View Full Version : Manu Ginobili training at a private gym with Tim Duncan in San Antonio

11-11-2011, 02:41 PM
http://www.ole.com.ar/basquet/den-pelota_0_589141359.html .... Maybe closer to a solution ????

11-11-2011, 02:48 PM
no habla espanol

11-11-2011, 02:59 PM
This is Amurrica gat dammit

11-11-2011, 03:44 PM
The owners proposed a new deal and await the response from the players. Stern said that if he gets the ok, the season would start Dec 15, and the regular season would have 72 games. Scola asked before traveling: "Will we vote this time?"

The uncertainty is so big that even a calm guy like Luis Scola gave signals of anxiety writing on twitter a question that had no answer: 'Could somebody infiltrate the meeting to tell me if I have to travel to the US or not?'. Manu Ginobili got tired of waiting for positive news in Bahia Blanca and flew to San Antonio to train in a private gym alongside Tim Duncan. These forced vacations are starting to turn into a nightmare for NBA players, who start to feel the 134 days of lockout and pray for the health of the 2011/2012 season.

Thursday, after a meeting that lasted almost 11 hours in New York, the owners handed a new offer and left everything in the player's hands. They are hoping to convince them with a 50% offer for the BRI (income from tickets, tv and other benefits) under the treat that they'll drop to 47% if the answer is negative. They are also discussing five items from the system. "There's nothing else to negotiate. If we reach an agreement next week, the season would start Dec 15 and we would have a regular season consisting of 72 games, with a one week delayed start for the playoffs. I'm optimist.", said commissioner David Stern.

Next step for the players? The group led by Derek Fisher will meet Monday to show the offer to all 30 player representatives from the teams. Some rumors indicate that the vote might open up to all 450 players in the league like Scola asks from our country: "New offer from the NBA. Will we vote this time?". There's also continuing rumors about dissolving the union (130 votes minimum are required to ask for a vote on that), a process that would take about a month and would complicate things even more. Very few certainties right now against so many questions like the one from Luis...

11-11-2011, 05:22 PM
Preciate it, Nono. :toast

11-11-2011, 05:45 PM
wonder how manus bald spot is holding up

11-11-2011, 06:01 PM
I wonder if McQueery will catch them all bowed up in the shower.

11-11-2011, 06:10 PM
I wonder if McQueery will catch them all bowed up in the shower.

Projecting again, 'seppe?

11-11-2011, 06:13 PM
Projecting again, 'seppe?

Only if you drop the soap.

11-11-2011, 06:17 PM
The owners proposed a new deal and await the response from the players. Stern said that if he gets the ok, the season would start Dec 15, and the regular season would have 72 games. Scola asked before traveling: "Will we vote this time?"

The uncertainty is so big that even a calm guy like Luis Scola gave signals of anxiety writing on twitter a question that had no answer: 'Could somebody infiltrate the meeting to tell me if I have to travel to the US or not?'. Manu Ginobili got tired of waiting for positive news in Bahia Blanca and flew to San Antonio to train in a private gym alongside Tim Duncan. These forced vacations are starting to turn into a nightmare for NBA players, who start to feel the 134 days of lockout and pray for the health of the 2011/2012 season.

Thursday, after a meeting that lasted almost 11 hours in New York, the owners handed a new offer and left everything in the player's hands. They are hoping to convince them with a 50% offer for the BRI (income from tickets, tv and other benefits) under the treat that they'll drop to 47% if the answer is negative. They are also discussing five items from the system. "There's nothing else to negotiate. If we reach an agreement next week, the season would start Dec 15 and we would have a regular season consisting of 72 games, with a one week delayed start for the playoffs. I'm optimist.", said commissioner David Stern.

Next step for the players? The group led by Derek Fisher will meet Monday to show the offer to all 30 player representatives from the teams. Some rumors indicate that the vote might open up to all 450 players in the league like Scola asks from our country: "New offer from the NBA. Will we vote this time?". There's also continuing rumors about dissolving the union (130 votes minimum are required to ask for a vote on that), a process that would take about a month and would complicate things even more. Very few certainties right now against so many questions like the one from Luis...

Again, for the Spanish speaking posters I have translated back to Spanish. No thanks necessary.

Los dueños plantearon una nueva oferta y esperan la respuesta de los jugadores. Stern dijo que, si recibe el ok, la temporada arrancaría el 15 de diciembre y la fase regular tendría 72 partidos. Scola hizo una pregunta antes de viajar: "¿Votaremos esta vez?".

La incertidumbre es tanta que hasta un tipo manso como Luis Scola dio señales de ansiedad lanzando en Twitter una pregunta para la que no hubo respuesta: “¿Puede alguien infiltrarse en la reunión para decirme si tengo que viajar a Estados Unidos?”. Manu Ginóbili se cansó de esperar noticias positivas en Bahía y voló hacia San Antonio para entrenarse en un gimnasio privado junto con Tim Duncan. Estas vacaciones forzadas empiezan a convertirse en una pesadilla para los NBA, que sufren en carne propia los 134 días de lockout y rezan por la salud de la temporada 2011/12.

El jueves, después de una cumbre de casi 11 horas en Nueva York, los dueños hicieron una nueva oferta y dejaron todo en manos de los jugadores. Piensan conformarlos con el 50% del BRI (los ingresos por entradas, televisión y otros beneficios) ante la amenaza de bajar al 47% si contestan en forma negativa. Además discuten cinco ítems del sistema salarial. “No queda nada por negociar. Logrando un acuerdo la próxima semana, la temporada comenzaría el 15 de diciembre y habría una fase regular de 72 partidos, con un atraso de una semana en los playoffs. Soy optimista”, dijo el comisionado David Stern.

¿Siguientes pasos de los jugadores? El grupo liderado por Derek Fisher tiene previsto reunirse el lunes para mostrar la oferta ante los 30 representantes de cada equipo. Algunas versiones aseguran que se puede abrir la consulta a los 450 jugadores de la liga como pide Scola desde nuestro país: "Nueva oferta de la NBA a los jugadores. ¿Votaremos esta vez?". También siguen los rumores sobre un movimiento para disolver el sindicato (necesitan al menos 130 firmas para pedir una votación al respecto), un proceso que llevaría un mes y complicaría más las cosas. Pocas certezas ante tantas preguntas como las de Luifa…

11-11-2011, 06:31 PM
^^^ :lol

11-11-2011, 06:32 PM
Only if you drop the soap.

Thanks, but no thanks

11-11-2011, 06:34 PM
he tweeted this earlier today: Miren c quién me encontré caminando x Palermo! Lindos muñecos! RT @obricio7:


11-11-2011, 07:43 PM
I understand Kobe has headed to Eagle Colorado in preparation for this season, and Gasol's fiancee is shopping around as well.

11-11-2011, 08:19 PM
he tweeted this earlier today: Miren c quién me encontré caminando x Palermo! Lindos muñecos! RT @obricio7:


What, Parker is not with them?

11-11-2011, 09:19 PM
fabs and manus shirt blend in pretty good with the background

11-12-2011, 12:11 AM
What, Parker is not with them?
Nor is Erin...

11-12-2011, 02:29 PM
he tweeted this earlier today: Miren c quién me encontré caminando x Palermo! Lindos muñecos! RT @obricio7:


Good to see Manu hanging with Brent... with Tony being a POS and all...

11-12-2011, 05:55 PM
lol @ pic

11-12-2011, 06:33 PM
What, Parker is not with them?

Doesn't show it, but Tony is on the ground. Barry is stepping on his neck.

11-13-2011, 01:56 AM
he tweeted this earlier today: Miren c quién me encontré caminando x Palermo! Lindos muñecos! RT @obricio7:


lol manu covering that bald spot at all means necessary.

11-13-2011, 02:20 AM
That pic proves that NBA players are just a bunch of thugs, tbh

11-13-2011, 10:19 AM
Good to see Manu hanging with Brent... with Tony being a POS and all...

It is nice to see that Brent still has a connection with the Spurs. I like when former spurs stay in the city or connected with the team.

11-13-2011, 11:19 AM
It is nice to see that Brent still has a connection with the Spurs. I like when former spurs stay in the city or connected with the team.

Him & Tony being almost family, it figures.

tee, hee.

11-14-2011, 10:08 AM
mmmm Erin. I remember that hot piece of pussy

11-14-2011, 03:46 PM
Manu might as well sell his house and leave San Antonio.

11-14-2011, 04:43 PM
Any chance the NBA goes forward with Replacement players ?

We might have a shot at another title then.

11-14-2011, 04:46 PM
Any chance the NBA goes forward with Replacement players ?

We might have a shot at another title then.

We'll just call up the entire Toros squad.

Question: if the league uses replacement players, could teams use their 2011 draft picks? Could the Spurs (or anyone else) use Kawhi Leonard, etc?

11-14-2011, 08:23 PM
What is this secret/private training facility that everyone keeps talking about? I thought they were training at Tim's house.

11-14-2011, 08:25 PM
What, Parker is not with them?

Parker's in Paris handing Roger Federer his Paris Indoor trophy.

Good to see that Barry still hangs out with Manu & Oberto.

11-14-2011, 08:32 PM
Simple, but with all the liarwyers running around in pro sports, what is the answer to the following:

Q. What happens to current contracts if the entire season is lost?
Contact for this year is lost too, right? Gonzo.

So for players in the last year of a contract like Timmy Dunks or for players in a one year deal, are they automatically Unrestricted FAs? (assuming these asscrack sides can agree to have a next season?)