View Full Version : First Latino President

09-30-2011, 12:03 PM
Barack Obama predicted that he’ll be alive to see a Latino candidate for president. He said a little bit more than that, but that’s the gist of his remark. If it was intended to raise eyebrows, turn heads and rouse a cheer, he succeeded. If what he wanted was to give Latino voters something to chew on, he did that as well. But if he did it to be prophetic…

His remark came at an “Open for Questions” roundtable put together by Yahoo!, MSN Latino, and AOL Latino/Huffington Post Latino Voices. What he said, and this is a direct quote from a USA Today reporter who was in the room when he said it, was:

"I am absolutely confident that within my lifetime, we will have a Latino candidate for president who will be very competitive and may win."

-Can you just imagine all the birthers who would question if they are a "legal US citizen"?
I too believe it will happen. Si se puede!!

09-30-2011, 12:07 PM
Barack Obama predicted that he’ll be alive to see a Latino candidate for president. He said a little bit more than that, but that’s the gist of his remark. If it was intended to raise eyebrows, turn heads and rouse a cheer, he succeeded. If what he wanted was to give Latino voters something to chew on, he did that as well. But if he did it to be prophetic…

His remark came at an “Open for Questions” roundtable put together by Yahoo!, MSN Latino, and AOL Latino/Huffington Post Latino Voices. What he said, and this is a direct quote from a USA Today reporter who was in the room when he said it, was:

"I am absolutely confident that within my lifetime, we will have a Latino candidate for president who will be very competitive and may win."

-Can you just imagine all the birthers who would question if they are a "legal US citizen"?
I too believe it will happen. Si se puede!!
Marco Rubio for President! Si se puede!!

09-30-2011, 12:15 PM
Marco Rubio for President! Si se puede!!

The GOP won't let that happen.

09-30-2011, 12:20 PM
The GOP won't let that happen.
Why not? He's a Ronald Reagan Conservative if ever there was one.

09-30-2011, 12:33 PM
I bet he thinks it'll be julian castro. Castro has got potential, but I doubt he'll develop the network of scumbag donors to compete, but you never know.

That's not the only thing holding him back of course though.

09-30-2011, 12:37 PM
Why not? He's a Ronald Reagan Conservative if ever there was one.

Reagan couldn't even get the GOP nomination now and you know it.

09-30-2011, 12:39 PM
I would vote for a latin woman for president. that bitch would cut the budget like a motherfucker. defense? fuck you I'll give you defense. bail who out? get the fuck out of here. a latin woman can raise 12 children on $8/hour

09-30-2011, 12:40 PM
people like you make me sick!

"yes we can!"


as in the mexicans.

as in you segregate yourself and refuse to accept to be AMERICAN.

you and your mindset is what is wrong with this country.

Oh STFU! Look around dumbass and see how many Italian, German, Greek, Irish etc. festivals and celebrations that are held all across the Country all the damn time each and every year. Are they refusing to be AMERICAN too. Are they segregating themselves. Meh, why even bother.

09-30-2011, 12:43 PM
people like you make me sick!

"yes we can!"


as in the mexicans.

as in you segregate yourself and refuse to accept to be AMERICAN.

you and your mindset is what is wrong with this country.

take your racism elsewhere of Kori will be summoned. thank you.

09-30-2011, 02:18 PM
Manu for president !!!

10-02-2011, 12:50 AM
whites are still about 65% of the population in this country and blacks make up another 15%, that's 80% who all hate beaners yall fucks ain't ever gettin in office we bout to deport you motherfuckers soon whenever we get a republican in office the people are calling for it.

10-02-2011, 02:54 AM
...You chase off all the hard-working 'beaners' there goes your welfare check and food stamps...

Wild Cobra
10-02-2011, 03:02 AM
whites are still about 65% of the population in this country and blacks make up another 15%, that's 80% who all hate beaners yall fucks ain't ever gettin in office we bout to deport you motherfuckers soon whenever we get a republican in office the people are calling for it.
What's your distinction between Hispanic and Beaner? Is that a particular type of Hispanic that is evil or something? Why should I hate them?

10-02-2011, 10:08 AM
whites are still about 65% of the population in this country and blacks make up another 15%, that's 80% who all hate beaners yall fucks ain't ever gettin in office we bout to deport you motherfuckers soon whenever we get a republican in office the people are calling for it.
well beaners might have dragged down your living standards to some extent, i'd like to address yet another problem right here. chinks communities are the fastest-growing of all in the coastal states especially in california and NY and such rapid growth has shown no trend of slowing down. while most mexican immigrants are illegals who only earn minor $ doing shitty works, most chink immigrants on the other hand are "legal" immigrants with college degrees hence they are more than likely to take away the well-paying jobs from us american youngsters.

i urge american colleges and all the employers to stop giving away college degrees and stop hiring chinks as accountants/engineers/pharmacist etc..., save these jobs for our own brothers & kids

10-02-2011, 10:13 AM
people like you make me sick!

"yes we can!"


as in the mexicans.

as in you segregate yourself and refuse to accept to be AMERICAN.

you and your mindset is what is wrong with this country.

10-02-2011, 10:15 AM
a latin woman can raise 12 children on $8/hour
Yeah, with 8 out of the 12 ending up in jail/prison at some point or another while anywhere between 0-1 of them makes it to college. Hispanics have a completely different definition of "raising children" than white people do.

10-02-2011, 10:24 AM
...You chase off all the hard-working 'beaners' there goes your welfare check and food stamps...
I love the myth that Hispanics are hard workers. All the Hispanics I've ever worked with have been lazy pieces of shit who stood around discussing how many tamales they were gonna eat after work while me and white/black people did everything that needed to be done.

10-02-2011, 01:23 PM
Obama is just saying that shit to try to get the Hispanic vote..the day a beaner gets in office is the day hell freezes over. I will straight pack up and move to Canada immediately. With beaners running hte country and all the decent white ppl moving to Canada, Canada will immediately prosper while the Beaner and White Trash Republic of America will crash and burn, becoming just like Mexico within 25 years.

10-02-2011, 01:26 PM
You faggots can only move in and feed off the white mans tee tee for so long before he zips up his pants and moves away. You can leach off our economy for a while but you can never have our intelligence which is portable and can just be taken to a place on the opposite side of the globe imho.

10-02-2011, 02:13 PM
You faggots can only move in and feed off the white mans tee tee for so long before he zips up his pants and moves away. You can leach off our economy for a while but you can never have our intelligence which is portable and can just be taken to a place on the opposite side of the globe imho.

you white people can't even pay your mortgages and your VCR repair skills are antiquated. Your white wives already out number white males in college enrollment.

White men got lazy and comfortable on top and all you are doing is complaining as you see it go away. you should get your ass to ITI Tech and pick up some skills. Your backward looking ass lost this country 20 years ago to 3rd wave feminism.

10-02-2011, 02:44 PM
you white people can't even pay your mortgages and your VCR repair skills are antiquated. Your white wives already out number white males in college enrollment.

White men got lazy and comfortable on top and all you are doing is complaining as you see it go away. you should get your ass to ITI Tech and pick up some skills. Your backward looking ass lost this country 20 years ago to 3rd wave feminism.

Lol education smack coming from a beaner sympathist, thanks but i'm 22 and graduating from a real university this year not some "ITI Tech" and trust me I will pay my mortgage until you beaner fucks move into my neighborhood and depreciate the property value, at which point I will sell to get away from the awful mariachi music and stench of beans.

10-02-2011, 02:54 PM
mariachi music and stench of beans.

Wild Cobra
10-02-2011, 02:58 PM
Lol education smack coming from a beaner sympathist, thanks but i'm 22 and graduating from a real university this year not some "ITI Tech" and trust me I will pay my mortgage until you beaner fucks move into my neighborhood and depreciate the property value, at which point I will sell to get away from the awful mariachi music and stench of beans.
Hate to break it to you, but it's not uncommon for a technological student with a AA or AS degree making more than a 4 year college student.

Wild Cobra
10-02-2011, 03:03 PM

Do you have ants in your pants?

Hairy, crazy ants invade from Texas to Miss. (http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/nationworld/2016375785_apushairycrazyants.html)

10-02-2011, 03:03 PM
I'm not a liberal arts major so you got me fucked up homeboy.

Wild Cobra
10-02-2011, 03:05 PM
I'm not a liberal arts major so you got me fucked up homeboy.
I didn't fuck you up.

You are already a fucked up racist.

10-02-2011, 04:09 PM
We get it WC, you married a beaner.

Wild Cobra
10-02-2011, 04:14 PM
We get it WC, you married a beaner.

No, but I have a coworrker who is a citizen but born in Mexico. He marries a Chinese woman. My daughters last boyfriend was Mexican.

I have no dislike of the people themselves. Just they lack of immigration control.

My ex wife is from S. Korea. She is a legal resident alien.

10-02-2011, 08:01 PM
mexico has a population of like 100m as of 2010, i say even if they all moved out of mexico and immigrated into US it'd be like a 30% increase of population, which ain't no threat at all compared to the immigrants from some other country with a population about 10x bigger. if a latino president had the nuts to dump several atom bombs onto chinks shithole land i'd be more than glad to vote for him over anyone tbh