-2011, 02:58 PM
Wow what a colossal waste of time . Didn't read any if it, already know how much time you waste trying to act cool on spurstalk. Lol glorifying another spurstalk poster :lmao giuseppe must be gleaming right now! :lmao You are fuckin lame, midget. And tyson, you ain't near the gangsta you claim to be reading and laughing at this weak shit. I'm Really disapointed in you, pretty fuckin lame brah.... Goodnight, homos.

Always crying about something.

Trill Clinton
07-11-2011, 03:14 PM

07-11-2011, 03:18 PM
sad, just sad. I pity u dudes :depressed

07-11-2011, 03:58 PM
Cunlburn (top) Katie-girl (bottom)

07-11-2011, 04:09 PM
sad, just sad. I pity u dudes :depressed


07-11-2011, 06:03 PM
Wow what a colossal waste of time . Didn't read any if it, already know how much time you waste trying to act cool on spurstalk. Lol glorifying another spurstalk poster :lmao giuseppe must be gleaming right now! :lmao You are fuckin lame, midget. And tyson, you ain't near the gangsta you claim to be reading and laughing at this weak shit. I'm Really disapointed in you, pretty fuckin lame brah.... Goodnight, homos.

It's less than a page of printed text you illiterate fuck.

07-11-2011, 06:20 PM
sad, just sad. I pity u dudes :depressed

Yeah, I can see why you hate this guy; he appears to spend a lot of time making creative, funny, entertaining in depth posts to try and make everyone here laugh and have a good time.

What an asshole!

07-11-2011, 06:27 PM
What's entertaining and funny about it again?

07-11-2011, 06:29 PM
You want me to draw you a flow chart?

Scoffing faggot.

07-11-2011, 06:29 PM
What's entertaining and funny about it again?

Didn't read any if it


07-11-2011, 06:30 PM
Katie-girl is definitely going to go on some Eyes Wide Shut type of sexual odyssey.

Been there, done that.

07-11-2011, 06:38 PM
ok, I tried reading it a couple times before, but it was so lame I couldn't continue... I finally got through it just now. Again, what is entertaining and funny about it? Culburns' version wasnt funny either tbh fwiw.

07-11-2011, 06:40 PM
You want me to draw you a flow chart?

Scoffing faggot.

I'm sure you'd have the time to waste to do just that :lol

07-11-2011, 06:52 PM
You want me to draw you a flow chart?

Scoffing faggot.

pretty ironic you're calling someone else a scoffing faggot, you little bitch. I'd consider a scoffing faggot to be someone who only posts about other posters. But I guess I shouldn't expect too much from someone who takes pride in having friends on the internet

07-11-2011, 07:01 PM
Yeah, you tried that strawman "I only post about other posters" schtick the other day and it failed then too. Anyone can look at the threads I've started and the posts I've made and see thats untrue. Kind of weird that you like this thread and you're still taking shots at me in it. Wonder why that is:

Anyway, lets recap your status here:

You have no friends.

You're not funny.

No one likes you.

07-11-2011, 07:08 PM
good stuff midnight,lol

07-11-2011, 07:10 PM
I'm sure you'd have the time to waste to do just that :lol

It's a better waste of time than scoffing just for the sake of scoffing, listening to Stevie Ray Vaughan (lol Pego enjoys soccer mom blues), or trying in vain to convince Mookie to lose weight.

Nick Manning
07-11-2011, 07:19 PM
pego spent his birthday (last week) posting on spurstalk all night...true story. :lmao
Now he's telling others they have no life. :lol Homeboy can't even get a pity fuck on his bday from the misses.

scro you need an intervention ASAP. Having to choose between Gerber and oxycontin everyday is an unhealthy environment for your child. smh.

07-11-2011, 07:21 PM
The bathroom door opened. Culburn stepped out wearing a towel around his waist. He smiled.

"Boiled down, it's still Kobe five, Duncan four."

I lol'ed.

07-11-2011, 07:56 PM
Anyway, lets recap your status here:

You have no friends.

You're not funny.

No one likes you.

So you do take pride in your status on a website? :lmao It's sad you need to gain the acceptance of people you've never met to make yourself feel better. :lol You should learn to not take the internet so seriously

07-11-2011, 07:57 PM
btw, I liked the OPs story

07-11-2011, 08:12 PM
Well if only losers have friends on the internet then you're definitely a huge winner.

07-11-2011, 08:48 PM
It's a better waste of time than scoffing just for the sake of scoffing, listening to Stevie Ray Vaughan (lol Pego enjoys soccer mom blues), or trying in vain to convince Mookie to lose weight.

My scoffing takes seconds, you spent at least an hour typing this bs up and god knows how many countless hours thinking about it :lol all in a failed attempt at humor Lolol. Sad. I can't remember the last time I thought about anyone on spurstalk when I wasn't on spurstalk. But I guess you Internet message board junkies are just a different breed. It's hard for people like me who have a life in the real world to understand.

SRV is good, can't believe you still think about that conversation we had years (?) ago :lol

I don't have to convince mook to do shit, funny thing is mookie has lost weight and is capable of losing more, yet you're incapable of adding height :lmao

Too bad short stuff so sad :rollin

07-11-2011, 08:51 PM
isitjustme? takes a shit on cubansucks volume 78.

07-11-2011, 08:55 PM
pego spent his birthday (last week) posting on spurstalk all night...true story. :lmao
Now he's telling others they have no life. :lol Homeboy can't even get a pity fuck on his bday from the misses.

scro you need an intervention ASAP. Having to choose between Gerber and oxycontin everyday is an unhealthy environment for your child. smh.

lolol I had 5 posts on my birthday, the 6th, real true story :lol

I'm afraid I'm the only one in this thread who has a life. But you internet message board lifers don't seem to have a problem with the way you live your lives so more power to you :tu I need to not be so critical of those that are different than me :lol

Nick Manning
07-11-2011, 09:06 PM
lolol I had 5 posts on my birthday, the 6th, real true story :lol

I'm afraid I'm the only one in this thread who has a life. But you internet message board lifers don't seem to have a problem with the way you live your lives so more power to you :tu I need to not be so critical of those that are different than me :lol

:lol and I need to not be so critical of those trying to score smack on spurstalk.


07-11-2011, 09:09 PM
who does that, honestly, tbh?

07-11-2011, 09:13 PM
So you do take pride in your status on a website? :lmao It's sad you need to gain the acceptance of people you've never met to make yourself feel better. :lol You should learn to not take the internet so seriously
Usually HS kids who openly discuss popularity and live each waking moment in search of approval of the ones they feel have higher popularity than they.

"Dude, she's so popular.... and you are hanging out with her? Wow you are lucky"

Nick Manning
07-11-2011, 10:32 PM
who does that, honestly, tbh?

some guy named mike imho tbh

07-11-2011, 10:42 PM
Cool, link? quote?

07-11-2011, 10:59 PM
My scoffing takes seconds, you spent at least an hour typing this bs up and god knows how many countless hours thinking about it :lol all in a failed attempt at humor Lolol. Sad. I can't remember the last time I thought about anyone on spurstalk when I wasn't on spurstalk. But I guess you Internet message board junkies are just a different breed. It's hard for people like me who have a life in the real world to understand.

SRV is good, can't believe you still think about that conversation we had years (?) ago :lol

I don't have to convince mook to do shit, funny thing is mookie has lost weight and is capable of losing more, yet you're incapable of adding height :lmao

Too bad short stuff so sad :rollin

Your reply needs at least one more emoticon. Not sure it has enough, to be honest.

07-11-2011, 11:06 PM
should I go back and edit it?

07-11-2011, 11:22 PM
I'm afraid I'm the only one in this thread who has a life.

What exactly does that "life" consist of? Going to Spurs' games and posing for pictures in which you brandish your overbite like it's something to be proud of?

Watching Robocop for the thousandth time?

Feeding Mookie cake?

Yeah, I think a life as poster on Spurstalk might actually be more fulfilling. No offense, bro, just my humble opine.

07-11-2011, 11:39 PM
What exactly does that "life" consist of? Going to Spurs' games and posing for pictures in which you brandish your overbite like it's something to be proud of?

Watching Robocop for the thousandth time?

Feeding Mookie cake?

Yeah, I think a life as poster on Spurstalk might actually be more fulfilling. No offense, bro, just my humble opine.

lol my teeth are perfect, never had to wear braces or a retainer, what you smokin brah? :lol

I dont love robocop like cbf and pimpo, in fact, I can't honestly say I've ever even seen a robocop all the way thru truth be had

Mookie feeds himself cake. I wonder what's worse? Being overweight or being short... I'm certain being short is much worse, how you ever gon get a woman to respect you when she is taller than you :lmao

So, no, life as a poster on message boards is lame as shit, but who am I to judge? Oh wait I'm me :lol and you're lame as shit

07-11-2011, 11:55 PM
[QUOTE=thispego;5343861]lol my teeth are perfect, never had to wear braces or a retainer, what you smokin brah? :lol

Pic speaks for itself, brah.

Mookie feeds himself cake. I wonder what's worse? Being overweight or being short... I'm certain being short is much worse, how you ever gon get a woman to respect you when she is taller than you :lmao

No doubt Mookie feeds himself cake, but when he gets the urge to put down the serving spoon and pick up a shovel, I'm sure he gives you a call. Even a world class athlete wouldn't have the strength or stamina to feed himself cake by the shovelful, thus needing an extra pair of hands nearby.

And I'm not sure what's worse, since I'm not short or overweight.

So, no, life as a poster on message boards is lame as shit, but who am I to judge? Oh wait I'm me :lol and you're lame as shit.

Needs one more "lame as shit" to be quite honest. You didn't overuse that phrase quite enough here. Go back and edit.

07-12-2011, 12:22 AM
thanks for proving my point, you are lame, boring, and unfunny :sleep

07-12-2011, 12:40 AM
isitjustme? takes a shit on cubansucks volume 78.

OH NOES!!! Internet cronies!!!!!!! And I don't have any internet fwiends to get my back!

I'm just gonna hightail it on out of here before I get shit on some more. :depressed I can only take so much

GLAAD Committee
07-12-2011, 12:46 AM
OH NOES!!! Internet cronies!!!!!!! And I don't have any internet fwiends to get my back!

I'm just gonna hightail it on out of here before I get shit on some more. :depressed I can only take so much

I got your back and I'm not letting go :married:

07-12-2011, 12:59 AM
cubansucks would be the best poster on ST if every thread had to do with jacking off to shitty 90's alt rock.

07-12-2011, 01:12 AM
In any of these stories, Cully never gets a blowjob. What a cuck.

07-12-2011, 01:52 AM
Why are some of you so mad :lol

07-12-2011, 03:09 AM
cubansucks would be the best poster on ST if every thread had to do with jacking off to shitty 90's alt rock.

can't argue with that

07-12-2011, 07:15 AM
Why are some of you so mad :lol

It's mostly thispego trying to convince everyone how unfunny this post is. It's funny too because whenever I read his posts I imagine Kyle's cousin speaking and then I just remember his face and lol...


07-12-2011, 11:09 AM
Lol taking shots at me where it hurts least :lol

Getting girls is not my problem so you fellas might want to come up with a new angle of attack :lmao

07-12-2011, 11:44 AM
My scoffing takes seconds, you spent at least an hour typing this bs up and god knows how many countless hours thinking about it :lol all in a failed attempt at humor Lolol. Sad. I can't remember the last time I thought about anyone on spurstalk when I wasn't on spurstalk. But I guess you Internet message board junkies are just a different breed. It's hard for people like me who have a life in the real world to understand.

SRV is good, can't believe you still think about that conversation we had years (?) ago :lol

I don't have to convince mook to do shit, funny thing is mookie has lost weight and is capable of losing more, yet you're incapable of adding height :lmao

Too bad short stuff so sad :rollin

:lol :lol Aren't you a moderator??

07-12-2011, 11:49 AM
Yeah I was a moderator for like a year before I even realized it. What's your point coke head?

07-12-2011, 01:38 PM
Yeah I was a moderator for like a year before I even realized it. What's your point coke head?

hahaha... man, always wanting to fight!

07-12-2011, 06:37 PM
It's mostly thispego trying to convince everyone how unfunny this post is. It's funny too because whenever I read his posts I imagine Kyle's cousin speaking and then I just remember his face and lol...


Really?do you have his real pic? just wondering

07-12-2011, 09:40 PM
Really?do you have his real pic? just wondering

Yeah he posted a picture of himself at a game with his friend who posts here (4cc) and a hilarious poster named shastafarian (RIP) made the comparison


07-12-2011, 10:09 PM
Of Course they have my photo bookmarked and or saved to their harddrive! They're obsessed with me! :lol

07-12-2011, 10:10 PM
Yeah he posted a picture of himself at a game with his friend who posts here (4cc) and a hilarious poster named shastafarian (RIP) made the comparison


actually, 4cc had it posted on his user page

07-13-2011, 12:56 AM
Oh dude.....

07-13-2011, 02:14 AM

That shit was great!!! :lmao

07-13-2011, 02:55 AM
He's got a face I just want to punch every time I see it.

07-13-2011, 09:42 AM
jealousy? :lol