View Full Version : The Harold Reynolds Video

06-13-2005, 03:24 AM
Sorry, I'm a little ripped and needed to tell someone this.

You know, I was really worried that I haven't seen the Crime Dog/ Tom Emanski Baseball World commercial lately, and then as I'm watching the replay of the Spurs game, I see this new gem. I figure most folks that post on a sports related message board knows what I'm talking about.

All of you guys about twenty or younger, remember this video and how cool Harold, Torii Hunter, and Joe Girardi look and how fundamentally sound they are practicing. Then, fifteen years from now, when ESPN8 is showing the NCAA Division III Women's Dodgeball tourney, you're going to see this commercial and wonder why the hell they haven't updated it in so long.

Poor Tom Emanski. He's been advertising with ESPN, in all the crap time slots, in all the shitty programming, for so freaking long. You name it...curling, field hockey, tae-kwon-do, poker back when poker was sleazy, spelling bees, Keith Olbermann in his black leather jacket on the alternative SportsCenter, all of that garbage.

His video, which was probably produced for a keg of beer for the staffers and some pretty blue hats for McGriff, has probably sold ten thousand copies. You've got to think that he's the most senior continuous client ESPN has, and now his business isn't enough. Let's use our superior resources and create a competing product!

I always thought that one day, I'll be sitting on the couch with my own son, and Fred McGriff, now a 59 year old pinch hitter with some random independent minor league team chasing skirt with Rickey Henderson, and we'd see the Baseball World video. He'd look up at me and ask, "Jesus, this commercial sucks. How long has it been on the air?"

Too long, kid. Too effing long.