View Full Version : Russian Spring?

11-25-2011, 03:03 PM
Lord Putin has decided to rule Russia for the next 12 years. Will the poor russians allow this?

looks like not really

First Lord Putin gets booed by fight fans:

then the Kremlin starts the propaganda machine saying the fans were booing the american loser fighter who left with a broken leg :lol
this move angers even more ppl
Something stirring?
Opposition demonstrations in Russia can usually muster only a few hundred diehard supporters.

Much of the anti-government political debate takes place online, on Livejournal, Facebook and the Russian equivalent, Vkontakte.

But the attempt to suggest that the crowd had booed a respected sporting opponent rather than the prime minister clearly touched a chord with thousands of ordinary people.

The messages left by Russians on Monson's Facebook Wall now number in the thousands. They do not all criticise Vladimir Putin, but none of them praise him.

Something could be stirring in Russian politics, but probably too late to change the outcome of next year's presidential election.

Frustrated opponents of Russia's ruling party could take to the streets after parliamentary elections next month if they believe the results have been rigged, in what could become a nightmare scenario for Prime Minister – and likely third-term President – Vladimir Putin.

and today:
A poll released Friday predicts that Vladimir Putin's party will receive 53 percent of the vote in Russia's parliamentary election, now a little over a week away.

While still a majority, this would be a significant drop for United Russia and deprive it of the two-thirds majority that has allowed it to amend the constitution without seeking the support of the three other parties in parliament.

Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/n/a/2011/11/25/international/i094924S83.DTL#ixzz1ekWNOL81

looks like 2012 is gona be a motherfucker here and in mother Russia :wow

11-25-2011, 06:52 PM
Russia, why do you have an abundance of minerals and land, and still have a shitty country?

We miss you,

The 80's

11-27-2011, 10:02 AM
Russia, why do you have an abundance of minerals and land, and still have a shitty country?

We miss you,

The 80's

I laughed.

11-27-2011, 10:09 AM
"still have a shitty country"

because Russia's 0.1% have locked up all the wealth they got when Russia privatized state industries and mineral rights. 0.1% assholes are exactly the same everywhere.

11-28-2011, 10:27 AM
that is why I am surprised the Russians are not revolting. There are some signs but I guess they are usually too drunk to organize themselves

12-02-2011, 02:57 PM
:lol Russia

Russian Court Fines Election Monitor $1,000

A Moscow court on Friday ruled that the country’s sole independent election watchdog had broken Russian law by publishing citizens’ complaints about campaign abuses during the run-up to this weekend’s parliamentary elections.

Pressure from authorities has mounted to the point that its 3,000 election monitors may not be able to observe voting on Sunday, said the organization’s deputy director, Grigory A. Melkonyants. Police on Friday carried out a search of a field office in Siberia, and several election observers were warned not to take part, according to the group.

“They are trying to discredit our work in the eyes of the public,” said Mr. Melkonyants. “I think there will be more cases against us. This is only the first one.”

The Kremlin is scrambling to shore up United Russia, which is almost certain to lose the two-thirds majority it has enjoyed since 2007, and dissuade those inclined to cast a protest vote. During an appearance in St. Petersburg on Friday, Prime Minister Vladimir V. Putin appealed to the public to support a consolidated government, lest “the entire mechanism stops operating.”


12-07-2011, 03:51 PM
El Che called it. El Che delivered.

A Russian Awakening?

Russia's once apolitical youth has taken to the streets of Moscow and launched the largest demonstrations since the collapse of the Soviet Union


12-07-2011, 03:52 PM
Chanting 'Russia without Putin,' flash mobs roil Moscow

Protesters across Russia march against Vladimir Putin's ruling party following allegations of official vote-rigging in last weekend's Duma elections.


12-07-2011, 03:52 PM

Gorbachev calls for Russian election rerun

Mikhail Gorbachev says the results of Sunday's poll should be invalidated and new elections held.

Former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev called for Russia's elections to be re-run as the opposition vowed to stage new rallies contesting the results.

12-07-2011, 03:54 PM

12-08-2011, 03:56 PM
What will it take in the US for something similar?

Seriously, Americans suck.

12-08-2011, 04:03 PM
America rocks baby!!!! And Putin is now blaming Hillary. :lol

12-08-2011, 04:31 PM
America rocks baby!!!! And Putin is now blaming Hillary. :lol

Putin is a fucking asshole. When he was booed at the fights he blamed the Canadian fighter that was being carried away in a stretcher :lol

12-08-2011, 06:19 PM
:lol people making fun of foreign news sources....we've got FAUX

News bulletins around the world have been following Russia's election rallies. But one channel stands out - America's Fox News has been showing streets ablaze, violent clashes and firebombs thrown at security officers, but with one major problem - the images are not from Russia, they're from Greece!

Source: http://anondora.org/free-press/77/fox-news-caught-using-fake-video-of-riots

12-09-2011, 10:13 AM
30,000 Russians to come out and occupy Moscow


Opposition activists have been allowed to hold a 30,000-strong rally in downtown Moscow on Saturday to protest the results of the December 4 parliamentary elections, a deputy mayor of the Russian capital said.
“The rally organizers agreed to hold the rally on Bolotnaya Square offered to them by Moscow authorities in order to ensure that security measures are observed,” Deputy Mayor Alexander Gorbenko told journalists.
Earlier the opposition planned to hold the rally in another place in the capital’s center, on Revolution Square, but the number of people the Moscow administration authorized to come was 300. As thousands had voiced their intention to take part, the city government changed the venue.

12-09-2011, 10:22 AM
El Che called it. El Che delivered. Russian voters delivered.

lol predictions

12-09-2011, 10:43 AM
Russian voters delivered.

lol predictions

El Che called the Russian Spring and it happened. You're welcome.