View Full Version : Hopefully I do not have a tumor.

10-03-2011, 02:06 PM
For a week now I have been having sharp, stabbing like pains in my head. At the top of my head, where what I call my "hair swirl" I get sudden sharp pains that last for a couple seconds at a time, at least 20 times a day.

I just got an appointment for next Monday to see what's going on. I'll probably have to get an MRI and MRA to actually rule out my worst fears of a brain tumor, abscess, or aneurism. I have done several hours worth of research on the things it could be. So many different possibilities that it really does me no good. It just makes my anxiety worse.

My mother suffers from fibromyalgia, something spell-check can't even comprehend. It runs in the family, however my symptoms do not seem to have any relation.

To say I am scared and nervous of suddenly falling over dead would be very accurate. I know I shouldn't stress but I already have a lot of stress having my hours at work screwed with every week trying to support my 11 month old girl whom shares a birthday with me that is coming up November 3rd.

I am only 26. But I had a friend in my teenage years who's father died at 28 from a brain tumor. I have suffered from depression for years, and when I was a teenager was put on Zoloft. That lasted a month, and caused* me to have suicidal thoughts and make everything worse. Since then I have been afraid of doctors, and haven't seen one in 11 years.

I had a lymphoid removed, or so I thought, when I was just 6 under my right arm. It had swollen to the size of an orange and luckily I had no complications other than a muscle having to be removed cause of the infection. Well, it's been back for 2 years now, and I have played the "I'll be fine" game for too long.

I guess I am just really stressed out and scared. Not sure why I am posting this. I have recently became a god-fearing person, but I wouldn't say I am a christian. As I was just typing the pain just shot through my head as if someone took a knife and cut my crown wide open. It makes me freeze up and cringe really bad.

I really hope it's nothing serious, I know I have bad anxiety, I never needed a doctor to tell me this. But I have a little one that depends on me to make it in this world and I cannot fail her. I guess that stresses me out the most. That and my heath insurance through my work does not cover anything hardly, it's terrible heath insurance but it's all I have. I already have money problems and if I know my arm needs to be operated on again, but I just don't want to go into more debt and sink myself in a hole when I have been trying to put money back out of every paycheck for my daughter.

I'm long winded, and I'll shut up. A lot of people have it so bad in this world and I feel like a fool for even saying anything. But if you pray, add Dewayne in Arkansas to your list if you don't mind.

10-03-2011, 02:11 PM
You are all in our prayers :tu

10-03-2011, 02:17 PM
You are all in our prayers :tu


stay strong for your little girl

10-03-2011, 02:18 PM
Thanks. I know my worry is premature, but I've always had bad anxiety that I never have done anything about. To the ones on ST I do not get along with, lay off me on this subject please. I don't hate any one single person or wish anything bad on anyone, it's just the internet in the end.

10-03-2011, 02:20 PM
:lol I thought of Kindergarten Cop too.

10-03-2011, 02:25 PM
Damn. You're in my prayers, Brutalis.

10-03-2011, 02:26 PM
Make sure you keep your Dr.'s appointment and don't wait 11 years to go next time. Best wishes.

10-03-2011, 02:29 PM

10-03-2011, 02:35 PM

10-03-2011, 02:38 PM
:lol @ the videos. I still love that movie ever since I was little.

Damn. You're in my prayers, Brutalis.
Thanks bro.

Make sure you keep your Dr.'s appointment and don't wait 11 years to go next time. Best wishes.
Agreed. I have been very ignorant for too long.

10-03-2011, 02:41 PM

10-03-2011, 03:10 PM
Keeping you in my prayers. There are so many things that go in your head that it could be nothing, but it could be something. I freaked out a ton when I had my last seizure...there wasn't anything wrong with me. Just random....so hang in there!

and oh my goodness. Love Kindergarten Cop.

10-03-2011, 03:12 PM
Take care, man. Definitely pullin' for you and yours.

10-03-2011, 03:15 PM
There are so many things that go in your head that it could be nothing, but it could be something.

Jeezus Ashbeeigh.

10-03-2011, 03:33 PM
Good luck buddy!

10-03-2011, 04:03 PM
I know this is a lot easier said than done,but the best thing for you to do is to stop looking up stuff on the net in reference to your current situation.All that is gonna do is add more stress that you do not need.I sincerely hope everything works out for you man.Keep us updated.

10-03-2011, 04:21 PM
Sounds pretty bad. My bad for the negative thinking but obviously hope for the best but plan for the worst. The only way I can see doing that is getting a better health insurance. I know you said your job has crap health insurance and you were strapped for cash. But the way I see it is you haven't been to a Dr in a long time right? If you go to an appointment and they find something that requires a lot more attention...then? I doubt you will be able to get another insurance to help you with the cost. Or maybe that doesn't even matter since the cash flow and all. Just saying I guess. ...I was just thinking on what I would do for my kid. Either way hope its nothing so you can raise that kid to be a loud annoying spurs fan.

10-03-2011, 04:32 PM
^ made me think of something. Not that you should put off your doctor vist but you might check into getting a term life insurance policy before getting diagnosed. For large amounts, they'd probably send someone to your house to do a short physical and take some blood. They might miss many of the things you mentioned. If something was wrong, god forbid, you could at least set your daughter up financially.

10-03-2011, 04:40 PM
I can guarantee you it's not "nothing." Pains like that don't happen for no reason. At any rate I hope you get it taken care of for your daughter's sake at least. Best wishes man :tu

10-03-2011, 04:41 PM
And remember being dead <<< being in debt. You'll never be thrown in jail for unpaid debts bro, so keep that in mind

10-03-2011, 04:52 PM
Good luck Brah, if you can't play the league matched it's okay. We understand, hope all goes well and that you're just worrying over nothing

10-03-2011, 05:01 PM
And remember being dead <<< being in debt. You'll never be thrown in jail for unpaid debts bro, so keep that in mind
Unless it's to the IRS or child support then all bets are off.

10-03-2011, 05:10 PM
For a week now I have been having sharp, stabbing like pains in my head. At the top of my head, where what I call my "hair swirl" I get sudden sharp pains that last for a couple seconds at a time, at least 20 times a day.

I just got an appointment for next Monday to see what's going on. I'll probably have to get an MRI and MRA to actually rule out my worst fears of a brain tumor, abscess, or aneurism. I have done several hours worth of research on the things it could be. So many different possibilities that it really does me no good. It just makes my anxiety worse.

My mother suffers from fibromyalgia, something spell-check can't even comprehend. It runs in the family, however my symptoms do not seem to have any relation.

To say I am scared and nervous of suddenly falling over dead would be very accurate. I know I shouldn't stress but I already have a lot of stress having my hours at work screwed with every week trying to support my 11 month old girl whom shares a birthday with me that is coming up November 3rd.

I am only 26. But I had a friend in my teenage years who's father died at 28 from a brain tumor. I have suffered from depression for years, and when I was a teenager was put on Zoloft. That lasted a month, and cased me to have suicidal thoughts and make everything worse. Since then I have been afraid of doctors, and haven't seen one in 11 years.

I had a lymphoid removed, or so I thought, when I was just 6 under my right arm. It had swollen to the size of an orange and luckily I had no complications other than a muscle having to be removed cause of the infection. Well, it's been back for 2 years now, and I have played the "I'll be fine" game for too long.

I guess I am just really stressed out and scared. Not sure why I am posting this. I have recently became a god-fearing person, but I wouldn't say I am a christian. As I was just typing the pain just shot through my head as if someone took a knife and cut my crown wide open. It makes me freeze up and cringe really bad.

I really hope it's nothing serious, I know I have bad anxiety, I never needed a doctor to tell me this. But I have a little one that depends on me to make it in this world and I cannot fail her. I guess that stresses me out the most. That and my heath insurance through my work does not cover anything hardly, it's terrible heath insurance but it's all I have. I already have money problems and if I know my arm needs to be operated on again, but I just don't want to go into more debt and sink myself in a hole when I have been trying to put money back out of every paycheck for my daughter.

I'm long winded, and I'll shut up. A lot of people have it so bad in this world and I feel like a fool for even saying anything. But if you pray, add Dewayne in Arkansas to your list if you don't mind.

Hang in there. Don't preconceive issues that don't exist. Stress is a big problem and you can worry yourself sick (literally).

A brain tumor would likely be more than just pain. It would involve nausea, vomiting, maybe a balance issue and perhaps blurred vision or speech impairment.

Hopefully you just have headaches that can be treated.

10-03-2011, 05:13 PM
I can guarantee you it's not "nothing." Pains like that don't happen for no reason. At any rate I hope you get it taken care of for your daughter's sake at least. Best wishes man :tu
Yes they do, at least no reason that can be pinpointed. Ever heard of icepick headaches? (not a real icepick...)

10-03-2011, 05:35 PM
good luck man

10-03-2011, 05:39 PM
To much madden probably. Best wishes and let's hope it's nothing. My only advice is that even though we're young, don't use things like this as an excuse to be irresponsible and act out. Handle whatever it is and learn perspective from it.

10-03-2011, 05:55 PM
Yes they do, at least no reason that can be pinpointed. Ever heard of icepick headaches? (not a real icepick...)

Yea I was thinking of those too. There are a lot of things (migraines, neuralgias, muscular and eye strains) that it can be that aren't nearly as harmful as the anxiety they cause. Most of them don't even require any scans to be diagnosed. Try to relax and keep positive, and let us know how the appt goes. All my best to you :)

10-03-2011, 05:59 PM
Definitely in my prayers, bro...good luck to you.

10-03-2011, 06:20 PM
Best wishes. I hope everything works out for you and your daughter.

10-03-2011, 06:36 PM
My guess is that if you do have a tumor it's Houston Nutt's fault

10-03-2011, 06:36 PM
Kobe: 5

tired old shit bag Duncan: 4

10-03-2011, 06:42 PM
Jeezus Ashbeeigh.
ha...fuck. You're right. My point was along the lines of what maalox was saying.

Yea I was thinking of those too. There are a lot of things (migraines, neuralgias, muscular and eye strains) that it can be that aren't nearly as harmful as the anxiety they cause. Most of them don't even require any scans to be diagnosed. Try to relax and keep positive, and let us know how the appt goes. All my best to you :)

Kori Ellis
10-03-2011, 07:08 PM
Hopefully it's just some sort of migraine. Let us know what happens and try not to stress out (I know it's impossible) until your appointment. You'll be in our prayers.

10-03-2011, 07:15 PM
Yes they do, at least no reason that can be pinpointed. Ever heard of icepick headaches? (not a real icepick...)

But he ain't having a headache, he's have an almost immobilizing, excruciating stabbing pain in his head like 20 times a day. That's definitely not just a coincidence

10-03-2011, 07:18 PM
Good luck. Hopefully it's not a tumor...or a leaking brain aneursym.

Kori Ellis
10-03-2011, 07:23 PM
But he ain't having a headache, he's have an almost immobilizing, excruciating stabbing pain in his head like 20 times a day. That's definitely not just a coincidence

That's pretty much icepick headaches are -- immobilizing, excruciating stabbing pain episodes in the head a ridiculous amount of times a day. Some people get them like 80-100 times a day.

10-03-2011, 07:24 PM
I hope you don't die so I can lol arksansas in a few weeks

10-03-2011, 07:38 PM
That's pretty much icepick headaches are -- immobilizing, excruciating stabbing pain episodes in the head a ridiculous amount of times a day. Some people get them like 80-100 times a day.

Well that fucking sucks :depressed

10-03-2011, 07:43 PM
^ made me think of something. Not that you should put off your doctor vist but you might check into getting a term life insurance policy before getting diagnosed. For large amounts, they'd probably send someone to your house to do a short physical and take some blood. They might miss many of the things you mentioned. If something was wrong, god forbid, you could at least set your daughter up financially.
I got one set up for 250K.

Good luck Brah, if you can't play the league matched it's okay. We understand, hope all goes well and that you're just worrying over nothing
Nah I can play, I'm on my franchise as I type lol.

To much madden probably. Best wishes and let's hope it's nothing. My only advice is that even though we're young, don't use things like this as an excuse to be irresponsible and act out. Handle whatever it is and learn perspective from it.
It'll be too much Skyrim next month!

My guess is that if you do have a tumor it's Houston Nutt's fault
Everything is always his fault, don't ever forget that!

Hopefully it's just some sort of migraine. Let us know what happens and try not to stress out (I know it's impossible) until your appointment. You'll be in our prayers.
Thanks. I always do a good job getting myself riled up.

I hope you don't die so I can lol arksansas in a few weeks
Arkansas* and Ole Miss stands no chance. Auburn does however.

_ _ _

Thanks for the well wishes everyone.

10-03-2011, 08:40 PM
Good luck man, as everyone else said, don't stress over everything you're reading on the internet and just go see a doctor.

I have never heard of these icepick headaches...I'm pretty fortunate to never really have any type of headaches, let alone terrible migraines.

10-03-2011, 10:06 PM
Kobe: 5

tired old shit bag Duncan: 4

why are you bringing that bullshit into a thread where a posters life may be in danger? :ban:

10-04-2011, 12:04 AM
My only advice is that even though we're young, don't use things like this as an excuse to be irresponsible and act out. Handle whatever it is and learn perspective from it.

...or learn to cook meth.

10-04-2011, 09:05 AM
Best wishes and stay strong.

Oh, Gee!!
10-04-2011, 11:51 AM
sounds like nerve damage. wouldn't worry about it

10-04-2011, 12:08 PM
Good luck with the appointment.
This forum needs some good news once in while so I hope you come back with one.

10-04-2011, 12:12 PM
I'll pray for you Brutalis. Sorry to hear about what you're going through. Let us know when you find out what's really going on.

10-04-2011, 05:26 PM
Will do.

Trill Clinton
10-04-2011, 05:31 PM
Hope you find out what it is soon. I'll keep ya in my prayers, brut.

10-10-2011, 10:34 PM
Doctor said he thinks all of my heath issues are related to anxiety and stress. He took blood and said they will send it off to the lab to run tests to make sure nothing's going on. Also he prescribed me Celexa 20mg which is some kind of anxiety medication.

I really hate taking medicine, especially things that don't make me feel normal. But he said right now I am not normal, and that this will bring me back to what my normal really is. I guess we'll see. I've never abused drugs or pills, other than smoking a tree every now and then so yeah.

Won't know anything for sure until next Monday on my follow-up, when the lab comes back with my blood work. So I got high hopes now that the pain in my head isn't something serious.

10-10-2011, 10:36 PM
fuck yeah let's hope it comes back good, brain health is scary shit but you had some people praying for you

10-10-2011, 10:46 PM
Great to hear. Hearing that will surely help you relax a bit.

10-11-2011, 12:24 AM
My prayers are on their way! Take care of yourself, your daughter needs you around a lot more than she needs money.

10-11-2011, 12:24 AM
My prayers are on their way! Take care of yourself, your daughter needs you around a lot more than she needs money.

10-11-2011, 12:56 AM
Thanks ya'll. That was a long week haha.

marini martini
10-11-2011, 01:21 AM
Good luck.:toast

10-11-2011, 04:41 PM
Doctor said he thinks all of my heath issues are related to anxiety and stress. He took blood and said they will send it off to the lab to run tests to make sure nothing's going on. Also he prescribed me Celexa 20mg which is some kind of anxiety medication.

I really hate taking medicine, especially things that don't make me feel normal. But he said right now I am not normal, and that this will bring me back to what my normal really is. I guess we'll see. I've never abused drugs or pills, other than smoking a tree every now and then so yeah.

Won't know anything for sure until next Monday on my follow-up, when the lab comes back with my blood work. So I got high hopes now that the pain in my head isn't something serious.

I hope your Dr is right. I have a feeling he knows a bit about what he's talking about. Did you tell him how many trolls you have to deal with all the time? That might be pertinent information. :D

All my best.

10-12-2011, 11:37 AM
Doctor said he thinks all of my heath issues are related to anxiety and stress. He took blood and said they will send it off to the lab to run tests to make sure nothing's going on. Also he prescribed me Celexa 20mg which is some kind of anxiety medication.

I really hate taking medicine, especially things that don't make me feel normal. But he said right now I am not normal, and that this will bring me back to what my normal really is. I guess we'll see. I've never abused drugs or pills, other than smoking a tree every now and then so yeah.

Won't know anything for sure until next Monday on my follow-up, when the lab comes back with my blood work. So I got high hopes now that the pain in my head isn't something serious.

Good luck. Hopefully you'll not require any of my services.

Don't you have a newborn? Trust me, that's the most stressful time of your life if it's your first. Your entire paradigm is changed overnight. Not to mention sleep deprivation on top of all that.