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View Full Version : Ever felt that you were going to REALLY die?

Venti Quattro
08-04-2011, 07:47 AM
At some point/s in our lives, there are circumstances and sitations where we think we might be dead after it, like getting hostaged in a building, getting involved in a car crash, etc.

What are your experiences with that feeling that you were going to die?

Jack Kevorkian
08-04-2011, 08:53 AM
At some point/s in our lives, there are circumstances and sitations where we think we might be dead after it, like getting hostaged in a building, getting involved in a car crash, etc.

What are your experiences with that feeling that you were going to die?

We still on for 2:30 today?

08-04-2011, 08:58 AM
I was ran over by a car when I was 14, broke my humerus, clavicle, separated my shoulder, broke 4 ribs, punctured my lung, broke my nose, knocked out my 4 front teeth, dislocated my hip, broke my tibia and my fibula, broke my ankle and damn near all my toes. Also had a major concussion and sever lacerations all over my back (was picking gravel out of my back for a week).

Needless to say I was scared. Made more scared by the emergency room doctors who didnt have very good looks on their faces.

I hated my stepmother (at the time), and as I was puking my guts out (fucking Demoral sp?) and barely breathing, I apologized to her and told her I loved her.

Yes, I sincerely thought I was going to die. Later in life, I found out I wasnt the only one. Spent 2 weeks in ICU and a total of 6 weeks in the hospital. Took about 7 months to recover fully.

08-04-2011, 09:03 AM
Two years later, I was in the backseat of a Geo Tracker driven by an idiot who decided to blow a stop sign at a busy intersection.

We were t-boned and I was ejected out of the vehicle via the little side window in back.

I woke up in the middle of the road with people standing around me, I got up, stumbled around, lost my balance and held onto a telephone pole support wire, spun around it and landed on my back realizing I cant breathe.

According to witnesses who actually did stop at that stop sign, we were t-boned and 2 bodies flew from the car, one bouncing off the car that hit them, shot up into the air and landed head first on the road.

I was the one who bounced.

Lengthy hospital stay, numerous injuries, but the major problem was the collapsed lung.

I will say this to people and women who have not had children, you do not know true pain, real pain, until you have a had chest tube put in with no anesthetic.

Casey Anthony
08-04-2011, 09:04 AM
I had that feeling a couple weeks ago.

08-04-2011, 11:35 AM
I was ran over by a car when I was 14, broke my humerus, clavicle, separated my shoulder, broke 4 ribs, punctured my lung, broke my nose, knocked out my 4 front teeth, dislocated my hip, broke my tibia and my fibula, broke my ankle and damn near all my toes. Also had a major concussion and sever lacerations all over my back (was picking gravel out of my back for a week).

Needless to say I was scared. Made more scared by the emergency room doctors who didnt have very good looks on their faces.

I hated my stepmother (at the time), and as I was puking my guts out (fucking Demoral sp?) and barely breathing, I apologized to her and told her I loved her.

Yes, I sincerely thought I was going to die. Later in life, I found out I wasnt the only one. Spent 2 weeks in ICU and a total of 6 weeks in the hospital. Took about 7 months to recover fully.

Two years later, I was in the backseat of a Geo Tracker driven by an idiot who decided to blow a stop sign at a busy intersection.

We were t-boned and I was ejected out of the vehicle via the little side window in back.

I woke up in the middle of the road with people standing around me, I got up, stumbled around, lost my balance and held onto a telephone pole support wire, spun around it and landed on my back realizing I cant breathe.

According to witnesses who actually did stop at that stop sign, we were t-boned and 2 bodies flew from the car, one bouncing off the car that hit them, shot up into the air and landed head first on the road.

I was the one who bounced.

Lengthy hospital stay, numerous injuries, but the major problem was the collapsed lung.

I will say this to people and women who have not had children, you do not know true pain, real pain, until you have a had chest tube put in with no anesthetic.

Dont ever come near me.

08-04-2011, 11:40 AM
I read every post on a thread where Tyson Chandler was pretending he was a tough black guy. I didn't quite feel like was going to kill me but it was extremely painful.

08-04-2011, 11:45 AM
when me and sourcandy locked eyes my heart stopped

08-04-2011, 11:50 AM
Damn darkreign :lol
You're snake bitten, you should be on that show 'I shouldn't be alive'

08-04-2011, 12:32 PM
I was walking along the edge of a 5 story parking garage when I was hammered. It was funny.

08-04-2011, 12:43 PM
Several times.

Most recent one was when I was driving on 281 and the drivers to my left and right were both texting.

08-04-2011, 12:58 PM
I was walking home after drinking a lot (and on an empty stomach), didnt pay attention to the red light, crossed the street, and almost got hit by a car

I froze, man, I really froze

08-04-2011, 01:21 PM
Dont ever come near me.


Kind of funny actually now that I am older. I didnt get my license until I was 18 (never had to) and yet I was in something like 12-14 car accidents before then, ranging from little fender benders that required an exchange of information to the above stories.

Ive since been in one car accident, I was driving and it was my fault. 13-15 accidents and only one where I was driving.

Needless to say, I do all the driving in my life now. I am very rarely a passenger in any vehicle...I just dont trust you fuckers.

08-04-2011, 01:28 PM
I can't match DR's stories as far as injuries, but definitely had one of those slow motion "this might be it" moments...seriously bad motocross wreck where I blew my rotator cuff out coming off a really long jump, the front forks went to lock and i flipped over them...next thing I knew I was 25' in the air, upside down, and going 60mph backwards...

08-04-2011, 01:31 PM
Almost drowned as a kid. Pulled out at the very last second.

08-04-2011, 01:35 PM
I was in Luva's basement a year ago this past June. His mother had just got done yelling at us for drinking all the Vernor's. You know that drink with the Va Va Voom. It was getting down to brass tacks when Kobe lifted up at the top of the key. I started to die then. My cuckhold flashed before my eyes. I closed 'em tight and when I opened 'em back up for some fuckin' reason--that I still ain't figured out to this day:::Pierce was back on his heels, and instead of me dieing, or, my brother Luva dieing, Pierce and his fucks died.

Just like that.

Nick Manning
08-04-2011, 01:36 PM
I was in Luva's basement a year ago this past June. His mother had just got done yelling at us for drinking all the Vernor's. You know that drink with the Va Va Voom. It was getting down to brass tacks when Kobe lifted up at the top of the key. I started to die then. My cuckhold flashed before my eyes. I closed 'em tight and when I opened 'em back up for some fuckin' reason--that I still ain't figured out to this day:::Pierce was back on his heels, and instead of me dieing, or, my brother Luva dieing, Pierce and his fucks died.

Just like that.

You really are an old man...nobody under 60 drinks vernors.

Fat boy
08-04-2011, 01:41 PM
A few times when I've choked on a sammich.

Nick Manning
08-04-2011, 01:44 PM
Whenever my g/f makes dinner it's a near-death experience.

The Gemini Method
08-04-2011, 01:57 PM
The actual feeling of almost dying? I'm not sure, but when I had a dire case of pneumonia as a kid was pretty traumatic. The one that I think would qualify me closest to feeling real harm was when after a date I was parked in L.A. when an ese put a gun to the side of my head and asked me where I was from. I remember that feeling of my adrenalin rushing and my life just moving at an accelerated pace. I can still feel the feeling of a cold barrel against my head and my date's incessant screaming. Also, the feeling of him raising up away from me when his homie was the voice of reason saying, "Naw homie, this guy don't look F13 let's go...or something along those lines." I was, to say the least, white as a ghost.

08-04-2011, 02:41 PM
Whenever my g/f makes dinner it's a near-death experience.

You get to fuck her after dinner, right?

Viva Las Espuelas
08-04-2011, 02:46 PM
Two years later, I was in the backseat of a Geo Tracker driven by an idiot who decided to blow a stop sign at a busy intersection.

We were t-boned and I was ejected out of the vehicle via the little side window in back.

I woke up in the middle of the road with people standing around me, I got up, stumbled around, lost my balance and held onto a telephone pole support wire, spun around it and landed on my back realizing I cant breathe.

According to witnesses who actually did stop at that stop sign, we were t-boned and 2 bodies flew from the car, one bouncing off the car that hit them, shot up into the air and landed head first on the road.

I was the one who bounced.

Lengthy hospital stay, numerous injuries, but the major problem was the collapsed lung.

I will say this to people and women who have not had children, you do not know true pain, real pain, until you have a had chest tube put in with no anesthetic.

Damn, DR. Someone/thing really thinks your time isn't done here. :toast

silverblk mystix
08-04-2011, 02:55 PM
No joke...

I was once forced...


listen to rap!


I survived it though.

08-04-2011, 02:57 PM
A guy held a gun to my head about a year and a half ago and told me if I moved it would be my last movement. There's a back story, but eventually the cops came and I'm alive.

08-04-2011, 02:57 PM
You really are an old man...nobody under 60 drinks vernors.

& nobody backs away from Artest. Well, almost nobody.

tee, hee.

08-04-2011, 03:01 PM
A guy held a gun to my head about a year and a half ago and told me if I moved it would be my last movement. There's a back story, but eventually the cops came and I'm alive.

did he shoot?

08-04-2011, 03:02 PM
did he shoot?


08-04-2011, 03:04 PM
A guy held a gun to my head about a year and a half ago and told me if I moved it would be my last movement. There's a back story, but eventually the cops came and I'm alive.

Was it a black guy?

08-04-2011, 03:19 PM
I can't match DR's stories as far as injuries, but definitely had one of those slow motion "this might be it" moments...seriously bad motocross wreck where I blew my rotator cuff out coming off a really long jump, the front forks went to lock and i flipped over them...next thing I knew I was 25' in the air, upside down, and going 60mph backwards...

My shit happened so fast, I had no time to think about what was coming (except a brief moment before being ran over where I turned my head and literally kissed the front bumper, thus the broken nose, 4 front teeth portion of the story). 25' in the air, sailing backwards at 60 mph...

Pretty sure death becomes a possibility in your mind.

The actual feeling of almost dying? I'm not sure, but when I had a dire case of pneumonia as a kid was pretty traumatic. The one that I think would qualify me closest to feeling real harm was when after a date I was parked in L.A. when an ese put a gun to the side of my head and asked me where I was from. I remember that feeling of my adrenalin rushing and my life just moving at an accelerated pace. I can still feel the feeling of a cold barrel against my head and my date's incessant screaming. Also, the feeling of him raising up away from me when his homie was the voice of reason saying, "Naw homie, this guy don't look F13 let's go...or something along those lines." I was, to say the least, white as a ghost.

A guy held a gun to my head about a year and a half ago and told me if I moved it would be my last movement. There's a back story, but eventually the cops came and I'm alive.

Ive never had a gun pulled on me and I could only imagine. No bullshit ST shit-talk, that must be horrifying.

08-04-2011, 03:30 PM
Was it a black guy?


Ive never had a gun pulled on me and I could only imagine. No bullshit ST shit-talk, that must be horrifying.

Yeah it was pretty fucking crazy. It's definitely a powerless feeling and I was really pissed off but I knew I couldn't do shit about it.

08-04-2011, 03:41 PM
You really are an old man...nobody under 60 drinks vernors.


Best fucking ginger ale. Ever.

08-04-2011, 03:44 PM
I am not trying to be over-dramatic or garner attention/sympathy, but I know how if I were reading some of these tales, I'd want to know considering anonymity.

I was conscious the whole time being ran over, I was never knocked out. I remember the front driver wheel going over my legs/hips and feeling and hearing the breaking of bones, then being turned over maybe twice as the undercarriage snagged various portions of my back and sides and then I really remember the rear driver tire coming up my right side/back and going over my shoulders. When the car reached its "apex" of its height on my shoulders, my shit just snapped and crumbled. I remember the car "dropping" more than a few inches on top of me as my entire left side went to bone and tissue mush.

I also believe thats when it broke my ribs with one puncturing my lung.

It was really surreal after I came out from under the car. I never thought I was going to die, honestly, youre in so much shock, you dont really "feel" the immediate pain of all the injuries. I was lying in the road, still processing what happened and more importantly, completely surprised that I felt nothing, no pain. I actually thought I was ok and was going to stand up.

Then the fucking pain washed over me like a tsunami. Screamed like a girl, like a little baby girl.

I had these pointed roach clips on my chain wallet (yeah, laugh all you want) that were literally stuck hinge-deep into my thigh (roughly 3" deep). One of the kids who saw the whole thing must have ran like the Flash to me, as I was a good 200 yards from the group where this happened. Anyway, he's trippin', I can see it in his eyes. Comforting, screaming for help, multiple neighbors calling 911, cars stopping with pedestrians roaming about.

This whole time, it felt like my left arm was lying at my side, like normal. But when this guy propped me up a little bit because he could see I was having trouble breathing, my arm flopped from under my body, behind my shoulder blades.

Its a really fucking eerie feeling to think your limb is somewhere only to find out youve been laying on it this whole time.

I think thats when I went into total shock. I calmly reached down, grabbed the roach clips and pulled them out really slowly. It didnt hurt at all, which was surprising at the time.

Thats when the ambulance showed up and jostled me onto a stretcher that hurt like...well, like fucking hell.

Summing this story up, I get to the hospital and its clear that I need some meds. They give me an injection of Demoral (sp?). Little did I know, but apparently, I am allergic to it. Its the only thing I know of that I am allergic to and this is how I find out, in my most broken, beaten, crushed state of being.

You ever puke uncontrollably, literally uncontrollably, and violently with a crushed body and a punctured lung? It hurts. It hurts so much that you get tired, you get tired of being awake, you just want to sleep. You just want to be unconscious. Thats when my stepmother showed up and the first words out of my mouth were "Im sorry, Ive always loved you".

I figured if I am going to die, I might as well make peace with the only person I am not at peace with.

Things get foggy from there as the Demoral works on the pain, but I cant stop puking. Last thing I remember clearly, nurse walks in and starts an IV. Doctor walks in right behind her with a morphine shot.

Instant. Nirvana.

I'm swimming mentally and I watch the doctor grab my broken left arm, he's looking in my eyes the whole time, and start to slowly raise it, slowly raise it, and I am just thinking "Holy shit, that doesnt hurt!"

Boom. Passed out. Woke up in ICU.


08-04-2011, 03:54 PM
^^ Is that your personal story DR?

Holy shit. That sounds brutal.

Do you have lasting injuries? What terrible luck finding out you're allergic to a drug after being fucking destroyed by a vehicle.

08-04-2011, 03:57 PM
^^ Is that your personal story DR?

Holy shit. That sounds brutal.

Do you have lasting injuries? What terrible luck finding out you're allergic to a drug after being fucking destroyed by a vehicle.

Yep, I was 14.

Lasting injuries, no.

Besides a metal plate in my left arm, a jutting clavicle, a few surgical scars, one patch of gravel scars on my lower back, and one helluva nose job, no.

My back hurts and my hips sometimes flare up when its going to rain (barometric pressure? no idea), really no worse for wear.

08-04-2011, 04:01 PM
Fucking a. How fast was the guy going and how did you get hit? Were you playing in the street and he just didn't see you or what? You have some really terrible experiences with cars...

Bobby Boucher
08-04-2011, 04:21 PM
Momma always wouldn't let me play no fooseball on account of she didn't want me to die like my daddy. See my daddy went into the peace corps and got lost in the desert, he died of dehydration.

08-04-2011, 04:33 PM
Overdosed on DXM. Been fucked in the head since tbh.

08-04-2011, 04:46 PM
Fucking a. How fast was the guy going and how did you get hit? Were you playing in the street and he just didn't see you or what? You have some really terrible experiences with cars...

Actually the circumstances around how it happened are slightly embarrassing.

I used to walk to school in junior high (some parts of the country call it middle school). Just got out of school, smoked a couple at a friends house who lived, literally, right next door to the school.

Walked that gravel road hundreds of times, back and forth to school. A friend of my friend's sister (also female) used to drive us down the road as a courtesy.

We would sit on the hood and she would drive. I had done it numerous, if not 100 times.

She decided to hit the brakes on this occasion going about 30 mph, if I had to guess. I was on the driver's side of the hood, she couldnt see, she asked me to move over. In my transition toward the center of the vehicle, she hit the brakes (apparently, she was about to hit something). My grip slipped from under the hood and I slid off the front of the hood. I tried to "jump" away from the vehicle, but you would be surprised how difficult that is when you are nowhere near prepared to do it.

I didnt make it very far, needless to say. Considering where I started (middle of hood), to where I landed (driver's side corner), not too bad. I landed, turned, and ate the front corner of the bumper face-on. The rest I already wrote.

08-04-2011, 04:52 PM
Oh, it was a big-ass 1980s Ford LTD. Big hood.

08-04-2011, 05:32 PM
Yeah I came close, but after DR's story, no.

marini martini
08-04-2011, 07:04 PM
I jumped out of my mom's Opel when the brakes failed going down our steep driveway. This was before seat belts. :lol She kept screaming "OMG, the brakes, the brakes". Car slammed in to a tree in the ditch.
I didn't get run over, but my glasses got broken. My Mom flipped out, my Dad got pissed, and the whole neighborhood thought I was crazy.

08-04-2011, 07:19 PM
Sounds weak that I would consider my life was in dannger after reading some of the stories on here but I was robbed at gunpoint walking down the street when I was like 15, for about $20-25 worth of dollar bills...nigga that robbed me was behind me in line at a convenience store and mustve seen all those bills thinking it was more than it really was. I bet he was dissapointed when he opened my wallet :lol

Another time we nearly flipped over going about 80 mph when the car I was riding got a flat tire, driver started swerving and at one point literally one side of the vehicle was off the ground. I was in the backseat not wearing a seatbelt, pretty sure it wouldnt have been pretty if the car had flipped over.

I jumped out of my mom's Opel when the brakes failed going down our steep driveway. This was before seat belts. :lol She kept screaming "OMG, the brakes, the brakes". Car slammed in to a tree in the ditch.
I didn't get run over, but my glasses got broken. My Mom flipped out, my Dad got pissed, and the whole neighborhood thought I was crazy.

not trying to be a dick, just curious...did u try the emergency brake?

marini martini
08-04-2011, 07:33 PM
not trying to be a dick, just curious...did u try the emergency brake?

I was 12, I didn't know about emergency brakes back then. Hell, I was too busy trying to gage my jump.

08-04-2011, 08:33 PM
Best fucking ginger ale. Ever.

No damn wonder. It's aged in oak barrels. Says so right on the label.

08-04-2011, 08:58 PM
Damn, DR, that whole story is crazy. Glad you made it out alright - it's pretty impressive to me that you don't have more long lasting injuries.

08-04-2011, 10:04 PM
Damn, DarkReign....that story is like whoa. Craziest I've heard in a while. Pretty sure you win this round. :tu

Glad you're still around to tell about it.

08-04-2011, 10:41 PM
I will say this to people and women who have not had children, you do not know true pain, real pain, until you have a had chest tube put in with no anesthetic.

Was trained in chest tubes last year and have only done one (albeit in a hospital setting)...very barbaric procedure, and needless to say we're supposed to use a local and a general anesthetic every time. Couldn't imagine doing it sans the pain meds on a conscious patient.

Crazy story, bro...congrats on beating the odds

Venti Quattro
08-05-2011, 04:14 AM
Once, me and my friends were playing ball and a drunk guy pulled out a gun because he was pissed that he cannot maneuver his car because he was so fucking drunk to even drive one straight-line. I really felt he was going to shoot and I shouted and ran as fast as I could.

08-05-2011, 08:34 AM
I've had that feeling for quite some time.

08-05-2011, 10:11 AM

Best fucking ginger ale. Ever.


08-05-2011, 10:21 AM
I almost drowned once and don't ever want to have that feeling again.

08-05-2011, 12:38 PM
Was trained in chest tubes last year and have only done one (albeit in a hospital setting)...very barbaric procedure, and needless to say we're supposed to use a local and a general anesthetic every time. Couldn't imagine doing it sans the pain meds on a conscious patient.

Crazy story, bro...congrats on beating the odds

That happened in my Geo Tracker accident. Collapsed lung.

I will never forget it, not to the day I die. They cut me with a scalpel first, between my ribs, to get through as far they could.

Then, they took about a 1" diameter tube that had an angled cut on it (to create an edge on the tube) and plunged it into my lung.

Its as brutal and painful as it sounds. Oh yeah, iirc, you had to hold your breath the whole time, too. If you exhaled before it was set properly in your lung, it might collapse further (or worse?), Im not a doctor.

Thats only if I remember correctly.

08-05-2011, 03:28 PM
No, not that I remember. Glad I haven't either. The accident, the gun thing..wow no thanks. Not that you guys has a choice in it :lol but you know what I mean. Wonder if it made your guys appreciate life or not.

08-05-2011, 05:10 PM
I almost drowned once and don't ever want to have that feeling again.
Rio Grande eh?

08-05-2011, 08:26 PM