View Full Version : Does anyone here believe in ghosts?

10-15-2011, 08:35 PM
I do

I don't care what backlash I'm gonna receive. I believe in ghost. I saw two when I was a kid. The first sighting was in my room. It was a lady wearing a white dress standing next to my dresser. She didn't say anything. She just stood there staring at me. I couldn't see her face because it seemed to be distorted for some reason. I screamed and ran to my parents room. The second sighting was on a trip to Dallas. My family and I went to visit my grandparents in Oak Cliff. We had to spend the night in my great grandmothers house (who was alive at the time). I shared a room with my younger brother. That night I remember hearing strange noises. I don't know if the noises were relevant to the sighting or not, they were still eerie. That morning I arose from my bed to see my second sighting. It was a small apparition (at least it appeared to be one), like a child or something. Again, I didn't see the face because it appeared distorted. Scared the living shit out of me (literally). These were my only encounters with ghosts.

Does anyone else have some?

10-15-2011, 08:57 PM
Better question is, who doesn't.

10-15-2011, 09:20 PM
never seen an apparition directly, but my grandparents used to own a house built in 1913 and restored with all antique furniture inside becasue they collected them. some strange shit happened around there, the spirit world is very much real. once i saw what appeared to be a black mist floating out of one room which was especially haunted and going down the hallway. but it was mostly just the eerie "feeling" you would get at times. my cousin did once claim to see a man in the house which the neighbors supposedly saw in their house as well. also my grandparents each saw apparitions, and sometimes there would be a strange smell of perfume out of nowhere. I think it was something to do with the antique furniture or my grandparents themselves, because their old house they lived in when i was younger was haunted as well. when i was about 3 years old they had a preacher come out and bless the house, and when we walked back in i supposedly asked my dad what was "different" about the house. i wasn't old enough to know what was going on so there must have really been a different vibe.

10-15-2011, 10:09 PM
My place of work was built on land where a young child drowned. Every once in a while you can see a black shadow figure lurking throughout the store. I wasn't much of a believer until I saw it with my own eyes.

baseline bum
10-15-2011, 10:19 PM
My place of work was built on land where a young child drowned. Every once in a while you can see a black shadow figure lurking throughout the store. I wasn't much of a believer until I saw it with my own eyes.

That's racist to blame a black guy for drowning that kid.

10-15-2011, 10:36 PM
I like reading ghost stories but where's the proof? I want to see a full body ghost

10-15-2011, 10:36 PM
Although one time I was in my house alone and heard loud ass footsteps in my hallway and I looked and no one was there -- scared me pretty bad

10-15-2011, 10:53 PM
Better question is, who doesn't.

People who aren't retarded?

10-15-2011, 11:02 PM
Not much so read at your own boredom.

Once in highschool I was after some girl so I was playing the "I'll be there for you" card when her and her boyfriend broke up. She said she cared for the dude but just didn't want him as a bf. Plus he was always depressed and some time after the break up he ended his own life. No one knows if it was cause of her or other reasons or all of the above. She took it pretty hard and some weeks later she swore she kept seeing him around her house and hearing his voice ,noises and such. One night she freaked out and begged me to go over. I did and she said she was scared blah blah and was home alone. She was crying and I went to console her and after I calmed her down. We decided to mess around and I felt this feeling we were being watched....no no webcam :lol
Anywho we decide to take off and she reaches for the door and it won't open she freaks out cause it had no lock. I give it a go and still won't open...it's closed shut. She begins to freak out cause of the previous things that happen. So I say let's try the window and it is locked shut as well(I think that was just old and stuck.) She is beyond scared again and tells me to break the window she don't care. So I break it and we begin to hop out. She goes first and I hear a whisper and something touch my back. I was like wtf...and scan the room and nada. As I scan the room a see a photo of him she had stuck on some type of bulletin board and it was him smiling and looking away. I scan the room once again and for some reason look at the photo again and this time he is not smiling and looking directly at the camera. I do a wtf double take and it's back to smiling and looking away. I got out of there fairly fast. I assume it was my mind playing tricks (sure its in some ghost movies I don't remember) but it seemed pretty real and didn't care to visit her house anymore :lol

10-15-2011, 11:11 PM
jesus frenzy let me prepare my mind to read this

10-15-2011, 11:12 PM
Read the first paragraph not sure what that has to do a ghost story but I will continue

10-15-2011, 11:14 PM
I'm going to re-read it and see if I can understand it.

10-15-2011, 11:15 PM
Oh shit ok that's pretty crazy. Good story frenzy not gonna lie scanned the first paragraph and missed that he killed himself. Scary shit

10-15-2011, 11:34 PM
I saw a door open by itself and felt the temperature drop suddenly at the Menger Hotel once. I told someone there about it and he said the place is haunted. I don't know how much of Ghost Hunters, Ghost Adventures, etc. is real or not, but there is something out there that we do not understand.

10-16-2011, 12:12 AM
ok this shit is fucked up: at the residential treatment center i worked at we cared for severely mentally and behaviorally diturbed kids. There were three pods, 8 kids a piece, usually 2 girls pods and 1 boys pod. There had to be one of us sitting in front of each pod so we could watch the kids all night long. There had always been ghost stories about this place because children have committed suicide here in the past so there were the stories of ghosts and crazy sounds and shit staring in the windows at night. And the kids would always tell us about creepy things or noises when they were alone showering or in their beds at night. This one night though when i was working the night shift, i was watching one of the girls pods, i was done with all my paperwork and reading a book and i look up into one of the girls rooms cause i hear a soft moaning sound, i look up and the rooms are all dark so it's kind of hard to adjust your eyes but i saw what looked almost like a dark misty shadow hovering above one of the girls lying in her bed (admittedly she was one of the cuter girls there, she was probably 14 or 15, more behaviorally disturbed than mentally, but she was definitely a little touched and had experienced molestation as a child). so im staring at this thing that i cant tell if i really see or not over this girl. im staring and staring and i definitely see what appears to be a black mist kind of rolling and hovering over this girl and she is making soft noises and and sort of writhing a little bit, so i finally get up and walk through the main area of the pod into her and her roommates room and turn on the light and its scares the shit out of me because the black mist dissipates a split second after i turn the light on, like immediately after i turn the light on, so it definitely wasnt the weird lighting or my eyes trying to adjust from focusing on a book to a dark room. I saw it dissapear. I didnt know what the hell to make of it, i check on the rest of the girls and go back to my seat outside of the pod and tell my coworkers what happened, they were like yeah fuckin right, whatever.

when we woke the kids up the next morning the girl came up to me and and sat down next to me on the couch and i asked her how she slept and she rubbed her eyes, she looked like shit, all disheveled and holding her arms tight and squeezingher body and said "not good", "i dreamt i was having sex with the devil last night"

oh my god i near shit myself. creepiest most shiver inducing moment of my life. i think she saw in my reaction that i knew what she was talking about.

10-16-2011, 12:56 AM
I'm going to re-read it and see if I can understand it.
no you ain't never understanding it. you're a young sushibreath you've never witnessed anyone cutting his own stomach open and digging out his own organs

10-16-2011, 01:05 AM
I saw a door open by itself and felt the temperature drop suddenly at the Menger Hotel once. I told someone there about it and he said the place is haunted. I don't know how much of Ghost Hunters, Ghost Adventures, etc. is real or not, but there is something out there that we do not understand.

None of it is real.

10-16-2011, 01:18 AM
What happened to that chick frenzy?

10-16-2011, 01:30 AM
Scared the living shit out of me (literally).

Soooo...you actually shit yourself?

And in Oak Cliff, be careful not to confuse a ghost w/ a spook.

10-16-2011, 01:40 AM
I do not believe in ghosts.

I've seen and witnessed some eerie things, but there's no reason to assume any of them were ghosts. Ghosts have never been shown to exist. Ghost Hunters, the show, has never legitimately filmed a ghost.

It's interesting that people who've never heard of ghosts never see them, how Catholics see the Virgin Mary but Baptists do not, nor do Hindus or other religions, how people use confirmation bias so regularly without even considering it.

10-16-2011, 02:56 AM
About 9 years ago I was in the backyard of a house I used to live in just feeding my dog when that awful feeling of being watched started to envelope me - I turn around - and I see the silhouette of a man against my neighbors privacy fence projected by a flood light on the side of my house. Well, I just about shit myself, but I had to see what this person was doing in my back yard so I -apprehensively - started to walk toward the side of my house (note I could only see the shadow just past the corner of the house as I wasn't out far enough to simply see around it), and as I'm walking a long the back of the house towards it, whatever it was simply turned, and casually started to walk away to the front.

Once it did that I hurried after it, and looked around the corner ( seconds after it had turned away), and guess what I saw? Nothing. There was nothing there. The gate was locked, and the brush along the walkway was untouched...We never really did a good job of maintaining the back yard so there were plenty of sticks, stones, and leaves scattered about so I was surprised when I saw that nothing was broken - in fact - I didn't even hear a sound when whatever made that shadow walked away.

Honestly, I was pretty scared. So I turned and walked back to my house as fast as I could, but before I did I looked back at my dog (who surprisingly never made a sound through this encounter), and noticed he was hiding behind the tree he was chained to - clearly distraught over something.

And that was only the first of a couple of different strange incidences...About a week later my mom said she had almost exactly the same type of encounter the only difference being that she didn't go chasing after it. :lol Then, it was a few days after that when my family was sitting in the living room when there were three knocks with a short delay before the third - at the back door! We all got up quickly to look outside, and never found, or saw anything suspicious. Again, all gates were locked so it would have to have been extremely difficult for anyone trying to scare us to get in and out of that back yard faster than we could notice.

A few months later, my mom had to go out for a family emergency in the middle of the night. I decided to go with her and so did my brother - leaving my sister as the only one who was home. When we came back in the morning my sister said she didn't even know we were gone, and assumed we were there because she had heard my door close twice in the night (the first time had to have been me which makes this story even eerier because I was in that room...). After the second time my sister said she looked out her door into the living room and saw a child from behind - which she assumed was my brother - walk into my mom's room, and close the door. I asked her what time it was when that happened. She said it was around 3 in the morning. About an hour after we had left.

10-16-2011, 09:50 AM
I had a weird ass encounter when i was living in Mexico. I must have been three or four years old at the time. Me, my mom, and older brother were living in my great grandparents house. An old house. No plumbing, no gas stove, and made out of adobe and some other shit. Well, since there was no plumbing, the only place to shit and pee was in the outhouse that was behind the house.

One night my mom needed to take a dump or pee or both, idk. I chased my mom down as she was walking out of the house and she said to wait for her. She walked into the night as I stood at the door crying like a little bitch.

As I stood at the door crying, to the left of me, i hear an old mans voice say in my ear, like if the man was leaning down, say " don't worry, she'll be back". I was like Wtf. I've never heard the voice before. I instantly stop crying, I turn to the left, look down and then up to see the man. Whoever that man was, he was gone. It was dark, but I could see around me because of the light from the house. I believe that must have been my great grandpa watching over us. I never met him so my guess is that was him. I didn't feel threatened at all just surprised. true story :whine

baseline bum
10-16-2011, 10:29 AM
Don't you have to believe 100% in ghosts if you're a Christian?

baseline bum
10-16-2011, 10:33 AM
Seriously though, people see ghosts for the same reason they see the man in the moon: our brains are conditioned to pick up human features whether or not they're from humans.

10-16-2011, 10:57 AM
I don't like saying whether something exists or not, so I will say the possibility is there.

10-16-2011, 12:10 PM
There is no such thing as ghosts. They do not exist.

10-16-2011, 02:52 PM
A lot of the stories on here sound like they've been inspired by a movie someone saw. The only exception would be the young child hearing the voice.

When I was about 6 years old, I was faking sleep on the couch when everyone else went to bed. I was going to stay up and watch TV. They left me there. I laid there in the dark and I heard the sound of someone walking up to me from the hallway. We had creaky wooden floors so you could hear every footstep. I thought my older brother was coming to scare me. As it got closer, a salt shaker on the table next to my head just fell over. I raised up to scare my brother and no one was there. I checked and my brother was in his bed asleep.

That was weird, but there are other explanations than ghosts.

10-16-2011, 03:14 PM
Oh shit ok that's pretty crazy. Good story frenzy not gonna lie scanned the first paragraph and missed that he killed himself. Scary shit

Yeah I completely missed that part too.

10-16-2011, 11:12 PM
There are numerous accounts of children who speak to people who are not there. Children aren't afraid. They have no reason to be afraid like adults.

10-16-2011, 11:53 PM
Ultimately, no. I'm open to the idea of the supernatural, and even more open to the idea that we don't and probably won't ever have all the answers about what happens to us after we die, or anything like that, but I just can't buy the idea of a ghost. Especially when it's defined as something with form, memories, or a purpose.

If I were to put it into words, I'm more open to the idea of... residual energies. Or a "presence," as so many people put it. I think that something can happen in a place -- something traumatic, or violent, sure, but also perhaps something joyous -- that changes that place. Changes its vibes, as it were. I've definitely been in places that feel, I don't know, unsettling. Or where I've felt some sort of a presence. But that, for me, doesn't necessarily translate into the idea of ghosts or haunting.

10-17-2011, 01:24 AM
I've got a theory that demons seem to be attracted to the sort of negative energy you are talking about which is why some places may seem "haunted" when it really isn't ghosts at all but rather something more sinister. I know the trendy thing on spurstalk is to be a non believer but I've simply experienced too much for that to be plausible.

bus driver
10-17-2011, 09:08 AM
some good stories, although I have never had a ghostly experience so it is hard for me to say yes. but i dated this girl in college who said that her stuffed animals would be moved to the center of the room. although i dont know whats stranger the ghost moving the stuffed animals or a girl in college with stuff animals.

10-17-2011, 09:31 AM
When I was 12 years old, I was staying at a friend's house, and we were watching tv. Sent his little brother upstairs to get us a drink. He came back down pale as shit...said he saw something scary..he was 5. We kept hearing noises around the house, and called the police 3 times. They never found anything. The last time, I was going back upstairs and saw a bright light that looked like a face staring at me through the window. Stepped outside to see what it was, and it was gone....yes, I believe in apparitions.

10-17-2011, 03:24 PM
I used to work as a volunteer on the aircraft carrier CV 16 The Lady Lex for a year. I was involved in the Over nite programs for chruch groups and scouts and such. We would bring the groups on board at noon and they would depart the next morning . We had to patrol and maintain control on 500 kids at times. You would be all over the ship and there were some strange things and I prefer to not call them ghost but I did see some strange and heard stranger things at nite . There where pople who swore they had seen sailers from wwll on board . I would have never stayed alone on that big ship at nite . We with the OverNite program had to spend the nite with those kids . The Ghost Lab spend a week on board in 2010 and had special on the discovery channel .

10-17-2011, 03:50 PM
I'm not really sure how I feel about ghosts,but I did have somewhat of an eerie experience that seems to kinda fit the discussion here.About 10 years ago I was staying at this old rent house.On one of my days off I was cleaning up around the place.I had my stereo playing in the living room while I was cleaning up my bedroom.All of a sudden the music starts getting louder and louder.So I drop what i'm doing and run to the living room to turn it down(I figured my dog had sat on the remote,but he was outside).I look at the volume readout on my receiver and it it's just climbing on its own.The part that really freaked me out was when I looked at the volume knob.It was turning on its own.Like someone had their hand on it.I shut the power off and take off for awhile.There was nobody there except me.That's about the only kinda freaky thing that has ever happened to me.Sounds like bs,but it did happen.

The Reckoning
10-17-2011, 04:59 PM
My family and I went to visit my grandparents in Oak Cliff.

there have been several stories of hovering TVs and VCRs from that area's homes

10-17-2011, 06:10 PM
there have been several stories of hovering TVs and VCRs from that area's homes

Only at night though :lmao

Axe Murderer
10-17-2011, 06:22 PM
tbh i've never had any sort of experiences with ghosts

10-17-2011, 06:55 PM
I'm not really sure how I feel about ghosts,but I did have somewhat of an eerie experience that seems to kinda fit the discussion here.About 10 years ago I was staying at this old rent house.On one of my days off I was cleaning up around the place.I had my stereo playing in the living room while I was cleaning up my bedroom.All of a sudden the music starts getting louder and louder.So I drop what i'm doing and run to the living room to turn it down(I figured my dog had sat on the remote,but he was outside).I look at the volume readout on my receiver and it it's just climbing on its own.The part that really freaked me out was when I looked at the volume knob.It was turning on its own.Like someone had their hand on it.I shut the power off and take off for awhile.There was nobody there except me.That's about the only kinda freaky thing that has ever happened to me.Sounds like bs,but it did happen.

The knob can turn on it's own (with a remote input). It's motorized, on most tuners.

10-17-2011, 06:56 PM
Went here in high school. I mean really high. It was fun but nothing happened.:rolleyes

The city of San Antonio, Texas is home to many ghosts and legends, but none is more disturbing than the legend of Midget Mansion.

As the legend goes, in the early 1920s a wealthy family of little people, father mother and two children, moved to San Antonio. The father had made a lot of money appearing as a midget in Hollywood movies. He had always resented having to live in houses that were built for normal sized people. So with his money he designed and constructed a tiny mansion for his family. It was entirely built to scale, down to the last detail. Tiny stairs, tiny toilets, door knobs close to the ground. He also built several tiny houses next to the mansion that were the servants quarters.

But, for some reason, he hired normal sized people as housekeepers and servants.

Possibly because of the discrimination they had faced all of their lives, the midget family are said to have hated normal sized people. They took their anger out on their servants, treating them very poorly. The servants were forced to live and work in tiny, cramped and very confined spaces that were intended only for little people. The midget family enjoyed watching their tall servants struggling to cope with their midget surroundings.

The mistreatment went on for a long time, until finally one of the servants snapped. In a fit of rage, he set fire to the mansion and unleashed an attack on the midget family with an axe as they tried to flee. As they lay dying, the crazed servant gathered up their bodies and stuffed them into a bedroom closet. Then he took his own life.

Firefighters managed to quench the flames and the horrible deed was discovered.

Maybe because of its bizarre history, the property remained vacant for many years. It came to be known by locals as Midget Mansion and neighbors said that it was haunted. They heard screams and saw figures moving about inside the house even though it was vacant.

People who have visited the mansion claimed to hear strange sounds of scratching coming from inside the walls. The sounds seemed to be loudest in the bedroom closet.

For years, this mansion has attracted hundreds of high school students on halloween night who dare eachother to knock on the front door and provoke the unseen inhabitants into action.
This made me laugh. Midget mansion...

Anyone from there post here?

10-17-2011, 10:02 PM
I've got a theory that demons seem to be attracted to the sort of negative energy you are talking about which is why some places may seem "haunted" when it really isn't ghosts at all but rather something more sinister. I know the trendy thing on spurstalk is to be a non believer but I've simply experienced too much for that to be plausible.


I agree wholeheartedly. Some people in here are too into the idea of not believing anything until it is proven scientifically.

As a scientist myself, I have to say there are many things that cannot be explained. One of those is paranormal experiences.

Years back when I stayed home alone because my rents' had a vacation, I experience some crazy shit throughout an entire day. That morning, I remember having some pain in my kidneys, didn't know why and still haven't figured it out why. My parents said bye to me and told me to do chores, take of the house, etc... Around noon, I began throwing up. Trying to relax, I couldn't lie down on my bed because I felt like something was lying on top of me, suffocating the living shit out of me. I then started to just walk around and that's when it got crazy. Some weird old lady knocked on my door yet I didn't want to answer the door because I felt I looked like shit at the time (being sick and all). After a while, I lied down on my couch and began to feel the house shake, culminating into having plates and silverware fall on the floor. I immediately went to see what was up and I found broken plates, silverware, and a napkin full of worms.

I kid you fucking not.

The day after, I went with my dad to the bank. My dad was busy with a teller, and I stayed sitting waiting for him only to see the same lady that had knocked on my door creepily sitting right next to me. She looked at me, smiled, and said "hello, young man, if I wasn't crazy I could call my son". I told my mom of her, and she said that the old lady use to live in our house a couple of decades back. The old lady had lost her son in the same house we lived in due to a suicide.

The next month, I began experiencing the same physiological ailments. My dad thankfully got a job offer elsewhere, and we left that fucking house.

10-17-2011, 11:02 PM
Good movie; would watch.

10-17-2011, 11:27 PM
I don't like saying whether something exists or not, so I will say the possibility is there.

Thanks for letting us know that things that haven't been 100% dis-proven have a possibility of existing.

10-18-2011, 12:02 AM
There's no way that a rational person would conclude ghosts exist based on anything I have read in the stories in this thread.

10-18-2011, 12:27 AM
There was one night years back when I heard loud scratching on my door late at night. I couldn't figure it out so I opened the door. It was my dog.

10-18-2011, 07:47 AM

10-18-2011, 08:48 AM
What happened to that chick frenzy?

Never talked to her again after we graduated. She was hot back in the day but got fat,as with most women.

10-18-2011, 09:40 AM
My aunt told me a great true ghost story. Before I begin, you need to understand my aunt a little; she was one of the first three female police academy graduates in Houston and was a cop for many, many years. She got by in a man's world by being tough as hell and always speaking exactly what was on her mind, a practice she continues today. She's probably the most honest, horrible, lovable old bitch I ever met :lol.

She told me the story of an old pair of her friends, husband and wife. Her dream was always to own a house on one of these Texas lakes (don't recall which one) but they could never afford it. Like so many people they slaved away most of their lives, saving little by little, until they could finally afford to build it. It took them years. She never got to stay in it; before they moved out of the city she was diagnosed with late-stage pancreatic cancer and died quickly. She told her husband (and many of her other friends) that if he ever took another woman to "her" house, she would haunt them both. Well, it only took him a few months to find a new girlfriend, one that was about half his age to boot. Sure enough, he took her to the lake house - but they left in the middle of the night and he put the house up for sale the next week. Apparently the wife really meant what she said about haunting him and the other woman. He talked about downright frightening noises, doors and windows banging repeatedly, lights turning on and off. Eventually dishes started crashing to the floor of their own accord. When the cutlery started flying (including the steak knives) they decided it was time go. He never even returned to the house to get his furniture out.

10-18-2011, 09:41 AM
Don't you have to believe 100% in ghosts if you're a Christian?


I think most Christians will say when you die you go straight to heaven or hell, which suggests that there are exactly zero ghosts roaming the earth.

There is, however, one mention of the prophet Samuel's ghost appearing to Saul in the OT.......so of course, there are plenty of different interpretations of what the ghost really was, if it was a ghost at all.

703 Spurz
10-18-2011, 03:39 PM
There is no such thing as ghosts. They do not exist.

Sort of like a Blazers Championship?

10-18-2011, 03:59 PM
sort of like a blazers championship?


10-18-2011, 04:50 PM

I think most Christians will say when you die you go straight to heaven or hell, which suggests that there are exactly zero ghosts roaming the earth.

There is, however, one mention of the prophet Samuel's ghost appearing to Saul in the OT.......so of course, there are plenty of different interpretations of what the ghost really was, if it was a ghost at all.

The Holy Spirit aka the Holy Ghost, for those Trinitarians.

Sorry, but there's no way out of this one for Christians. If you believe a human arose from the dead and ascended into the sky, you should have no problem admitting you believe in ghosts. You've already based your entire lives on the zombie Jesus.

10-18-2011, 05:02 PM
No. Can't say I do.

10-18-2011, 05:21 PM
The Holy Spirit aka the Holy Ghost, for those Trinitarians.


Sorry, but there's no way out of this one for Christians. If you believe a human arose from the dead and ascended into the sky, you should have no problem admitting you believe in ghosts. You've already based your entire lives on the zombie Jesus.

depends on the definition of ghost.

nothing biblical about midget ghosts sticking around to haunt a mansion.

10-19-2011, 12:42 PM

10-19-2011, 01:06 PM

Semantics? How is a ghost not a ghost? Sounds like special pleading.

depends on the definition of ghost.

nothing biblical about midget ghosts sticking around to haunt a mansion.

Christians, by default, believe in ghosts. Some just pick and choose which ones to believe in.

10-19-2011, 01:21 PM
Semantics? How is a ghost not a ghost? Sounds like special pleading.

depends on your definition of ghost.


10-19-2011, 05:38 PM
depends on your definition of ghost.

It doesn't matter what your definition is, ghost is still ghost. It's the same word twice.

10-19-2011, 06:23 PM
It doesn't matter what your definition is, ghost is still ghost. It's the same word twice.

are people in Heaven considered ghosts?

I don't think I've heard any Christian say they can't wait to be a ghost in heaven.

baseline bum
10-19-2011, 06:25 PM
are people in Heaven considered ghosts?

Yes, for the same reason that all unicorns fly.

10-19-2011, 06:25 PM
are people in Heaven considered ghosts?
I don't believe in heaven, however the Christian concept doesn't have people, but souls in heaven. A soul is a spirit, and a spirit is a ghost.

From Wiki

"As such, much of the Christian Church (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_Church) considers ghosts as beings who while tied to earth, no longer live on the material plane.[28] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghost#cite_note-Emissary-27) Furthermore, some Christian denominations (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_denominations) teach that ghosts are beings who linger in an interim state (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intermediate_state) before continuing their journey to heaven (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heaven#In_Christianity)"

The concept of ghosts are "lost souls" of the dead who've remained on Earth for whatever made up reason.

Notice no one ever saw the ghost of a living person.

10-19-2011, 06:32 PM
Yes, for the same reason that all unicorns fly.
Only if the flying spaghetti monster makes it so.

10-19-2011, 06:37 PM
my story was scary as shit, did anyone poop themselves when they read it? c'mon now

10-19-2011, 08:26 PM
I don't believe in heaven, however the Christian concept doesn't have people, but souls in heaven. A soul is a spirit, and a spirit is a ghost.

From Wiki

"As such, much of the Christian Church (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_Church) considers ghosts as beings who while tied to earth, no longer live on the material plane.[28] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghost#cite_note-Emissary-27) Furthermore, some Christian denominations (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_denominations) teach that ghosts are beings who linger in an interim state (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intermediate_state) before continuing their journey to heaven (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heaven#In_Christianity)"

The concept of ghosts are "lost souls" of the dead who've remained on Earth for whatever made up reason.

Notice no one ever saw the ghost of a living person.

Are angels ghosts?

What about the father god part of the trinity? Is he a ghost?

10-19-2011, 08:31 PM
Are angels ghosts?

What about the father god part of the trinity? Is he a ghost?
What about the red herring?

10-19-2011, 08:31 PM
my story was scary as shit, did anyone poop themselves when they read it? c'mon now
You told a story? Was it about breaking the window? Stupid move.

10-19-2011, 08:34 PM
no it was about the crazy girl being raped by a demon in her sleep

10-19-2011, 08:35 PM
no it was about the crazy girl being raped by a demon in her sleep
Oh. You're the one who thinks kids under your care are attractive. Got it.

2pac > Kobe
10-19-2011, 08:37 PM
dude when i was like 10 my grandma and cousin took me to the store to get this new cd so when we got back I was chillin on da bed with my cd player listening to it and looking out my door. My grandma and cousin went to 7 11 fo some food n shit and about 5 mins later I see this chick walk by with long black hair and I thought it was my cousin so I started calling her name, and she doesn't answer and I look outside and their car was still gone.

True shit right thur, plus a whole bunch of other fucked up shit happened at that house

10-19-2011, 08:38 PM
dude when i was like 10 my grandma and cousin took me to the store to get this new cd so when we got back I was chillin on da bed with my cd player listening to it and looking out my door. My grandma and cousin went to 7 11 fo some food n shit and about 5 mins later I see this chick walk by with long black hair and I thought it was my cousin so I started calling her name, and she doesn't answer and I look outside and their car was still gone.

True shit right thur, plus a whole bunch of other fucked up shit happened at that house

Lots of visitors late at night, handshakes on the porch and then during the day, the government people would come by and ask you a bunch of embarrassing questions?

10-19-2011, 08:44 PM
What about the red herring?

So we really are playing with semantics.

Thought so.

10-19-2011, 11:55 PM
So we really are playing with semantics.

Thought so.
Define ghost then tell me how it's not the same as ghost.

You're an idiot.

It's no wonder you are forced to sleep on the couch.

10-20-2011, 08:23 AM
Define ghost then tell me how it's not the same as ghost.

You're an idiot.

It's no wonder you are forced to sleep on the couch.

Great conversation. :tu

You're ignorant.

10-20-2011, 08:32 AM

I saw the same everytime I went to my aunt's place

My mom told be he is a good ghost, keeps the house protected

10-20-2011, 12:32 PM
Oh. You're the one who thinks kids under your care are attractive. Got it.

thats why the "ghost" decided to go after her. determining the attractiveness of a person is implicitly sexual? you're a pervert bro.

10-20-2011, 10:27 PM
About 9 years ago I was in the backyard of a house I used to live in just feeding my dog when that awful feeling of being watched started to envelope me - I turn around - and I see the silhouette of a man against my neighbors privacy fence projected by a flood light on the side of my house. Well, I just about shit myself, but I had to see what this person was doing in my back yard so I -apprehensively - started to walk toward the side of my house (note I could only see the shadow just past the corner of the house as I wasn't out far enough to simply see around it), and as I'm walking a long the back of the house towards it, whatever it was simply turned, and casually started to walk away to the front.

Once it did that I hurried after it, and looked around the corner ( seconds after it had turned away), and guess what I saw? Nothing. There was nothing there. The gate was locked, and the brush along the walkway was untouched...We never really did a good job of maintaining the back yard so there were plenty of sticks, stones, and leaves scattered about so I was surprised when I saw that nothing was broken - in fact - I didn't even hear a sound when whatever made that shadow walked away.

Honestly, I was pretty scared. So I turned and walked back to my house as fast as I could, but before I did I looked back at my dog (who surprisingly never made a sound through this encounter), and noticed he was hiding behind the tree he was chained to - clearly distraught over something.

And that was only the first of a couple of different strange incidences...About a week later my mom said she had almost exactly the same type of encounter the only difference being that she didn't go chasing after it. :lol Then, it was a few days after that when my family was sitting in the living room when there were three knocks with a short delay before the third - at the back door! We all got up quickly to look outside, and never found, or saw anything suspicious. Again, all gates were locked so it would have to have been extremely difficult for anyone trying to scare us to get in and out of that back yard faster than we could notice.

A few months later, my mom had to go out for a family emergency in the middle of the night. I decided to go with her and so did my brother - leaving my sister as the only one who was home. When we came back in the morning my sister said she didn't even know we were gone, and assumed we were there because she had heard my door close twice in the night (the first time had to have been me which makes this story even eerier because I was in that room...). After the second time my sister said she looked out her door into the living room and saw a child from behind - which she assumed was my brother - walk into my mom's room, and close the door. I asked her what time it was when that happened. She said it was around 3 in the morning. About an hour after we had left.

You do know that it's a buyers market right? I'd seriously consider moving.

10-20-2011, 10:30 PM
HOly fuck, TimDunkem

And you left your sister alone? :lol