View Full Version : Scola article, needs translation

09-10-2004, 03:03 PM
La nueva obsesión

San Antonio ya no duda. Scola pasó a ser su prioridad para la 05/06. "Por ahí se acerca con más interés", dice un Luis curado de espanto.

Julián Mozo. [email protected]

www.ole.clarin.com/jsp/v3...gId=829004 (http://www.ole.clarin.com/jsp/v3/pagina.jsp?pagId=829004)

"Scola será nuestra prioridad en el próximo verano". Así de directo fue Gregg Popovich cuando Craig Sager, periodista de campo de ESPN, le preguntó sobre otra devastante actuación del ala pivote argentino en la final de los Juegos Olímpicos. ¿Habrá querido el técnico salir del paso ante el error de no haberlo sumado en esta temporada? ¿O será que recién en este torneo se convenció de que la estrella del Tau Cerámica merece un lugar en los Spurs? Hay un poco de ambas cosas...

Por un lado, San Antonio no hizo el esfuerzo necesario para sumar a el talentoso chico de 24 años y 2.06ms que sorprende por su facilidad para anotar bajo el aro y que, en otros aspectos como tomar rebotes, defender, pasar la pelota y lanzar libres y tiros a media distancia, ha mejorado mucho en los últimos meses. Aunque es cierto que la renovación de Manu Ginóbili le costó más de lo esperado (San Antonio pensaba gastar poco más de 40 millones y tuvo que poner 52) y la imposibilidad para deshacerse de Malik Rose dejó a los texanos con sólo un millón libre en el tope salarial y complicó todo, ya que Luis necesitaba un contrato importante (al menos seis millones por tres años) para poder hacerse cargo de la cláusula de rescisión que asciende a dos millones de dólares (es la misma si quiere irse en el 2005, según aclaró el jugador).

Por otro lado, los Juegos no hicieron más que ratificar lo que Popovich y el manager RC Buford confirmaron la temporada anterior: Scola es un NBA. Cuentan que el día del convencimiento llegó en marzo, en un partido entre Tau y CSKA de Moscú. Con Buford en la cancha, Luisito sumo 20 puntos, ocho rebotes y siete asistencias. "Ya no hay dudas", le comunicó Buford al DT.

Después de Atenas, Buford dio explicaciones sobre la no llegada de Scola, a quien eligió en el puesto 56° del draft 2002. "Ya podría ser nuestro ala pivote titular, pero estamos bien en esa posición", dijo haciendo referencia a Duncan y tratando de evitar los palos. "Definitivamente sería un buen aporte. La gente que lo evaluó pasó demasiado tiempo preocupándose por sus limitaciones y no apreciando todo lo que aporta. Tal vez sea un poco bajo, no es el mejor atleta del mundo, pero sabe cómo jugar y hace las cosas necesarias", comentó. Sin embargo, sus palabras contradicen sus actos. Durante los Juegos, como hace desde hace años, Buford se la pasó enviándole mails con tono negativo al ala pivote. "Hiciste 25 puntos, pero dónde están los rebotes", fue una de las leyendas que enojaron a Luis pero que le sirvieron como motivación para seguir brillando. "Prefiero no hablar sobre esos mails", dijo Scola, quien evitó en todo momento de la charla con Olé hacer una declaración que pueda complicar su casi seguro futuro en Texas. "No le doy importancia a lo que se dice ahora. Yo sabía que este año no iba a ir a San Antonio. Buford me había adelantado que por ahí no se daba por el tope salarial... Por ahí el año que viene se acercan con más interés", analizó Scola, quien se muestra sin enojo aunque en el fondo ya está un poco cansado de las idas y vueltas de los Spurs.

"Cambié mi postura", dice ahora. "Antes estaba con tantas ganas de ir que menospreciaba lo que tenía. Tau es un gran equipo, que me quiere, me respeta, la dirigencia, el técnico y los hinchas. Muy pocos recuerdan que me llevó cuando tenía 17 años...", explicó para dejar claro que tiene la cabeza en el Tau (le quedan dos temporadas) y que recién cuando termine la 04/05, pondrá pensar en su salto a la NBA. A Scola ya no se lo escucha ansioso, no persigue el sueño con desesperación. "Hice todo lo que podía, ya no depende de mí", cree Luis, seguramente influido por la mayoría de cosas negativas que le pasaron desde hace tres años en relación a la NBA. "No me molesta que se diga que mi juego no es para la NBA. Es un estilo diferente al europeo y hasta que no vaya no sé cómo me adaptaré... Tampoco me dolió que San Antonio no hiciera un esfuerzo mayor. A Jordan es al único que quieren todos, al resto nos quieren algunos y otros no... Allá hay una mentalidad rara en cuanto a la elección. Llevan a jóvenes que casi no jugaron en Europa, como Milicic y Tskitishvilli, pero no a otros que hicieron grandes cosas. Es la ley de este negocio", cerró Scola.

Luis conoce el ambiente. Sabe que no es hora de enojarse, que sólo debe esperar algunos meses para hacer realidad su sueño de saltar a la NBA. Con todo lo que ya hizo, el lugar ya se lo ganó...

Tommy Duncan
09-10-2004, 03:06 PM
Condensed version:

"We are gods in Argentina and enjoy the pleasure of many young virgins and lots of free stuff."

09-10-2004, 03:08 PM
What I understood from it was that RC Buford sent him emails during the Olympics saying something like you got 25 points but where's the rebounding? And that Scola got pissed off by the emails.

Can anyone translate and tell me if that's what it says?

09-10-2004, 03:10 PM
I think it is saying that Scola is disappointed that the Spurs have not made enough effort to acquire him. Also says that the Spurs will try to get him next offseason.

09-10-2004, 03:12 PM
Kori it did say that. I also totally agree with Buford. He is a PF and you have to grab rebounds. He had 25 points but no rebounds. A PF needs to grab some boards. Something like 25 points with 4 boards would be good. I honestly think the Spurs should of brought him over instead of Horry and Massenburg.

09-10-2004, 03:42 PM
What I understood from it was that RC Buford sent him emails during the Olympics saying something like you got 25 points but where's the rebounding? And that Scola got pissed off by the emails.

Hmmm ... where have I heard that before?

"But timvp, how dare you criticize the Second Coming."

09-10-2004, 03:50 PM
They obviously want him to improve his rebounding ability. It's not that he can't, it is just that the Euro game is different. He seemed a bit defensive to the "criticism", but I think he will work on it this year with Tau. He is very proud and knows what he has to offer. At the same time, if he wants to play in the NBA, he will realize what has to be done to make his stay in the leauge permanent. As Buford said, he is there number one priority next year and they want him to work on a few things. No harm, no foul.

The article said he was looking for 6 mil over 3 years to help with the 2 million buyout. The Spurs could not do that because they spent 52 on Manu (instead of anticipated amount of around 40) and they couldn't unload Malik's contract.

Aggie Hoopsfan
09-10-2004, 03:53 PM
Shit. If the guy can put in 25 every night, I'll take it and worry about the rebounding later. Lot less offensive boards to go around when you're pouring in 25 a game.

Didn't he average something like 70% from the field too in the Olympics? Not many rebounds coming off the glass in that case.

09-10-2004, 03:54 PM
As Buford said, he is there number one priority next year

RC never said that, right?

Craig Sager said that Pop said that.

Or did I miss something?

09-10-2004, 03:56 PM
Shit. If the guy can put in 25 every night, I'll take it and worry about the rebounding later.


Yeah if anyone actually thought he could put up those numbers regularly in the NBA they wouldn't worry about it.

I'd be happy if he could average 9 and 6 in the NBA. But I think that would be stretching it.

09-10-2004, 04:06 PM
My bad Kori. Pop said number one priority, not RC (according to CS).

09-10-2004, 04:28 PM
The article said he was looking for 6 mil over 3 years to help with the 2 million buyout.Not even as expensive as we thought.

Solid D
09-10-2004, 04:47 PM
We should all send him an email and tell him to rebound more...to D-up....think rectangle not trapezoid....and then tell him we'll see you next year in Silver and Black.

Solid D
09-10-2004, 04:50 PM
Oh and one more thing.

We should email Luis and tell him to either Drive, Refuel, or Get Out of the Way!

09-10-2004, 05:31 PM

Solid D
09-10-2004, 05:34 PM
What is that, Google Fish?

Seru Giran
09-10-2004, 05:38 PM
“Scola will be our priority next summer” A straight forward answer from Gregg Popovich to ESPN field journalist Craig Sager when asked after another great performance by Scola in the Olimpics. Was he trying to avoid the pressure of not signing Scola for this NBA season? Or, could it be that he needed this kind of play from Scola to determine he would be valuable for the Spurs? Could be both..

In a way, San Antonio didn’t make any efforts to add this talented 24 yeard old kid that suprises with his effortless way to score under the basket.and showing signs of improvment in other aspects of the game, like rebounds, defense, FS, passes and long range shooting.
Even though is true that San Antonion had to pay a hefty price to keep Manu Ginobili (they wanted to spend 40 and end up paying 52 mil) and not being able to get rid of Malik Rose and his salary left the Texans with only 1 million in cap space made thing worst for Scola’s case. Scola needed a big contract (6 mil for 3 years) to take care of the rescision clause (2 mil) from Tau Ceramica (if he wants to leave in 2005, the sum is the same, according to Scola)
But in the other hand, in the Olimpics, Scola solidified his game making Pop and Buford to confirm what they thought of him in his last season at Tau: Scola is a NBA talent. Rumor say that they were convinced of Scola’s game in March in a game between Tay and CSKA of Moscu. With Buford in the stadium, Scola had 20 points, 8 rebounds and 7 assistances. “There are no dubts”, Buford told Tau’s coach.
After Athens, Buford explained why Scola wouldn’t be Spur this season, whom he drafted 56º in 2002 Draft “He could be our PF, but we’re OK in that position, he said talking about Duncan avoiding any criticism.
He would definitely be of great help. The people who evluated him were worried about his limitations and overlooking what he brings to the table. Maybe he might be a little short, he’s not the best athlete out there, but he knows how to play and do the right things.” He said. However, his words contradict his actions. During the Olimpics Buford sent several negatives mails: “You scored 25 points, but where are the rebounds”, was one of them that made Scola angry, but they were use by him as a motivation to keep playing great ball.
“I would rather not talk about those mails” Scola said to OLE, who avoided any controversy that would ultimately cost him his future with the Spurs. “I try not to give to much thought of the word out there. I knew this year I would not be playing for San Antonio. Buford told me that the salary cap would not allow them to sign him this year, maybe next year they contact me with more interest” Scola said.
“I kind of changed my approach”, says now “Before I was so anxious and willing to go (to the Spurs) that I didn’t see where I’m right now, Tau is a great team, they want me here and respect me, from down to bottom Very few remember that they took me when I was 17 years old”, he explained to make things clear the he has his “head” in Tau (he has two seasons left) and when the 04/05 season ends he will put his mind in making the jump to the NBA. You don’t hear anxiousness in his voice, he doesn’t chase his dream in deperation, no more.
“I did everything I could, it’s not up to me anymore” “I don’t mind that some people say my game is not good enough for the NBA. It’s a different style compared with the European game, and until I don’t go there I’ll never know
“I’m not mad San Antonio didn’t make a great effor (to sign me). Everyone is after the next Joran, the rest of us mortals, it’s a matter of taste, some they like, some they don’t. Up there there’s a rare thinking process. They take guys that never played in the Euro league, like Milicic or Tskitishvili, but the overlook other that are proven.”
Luis knows the business, he knows it’s not the time ot be angry, he just has to wait a couple of months to make his dream come true, to play in the NBA.With everything he accomplished so far, he earned it.

09-10-2004, 05:39 PM

I did my best Simon...

Solid D
09-10-2004, 05:59 PM
Thank you Seru Giran. Feel free to post more often, if you have time.

09-10-2004, 06:54 PM
Awesome job, Seru Giran.

If Scola is going to get mad because of an email, what is going to happen when Pop rips his azz?


Seru Giran
09-10-2004, 07:19 PM
If had knwoledge of the game I think I would post more, I've never played organized basketball, just in high school.
It's a great sport and I had tons of fun playing it.
I'm a casual fan and I really enjoy watching Manu and the Spurs.
I'm an avid reader of the board, though, sometimes I take a look to other board teams and the people here are great.

Altough I like following the Spurs through TV and this board I love football.
Get this, and I'm sure you'll laugh at this, I'm a Bills fan.

Flame away. :lol

09-10-2004, 07:21 PM
Travis Henry >>>>>>> Willis McGahee


Seru Giran
09-10-2004, 07:29 PM
Travis is the man

09-10-2004, 07:59 PM
If Scola is going to get mad because of an email, what is going to happen when Pop rips his azz?

Timvp, Scola's coach, Dusko Ivanovich is the worst pain in the ass there is, many players left Tau (including Oberto) cause they don't stand him. You are plain wrong if you think Scola won't handle Pop's discipline.

09-10-2004, 08:08 PM
What's with getting mad over an email about then?

09-10-2004, 08:11 PM
would pop rip scola in the nba had he scored 25 points

dude is not in the nba
if a rookie goes for 25 I doubt anyone would rip him apart

I would be ticked to had I gone for 25 led the team and then have a email from someone telling me how bad I was doing at my job.
Again you people think these players have no feelings. They are just human beings like you and me.

Would any of you rip Rose if he has no rebounds and no turnovers and 25 points? WOULD RC? WOULD POP? WHAT IF Duncan did that?

09-10-2004, 08:12 PM
What's with getting mad over an email about then?

would you get mad if you were him and you just led the team and did such a good job?

09-10-2004, 08:15 PM
Would any of you rip Rose if he has no rebounds and no turnovers and 25 points? WOULD RC? WOULD POP? WHAT IF Duncan did that?

Yes to all four.

09-10-2004, 10:29 PM
Timvp, please point me where Scola says anything about being mad at the emails.

09-10-2004, 10:37 PM
In the translation by Seru ...

Buford sent several negatives mails: “You scored 25 points, but where are the rebounds”, was one of them that made Scola angry

09-10-2004, 11:06 PM
Who has the gold?


Bring Scola in now!

09-10-2004, 11:16 PM
Kori, I repeat, point me where Luis says something about being angry. I don't care what the article says, I don't believe everything I read, especially coming from journalists.

Aggie Hoopsfan
09-11-2004, 02:09 AM
I'd be pissed too, why couldn't he just call and talk? Email is so impersonal, especially for shit like that.

As for the grand scheme of things, if I were Scola I'd say "hey you know what, in the NBA the goal is to win the championship, in the Olympics the goal is the gold. Last I checked, I got the gold."

Seriously, some nights your team needs you to score, some to rebound. I didn't see Argentina losing because Luis didn't rebound. I did see them roll through the Olympics with Scola leading the way (along with Manu).

Sometimes I wonder WTF our management is thinking, this is one of those times.

09-11-2004, 05:06 AM
As I pointed out earlier, everyone seems to be blowing this out of proportion. When Scola is donning the Silver and Black next year, no one will even remember this article.

He will be brought in and will contribute significantly to a repeat championship in '05-'06 :hat

09-11-2004, 11:58 AM
The article says he has accepted how things work in the NBA, he has matured.Next season he'll grab more rebounds and case closed.
And by the way:Buford,no more e-mails,please.

T Park Num 9
09-11-2004, 03:14 PM
once again, Aggie knows more than championship management.

Im sure RC will be on the phone with you immediately.

Good thing they werent in 03.

I think I asked where the rebounds where too as well, and me and TIMVP got blown up here like we questioned David Robinson's religion.

09-11-2004, 04:02 PM
spurs magament is not beyond being questioned
bashing a guy after he gets 25 in a email that is not even your player is stupid

09-11-2004, 06:35 PM
I wouldn't give much credit to the article. I mean, this newspaper is a sports one, but also has tabloid ways for many things. They always like to bring up controversy out of nowhere. Scola may be upset about being told this by an e-mail, but all the other stuff said by the journalist that is unquoted is pure journalist rubbish.

09-12-2004, 05:35 AM
Well I saw that interview and I think he was pissed. When Sager told him what Popovich said he scowled and said he was going to worry about his Euro team, not the NBA...much like what he said in this article.

And furthermore, I don't know if anyone remembers this or not...but Scola wasn't too happy about being drafted in the second round by the Spurs either...once he slipped out of the first round he was hoping no one would draft him so he could be a FA. I definitely remember him making comments about it at the time...that he wished he hadn't been drafted after slipping out of the first round.

Just because Manu is a coaches dream doesn't mean every Euroleague player or every Argentinian is...those guys can have egos and a scorers mentality just like the American players do...something to remember when we are ripping our own guys...

Personally I am not too worried about it...we have a fairly decent PF as it is and Scola does need to be able to rebound to play that position in the NBA...if he can't I don't see any reason to ditch Malik, who does rebound well, just to bring Scola over...

In Scola's defense though...he seems to have a firey mentality and I don't think that's a bad thing on this team.....he seems to know how to use his anger for motivation and come up big when it matters...It could just be the type of player he is..a guy who plays with an attitude and a chip on his shoulder.

I wouldn't sweat it one way or the other...if he's pissed he'll either get over it and not let it be a factor or else he'll move on with a little help from the Spurs...it'd be nice if we could get him and it works out but it's no biggie since PF is not our problem position.

09-12-2004, 10:54 AM
And furthermore, I don't know if anyone remembers this or not...but Scola wasn't too happy about being drafted in the second round by the Spurs either...once he slipped out of the first round he was hoping no one would draft him so he could be a FA. I definitely remember him making comments about it at the time...that he wished he hadn't been drafted after slipping out of the first round.

Scola dropped to the 2nd round in part because he had a big buyout in his contract. He was projected to be a first round pick even as high as lottery pick. The reason he was hoping no one would draft him is that a 2nd round contract doesnt give you the money to work a buyout.

You dont know Scola but I've been hearing his interviews for a long time and he is no egomaniac, you can be sure about that.

Rick Von Braun
09-12-2004, 01:03 PM
danyel said:
The reason he was hoping no one would draft him is that a 2nd round contract doesnt give you the money to work a buyout.I think this is incorrect. There is no rookie scale for 2nd rounders, i.e. no limitations whatsoever. When there is a contract buyout, it is actually better if the player is a 2nd rounder, because he can get a larger contract than a 1st rounder (limited by the rookie scale). The player could pay the buyout with money from his own pocket (minus the 350k the team can provide).

I think the reason he was pissed at the time was because with no guaranteed contract (1st round), he would have been better off as a FA (not picked in the draft) and being able to negotiate with any team. Now, his is stuck with one team (the Spurs), so he has much less flexibility. To make matters worse, we have a pretty good player at PF :wink

I have no doubts that if Scola were a FA now, he would be playing for some team in the NBA.

09-13-2004, 02:07 PM
I have no doubts that if Scola were a FA now, he would be playing for some team in the NBA.

Let's avoid that scenario at all costs... I wouldn't want a pissed Scola, with a chip on his shoulder, with something to prove, playing against the Spurs. It's in those type of games that players get hurt (Scola and Duncan would go at it... Scola and Manu would go at it)

In fact I'm actually concerned for Manu when ge goes up against Nocioni and the Bulls.

Something about trying to proove who is the best Argentine player might lead to an injury....

09-14-2004, 03:42 AM
Kori it did say that. I also totally agree with Buford. He is a PF and you have to grab rebounds. He had 25 points but no rebounds. A PF needs to grab some boards. Something like 25 points with 4 boards would be good. I honestly think the Spurs should of brought him over instead of Horry and Massenburg.

C'mon the guy posted 11 boards along with 25 points in a OLYMPIC GOLD MEDAL GAME when his team was playing without his most important post player (Oberto) and all the pressure was on Scola and the guy did it what else do you want?