View Full Version : Rogers incognito American Dad

09-15-2011, 02:08 PM
I record American Dad so i can buzz thru the dud eps.
Some of the good ones tho, in particular do you have any favorites for Roger the Aliens going out incognito?

I got a hoot out of when he was "Horse Renoir" aka Dog the Bounty Hunter. The ep where Haileys boyfriend was wanted in Florida on marijuana charges that his evil father set him up on. Only pics i could find are small.

Another ep is when Francine gave Stan the go ahead to date other women. He went out clubbing and Roger went along as Rashid - A "sexy Persian wingman". Posing as some Persian oil rich guy he was pulling chicks left and right. :lol

As Kevin Bacon (needed nose so he could date chicks off a Jewish dating site.) :lmao
http://thumbnails.hulu.com/9/638/31499_384x288_generated__w3TV7CHaWEeBv3RIyiZaCQ.jp g

Have you got favorite Roger incogs? :lol