View Full Version : The Players Are Starting To Melt Down In This CBA Fight

10-16-2011, 09:15 AM
ok I can understand KG wanting to be involved but we need ( yes I said we since I stand with the players 100%) we need emotionless players fighting on our behalf. KG probably had some stuff on his chest to say to Stern anyway but like Wade did earlier, he completely melted down:

During one of the single biggest meetings (last week, on Tuesday), Hunter had Kobe Bryant, Paul Pierce and Garnett (combined years spent in college: three) negotiate directly with Stern in some sort of misguided "Look how resolved we are, you're not gonna intimidate us!" ploy that backfired so badly that one of their teams' owners was summoned into the meeting specifically to calm his player down and undo some of the damage. (I'll let you guess the player. It's not hard.) And this helped the situation … how? And we thought this was going to work … why?

My question is where is Timmy..I dislike Tim even more for his quiet stance on this...NO LEADERSHIP at all. ZERO, NADA, NONE, ZILCH...At least fucking try and fight with your association. Same for Dirk... This is ridiculous I guess they're just selfish too and all about what they can get...I get it now. I'm startled by their non presence tbh.

I also think if you walk in there with Kevin Love, Pau Gasol, Brian Scalabrini, Luis Scola, Chris Kamen, David Lee, Andrea Bargnani, and Tyler Hansbrough, the owners might start to listen...Seeing too many Black faces may not be helping the situation. Ohh and I forgot put Timmy with this group..:lol

Wade and KG and a few others going in there with that thug / I've been wanting to kick your ass anyway mentality and it's not gonna help. Come on less emotion fellas...I think Kobe, Duncan, Dirk, Gasol, maybe David Lee and few other white non confrontational players should be involved...I'm for sure it would put the owners at ease.

What would be funny is if Stern brought Jay Z up in there to counter the players thug mentality...now that shit would have me rolling...I don't think Jay would do it though the players would roast him. :lol


10-16-2011, 10:09 AM
It will be a different NBA after this is over. When you've had a 14 incher stuffed in your ass without the pretense of lubrication (anybody see DoK, or, Swordsy?) some hard hearts will linger forever more. The players will sign, but, they won't forget.

10-16-2011, 10:17 AM
TLDR- Things went bad so the blame goes everywhere but Kobe. If this turned out differently then Kobe would get all the credit.

10-16-2011, 10:31 AM


Kobe would certainly be a case study for a psychologist.

All alone, hands jammed in his pockets, dressed for an occasion.

10-16-2011, 10:42 AM
He likes to wear pants with elastic bands for occasions like Colorado. It's just more efficient...

10-16-2011, 11:05 AM
:lol He's even leaning away from the throng and is doing his tongue thing which was invented because of Colorado.

10-16-2011, 11:09 AM
Tim's nearing the end of his career now, and is pretty much set for life in the money department since he doesn't make silly investments or spend it all on an endless stream of Maseratis, private yachts and high class hookers. So his motivation to go and help subsidize those who do is pretty slim.

10-16-2011, 11:29 AM
Thats an understatement, and I know you understand completely what I mean. Kobe is going to do Kobe, and that pic says it all.


10-16-2011, 11:29 AM
ok I can understand KG wanting to be involved but we need ( yes I said we since I stand with the players 100%) we need emotionless players fighting on our behalf. KG probably had some stuff on his chest to say to Stern anyway but like Wade did earlier, he completely melted down:

My question is where is Timmy..I dislike Tim even more for his quiet stance on this...NO LEADERSHIP at all. ZERO, NADA, NONE, ZILCH...At least fucking try and fight with your association. Same for Dirk... This is ridiculous I guess they're just selfish too and all about what they can get...I get it now. I'm startled by their non presence tbh.

I also think if you walk in there with Kevin Love, Pau Gasol, Brian Scalabrini, Luis Scola, Chris Kamen, David Lee, Andrea Bargnani, and Tyler Hansbrough, the owners might start to listen...Seeing too many Black faces may not be helping the situation. Ohh and I forgot put Timmy with this group..:lol

Wade and KG and a few others going in there with that thug / I've been wanting to kick your ass anyway mentality and it's not gonna help. Come on less emotion fellas...I think Kobe, Duncan, Dirk, Gasol, maybe David Lee and few other white non confrontational players should be involved...I'm for sure it would put the owners at ease.

What would be funny is if Stern brought Jay Z up in there to counter the players thug mentality...now that shit would have me rolling...I don't think Jay would do it though the players would roast him. :lol


Give up, we will win anyway (yes, we, I support the owners).

10-16-2011, 11:30 AM
Tim's nearing the end of his career now, and is pretty much set for life in the money department since he doesn't make silly investments or spend it all on an endless stream of Maseratis, private yachts and high class hookers. So his motivation to go and help subsidize those who do is pretty slim.

I smell shit.

10-16-2011, 11:50 AM
Tim's nearing the end of his career now, and is pretty much set for life in the money department since he doesn't make silly investments or spend it all on an endless stream of Maseratis, private yachts and high class hookers. So his motivation to go and help subsidize those who do is pretty slim.


Kool's obsessive concern for this issue to be resolved in favor of the players is not because he wants there to be a season, like many basketball fans, but because he strongly identifies with those players who irresponsibly spend their money on frivolous bullshit and who would be otherwise broke if they didn't happen to win the genetic lottery.

Kool sees himself much like an African-American NBA player. A person who has essentially been fed with a silver spoon since birth and is horrified at the idea of it suddenly being taken away. In his case, mommy and daddy are his silver spoon, feeding their baby boy the good life since he was able to suck down his first puree'd banana. It's also why Kool is a strong proponent of socialism and wealth distribution. He's knows he's fucked if mommy and daddy lose their fortune or decide to cut him off, much like these particular NBA players know they're fucked if the sport of basketball ceased to exist.

Duncan, Dirk, and many of the NBA's white/whiter players haven't shown interest or solidarity because by virtue of their larger, less impulsive brains, they spent their money wisely and see no point in standing alongside those who went full chimp retard with their savings.

Even Kobe, a de facto white guy, looks ashamed to be included with those mooks.

10-16-2011, 11:57 AM

Kobe deferring to the true Lakers leader, nothing new here...

10-16-2011, 11:58 AM
Kool is white, mid.
He just a wigger that tries to hard. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nzY2Qcu5i2A)

10-16-2011, 12:00 PM

10-16-2011, 12:00 PM
Kool is white, mid.

Duder, I've seen him, naked. He's black & beautiful.

10-16-2011, 12:03 PM
It's funny yet pathetic how weird and homoerotic Cully has had to make his posting style to get a rise out of people (and it still barely works).

10-16-2011, 12:04 PM
It's funny yet pathetic how weird and homoerotic Cully has had to make his posting style to get a rise out of people (and it still barely works).

He's jumped the shark something fierce. No longer interesting or even mildly entertaining.

10-16-2011, 12:08 PM
Him deleting all of his "Katie Girl in Vegas" posts is also fuckin hilarious

10-16-2011, 12:17 PM
It's funny yet pathetic how weird and homoerotic Cully has had to make his posting style to get a rise out of people (and it still barely works).

But, yet I got you of a Sunday morning peeking up my kimono.

Love ya, boy.

10-16-2011, 12:18 PM
He's jumped the shark something fierce. No longer interesting or even mildly entertaining.

But, yet I got you of a Sunday morning peeking up my kimono.

10-16-2011, 01:58 PM
^ Token support attempt

10-16-2011, 02:17 PM
^ Token support attempt

Bend over. I'll give ya a fuckin' token.

10-16-2011, 02:22 PM
^ Reported to Kori for repetition.

10-16-2011, 02:25 PM
^ Reported to Kori for repetition.

Bend over. I'll give ya a fuckin' repetition.

10-16-2011, 02:30 PM
Bend over. I'll give ya a fuckin' repetition.

Tired schtick but it still makes me laugh ...it's like "that's what she said"

10-16-2011, 02:38 PM
Only a few Laker fans give her courtesy laughs.

10-16-2011, 03:55 PM


Kobe would certainly be a case study for a psychologist.

All alone, hands jammed in his pockets, dressed for an occasion.

What's interesting about this pic is related to Laker players...Fish and Kobe being outstanding...( NO Pun)

seriously Kobe is the Don of the league so this pic is nothing more than the Godfather not getting his hands dirty. Kobe knows he'll need Stern to settle his Zebra's down like he did in 2010....all he needs is 2 more and then you'll see the real Kobe....and the real Kobe is closer to the Kool mentality...:toast

10-16-2011, 04:13 PM

Kool's obsessive concern for this issue to be resolved in favor of the players is not because he wants there to be a season, like many basketball fans, but because he strongly identifies with those players who irresponsibly spend their money on frivolous bullshit and who would be otherwise broke if they didn't happen to win the genetic lottery.

Kool sees himself much like an African-American NBA player. A person who has essentially been fed with a silver spoon since birth and is horrified at the idea of it suddenly being taken away. In his case, mommy and daddy are his silver spoon, feeding their baby boy the good life since he was able to suck down his first puree'd banana. It's also why Kool is a strong proponent of socialism and wealth distribution. He's knows he's fucked if mommy and daddy lose their fortune or decide to cut him off, much like these particular NBA players know they're fucked if the sport of basketball ceased to exist.

Duncan, Dirk, and many of the NBA's white/whiter players haven't shown interest or solidarity because by virtue of their larger, less impulsive brains, they spent their money wisely and see no point in standing alongside those who went full chimp retard with their savings.

Even Kobe, a de facto white guy, looks ashamed to be included with those mooks.

Isn't it the American Way mid? Who do you think is taking care of Jim Buss...and for the record don't I take care of you mid...:lol

Seriously you say you beleive in Capitalism yet you fight against young brothers who ( in a sense) put their lives on the line and risk major and sometimes career ending injuries...you fight against them from getting their hard earned money...are the only people entitled to earn / make money in this world white?

You're right about something here...I'm more concerned with these guys getting their money...I consider myself a player ( :lol) yes I do....and I appreciate what they bring...they would feel the same for me if I played in the league... I don't pay to see the owners and neither do you..I could give two fucks about who the owners actually are anyway they bring no excitement to my life...except Jerry Buss...:lol

If the players lose this fight...I hope some of them don't work as hard and perhaps half ass it to stick it to the owners...Now ask yourself...Why would Kool say this...well because I know there are certain players that love the game so much that if it absolutely came down to it...they'd play for free and Kobe is one of those players. :lol

So other players half assing it to stick it to the owners is another win / benefit / advantage for Kool and his Lakeshow gang.

Let them play with dignity, get the money, and entertain us all...

The owners...they can eat cake..:toast

10-16-2011, 04:17 PM
I just lament for Bryant. He was on schedule until Eagle. It got away from him there. I was surprised that he took action so decidedly though. Had to be either his father, or, his wife.

He had everything going his way:::Had his independence. Had his beautiful wife. Had his extracurricular slap & tickle strange wool all over the world. Had his profession. Had his three peat. Had his Daddy. All of it pure & good. No one had put their filthy hands on any of the segments.

Nothing was left pure & good. It was all destroyed, or, touched and spoiled.

It can get away from you quick. A cautionary tale for sure.

10-16-2011, 04:17 PM
He likes to wear pants with elastic bands for occasions like Colorado. It's just more efficient...

for the record this is your best work yet...:lol

10-16-2011, 04:22 PM
I just lament for Bryant. He was on schedule until Eagle. It got away from him there. I was surprised that he took action so decidedly though. Had to be either his father, or, his wife.

He had everything going his way:::Had his independence. Had his beautiful wife. Had his extracurricular slap & tickle strange wool all over the world. Had his profession. Had his three peat. Had his Daddy. All of it pure & good. No one had put their filthy hands on any of the segments.

Nothing was left pure & good. It was all destroyed, or, touched and spoiled.

It can get away from you quick. A cautionary tale for sure.

Don't feel bad for him Cully...that pussy gets many of us caught up...it's still a mystery why that shit is so good...it causes us to do crazy things Cull...

in fact didn't Adam sell us into sin and slavery over a piece of Eve's ass...and I bet Eve was finer than a muthafucker...naked and all in the garden....shit happens my man..:lol

I'm just glad he wasn't accused of assaulting Bob...that would have shook my world to it's very foundations...in fact I wouldn't be here to this day...:lmao

10-16-2011, 04:56 PM
Kool with the goods.

Ain't nothin' like the beaver. It's a true wonderment upon the earth.

10-16-2011, 07:10 PM
It will be a different NBA after this is over. When you've had a 14 incher stuffed in your ass without the pretense of lubrication (anybody see DoK, or, Swordsy?) some hard hearts will linger forever more. The players will sign, but, they won't forget.

See Culby, told you we'd miss games.

10-16-2011, 07:15 PM
^I wasn't convinced until I listened to Stern the other night. He's intractable.

10-17-2011, 08:59 AM
:lmao 3 combined years of college.

Stern had those little niglets for breakfast. He probably took Bean Bryant down with the first bite and Bean was like "I don't want none of this. retreat! retreat!" :lmao

10-17-2011, 09:24 AM
During one of the single biggest meetings (last week, on Tuesday), Hunter had Kobe Bryant, Paul Pierce and Garnett (combined years spent in college: three) negotiate directly with Stern

hmm.. let's see here:

Outside of Kobe, I wouldn't be surprised if Pierce and Garnett can neither read or write. And they are entering into billion dollar negotiations with a Jew from New York who graduated from Rutgers and then went on to graduate from Columbia Law. Oh yeah, it's that guy and all of his attorneys. Talk about a recipe for success. The player's union knows exactly what they're doing.

We got this guy:


and this guy

...negotiating with these guys:


The best thing they had going for them was a mentally unstable Kobe Bryant who decided to wear a track suit and who's busy trying to figure out what Jordan would do in that situation.

10-17-2011, 09:27 AM
...& yet somehow the last time they left with 57% of the money.

tee, hee.

10-17-2011, 09:34 AM
...& yet somehow the last time they left with 57% of the money.

tee, hee.

I have a strange feeling that this guy


...was not the one pulling the strings during the last labor negotiations.

10-17-2011, 10:02 AM
Duncan never bothered to show up, much like to defend his title, and in the Olympics.

Like any educated college graduate, Duncan let's his lawyers and elected officials do the fighting for him. that's what they're for.

LMAO 1-year-college-drop-off-retarded-hood-rats trying to negotiate labor agreements

this ain't vietnam motherfucker :lmao

10-17-2011, 10:03 AM
...well, they unbuckled Stern's pants last time and left 'em on his ankles.

Could happen again.

10-17-2011, 10:05 AM
...well, they unbuckled Stern's pants last time and left 'em on his ankles.

Could happen again.

The economic situation was a lot different last time. I don't know if NBA players can become as irrelevant as NHL players, but damnit they're trying.

10-17-2011, 10:06 AM
...well, they unbuckled Stern's pants last time and left 'em on his ankles.

Could happen again.

this ain't vietnam motherfucker :lmao

or colorado

10-17-2011, 10:07 AM
why is KG even there? hasnt he made +200m b4 taxes on nba salary alone....lol

10-17-2011, 10:28 AM
hmm.. let's see here:

Outside of Kobe, I wouldn't be surprised if Pierce and Garnett can neither read or write. And they are entering into billion dollar negotiations with a Jew from New York who graduated from Rutgers and then went on to graduate from Columbia Law. Oh yeah, it's that guy and all of his attorneys. Talk about a recipe for success. The player's union knows exactly what they're doing.

We got this guy:


and this guy

...negotiating with these guys:


The best thing they had going for them was a mentally unstable Kobe Bryant who decided to wear a track suit and who's busy trying to figure out what Jordan would do in that situation.


the goods

10-17-2011, 11:26 AM
this ain't vietnam motherfucker :lmao

or colorado

& Stern ain't bent over the sink throwin' up with said pants on his ankles.

DoK, yes. Stern, no.

tee, hee.

10-17-2011, 12:16 PM
why is KG even there? hasnt he made +200m b4 taxes on nba salary alone....lol

KG is just emotional that's all...but tbh he doesn't seem like the type to come to a meeting like this prepared. He's just raw emotion..I meet him several years back in Vegas at the Venetian Casino for a weekend in Vegas that was Dubbed "Pimping Ho's weekend in Vegas"... :lol

KG was definately pimping with his crew....he's definitely the type of cat I would hang out with..He's just a down ass nigga and he got my respect just like Kobe...

10-17-2011, 04:52 PM
lol we

10-17-2011, 06:03 PM
Ignore Kool, he pretends he is black and supports the players only 'cause he thinks they would do the same for him if he were in the league.

I'm seriously starting to like Stern more and more. All-common sense. No bullshit. He wants too fix the teams on the red, and only way to do so is a better deal with the players, while trying to make the league competitive. Solution: Harder cap.

The players on the other hand don't give a damn about the sport, yet they pretend they do. Strange how reluctant they are to accept a hard cap, how stupidly they think "everyone loses if no agreement is reached". Newsflash, 22 of the 30 teams that are in the red are right now not exactly losing right now. They actually pretty happy without a agreement right now, specially a bad deal.

Plus, the idea that the owners are in disagreement... Sure, Dolan and Buss are probably happier with a compromise with the players, but who cares? They'll follow the other 28 teams at the end.

10-17-2011, 06:48 PM
^I wasn't convinced until I listened to Stern the other night. He's intractable.

These owners are too dumb to not realize how stupid it would be to cancel an NBA season. And the players are too dumb to realize how good they have it right now.

10-17-2011, 06:52 PM
Ignore Kool, he pretends he is black and supports the players only 'cause he thinks they would do the same for him if he were in the league.

I'm seriously starting to like Stern more and more. All-common sense. No bullshit. He wants too fix the teams on the red, and only way to do so is a better deal with the players, while trying to make the league competitive. Solution: Harder cap.

The players on the other hand don't give a damn about the sport, yet they pretend they do. Strange how reluctant they are to accept a hard cap, how stupidly they think "everyone loses if no agreement is reached". Newsflash, 22 of the 30 teams that are in the red are right now not exactly losing right now. They actually pretty happy without a agreement right now, specially a bad deal.

Plus, the idea that the owners are in disagreement... Sure, Dolan and Buss are probably happier with a compromise with the players, but who cares? They'll follow the other 28 teams at the end.

suck a dick and die...the players are the only reason you watch the fucking game you dipshit...go sit on a egg plant...:lol

10-17-2011, 08:27 PM
go sit on a egg plant...:lol

:lol A 14 incher.

10-18-2011, 05:48 AM
we know now that Boston and Miami will get lynched by Stern's Zebra's I wonder who's next....and ohhh some owners should fold it in if they don't understand that you shouldn't poison the well...they're business is gonna tank anyway because they're just not smart men...case in point:

NBA Official: Progress Was Being Made Until Garnett Entered Room

Oct 17, 2011 7:56 PM EDT

NBA management believes negotiations with the players changed when Kevin Garnett entered the negotiating room on Oct. 4.

Sources say Garnett was 'defiant, determined and downright ornery.'
As one league official said, “We were making progress, until Garnett [expletive] everything up.”

Regardless of how long the lockout lasts, it will be the players and not the owners that bring the NBA positive publicity again after the labor dispute is settled.

"We can’t have completely poisoned waters here when this is over,” one front-office executive said. “Stern gets that, but I’m not sure all of our owners do. We have to have these guys on board, or where are we as a league?”

Read more: http://basketball.realgm.com/wiretap/216060/NBA_Official_Progress_Was_Being_Made_Until_Garnett _Entered_Room#ixzz1b83rOEND

10-18-2011, 06:17 AM
"We can’t have completely poisoned waters here when this is over,” one front-office executive said. “Stern gets that, but I’m not sure all of our owners do. We have to have these guys on board, or where are we as a league?”

Stern may well indeed "gets that"---but, we'll see if Stern is willing to go back and bind up the wounds he has (Stern) to this point gashed. The rank & file have in the intervening years since the last contract was signed honored Stern and the decrees, mandates, rules, suspensions, punishments when he handed them out. They did so without rancor, or, even most times comment. If Stern continues to use words & deeds as he has in the past two weeks the players will seek vengeance over an extended space of time.

10-18-2011, 06:37 AM
Stern may well indeed "gets that"---but, we'll see if Stern is willing to go back and bind up the wounds he has (Stern) to this point gashed. The rank & file have in the intervening years since the last contract was signed honored Stern and the decrees, mandates, rules, suspensions, punishments when he handed them out. They did so without rancor, or, even most times comment. If Stern continues to use words & deeds as he has in the past two weeks the players will seek vengeance over an extended space of time.

how will they do it? I think should the players lose they will half ass it and fake elbow injuries like Lebron did in 2010 against the Celtics. Either way the will make the owners pay and I'm all for it...gotta teach the owners a lesson fuck with us and reduce our pay we'll give a Richard Jefferson performance that you won't soon forget.

10-18-2011, 05:41 PM
suck a dick and die...the players are the only reason you watch the fucking game you dipshit...go sit on a egg plant...:lol

Relax, Kool.


Your parents will hear your wigger screams and kick you out of their basement.

10-18-2011, 05:48 PM
Relax, Kool.


Your parents will hear your wigger screams and kick you out of their basement.

That dude looks like hes latino considering the structure of his cheekbones and facial hair sparseness. Not unsusual that people think pale = 'white.'

10-18-2011, 06:21 PM
He looks white to me, but whatever.