View Full Version : The 99% Face Off Wall Street

09-22-2011, 12:46 AM
Why does the M$M ignore this brewing populist movement but gives so much face time to the tea baggers? Maybe if this movement had a wealthy backer like the Koch brothers the news would bother to cover it besides a passing mention as a 'group of protestors'...if actions spoke louder than words we should all be marching on Wall street,,,


Wild Cobra
09-22-2011, 02:16 AM
Because it isn't news when libtards protest. They do that all the time, even when things are good.

09-22-2011, 03:29 AM
Because it isn't news when libtards protest. They do that all the time, even when things are good.
Yeah. Who could righteously complain about those banks' behavior anyway? I think our tax money was well spent on the bailouts - the banks always have our populous' best interest in minds, and the CEOs who drove those banks to failure deserve all of our millions.

09-22-2011, 04:04 AM
Why does the M$M ignore this brewing populist movement

Real post: any signs of a weakening economy are a self-fulfilling prophecy that becomes reflected as stock market investors lose confidence in Wall St. The US M$M serves the US economy.

09-22-2011, 07:07 AM
VRWC corps that run the MSM are of course great defenders of, and players on, Wall St.

The most blatant, piercing exposure of the BIG LIE of tea baggers is that they NEVER demonstrate against Wall St or UCA crimes, because they are shills, (at very best, ignorant dupes of) for the VRWC, which wants all governmental power hobbled and out of the VRWC campaign of financial, environmental predation.

09-25-2011, 12:36 AM
You won't see this only ABC, CBS, NBC


A tale of two Americas

09-25-2011, 12:53 AM
So these protests need to get violent before the M$M notices?

Surprisingly, or not, just invite a few tea baggers...

Since September 17th there has been a protest taking place in Liberty Plaza (Zuccotti Park), which is in the heart of New York City’s Financial district. The protest has been called “Occupy Wall Street”. It is a ”leaderless resistance movement” spearheaded by the activist magazine Adbusters. They want to take to task the people responsible for the meltdown of the national and world economy.

Up until now, there has been virtually no press coverage for the event. Just a smattering on some news outlets, with a little more coverage on liberal news outlets such as MSNBC and Current. However in recent days, a group of five Tea Party members have set up a lawn chairs directly across the street from the Wall Street protesters, so that they can protest “this liberal agenda of shutting down capitalism.” Since arriving on the scene, news trucks from around the world have focused their attention on this protest of the protest by these few Tea Party Patriots.

When asking one of the Tea Party members why they were there he replied, “Whenever I see these liberal progressive commies I assume it’s for a bad reason, so I’m here to make sure they don’t get too riled up and cause our economy to shut down completely.” When the Tea Party member was informed that the protesters were there to make their voices heard over the economic collapse, and want to hold the people to blame accountable he said, “Then why isn’t they down at the White House tellin’ that socialist Obama to stop tryin’ to regulate these here people just tryin’ to do business.”

It was quite obvious that the meaning of the protest was lost on these Tea Party members who were there just to be angry at “the progressives” with no other apparent cause to be sitting there all day every day. At least now the protest is getting the news coverage it was failing to draw on its own. Apparently, five Tea Party members is more news worthy than thousands of protesters.

Note to Wall Street Protesters: Next time, bring lawn chairs and misspelled signs.

Link (http://www.freewoodpost.com/2011/09/23/tea-party-crashes-occupy-wall-street-protest-finally-brings-press-to-event)

09-25-2011, 02:31 AM
Meanwhile....the NYPD does Wall Streets bidding...


I wonder if the military would protect Wall Street too?

09-25-2011, 03:13 AM
Because it isn't news when libtards protest. They do that all the time, even when things are good.

What makes you think there's only liberals there?

I thought you were against the bailout of the banks and too big to fail too.

Or did you change your mind already?

09-25-2011, 10:44 AM
Because it isn't news when libtards protest. They do that all the time, even when things are good.

So things that happen all the time aren't newsworthy? I'm surprised no one has made you chief editor of their newspaper yet. :rollin

09-25-2011, 01:44 PM
lol successful people shitting on dirty protesters
lol thinking protests will change anything
lol protest

09-25-2011, 01:48 PM
Gunning for Wall Street, With Faulty Aim (http://www.nytimes.com/2011/09/25/nyregion/protesters-are-gunning-for-wall-street-with-faulty-aim.html?_r=1&hp)

Oh noes, the M$M picked up on it! :rolleyes

Viva Las Espuelas
09-25-2011, 02:18 PM
lol region

did the bake sale not make the cut? :lol

09-25-2011, 03:36 PM
You won't see this only ABC, CBS, NBC


A tale of two Americas

:lmao Taunting the idiots with champagne...priceless.

09-25-2011, 03:55 PM
lol region

did the bake sale not make the cut? :lol

Bake sale not up to Dan's standards, IMO :lol

09-26-2011, 04:20 AM
So you right-wingers agree that there is no stopping or even restraining the financial sector from fucking everybody, and no way of preventing them from creating the next bubble, no way to stop them from trading/speculating in commodities, like oil and food, to way above their real values?

iow, Human-Americans are fucked, and unfuckable. Glad you assholes got the picture.

09-26-2011, 02:33 PM
“I want to get rid of the combustion engine,” John McKibben, an activist from Vermont, declared as his primary ambition.

“I want to create spectacles,” Becky Wartell, a recent graduate of the College of the Atlantic in Maine, said.

Having discerned the intellectual vacuum, Chris Spiech, an unemployed 26-year-old from New Jersey, arrived on Thursday with the hope of indoctrinating his peers in the lessons of Austrian economics, Milton Friedman and Ron Paul. “I want to abolish the Federal Reserve,” he said.

The group’s lack of cohesion and its apparent wish to pantomime progressivism rather than practice it knowledgably is unsettling in the face of the challenges so many of its generation face — finding work, repaying student loans, figuring out ways to finish college when money has run out. But what were the chances that its members were going to receive the attention they so richly deserve carrying signs like “Even if the World Were to End Tomorrow I’d Still Plant a Tree Today”?

One day, a trader on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange, Adam Sarzen, a decade or so older than many of the protesters, came to Zuccotti Park seemingly just to shake his head. “Look at these kids, sitting here with their Apple computers,” he said. “Apple, one of the biggest monopolies in the world. It trades at $400 a share. Do they even know that?”

Fucking. Lol.

09-26-2011, 03:56 PM
VRWC corps that run the MSM are of course great defenders of, and players on, Wall St.

The most blatant, piercing exposure of the BIG LIE of tea baggers is that they NEVER demonstrate against Wall St or UCA crimes, because they are shills, (at very best, ignorant dupes of) for the VRWC, which wants all governmental power hobbled and out of the VRWC campaign of financial, environmental predation.

Sorry, wall street owns both parties, not just republicans. I didn't think even you would dispute this.

09-26-2011, 04:25 PM
Because it isn't news when libtards protest. They do that all the time, even when things are good.

Just another point in favor of the generations coming behind dumbasses like yourself. You cannot think beyond the duality of two parties. That the new generation at a higher rate identifies with neither party bodes well for the future of our country.

09-26-2011, 04:27 PM
Sorry, wall street owns both parties, not just republicans. I didn't think even you would dispute this.

Wall St. has money and thus access to both parties and given time they will erode everything they possibly can. I read wall st as being JP Morgan and his progeny and not Rockefeller and his. They are not one conglomerate mass however with the manner in which our currency system is handled JP's legacy has its tentacles deep in everything we do.

09-27-2011, 04:23 AM
Trader Tells BBC That Goldman Sachs Rules the World and the Stock Market is "Toast"

hedge funds and other smart/big money firms "don't care" about the Eurozone and are moving away from the market. "Most traders don't really care that much how they're going to fix the economy," he said. "Our job is to make money from it... I have a confession. I go to bed every night and dream of another recession."

"The governments don't rule the world. Goldman Sachs rules the world."

http://www.alternet.org/newsandviews/article/671924/trader_tells_bbc_that_goldman_sachs_rules_the_worl d_and_the_stock_market_is_%22toast%22/


Jimmy Ricky or Willard would of course cram America further, irretrievably down the shithole.

09-27-2011, 06:26 AM
A serial Mace-r, repeat offender, a dickless bully abusing peaceful dissenters.

Officer Who Pepper-Sprayed Wall Street Protesters is Named in Civil Liberties Lawsuit from 2004 RNC Protests

Officer Anthony Bologna stands accused of false arrest and civil rights violations in a claim brought by a protester arrested in New York in 2004.

http://www.alternet.org/story/152540/officer_who_pepper-sprayed_wall_street_protesters_is_named_in_civil_l iberties_lawsuit_from_2004_rnc_protests?utm_source =feedblitz&utm_medium=FeedBlitzRss&utm_campaign=alternet

09-28-2011, 10:42 AM
Why does the M$M ignore this brewing populist movement but gives so much face time to the tea baggers? Maybe if this movement had a wealthy backer like the Koch brothers the news would bother to cover it besides a passing mention as a 'group of protestors'...if actions spoke louder than words we should all be marching on Wall street,,,


If I remember correctly, the MSM did ignore the Tea Party. Up until they came up with their catchy phrase "tea bagger". No one covered it the first protest and Fox News is the only one who covered it the second time. But Current has been covereing this right?

09-28-2011, 11:28 AM
News Corp. is a global media conglomerate. If it doesn't count as MSM, nothing does.

09-28-2011, 07:23 PM
Does Anyone Actually Not Get the Message?

Does anyone really not know what the basic message is of this protest: that Wall Street is oozing corruption and criminality and its unrestrained political power -- in the form of crony capitalism and ownership of political institutions -- is destroying financial security for everyone else? ...

Some injustices simply need anger and dissent expressed for its own sake, to make clear that there are citizens who are aware of it and do not accept it. ...

http://www.alternet.org/newsandviews/article/672965/glenn_greenwald_on_critiques_of_occupy_wall_street %3A_does_anyone_actually_not_get_the_message/#paragraph4


And right-wing assholes here are as screwed by the financial sector as anybody else.

09-29-2011, 03:07 AM
Why does the M$M ignore this brewing populist movement but gives so much face time to the tea baggers? Maybe if this movement had a wealthy backer like the Koch brothers the news would bother to cover it besides a passing mention as a 'group of protestors'...if actions spoke louder than words we should all be marching on Wall street,,,



11-18-2011, 02:58 AM
Get the message?


We are the 99%

11-18-2011, 03:00 AM
The dominoes start falling..


Wild Cobra
11-18-2011, 05:10 AM
Yeah. Who could righteously complain about those banks' behavior anyway? I think our tax money was well spent on the bailouts - the banks always have our populous' best interest in minds, and the CEOs who drove those banks to failure deserve all of our millions.
You know, If I though this was a serious post last month, I would have said that as consumers, we have the power not to use their services, and shop around.

I think this whole OWS movement is so stupid. They may as well be protesting themselves for their own actions. After all, Wallstreet, and everyone else they claim they are protesting, would never have happened if the so-called 99% were smarter.

That is, if they truly are the 99%.

11-18-2011, 06:20 AM
"if the so-called 99% were smarter."

so the corrupt, predatory 1% are innocent, and it's all the 99%'s fault. GFY

Wild Cobra
11-18-2011, 06:23 AM
"if the so-called 99% were smarter."

so the corrupt, predatory 1% are innocent, and it's all the 99%'s fault. GFY
I'm saying that 99:1 are the odds. If the 99 are so stupid as to be played by the 1%, then who can they blame but themselves?

11-18-2011, 06:42 AM
"If the 99 are so stupid as to be played by the 1%"

As we see with labor, the 1% has achieved their globalization objective to screw Human-Americans out of jobs, to pit Human-Americans against Indians, Chinese, Mexicans. Your solution? It's HA's fault alone because they won't work for Asian salaries. What could the 99% have done about that?

The mind-boggling accumulation of capital through tax cuts, tax evasion, tax avoidance by the 1% has given them immense power to corrupt and control govt to protect and enrich themselves, while disenfranchising Americans (aka, "your votes don't, won't ever fucking count"). What could the 99% have done to stop that?

What could Human-Americans have done to stop TARP and the Fed from bailing out the bankrupt financial sector?

When 19 state A-Gs went to dubya to get predatory lending stopped, he shut them down. What could

There won't be enough, if any, candidates running in 2012 on an OWS/anti-1% platform. So the 99% won't have any power to not get "played". They aren't even allowed to play, only to get screwed.

WC ALWAYS sides the the institution, with the establishment over the citizen. The citizen is always to blame, NEVER the institutions and the establishment.

But he's so fucking confused that he distrusts and hates govt (but adores the spotless, heroic military arm of the govt) that he in fact actually defends govt continually rather than the citizens (eg, defends greasebag, corrupt cops violently suppressing peaceful, unarmed, dissenting citizens).

Wild Cobra
11-18-2011, 06:49 AM
"If the 99 are so stupid as to be played by the 1%"

As we see with labor, the 1% has achieved their globalization objective to screw Human-Americans out of jobs, to pit Human-Americans against Indians, Chinese, Mexicans. Your solution? It's HA's fault alone because they won't work for Asian salaries. What could the 99% have done about that?

The mind-boggling accumulation of capital through tax cuts, tax evasion, tax avoidance by the 1% has given them immense power to corrupt and control govt to protect and enrich themselves, while disenfranchising Americans (aka, "your votes don't, won't ever fucking count"). What could the 99% have done to stop that?

What could Human-Americans have done to stop TARP and the Fed from bailing out the bankrupt financial sector?

When 19 state A-Gs went to dubya to get predatory lending stopped, he shut them down. What could

There won't be enough, if any, candidates running in 2012 on an OWS/anti-1% platform. So the 99% won't have any power to not get "played". They aren't even allowed to play, only to get screwed.

WC ALWAYS sides the the institution, with the establishment over the citizen. The citizen is always to blame, NEVER the institutions and the establishment.

But he's so fucking confused that he distrusts and hates govt (but adores the spotless, heroic military arm of the govt) that he in fact actually defends govt continually rather than the citizens (eg, defends greasebag, corrupt cops violently suppressing peaceful, unarmed, dissenting citizens).
Are you serious?

How can 99% of the population be so naive as to allow this to happen, then claim they were the victim?