View Full Version : Republicans take Weiner's seat

09-13-2011, 09:56 PM
Looks like the Republican pulled off the upset:

8462 Turner [R] 7949 Weprin [D]

This seat has been held by Democrats since 1923. Democrats are already spinning the loss, but this has to sting.

09-13-2011, 10:11 PM
Go team!

09-13-2011, 10:22 PM
Go team!

Yep - Red team all the way!!!!!! :cheer

09-13-2011, 10:31 PM
FLASH: AP not ready to call race yet. Too many 'problems' with reporting of results... Developing...

14,347 Turner [R] 13,713 Weprin [D]

In other words - the democrats need more time to find enough votes to declare victory.

09-13-2011, 10:37 PM
this district will be redistricted soon.....even if turner wins, mostly by cheering on the yeah Israel crowd, he won't serve long...

09-13-2011, 11:38 PM
NYTimes calls it a done deal.

09-14-2011, 12:05 AM
this district will be redistricted soon.....even if turner wins, mostly by cheering on the yeah Israel crowd, he won't serve long...

You're an idiot. Weprin and Turner have virtualy identical positions on Israel and who gives a shit if he retains the seat. This is a bellweather election much like Scott Brown and you can bet dems in more vulnerable districts are shitting their pants over this.

09-14-2011, 12:12 AM
Weprin is actually a jew, IIRC. Turner a Roman Catholic. The Israel angle does come to play because Turner campaigned criticizing Obama's policy on Israel and the ME peace process.

But ultimately I think this is all about the same: the economy.

09-14-2011, 02:06 AM
But ultimately I think this is all about the same: the economy.


Wild Cobra
09-14-2011, 02:22 AM
FLASH: AP not ready to call race yet. Too many 'problems' with reporting of results... Developing...

14,347 Turner [R] 13,713 Weprin [D]

In other words - the democrats need more time to find enough votes to declare victory.

Let the cheating begin.

jack sommerset
09-14-2011, 07:49 AM
Repugs are killing it all over the place.

09-14-2011, 09:13 AM
awesome. hoping for a Palin/Perry/Bachman presidency. that would be epic :lol

09-14-2011, 09:15 AM
Twin defeats spark Democratic fears
Tuesday's loses by David Weprin and Kate Marshall are more demoralizing setbacks for Dems.

HOWARD BEACH, N.Y. — The Democratic Party’s rare loss of a congressional seat in its urban heartland Tuesday, accompanied by a blowout defeat in a Nevada special election, marked the latest in a string of demoralizing setbacks that threatened to deepen the party’s crisis of confidence and raise concerns about President Barack Obama’s political fortunes.

In New York, Republican Bob Turner soundly defeated Democrat David Weprin in a House contest that – in the view of party leaders, at least — featured an anemic urban machine, distracted labor unions, and disloyal voters. In Nevada, a consequential state for the president’s re-election strategy, Democrats suffered a runaway loss rooted in a weak showing in Reno’s Washoe County, a key bellwether.

Even before the polls closed, the recriminations – something short of panic, and considerably more than mere grumbling – had begun. On a high-level campaign conference call Tuesday afternoon, Democratic donors and strategists commiserated over their disappointment in Obama. A source on the call described the mood as “awful.”

“People feel betrayed, disappointed, furious, disgusted, hopeless,” said the source.
(gee, now they know what millions and millions of us are feeling!)

Less expansive but equally telling were the remarks of House Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer, who in a conversation with reporters Tuesday morning said bluntly that Obama would take some blame for the two special election losses.

“I think every election reflects on the person in charge, but do I think it is an overall statement on the president alone? No,” said Hoyer. “Do I think it will be interpreted as being a statement on Obama? That’s probably correct.”

A senior Hill Democratic aide was more direct in attempting to explain the New York loss: “The approval ratings for the guy at the other end of Pennsylvania Avenue cratered.”

A Turner consultant, Steve Goldberg, validated that assessment: “It was all Obama — not even a thought of anything else.”

The president’s feisty new jobs plan has probably preempted open revolt in his party – though a Bloomberg poll released Wednesday morning found that 51 percent of Americans don’t believe it will help lower the unemployment rate. Senior party figures are on board with – or are at least resigned to – the White House’s leadership. And some Democratic insiders sought to put a better face on their diminished state - before adding that they wanted to see a tougher Obama.

“Let’s face it - it has been a tough summer for Democrats,” said Jack Quinn, a top lobbyist and former White House Counsel to President Clinton. “But I really do think that people are feeling better.”

Quinn said, however, that Obama must confront the GOP.

“They didn’t get the House and say, ‘We want half a loaf.’ They’ve said, ‘we want the whole goddamn oven,’” he argued. “It’s time for the president to really draw some hard lines here.”

Rep. Henry Waxman (D-Calif.), among the most senior House Democrats, sketched out those lines.

09-14-2011, 09:20 AM
“People feel betrayed, disappointed, furious, disgusted, hopeless,” said the source.[/B]
(gee, now they know what millions and millions of us are feeling!)

In what way(s) do you feel Obama betrayed you?

09-14-2011, 01:30 PM
Tail chasing morons would interpret these results as a victory or as a loss.

Go team is right, lemming. At least sweet baby Jesus will embrace your ignorant partisan ass for being the loyal dog everyone else got to kick your entire life.

I guess thats something.

09-16-2011, 06:02 PM
Just waving your hands in the air is loser talk....not every politician is completely dirty, but all Republicans are..