View Full Version : High-Profile Agents Discussing Overthrow Of Hunter, Union

09-14-2011, 10:37 AM
Sep 14, 2011 10:24 AM EDT

Billy Hunter will meet with players in Las Vegas on Wednesday and a coup to wrangle position away from him may be waiting.
“Now Billy has to go to Las Vegas with nothing to bring the players,” a prominent agent told Yahoo! Sports on Tuesday night.
“He’s chosen a particular path, and there hasn’t been any progress on that path. There was all this false optimism in the last week about how the league was going to come with a new proposal that he could take back to the players, and they came with nothing. Stern wants to stall, and stall until the players start missing paychecks.
“Billy was hoping that he could keep the players engaged, excited that a deal was coming. There was all that rhetoric of good feelings, and today was the day that Stern was going to come with a proposal. He was relying on the fact that Stern would negotiate in good faith with him, that he didn’t want to lose games. He thought that Stern would blink, start to negotiate. He was relying on the fact Stern didn’t want to hurt the game, and he was wrong.”
Several high-profile agents, including Jeff Schwartz, Arn Tellem, Mark Bartelstein, Bill Duffy and Dan Fegan, have been on the phones with each other this week. Sources briefed on the conversations say they’re getting closer to pursuing a signed petition, with 30 percent of the NBA’s players needed to bring a formal vote on dissolving the union.
The core agents had been recruiting rival agents to join them in the overthrow, trying to get the majority vote needed to decertify.
“They’re all militant against the union now,” an agent who works in one of those agencies told Yahoo!.
One agent says he’s had several conversations in the last 48 hours with the powerbrokers, and feels inclined to eventually join the cause. “There are still players who are on board with [Hunter], but many are not anymore,” the agent told Yahoo! Sports. “This will not be a pretty meeting.”

Read more: http://basketball.realgm.com/wiretap/215578/High_Profile_Agents_Discussing_Overthrow_Of_Hunter _Union#ixzz1XwRclHZC

09-14-2011, 11:04 AM
Looks like the players want to play and if it only take 30% of the players to sign the petition it will definetly happen. You have to many mid to low level salaried players that are making minimum to nothing during the lockout.

09-14-2011, 01:04 PM
This is pretty obvious. The next step for the union is to decertify. However, if somebody from the union says it, they could get penalized by the NLRB as negotiating in bad faith. Thus it's no surprise to see these 'agents'. What's not said there is that neither Hunter or Fisher are against decertification if push comes to shove.

09-14-2011, 01:11 PM
The agents don't care about the players either, they want them to get paid quickly so they can receive their cut. Agents are losing money with no season and they could give a shit about the careers of Players. Players need to stick with the union in the negotiation...but i'm not at the table so i have no idea whats actually playing out

Roger Freemason Jr.
09-14-2011, 04:30 PM
The agents don't care about the players either, they want them to get paid quickly so they can receive their cut. Agents are losing money with no season and they could give a shit about the careers of Players. Players need to stick with the union in the negotiation...but i'm not at the table so i have no idea whats actually playing out

You're correct, but nothing grim or negative can come from the players cutting their losses and getting their paychecks, the agents get their money, the arena workers get their money, the fans get their basketball, and although they received a paycut, the players still have more than enough money to live their lives comfortably in luxury.

Most people are lucky to make 30,000 a year, these players would still be getting paid significantly more than that, and to do something they love no less.

09-19-2011, 08:19 AM
Fuck the agents.

09-19-2011, 11:21 AM
agents get a cut of ur big pay contract signin, and they bring home a % each game/week from ur packet...isnt that double dipping? i thought a player will only need to pay a agent for services rendered or when they need them whether its contract negotiations and thats it...