View Full Version : real question (no racist)

08-11-2011, 01:16 PM
Why is it considered racist to say that one race of people is, on average, smarter than another?

It seems acceptable to point out differences in races in almost any other physiological aspect.

So why is it so taboo to say that one race may have developed differently from an intelligence standpoint?

Certain breeds of dogs learn better than others. Certain breeds of dogs are faster than others. Certain types of dogs are stronger. etc.

I realize that humans aren't dogs. But we're still animals right?

Slim Charles
08-11-2011, 01:34 PM
So naturally you're white right? It's so nice of you to point out how dumb us black folk be. We shore do 'preciate ya remindin' us of yore sooperyo supererrio super... that yore better than us.

08-11-2011, 01:37 PM
So naturally you're white right? It's so nice of you to point out how dumb us black folk be. We shore do 'preciate ya remindin' us of yore sooperyo supererrio super... that yore better than us.

See, I knew someone would fuck it up and turn it into black and white. I wish I was Japanese so I could ask the question without getting called out for being racist.

Alex Haley
08-11-2011, 01:38 PM
Why is it considered racist to say that one race of people is, on average, smarter than another?

It seems acceptable to point out differences in races in almost any other physiological aspect.

So why is it so taboo to say that one race may have developed differently from an intelligence standpoint?

Certain breeds of dogs learn better than others. Certain breeds of dogs are faster than others. Certain types of dogs are stronger. etc.

I realize that humans aren't dogs. But we're still animals right?

Racism is the root of all evil. You can always make the average out in your favor. It isn't hard at all.

I. Hustle
08-11-2011, 01:39 PM

08-11-2011, 01:43 PM
Racism is the root of all evil. You can always make the average out in your favor. It isn't hard at all.

Look. I'm not even agreeing with the premise that one race is smarter than another. I have no clue. But why is it de facto racist just to say that it's possible?

And even if it's true, it doesn't mean that one race is superior to another. It's just that it has different traits.

I. Hustle
08-11-2011, 01:44 PM
Look. I'm not even agreeing with the premise that one race is smarter than another. I have no clue. But why is it de facto racist just to say that it's possible?

And even if it's true, it doesn't mean that one race is superior to another. It's just that it has different traits.

You are right. I think the human race is smarter than ANY other race on this planet. I got your back bro.

08-11-2011, 01:49 PM
You are right. I think the human race is smarter than ANY other race on this planet. I got your back bro.

You guys always shit in my serious threads.

I. Hustle
08-11-2011, 01:52 PM
You guys always shit in my serious threads.

Hey, I was trying to back you up.:depressed

08-11-2011, 01:54 PM
Hey, I was trying to back you up.:depressed

no, you were fucking with me. I hope you weren't fucking with me about LARP. If I end up at the station with no one to pick me up, I'll be pissed. And make no mistake, I WILL report you to Kori for fraud (or whatever the equivalent around here is).

I. Hustle
08-11-2011, 02:02 PM
no, you were fucking with me. I hope you weren't fucking with me about LARP. If I end up at the station with no one to pick me up, I'll be pissed. And make no mistake, I WILL report you to Kori for fraud (or whatever the equivalent around here is).

You are derailing here but I am definately not kidding about Fable. I wouldn't put that much money into a joke. MS already secured the van so that we can all ride together so nobody is going to get lost. I have your armor ready and will just throw it in the back of the van so that you can get ready on the way and don't look like a weirdo on the bus.
Besides we already talked on the phone dude and I told you how serious I was about it.

Back on topic though, I think you can say that using any different group of people though. We all know how people feel about us from the south even though it is far from true. Then you could say that all Cali people are airhead surfers. It kind of just fits into a stereotype in my opinion and even though there may be some truth to SOME stereotypes I think it would be very difficult to actually conduct a study like that to prove yourself.

08-11-2011, 02:17 PM
Wake 'n bake surfin' rules brah!

08-11-2011, 02:45 PM
cue the Slomo thread close..

08-11-2011, 02:48 PM
You are derailing here but I am definately not kidding about Fable. I wouldn't put that much money into a joke. MS already secured the van so that we can all ride together so nobody is going to get lost. I have your armor ready and will just throw it in the back of the van so that you can get ready on the way and don't look like a weirdo on the bus.
Besides we already talked on the phone dude and I told you how serious I was about it.

Back on topic though, I think you can say that using any different group of people though. We all know how people feel about us from the south even though it is far from true. Then you could say that all Cali people are airhead surfers. It kind of just fits into a stereotype in my opinion and even though there may be some truth to SOME stereotypes I think it would be very difficult to actually conduct a study like that to prove yourself.

It's cool about LARP. I guess I'll be a little paranoid until we meet face to face and maybe have a beer or two. I've got some friends who have played jokes on people and talked to them on the phone and had them meet up. The whole 9 yards. One time, one of my friends put out an add to start up a band. He acted like he was a pro guitar player but when the other guys came over to "jam", they realized he couldn't play a note.
I fully expect him to end up dead one day. But anyway, I'm excited about LARP and I do appreciate you setting me up wth the gear and the ride.

I think you're totally missing the point on my OP though. I don't even know what point you're making on your comments about the South and Cali.

08-11-2011, 02:59 PM
Racial stereotypes are typically more accurate than geographic ones, imho.

08-11-2011, 03:29 PM
As it pertains to intelligence, as ambiguous as that word is used in this instance, socioeconomic status will give you a far better representation of data to look at.

That one ethnicity finds itself disproportionately represented below the poverty line being then associated with "dumb/ignorant/whatever" is a question and assumption without any real answer.

08-11-2011, 03:41 PM

I. Hustle
08-11-2011, 03:46 PM


08-11-2011, 03:51 PM
As it pertains to intelligence, as ambiguous as that word is used in this instance, socioeconomic status will give you a far better representation of data to look at.

That one ethnicity finds itself disproportionately represented below the poverty line being then associated with "dumb/ignorant/whatever" is a question and assumption without any real answer.

I don't disagree with any of that. And my OP was intended to be taken without that in mind. Although, I do wonder if a large % of a race lives below the poverty line and doesn't receive the same benefits as another race (nutrition, education , whatever), then over time, those deficencies will manifest as a permanent change in the gene pool moving forward.

08-11-2011, 05:27 PM
We should be glad blacks are less intelligent. They are the physically strongest race and we would all be their slaves if they weren't so damn stupid. (no racist)

08-11-2011, 05:59 PM
Why is it considered racist to say that one race of people is, on average, smarter than another?

It seems acceptable to point out differences in races in almost any other physiological aspect.

So why is it so taboo to say that one race may have developed differently from an intelligence standpoint?

Certain breeds of dogs learn better than others. Certain breeds of dogs are faster than others. Certain types of dogs are stronger. etc.

I realize that humans aren't dogs. But we're still animals right?
It's not racist to say that, unless you are saying it because you feel that your race is superior to other races.

If you have the data to support your claim, lay it out there. Anecdotes don't constitute real data.

silverblk mystix
08-11-2011, 07:14 PM
Your race...this race...that race...

There is only one race morons. The Human Race.

08-11-2011, 07:18 PM
Your race...this race...that race...

There is only one race morons. The Human Race.

And the dumbest humans of all who decide to be filthy, gutless, pigs

08-11-2011, 07:22 PM
And the dumbest humans of all who decide to be filthy, gutless, pigs


08-11-2011, 07:31 PM
Your race...this race...that race...

There is only one race morons. The Human Race.


And the dumbest humans of all who decide to be filthy, gutless, pigs


08-11-2011, 08:07 PM
Your race...this race...that race...

There is only one race morons. The Human Race.

Good thing we're on the white side of it eh?

silverblk mystix
08-11-2011, 08:49 PM
Good thing we're on the white side of it eh?

Who the fuck is we?

Are you french? (oui)

08-11-2011, 10:27 PM
Are jews considered white? I've always considered myself Caucasian tbh, but then someone told me that no, jews aren't white. Skin heads also aren't very found of us, so I'm having a bit of an identity crisis here. What do I list in the race section tbh?

08-12-2011, 11:08 AM
Who the fuck is we?

Are you french? (oui)

Everyone white (seems obvious).

08-12-2011, 11:08 AM
Are jews considered white? I've always considered myself Caucasian tbh, but then someone told me that no, jews aren't white. Skin heads also aren't very found of us, so I'm having a bit of an identity crisis here. What do I list in the race section tbh?

Jews are white, not Aryan, but white nonetheless.

08-13-2011, 02:39 AM
Racial stereotypes are typically more accurate than geographic ones, imho.

I'm buying this.