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View Full Version : Groundwork: Progress

Homeland Security
11-06-2011, 12:16 PM
Things are progressing really well in our bid to assume control. Long-term economic stagnation is resulting in general unrest and dissatisfaction with a democratic form of government which can't seem to get anything done. Once the unrest elevates into general violence, our moment will be at hand. The existing state will be unable/unwilling to use the tactics necessary to reestablish order, but we will.

The only part I've found surprising was that I figured the violence would come from blacks, but it turns out it will come from young white liberals, which will just make things easier. We won't need near the propaganda campaign to justify cracking down on them. We can totally spin the work camps as a positive, like sort of a modern-day CCC for young punks who need to learn a work ethic.

I estimated at first we'd need to kill 800,000, but now it looks like we can get away with fewer than 100,000. Relative to the size of the nation this can be readily accomplished. The rest will bend to our will once sufficient pressure is applied.

Things are looking pretty good. :tu

Bobby Boucher
11-06-2011, 06:21 PM
You may as well really work for homeland security the way you wrote that so beautifully. You fucks underestimate the power of 330 million strong and armed though. The troops ain't firing on their own that they risked their lives to protect, we're busy spread thin all over the globe. And the pigs won't be able to squash this.