View Full Version : It is the offseason and summer

07-16-2011, 10:16 PM
Stop posting on the NBA forums regularly you losers..for christ sakes get a life!! twice a week would be fine and all..but some of you mofos are just plain sad..I dont know how your parents nurtured you but somehow between those years they made a mistake..now you guys are stuck. but you can be better..

Go out there, socialize..maybe lift..Stop being a fat no life loser...GOD this is killing me because for real i just want you all to have a good life..I mean, I noticed that most of you are good guys anyway..but..

07-16-2011, 10:20 PM
Stop posting on the NBA forums regularly you losers..for christ sakes get a life!! twice a week would be fine and all..but some of you mofos are just plain sad..I dont know how your parents nurtured you but somehow between those years they made a mistake..now you guys are stuck. but you can be better..

Go out there, socialize..maybe lift..Stop being a fat no life loser...GOD this is killing me because for real i just want you all to have a good life..I mean, I noticed that most of you are good guys anyway..but..

07-16-2011, 10:24 PM
Stop posting on the NBA forums regularly you losers..for christ sakes get a life!! twice a week would be fine and all..but some of you mofos are just plain sad..I dont know how your parents nurtured you but somehow between those years they made a mistake..now you guys are stuck. but you can be better..

Go out there, socialize..maybe lift..Stop being a fat no life loser...GOD this is killing me because for real i just want you all to have a good life..I mean, I noticed that most of you are good guys anyway..but..

07-16-2011, 10:24 PM
Stop posting on the NBA forums regularly you losers..for christ sakes get a life!! twice a week would be fine and all..but some of you mofos are just plain sad..I dont know how your parents nurtured you but somehow between those years they made a mistake..now you guys are stuck. but you can be better..

Go out there, socialize..maybe lift..Stop being a fat no life loser...GOD this is killing me because for real i just want you all to have a good life..I mean, I noticed that most of you are good guys anyway..but..

07-16-2011, 11:02 PM
Stop posting on the NBA forums regularly you losers..for christ sakes get a life!! twice a week would be fine and all..but some of you mofos are just plain sad..I dont know how your parents nurtured you but somehow between those years they made a mistake..now you guys are stuck. but you can be better..

Go out there, socialize..maybe lift..Stop being a fat no life loser...GOD this is killing me because for real i just want you all to have a good life..I mean, I noticed that most of you are good guys anyway..but..

07-16-2011, 11:22 PM
Stop posting on the NBA forums regularly you losers..for christ sakes get a life!! twice a week would be fine and all..but some of you mofos are just plain sad..I dont know how your parents nurtured you but somehow between those years they made a mistake..now you guys are stuck. but you can be better..

Go out there, socialize..maybe lift..Stop being a fat no life loser...GOD this is killing me because for real i just want you all to have a good life..I mean, I noticed that most of you are good guys anyway..but..

07-16-2011, 11:29 PM
:lol I love this place

07-17-2011, 01:00 AM
Stop posting on the NBA forums regularly you losers..for christ sakes get a life!! twice a week would be fine and all..but some of you mofos are just plain sad..I dont know how your parents nurtured you but somehow between those years they made a mistake..now you guys are stuck. but you can be better..

Go out there, socialize..maybe lift..Stop being a fat no life loser...GOD this is killing me because for real i just want you all to have a good life..I mean, I noticed that most of you are good guys anyway..but..

07-17-2011, 01:17 AM
..tub..yawyna syug doog era uoy fo tsom taht deciton I ,naem I..efil doog a evah ot lla uoy tnaw tsuj i laer rof esuaceb em gnillik si siht DOG...resol efil on taf a gnieb potS..tfil ebyam..ezilaicos ,ereht tuo oG

..retteb eb nac uoy tub .kcuts era syug uoy won..ekatsim a edam yeht sraey esoht neewteb wohemos tub uoy derutrun stnerap ruoy woh wonk tnod I..das nialp tsuj era sofom uoy fo emos tub..lla dna enif eb dluow keew a eciwt !!efil a teg sekas tsirhc rof..sresol uoy ylraluger smurof ABN eht no gnitsop potS

07-17-2011, 01:58 AM
˙˙ʇnq˙˙ʎɐʍʎuɐ sʎnb poob ǝɹɐ noʎ ɟo ʇsoɯ ʇɐɥʇ pǝɔıʇou ı 'uɐǝɯ ı˙˙ǝɟıן poob ɐ ǝʌɐɥ oʇ ןןɐ noʎ ʇuɐʍ ʇsnظ ı ןɐǝɹ ɹoɟ ǝsnɐɔǝq ǝɯ buıןןıʞ sı sıɥʇ pob˙˙˙ɹǝsoן ǝɟıן ou ʇɐɟ ɐ buıǝq doʇs˙˙ʇɟıן ǝqʎɐɯ˙˙ǝzıןɐıɔos 'ǝɹǝɥʇ ʇno ob

˙˙ɹǝʇʇǝq ǝq uɐɔ noʎ ʇnq ˙ʞɔnʇs ǝɹɐ sʎnb noʎ ʍou˙˙ǝʞɐʇsıɯ ɐ ǝpɐɯ ʎǝɥʇ sɹɐǝʎ ǝsoɥʇ uǝǝʍʇǝq ʍoɥǝɯos ʇnq noʎ pǝɹnʇɹnu sʇuǝɹɐd ɹnoʎ ʍoɥ ʍouʞ ʇuop ı˙˙pɐs uıɐןd ʇsnظ ǝɹɐ soɟoɯ noʎ ɟo ǝɯos ʇnq˙˙ןןɐ puɐ ǝuıɟ ǝq pןnoʍ ʞǝǝʍ ɐ ǝɔıʍʇ กกǝɟıן ɐ ʇǝb sǝʞɐs ʇsıɹɥɔ ɹoɟ˙˙sɹǝsoן noʎ ʎןɹɐןnbǝɹ sɯnɹoɟ ɐqu ǝɥʇ uo buıʇsod doʇs

Axe Murderer
07-17-2011, 12:17 PM
停止张贴在NBA论坛定期你输..为基督的缘故得到一条命! !每周两次,将被罚款和所有..但你mofos一些只是普通的难过..我不知道你的父母如何培育你,但不知 何故这些年之间,他们犯了一个错误..现在你们是卡住了。但你可以得到更好的。 。

去那里,社交..也许解除..停止被一个胖子没有生活的失败者... ...神这是杀了我,因为真正的我只是想让你有一个良好的生活...我的意思是,我注意到,你们中的大多数 是好人了..但..

07-17-2011, 12:49 PM
האַלטן פּאָוסטינג אויף די נבאַ גרופּעס קעסיידער איר לוזערז .. פֿאַר משיח סייקס באַקומען אַ לעבן!! צוויי מאָל אַ וואָך וועט זיין פייַן און אַלע .. אָבער עטלעכע פון איר מאָפאָס זענען פּונקט קלאָר טרויעריק .. איך דאָנט וויסן ווי דיין עלטערן נערטשערד איר אָבער עפעס צווישן די יאָרן זיי געמאכט אַ גרייַז .. איצט איר גייז זענען סטאַק. אָבער איר קענען זיין בעסער ..

גיין אויס דאָרט, סאָושאַלייז .. אפֿשר הייב .. סטאָפּ זייַענדיק אַ פעט קיין לעבן לוזער ... גאָט דעם איז מאָרד מיר ווייַל פֿאַר פאַקטיש איך נאָר ווילן איר אַלע צו האָבן אַ גוט לעבן .. איך מיינען, איך באמערקט אַז רובֿ פון איר ביסט גוט גייז סייַ ווי סייַ .. אָבער ..

07-17-2011, 12:50 PM
dat hebrew

07-17-2011, 12:53 PM