View Full Version : Former Gov. Tom Kean says Christie is rethinking presidential bid

09-26-2011, 08:56 PM
Former Gov. Tom Kean says Christie is rethinking presidential bid

TRENTON — Adding credence to recent reports that Gov. Chris Christie is reconsidering a run for the White House, former Gov. Tom Kean told the National Review today that "it's real."

“It’s real,” Kean told the magazine. “He’s giving it a lot of thought. I think the odds are a lot better now than they were a couple weeks ago.”

Talk that Christie is reconsidering a bid for the White House after his repeated and oft colorful denials began brewing again this weekend. A handful of reports citing unnamed sources claimed he was rethinking his decision not to run.

Read More (http://www.nj.com/news/index.ssf/2011/09/former_gov_tom_kean_says_gov_c.html)

09-26-2011, 09:10 PM
Fat fuck going back on his word.

09-27-2011, 04:29 AM
a wealthy Wall St grease bag, the perfect prescription for what ails America.

09-27-2011, 07:19 AM
I'll be embarrassed if we have a president who needs Marine One to get to the WH Easter egg hunt on the South lawn.

09-27-2011, 10:18 AM
:lol how will this guy cut the budget, he can't even make cuts in his own diet

09-27-2011, 10:57 AM

So leading conservatives spent most of yesterday proclaiming their new savior: New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie. Before the GOP anoints Christie as their new Chosen One, however, they might want to take a moment to consider the New Jersey governor’s eminently reasonable record on immigration. Simply put, Chris Christie makes Rick Perry look like Tom Tancredo:

Chris Christie is hardly the ally that illegal-immigration foes are looking for. In 2010, Christie told Politico that America needs to come up with a “clear path to citizenship.” He didn’t say “for illegal immigrants,” but since America already has a clear path to citizenship for legal immigrants, that’s what he meant. This is an entirely reasonable and mainstream position, but in much of the GOP, they call it “amnesty.”

Christie’s opponents could also point to the time he insisted that being in the country illegally is not a crime but an “administrative matter.” He’s right — simply overstaying your visa, for example, can get you deported but can’t land you in jail. But to impassioned illegal-immigration warriors, we’re not sure the nuance will be appreciated.

Then there’s Christie’s record on illegal immigration as a U.S. Attorney in New Jersey, the job he held before he became governor. Back in 2008, Bill Tucker, a producer on Lou Dobbs’s now-deceased CNN show, could only find thirteen illegal-immigration cases prosecuted by Christie’s office between 2002 and 2007. Tucker compared that to the U.S. Attorney’s office in Kansas, which, despite a much smaller population, prosecuted 597 cases in the same time period. “This man is an utter embarrassment,” Dobbs wailed.



Christie's main advantage is that he's so telegenic, as much as Ron Paul. :lol

09-27-2011, 10:59 AM
And a "Christian" hate group chimes in:

FRC’s Tony Perkins: Christie ‘Would Have A Difficult Time’ Getting Support From Social Conservatives

Christie’s record, however, may trouble social conservatives, a point New York Magazine made this morning by outlining his stances on gun control, climate change, education, Muslims, and of course immigration (the same issue that seems to have derailed Perry’s status as the frontrunner). Family Research Council President Tony Perkins all but confirmed that today at the National Press Club, telling reporters that Christie “would have a difficult time gaining a lot of support from social conservatives” should he run for president.


09-27-2011, 11:20 AM
Save yourself the money Christie and don't do it. You have no shot. Physical appearance matters, and I hate to break it to you, but you're fat.

09-27-2011, 11:27 AM
No shot? He would wipe the floor with the dumbdumb in office atm. Christie is a fatass, but he's not a pussy. Straight talk from McBlubber > same old worn out elementary grade cliches from Obama.

Like the inbred social conservs are going to vote for obama lmao.

09-27-2011, 11:29 AM
I'll be embarrassed if we have a president who needs Marine One to get to the WH Easter egg hunt on the South lawn.

Obama is an embarrassment. Fat can be lost, backbones can't be grown.

09-27-2011, 11:41 AM
He didn't do shit here in Jersey. Promised property tax cuts, taxes gone up. Unemployment is same as when he was elected, and still over the country average. He did fire cops, firemen and cut their pensions (even though those guys have been paying on their fund) after saying he wouldn't.

More of the same, basically.

09-27-2011, 12:45 PM
He said it again, he's not running today. Now can we stop with putting him in the running?

09-27-2011, 12:46 PM
Well, Perry is turning out to be as shitty as the other Republican candidates. They can't be blamed for looking elsewhere.

09-27-2011, 01:11 PM
He said it again, he's not running today. Now can we stop with putting him in the running?

Did you get a quote? All I found today was:

Gov. Christie won't enter presidential race, his brother insists (http://www.nj.com/news/index.ssf/2011/09/gov_christie_wont_enter_presid.html)

I don't think he'll run, personally.

09-27-2011, 01:13 PM

he's morbidly obese.

09-27-2011, 01:14 PM
Did you get a quote? All I found today was:

Gov. Christie won't enter presidential race, his brother insists (http://www.nj.com/news/index.ssf/2011/09/gov_christie_wont_enter_presid.html)

I don't think he'll run, personally.He won't run, he'll be airlifted.

Thank you. Thank you.

09-27-2011, 01:42 PM
how much would it cost to build helipads at every little league field?

baseline bum
09-27-2011, 03:32 PM
Being fat makes him completely unelectable for president. Remember how no one took Ross Perot seriously when he was destroying Bush and Clinton in the debates about NAFTA, since he had big ears and a high-pitched voice? Or how goodhair Gore won the 2000 nomination despite having not one intelligent thing to counter Bradley with? Perry is the ultimate embodiment of the axiom that looks matter in an election; all he has is his hair.

Borat Sagyidev
09-27-2011, 04:20 PM
This guy is just a loudmouth fat piece of scum. For the last time:

09-27-2011, 08:49 PM
Christie’s opponents could also point to the time he insisted that being in the country illegally is not a crime but an “administrative matter.”

A concise, perfectly made point. Illegal immigration is only illegal because we made it that way.

09-27-2011, 08:51 PM
Jon Stewart nailed it on Republican indecision last night:


09-27-2011, 08:55 PM
A concise, perfectly made point. Illegal immigration is only illegal because we made it that way.
Are there not laws governing immigration into the United States of America? Would circumventing them not be a violation?

Illegal immigration is illegal because it violates the laws that govern immigration.

And, what about the immigrants that adhere to the process and enter this country legally? You know, in accordance with immigration laws.

09-27-2011, 08:57 PM
Jon Stewart nailed it on Republican indecision last night:

The electorate will decide who best will represent the Republican party and, given current circumstances not improving much before next November, whoever it is beats Barack Obama.

It's what the primaries are all about.

09-27-2011, 08:57 PM
Christie's press conference was just him wanting to hear himself speak while giving no real answers other than sideline coaching...he basically pulled a "Palin"...

09-27-2011, 08:58 PM
Jon Stewart nailed it on Republican indecision last night:


:lol thanks for posting

09-27-2011, 09:51 PM
No shot? He would wipe the floor with the dumbdumb in office atm. Christie is a fatass, but he's not a pussy. Straight talk from McBlubber > same old worn out elementary grade cliches from Obama.

Like the inbred social conservs are going to vote for obama lmao.

You think it's one or the other. It isn't. The GOP needs their entire base to show up to win. Their margin is that slim.

They don't have to vote for Obama. They just have to like neither candidate and stay home, and not that damned many of them, either.

09-27-2011, 09:51 PM
He won't run, he'll be airlifted.

Thank you. Thank you.


09-27-2011, 10:00 PM
You think it's one or the other. It isn't. The GOP needs their entire base to show up to win. Their margin is that slim.
Actually, they don't (even though they will) and it's not.

Obama is losing black and Jewish voters at an alarming rate -- for him anyway. So much so, he threw on his black dialect and implored blacks to put on their marching shoes followed by his make up Rosh Hoshannah greeting to the Jews.

They don't have to vote for Obama. They just have to like neither candidate and stay home, and not that damned many of them, either.
Conservatives aren't staying home.

Obama may have a huge chunk of his voting bloc either doing so or switching parties.

09-27-2011, 10:47 PM
Actually, they don't (even though they will) and it's not.

Obama is losing black and Jewish voters at an alarming rate -- for him anyway. So much so, he threw on his black dialect and implored blacks to put on their marching shoes followed by his make up Rosh Hoshannah greeting to the Jews.

Conservatives aren't staying home.

Obama may have a huge chunk of his voting bloc either doing so or switching parties.

Keep thinking that. The GOP needs a candidate who is electable in the general election, and acceptable to Tea Party. That candidate does not, and cannot exist.

09-27-2011, 10:53 PM
Keep thinking that. The GOP needs a candidate who is electable in the general election, and acceptable to Tea Party. That candidate does not, and cannot exist.
Well, Tea Party voters want Obama out of the White House more than any possible dislike of a Republican candidate. They're voting and they will vote for whoever isn't Obama.

And, current polls say Obama loses.

Also, historically, no incumbent has ever won re-election with unemployment above 7.2%

Finally, Mr. Hope and Change seems to be pissing off his base on a pretty regular basis these days.

09-27-2011, 10:56 PM
Are there not laws governing immigration into the United States of America? Would circumventing them not be a violation?

Illegal immigration is illegal because it violates the laws that govern immigration.

And, what about the immigrants that adhere to the process and enter this country legally? You know, in accordance with immigration laws.

If I'm someone who wants to put food on his family's table, and shelter over their head, ensure their survival and the best option is abroad... there is no law that is going to stop me from doing so.

That's the passionate response. The economic response will come when I have more time.

09-27-2011, 11:01 PM
If I'm someone who wants to put food on his family's table, and shelter over their head, ensure their survival and the best option is abroad... there is no law that is going to stop me from doing so.

That's the passionate response. The economic response will come when I have more time.
How 'bout the legal response. Because, contrary to your earlier assertion, entering this country, by circumventing the immigration laws, is, in fact, illegal.

09-28-2011, 12:24 AM
How 'bout the legal response. Because, contrary to your earlier assertion, entering this country, by circumventing the immigration laws, is, in fact, illegal.

How is that contrary to my earlier assertion?

You aren't having a legality problem right now, you're having a comprehension problem.

09-28-2011, 12:26 AM

09-28-2011, 12:26 AM
I'd like to hear the economics take, btw

09-28-2011, 12:28 AM
I'd like to hear the economics take, btw

Try to remind me next week. I'm off to Denver and Great American Beer Festival in the morning.

Wild Cobra
09-28-2011, 03:50 AM
Chris Christie is hardly the ally that illegal-immigration foes are looking for. In 2010, Christie told Politico that America needs to come up with a “clear path to citizenship.” He didn’t say “for illegal immigrants,” but since America already has a clear path to citizenship for legal immigrants, that’s what he meant. This is an entirely reasonable and mainstream position, but in much of the GOP, they call it “amnesty.”

To assume he means for illegals is idiotic I think. Just ask El Nono how difficult it is to legally immigrate here as a permanent resident or citizen. The process is difficult and expensive enough, my ex wife chose not to get citizenship.

09-28-2011, 10:40 AM
If Christie jumps in the race Perry is toast and Romney will once again lose out. Christie knows this is his "time" just like Obama did. He'd win.

09-28-2011, 01:06 PM
To assume he means for illegals is idiotic I think. Just ask El Nono how difficult it is to legally immigrate here as a permanent resident or citizen. The process is difficult and expensive enough, my ex wife chose not to get citizenship.

Got my biometrics (fingerprints) done yesterday... getting closer :toast

09-28-2011, 02:48 PM
If I'm someone who wants to put food on his family's table, and shelter over their head, ensure their survival and the best option is abroad... there is no law that is going to stop me from doing so.

That's the passionate response. The economic response will come when I have more time.

:tu I concur

09-28-2011, 04:02 PM
Are there not laws governing immigration into the United States of America? Would circumventing them not be a violation?

Illegal immigration is illegal because it violates the laws that govern immigration.

And, what about the immigrants that adhere to the process and enter this country legally? You know, in accordance with immigration laws.

So basically what you're saying is that illegal immigration is illegal because it's illegal.

Solid take! This must be what happens when you go off script.

09-28-2011, 04:22 PM
So basically what you're saying is that illegal immigration is illegal because it's illegal.

Solid take! This must be what happens when you go off script.
All crimes are illegal because there are laws making them so. That's what makes an act illegal. Do you want the derivation of the word 'illegal?'

09-28-2011, 04:49 PM
The Repugs and conservatives are inflating the Gibson guitar story, saying it shows how regulations hurt business.

but what Gibson imported were illegal, raw wood stock, against regulations that were clarified/extended/strenthend BY DUBYA AND THE REPUGS in 2008.

I'm sure Yoni and WC would like to clarify their positions on Gibson breaking the (Repug) regulations. :)

10-03-2011, 11:11 AM
Herman Cain on Christie (http://www.latimes.com/news/politics/la-pn-christie-rivals-20111003,0,491087.story)

Should Christie run, he’ll find a resurgent Herman Cain looking to protect his flank. On Fox News Sunday, Cain said that Christie’s too much of a moderate to secure the GOP nomination.

“I believe that a lot of conservatives once they know his position on those things that you delineated, they’re going to not be able to support him. I think that is absolutely a liability for him if he gets the race,” the former Godfather’s Pizza CEO said. “Most of the conservatives believe that we should enforce our borders. They do not believe people should be here without documentation. They do not believe global warming is a 'crisis' or a 'threat' — yes it might be a little bit out there but they don’t see it as a 'crisis' or a “threat” and as you go right down the line, he’s going to turn off a lot of conservatives with those positions."

Wild Cobra
10-03-2011, 03:24 PM
Herman Cain on Christie (http://www.latimes.com/news/politics/la-pn-christie-rivals-20111003,0,491087.story)

Should Christie run, he’ll find a resurgent Herman Cain looking to protect his flank. On Fox News Sunday, Cain said that Christie’s too much of a moderate to secure the GOP nomination.

“I believe that a lot of conservatives once they know his position on those things that you delineated, they’re going to not be able to support him. I think that is absolutely a liability for him if he gets the race,” the former Godfather’s Pizza CEO said. “Most of the conservatives believe that we should enforce our borders. They do not believe people should be here without documentation. They do not believe global warming is a 'crisis' or a 'threat' — yes it might be a little bit out there but they don’t see it as a 'crisis' or a “threat” and as you go right down the line, he’s going to turn off a lot of conservatives with those positions."
I see Cain forgot about open primaries, where liberals screw up the republican primary process. Without a democrat primary, things could really get screwed up, worse than getting a McCain.

10-04-2011, 10:37 AM
CNN is reporting he is NOT going to seek the nomination.

10-04-2011, 10:45 AM
they should entice him with a buffet table.