View Full Version : Has the NBA Forum ever been this bad?

09-08-2011, 06:46 PM

09-08-2011, 07:01 PM
Ban Kool and the site won't be as bad.

09-08-2011, 07:11 PM
Frankly the problem stems primarily from Mav's Fan not being able to act like somebody in the light of their NBA Championship. Ipso facto there is now a void where once we (Lakers) (Celtics) (Spurs) reigned as an NBA Champion should.

09-08-2011, 07:12 PM
Ban Kool and the site won't be as bad.

& if you were a girl we'd be having a fine Internet relationship and this Forum would benefit from it boundlessly.

09-08-2011, 07:15 PM
Frankly the problem stems primarily from Mav's Fan not being able to act like somebody in the light of their NBA Championship. Ipso facto there is now a void where once we (Lakers) (Celtics) (Spurs) reigned as an NBA Champion should.

The Mavs rang, Cubby. Dirk rang, Cuban rang, Caron rang, Kidd rang, Marion rang, the whole effin bunch of em rang. They're NBA World Champions. The Mavericks are in the club now, we're sitting in the VIP area with you (Lakers) (Celtics) (Spurs), and there isn't a gd-mf'ing thing you can do about it!

09-08-2011, 07:20 PM
The Mavs rang, Cubby. Dirk rang, Cuban rang, Caron rang, Kidd rang, Marion rang, the whole effin bunch of em rang. They're NBA World Champions. The Mavericks are in the club now, we're sitting in the VIP area with you (Lakers) (Celtics) (Spurs), and there isn't a gd-mf'ing thing you can do about it!

I know. But, your people here don't know how to act. Honest to God, if I landed here without information I wouldn't know who was NBA Champ.

09-08-2011, 07:25 PM
I know. But, your people here don't know how to act. Honest to God, if I landed here without information I wouldn't know who was NBA Champ.

Bend over and I'll show you an NBA champ

09-08-2011, 07:38 PM
Bend over and I'll show you an NBA champ

Why don't you PM me and pretend you're a girl. Hell, I can pretend, Swords. We'll have a blast.

09-08-2011, 07:39 PM
Frankly the problem stems primarily from Mav's Fan not being able to act like somebody in the light of their NBA Championship. Ipso facto there is now a void where once we (Lakers) (Celtics) (Spurs) reigned as an NBA Champion should.
That's because the majority of them quit the team before the big win.

09-08-2011, 07:43 PM
That's because the majority of them quit the team before the big win.

Perhaps, but, it's more than that. Christ, they see how we've acted. Just copy us. This is surreal. If it wasn't for the beauty & grandeur of The Ellis Girl I'd toss the towel and get a part time j*b.

09-08-2011, 07:49 PM
Destroy cop cars if you win?

09-08-2011, 07:55 PM
Perhaps, but, it's more than that. Christ, they see how we've acted. Just copy us. This is surreal. If it wasn't for the beauty & grandeur of The Ellis Girl I'd toss the towel and get a part time j*b.

I doubt you would ever toss the towel. Toss off on it maybe.

09-08-2011, 08:00 PM
Imagine how it would be if Heat rang instead of Mavs

09-08-2011, 08:02 PM
Destroy cop cars if you win?

If that's part of the culture. These Dallas people have acted absolutely no diff since they rang.

09-08-2011, 08:03 PM
Imagine how it would be if Heat rang instead of Mavs

That would be wildly preferable to this shit. Hell, they had more spunk & sass BEFORE they rang.

09-08-2011, 08:06 PM
If that's part of the culture. These Dallas people have acted absolutely no diff since they rang.

what you said...:toast

look at these despicable disgusting crackheads

_rjOE0iZsos ir11oAYxQYI

09-08-2011, 08:18 PM
That would be wildly preferable to this shit. Hell, they had more spunk & sass BEFORE they rang.

I'd think Heat fans were the worst of the lot. You also have to contend with the LBJ fans that are mostly little kids and LBJs "not one, not two, not three....." video would be spammed every single day at least 10 times a day.

09-08-2011, 08:19 PM
NBA Forum has definitely reach a new low. And now it's dragging down The Club with it.

I'm hoping that this is just the drunken honeymoon for Mav fans and once the season starts (whenever that is), but then we'll just get back to the usual lol threads and internet-tough-guyery.

09-08-2011, 10:57 PM
I know. But, your people here don't know how to act. Honest to God, if I landed here without information I wouldn't know who was NBA Champ.

And you do? Posting the same 5 posts over and over again and shit, fuck you Cubby

09-09-2011, 12:30 AM
I know. But, your people here don't know how to act. Honest to God, if I landed here without information I wouldn't know who was NBA Champ.

The Skunker

09-09-2011, 12:40 AM
That would be wildly preferable to this shit. Hell, they had more spunk & sass BEFORE they rang.
They found out it wasn't nearly as amazing as Hollywood makes it out to be. You win, you pour champagne over your head, you go home to a parade, you get ready for the Summer.

It's always like that. The difference between Dallas winning and LA winning is that LA is a Hollywood town, so it keeps going and going like Kobe found the cure for rape.

09-09-2011, 12:45 AM
Kool must be dying for attention...

09-09-2011, 12:48 AM
forum definetly has reached a new low, this offseason/lockout, no doubt, mavs getting lucky and winning 1 championship, contributed as well

Axe Murderer
09-09-2011, 12:54 AM
Frankly the problem stems primarily from Mav's Fan not being able to act like somebody in the light of their NBA Championship. Ipso facto there is now a void where once we (Lakers) (Celtics) (Spurs) reigned as an NBA Champion should.

A man buys a lie detector robot that slaps people who lie. he decided to test it at dinner:
DAD: Son where were you today during school hours?
SON: At school (robot slaps son)
SON: Okay I went to the movies!
DA:D Which one?
... SON: Harry Potter (robot slaps again!)
SON: Okay I was watching porn.
DAD: What? When I was your age I didn't even know what porn was! (robot slaps dad)
MOM: Hahahahaha! after all he is your son! (robot slaps mom).

09-09-2011, 03:09 AM
fuck you Cubby

You wouldn't like it. I'd just lay there.

09-09-2011, 10:16 AM
That's how I prefer it, Ted Bundy style

09-09-2011, 10:35 AM
Frankly the problem stems primarily from Mav's Fan not being able to act like somebody in the light of their NBA Championship. Ipso facto there is now a void where once we (Lakers) (Celtics) (Spurs) reigned as an NBA Champion should.


Sadly, I completely agree with Cully. Mavfan gained no self respect, no knowledge and still whining about Wade and Lebron :lmao

09-09-2011, 10:40 AM
Me & Che, hand-in-hand strolling down the path bordered in primrose.

Yer kinda cute, Che.

09-09-2011, 11:02 AM
The Mavericks, getting into the club, sitting in the VIP section next to the Lakers, Spurs, and CelticsPERIOD

Bobby Boucher
09-09-2011, 11:06 AM
This forum has been on the downhill since 2007, then had a brief revival in 08, then the mass bannings, crackdowns, and 2 month wait time on creating trolls squashed the momentum. NBA forum is extinct, thank in major part to the Laker fags.

09-09-2011, 12:36 PM
The Mavericks, getting into the club, sitting in the VIP section next to the Lakers, Spurs, and CelticsPERIOD

Yeah, sittin' there--like the proverbial bump on a log. You didn't even make us all get up and move down a space. You just sat down at the end with a Rubic's cube.

09-09-2011, 12:55 PM
The Mavericks, getting into the club, sitting in the VIP section next to the Lakers, Spurs, and CelticsPERIOD

You guys are more in the Rochester Royals, Philadelphia 76ers, Miami Heat, and Houston Rockets clubhouse tbh

09-09-2011, 01:24 PM
Cubby lost since the Mavs rang. Now siding with Spurs fan....

09-09-2011, 01:28 PM
This forum is a cesspool. Every poster is a troll. Every single one. This is probably as bad as its been, but there have plenty of times its been close. And that was during the seasons, so the lockout is no explanation. Spurtalk is just a trolling cesspool. No other sports forum on the net like it.

09-09-2011, 02:11 PM
it was actually worse last year, during the great RK boycott of 2010. NBA forum quality was at an all time low, and niggas were begging for us to come back

09-09-2011, 04:12 PM
it was actually worse last year, during the great RK boycott of 2010. NBA forum quality was at an all time low, and niggas were begging for us to come back

Yeah even I admit it sucked worse and I used to hate ya'll faggots. Now, you faggots are alright. :tu

However it's mostly Koolaid_fag ruining everything. Dude posts like 20 threads a day. The NBA forum has become nothing more than shitty Laker trolls trying to stay relevant after their shit team got assraped by the Mavs by trying to troll GNSF that doesn't even exist right now because no one gives a fuck about basketball right now. And all of Culburn's posts have devolved to "8, The Skunker!!!, I'm a trend setter I set trends, Imcontrollinao! Kobe 5 Duncan 4" etc. And that bitter asian male muddling his way through life is now muddling his way through the NBA forum again after complete and utter humiliation. You'd think finding out he's a naruto loving queer would deter his posting but nope he and Kevin still pretend to be black dudes. :lmao

09-09-2011, 04:17 PM
it was actually worse last year, during the great RK boycott of 2010. NBA forum quality was at an all time low, and niggas were begging for us to come back

I remember the longcats and forum runs, tbh

09-09-2011, 06:28 PM
Yeah even I admit it sucked worse and I used to hate ya'll faggots. Now, you faggots are alright. :tu

However it's mostly Koolaid_fag ruining everything. Dude posts like 20 threads a day. The NBA forum has become nothing more than shitty Laker trolls trying to stay relevant after their shit team got assraped by the Mavs by trying to troll GNSF that doesn't even exist right now because no one gives a fuck about basketball right now. And all of Culburn's posts have devolved to "8, The Skunker!!!, I'm a trend setter I set trends, Imcontrollinao! Kobe 5 Duncan 4" etc. And that bitter asian male muddling his way through life is now muddling his way through the NBA forum again after complete and utter humiliation. You'd think finding out he's a naruto loving queer would deter his posting but nope he and Kevin still pretend to be black dudes. :lmao

Kevin is under the protection of The Ellis Girl. He's got some kind of svengali hold on her. Hell, I'm genuinely in love with the girl and she won't give me the time of f'in' day. Kool comes along and she's granting on him left & right. It beats all I've ever seen.

09-09-2011, 06:52 PM
You know the NBA forum has gotten bad when I'm almost glad to see Culby's Holden-Caulfieldesque soliloquies.

09-09-2011, 07:01 PM
What the fuck does Koolaid_Man have to do to get his thread starting privileges revoked? Serious question.

09-09-2011, 07:30 PM
Quit yer fuckin' whinin', Red.

09-09-2011, 07:33 PM
You guys are more in the Rochester Royals, Philadelphia 76ers, Miami Heat, and Houston Rockets clubhouse tbh

You're closer to the Rocketfan clubhouse than you think Lee

Venti Quattro
09-09-2011, 09:18 PM
What the fuck does Koolaid_Man have to do to get his thread starting privileges revoked? Serious question.

I'm actually wondering what did he do to get it back, because he wasn't able to start threads last year.

09-09-2011, 09:21 PM
I'm actually wondering what did he do to get it back, because he wasn't able to start threads last year.

Don't fuck with him, Venti. Elsewise I'll put you back in bed with your mother.

Venti Quattro
09-09-2011, 09:23 PM
Don't fuck with him, Venti. Elsewise I'll put you back in bed with your mother.

You can't and won't do that, because deep inside you know in your heart that you are a pedophile. Tee, hee.

09-09-2011, 09:26 PM
You can't and won't do that, because deep inside you know in your heart that you are a pedophile. Tee, hee.

No seriously, what does your mother look like naked, Vent? Does she have a big bush?

09-09-2011, 09:34 PM
No seriously, what does your mother look like naked, Vent? Does she have a big bush?

09-09-2011, 09:38 PM
How bout your mother, D, what does your mother look like san her clothes?

09-09-2011, 09:40 PM
How bout your mother, D, what does your mother look like san her clothes?

All bones by now.


Breast shot

09-09-2011, 09:46 PM
^At prime, D, did she have a big bush?

09-09-2011, 10:03 PM
^At prime, D, did she have a big bush?
I cannot remember back that far, I think I had my eyes closed when I was born.

I think all chicks back then had Carrot top in a headlock.

09-09-2011, 10:06 PM
I cannot remember back that far, I think I had my eyes closed when I was born.

I think all chicks back then had Carrot top in a headlock.
A natural redhead, back in the 50's,... nice.

09-09-2011, 10:19 PM
Did you ever try on her panties, D? 4?

09-09-2011, 10:26 PM
Did you ever try on her panties, D? 4?

I'm wearing them now.

They were just normal cotton panties, but now they have become a thong since I've gained about 50lbs.

09-09-2011, 11:04 PM
I'm wearing them now.

They were just normal cotton panties, but now they have become a thong since I've gained about 50lbs.


09-09-2011, 11:28 PM
Yeah, sittin' there--like the proverbial bump on a log. You didn't even make us all get up and move down a space. You just sat down at the end with a Rubic's cube.

Of course, not until after we launched The Skunker 2.0 on the fruitcakes in LA.

tee, hee.

09-09-2011, 11:52 PM
A man buys a lie detector robot that slaps people who lie. he decided to test it at dinner:
DAD: Son where were you today during school hours?
SON: At school (robot slaps son)
SON: Okay I went to the movies!
DA:D Which one?
... SON: Harry Potter (robot slaps again!)
SON: Okay I was watching porn.
DAD: What? When I was your age I didn't even know what porn was! (robot slaps dad)
MOM: Hahahahaha! after all he is your son! (robot slaps mom).

Fucking technology

09-09-2011, 11:52 PM
You're closer to the Rocketfan clubhouse than you think Lee


Nah we're sitting in our own clubhouse with the Bulls and Pistons. Lakers/Celtics are at the top brah

09-10-2011, 03:20 AM
Of course, not until after we launched The Skunker 2.0 on the fruitcakes in LA.

tee, hee.

Even with me doggin' ya's--yer Champion, but, can't act Champion. You have no Champion soul. No meaning. All that suffering and denial and you can paint nary a picture of your own.


You use my shit to paint your picture. My shit. Not your's. Mine.

09-10-2011, 04:44 AM
Frankly the problem stems primarily from Mav's Fan not being able to act like somebody in the light of their NBA Championship. Ipso facto there is now a void where once we (Lakers) (Celtics) (Spurs) reigned as an NBA Champion should.

You're wrong here eppe. After the Playoffs of Regulation, the power balance of this here Forum took such a dynamic shift that some veteran poster like yourself can't take it. I mean think about it - if I told you that in April that the Spurs would pull the infamous 8, the Lakers would get skunked, and the Mavs would redeem themselves against the Heat to win the ship, your head might have exploded.
Your beloved "skunker" shtick is gone, gnsfs oft-used GSW series is gone, the heat debacle is forgotten. And it all happened so fast.

Now us Mavfans have so much ammo that the people we used to debate with don't even speak up anymore. Its like we have a understood seat on the top for now. And like you said, cubby, until someone dethrones you, YOU are the champs.
With this lockout, I'm smelling a repeat.

09-10-2011, 05:31 AM
You're wrong here eppe. After the Playoffs of Regulation, the power balance of this here Forum took such a dynamic shift that some veteran poster like yourself can't take it. I mean think about it - if I told you that in April that the Spurs would pull the infamous 8, the Lakers would get skunked, and the Mavs would redeem themselves against the Heat to win the ship, your head might have exploded.
Your beloved "skunker" shtick is gone, gnsfs oft-used GSW series is gone, the heat debacle is forgotten. And it all happened so fast.

Now us Mavfans have so much ammo that the people we used to debate with don't even speak up anymore. Its like we have a understood seat on the top for now. And like you said, cubby, until someone dethrones you, YOU are the champs.
With this lockout, I'm smelling a repeat.

That's better.

Come ta Pappy.


09-10-2011, 05:32 AM
You're wrong here eppe. After the Playoffs of Regulation, the power balance of this here Forum took such a dynamic shift that some veteran poster like yourself can't take it. I mean think about it - if I told you that in April that the Spurs would pull the infamous 8, the Lakers would get skunked, and the Mavs would redeem themselves against the Heat to win the ship, your head might have exploded.
Your beloved "skunker" shtick is gone, gnsfs oft-used GSW series is gone, the heat debacle is forgotten. And it all happened so fast.

Now us Mavfans have so much ammo that the people we used to debate with don't even speak up anymore. Its like we have a understood seat on the top for now. And like you said, cubby, until someone dethrones you, YOU are the champs.
With this lockout, I'm smelling a repeat.

If the season isn't played, that's the only way you "repeat" :lol. We know when the ball goes up in the air (whenever that is) y'all ain't winning shit this year. Like I said before, you guys caught a tired, veteran, unhealthy, injury-riddled Laker team that just played 328 games in 3 years. Y'all had to shoot lights out to do it.

You know what though? Next year will be different. Why? The Lakers will be well rested - thanks to an unprecedented 7 month layoff. That will also give them time to heal. We saw that Kobe's knee is right again thanks to that German surgeon. Bynum is going into his 1st offseason in over 3 years whereas all he has to do is train and work on his game (vice going under the knife). Looking at Pau drop 19 second half points on Dirk the other day tells me that he is back to form as well.

So I'm telling you congrats on your one and done. I am guaranteeing you and all Mav fans that the Mavs will not be representing the WC this year in the Finals. But I will give you guys the props you deserve for being the Champs. Even if you guys are just borrowing the :lobt: for one year. At least it wasn't the Spurs. :toast

09-10-2011, 08:52 AM
Even with me doggin' ya's--yer Champion, but, can't act Champion. You have no Champion soul. No meaning. All that suffering and denial and you can paint nary a picture of your own.


You use my shit to paint your picture. My shit. Not your's. Mine.

Then we take it and rub a little in your face while we're at it.

Axe Murderer
09-10-2011, 09:44 AM
Even with me doggin' ya's--yer Champion, but, can't act Champion. You have no Champion soul. No meaning. All that suffering and denial and you can paint nary a picture of your own.


You use my shit to paint your picture. My shit. Not your's. Mine.

sounds like someones vagina's sore

09-10-2011, 03:32 PM
If the season isn't played, that's the only way you "repeat" :lol. We know when the ball goes up in the air (whenever that is) y'all ain't winning shit this year. Like I said before, you guys caught a tired, veteran, unhealthy, injury-riddled Laker team that just played 328 games in 3 years. Y'all had to shoot lights out to do it.

You know what though? Next year will be different. Why? The Lakers will be well rested - thanks to an unprecedented 7 month layoff. That will also give them time to heal. We saw that Kobe's knee is right again thanks to that German surgeon. Bynum is going into his 1st offseason in over 3 years whereas all he has to do is train and work on his game (vice going under the knife). Looking at Pau drop 19 second half points on Dirk the other day tells me that he is back to form as well.

So I'm telling you congrats on your one and done. I am guaranteeing you and all Mav fans that the Mavs will not be representing the WC this year in the Finals. But I will give you guys the props you deserve for being the Champs. Even if you guys are just borrowing the :lobt: for one year. At least it wasn't the Spurs. :toast

back2back years, only we can be called the champs. That's something spurfan can't say :lol

09-10-2011, 06:18 PM
sounds like someones vagina's sore

At least you ain't using my shit.

09-10-2011, 06:18 PM
Then we take it and rub a little in your face while we're at it.

At least you ain't using my shit.

09-10-2011, 06:46 PM
At least you ain't using my shit.

Of course we are, you said so yourself you senile fuck.

You use my shit to paint your picture. My shit. Not your's. Mine.

Come ta Pappy!

09-10-2011, 06:49 PM
Of course we are, you said so yourself you senile fuck.

No. Once I prompted you on using my shit-you dutifully quit.

09-10-2011, 06:53 PM
No. Once I prompted you on using my shit-you dutifully quit.

The Skunker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

09-10-2011, 06:58 PM
tbh, this forum used to be better when guys like BUMP, Monosylabik and Culburn were around...

09-10-2011, 07:00 PM
tbh, this forum used to be better when guys like Koolaids_man and lakaluva weren't around...


09-10-2011, 07:11 PM
The Skunker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Skunker!!!

09-10-2011, 07:34 PM

09-10-2011, 07:54 PM
Everything was better in the past. It's always been that way. There was the singularity and it went down hill after that.