View Full Version : Mom on trial for punishing child with hot sauce & cold showers

08-18-2011, 02:47 PM
Jurors on Wednesday watched video of a woman squirting hot sauce in the mouth of her adopted son and then making him stand in a cold shower in a case that caused a public uproar in Russia after it aired on the "Dr. Phil" show.

LINK (http://www.woai.com/news/local/story/Mom-on-trial-for-punishing-child-with-hot-sauce/E4nMsY-KY0GbHArBlogmVg.cspx)

It's funny because there seem to be two types of responses, those that are up in arms and teary eyed because of what she did, and those that think it's really not a big deal.

Personally, I wouldn't do it. I'm not sure if it's because it seems unnecessary or ineffective, but I certainly don't think it's a big deal.

baseline bum
08-18-2011, 02:54 PM
She needs to get the cold shower while the jury watches and yells at the cunt.

08-18-2011, 02:58 PM
Depends on what she was punishing the kid for and how cold the shower was tbh. The hot sauce doesn't seem like a big deal.

The kid being adopted makes it look a lot worse tho.

08-18-2011, 02:58 PM
fuck that. if the kid is uncontrollable a cold shower will work miracles.

baseline bum
08-18-2011, 03:04 PM
fuck that. if the kid is uncontrollable a cold shower will work miracles.

He didn't get a hard-on in class.

08-18-2011, 03:09 PM
Depends on what she was punishing the kid for and how cold the shower was tbh. The hot sauce doesn't seem like a big deal.

The kid being adopted makes it look a lot worse tho.

... 7-year-old boy from Russia because he misbehaved in school and then lied about it.

Beagley used unusual methods because more traditional forms of punishment had not worked with the boy

But, prosecutors say, what Beagley did went beyond what would be considered reasonable parental discipline and amounted to child abuse.

:lmao I guess she should of just went for a more traditional form of punishment.

08-18-2011, 03:11 PM
In b4 old people come in and say how much harsher their daddy used to punish them via whips and belts, etc.

08-18-2011, 03:12 PM


08-18-2011, 03:12 PM
Yup. I think I might rather have hot sauce instead of soap. At least hot sauce is supposed to be in your mouth.

08-18-2011, 03:17 PM
Well we'll know soon, she's already on trial and something like this shouldn't take more than a few days.

I'll tell you what, I could call this one just by looking at the jury. If she got the right people she'll walk easily. You see a bunch of old people and men of any age and she walks.

Young women and she's done for.

08-18-2011, 03:58 PM
perfectly fucking reasonable to me. Hot sauce is just that, SAUCE! And a cold shower is something I had to put up with on a daily basis in athletics back in high school cause they weren't fucking heated. Big fucking deal. She has to get creative if the little shit isn't affected by a good ass whooping

08-18-2011, 04:13 PM
The thing is, if the punishment was so bad, why did he do what he did? He already knew what the punishment would be, but he misbehaved anyway.

Must not be all that bad to him.

08-18-2011, 04:43 PM
A cold shower? Oh the humanity.

08-18-2011, 05:36 PM
A cold shower? Oh the humanity.


We went to Port A about a month back and all of my kids enjoyed jumping from the hot hot tub water to the cold pool water.

I hope CPS doesn't come after me.

08-18-2011, 05:41 PM
We went to Port A about a month back and all of my kids enjoyed jumping from the hot hot tub water to the cold pool water.

crofl I used to do that one back in the day.

08-18-2011, 06:24 PM
A cold shower? Oh the humanity.

Kori Ellis
08-18-2011, 07:23 PM
I know most of you are saying the hot sauce is no big deal, but it's one of the things that you are warned about when you are getting licensed to foster/adopt. Apparently, there have been cases of kids dying or getting permanently damaged from being forced to eat hot sauce, if it's accidentally inhaled it into their lungs.

08-18-2011, 07:30 PM
I know most of you are saying the hot sauce is no big deal, but it's one of the things that you are warned about when you are getting licensed to foster/adopt. Apparently, there have been cases of kids dying or getting permanently damaged from being forced to eat hot sauce, if it's accidentally inhaled it into their lungs.
Really? I know like 3 different scros who told me about the hot sauce they had to eat whenever they acted an ass as a kid, it seemed like a standard parenting technique :lol

08-18-2011, 07:31 PM
I know most of you are saying the hot sauce is no big deal, but it's one of the things that you are warned about when you are getting licensed to foster/adopt. Apparently, there have been cases of kids dying or getting permanently damaged from being forced to eat hot sauce, if it's accidentally inhaled it into their lungs.

This. Hot sauce may not seem like a big deal to an adult, but that's because all of your damn taste buds have died off. I used to HATE spicy stuff as a kid; now things like wings I prefer the hotter the better.

There is a reason kids like candy and not spicy or bitter things. Their taste buds are still firing on all cylinders and that hot sauce probably seems a lot hotter to them than it would to you. All it takes is one big gasp or choke to put that kid in a whole lot bigger world of hurt than you meant to.

I'm sure it's not the most abusive thing ever, but I wouldn't do it.

Kori Ellis
08-18-2011, 07:33 PM
Really? I know like 3 different scros who told me about the hot sauce they had to eat whenever they acted an ass as a kid, it seemed like a standard parenting technique :lol

Yes, it was discussed in our classes about discipline.

I would think that if it was a baby, or a child who had lung issues - then it would be very dangerous. I have no idea how much hot sauce a healthy person would have to drink to get health issues though.

08-18-2011, 07:42 PM
I'm sure they got pneumonia from the cold showers too.

08-18-2011, 07:52 PM
But seriously, kids die from shit all the time. Kids probably die from eating peanuts every day. (Quick Google says 150 people a year).

You wake up and go to school and you've probably gone through a dozen things or situations that could kill you.

08-18-2011, 08:24 PM
But seriously, kids die from shit all the time. Kids probably die from eating peanuts every day. (Quick Google says 150 people a year).

You wake up and go to school and you've probably gone through a dozen things or situations that could kill you.

So when my kid misbehaves, I should give them peanuts....:lol

08-18-2011, 08:35 PM
So when my kid misbehaves, I should give them peanuts....:lol

well if peanuts will make your kid say "holy shit maybe I'll think twice before doing that again" then hell yes

08-18-2011, 09:30 PM
I know most of you are saying the hot sauce is no big deal, but it's one of the things that you are warned about when you are getting licensed to foster/adopt. Apparently, there have been cases of kids dying or getting permanently damaged from being forced to eat hot sauce, if it's accidentally inhaled it into their lungs.


I doubt everybody is warned that hot sauce is dangerous to your child when adopting. There is absolutely no reason for this lady to face a trial for this.

08-18-2011, 09:37 PM
I would beat her ass, then beat his. Her for wasting fucking water and hot sauce, him for being a dick.

The Franchise
08-19-2011, 07:33 PM
I wish that was all the punishment I got when I was a kid.

08-20-2011, 08:55 PM
I wish that was all the punishment I got when I was a kid.