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View Full Version : Timmy Kicked Out of Club For Forcing Himself On A Girl

11-28-2011, 09:08 PM
This fucking article is the best ( or worst) thing since sliced wheat bread...holeeeee shit...this is the mother-lode I've been looking for...so much for class Spur fan...so much for class..You got Neal and now this...Timmy was just gonna take it just like Neal...:lol

Luva it's bout time you gave me my 5 stars for this shit :lol

A girl (hot petite blond sorority type; at UNC, they are a dime a dozen) in a panic and tells me someone is molesting her friend at a corner table. As the only bouncer, it is my job to keep order, and I was always quick to eject anyone I heard using racial slurs, homophobes, or harassing women.

I round the corner to see Tim Duncan forcibly holding a girl around the waist with one arm to sit on his lap and is wiggling her around like a grinding lap-dance motion.

She is yelling, "stop it, let go of me," and he is using his other hand to clasp her shoulder and grope her breasts. Now, keep in mind, there are like 4-5 UNC frat type guys AT THE TABLE watching him do this, and not saying shit, some even laughing (cuz apparently date rape is funny), because these were the very same fuckheads who were kissing Duncan's ass, asking him where he wanted to play NBA ball and buying him drinks when he got there.

Tim Duncan's back is to me, so I tap him on the shoulder and calmly and quietly tell him to let go of her. He tells me to fuck off, without even turning around.

So I say sternly but calmly something along the lines of, "Well, you are going have to let go of her and get out because you are not welcome here anymore." So he lets go, she darts up and runs to the ladies room, he stands up slowly and turns to face me. He looks down at me with total contempt and says, "Fuck off before I kick your ass. Don't you know who I am?"
I look him dead in the eye (as best I am able given the height difference) and say, word for word (I will never forget, and I still don't know where I came up with this): "Look TIM, you ain't in the NBA yet. Now if you don't get the fuck out of here right now I am gonna call ESPN, Sports Illustrated, and Coach Odom as soon as I get done breaking your knee and ruining your fucking career." He is stunned by my audacity, like the lion regarding the mouse that roared.

Then he gets this weird look on his face, like he is mulling over what a bad idea it would be to get in a fight over this kind of thing at a Chapel Hill bar so publicly. Then he says "Fuck you. This place sucks. I am OUTTA HERE!"
The weird thing is, he goes on to get drafted by the Spurs, spends his rookie offseason living with David Robinson and getting counseled on how to conduct yourself in the pros, craft the perfect media-friendly role-model image... to think this guy could have just as easily become the next Rasheed Wallace without the wise council of the Admiral.

The more rings Tim gets, and the longer he goes on as a NBA role model, the less likely people are to believe this, but I was there, and I had plenty of witnesses. Yes, it was a long time ago and people change, but that night that fucker was way out of line.

A very legit source:

11-28-2011, 09:20 PM
the other thing that stands out is Timmy allowing male groupies to buy him drinks...what the fuck is up with that shit

11-28-2011, 09:20 PM
lol posted like 10 years ago :sleep

11-28-2011, 09:24 PM
lol posted like 10 years ago :sleep

I could give a rats ass...it's news ta me....if we hold Kobe to a higher standard then 4 sho I'm holding this clowns feet to the fucking fire...I dont give a shit if it was from the days of Moses...dude is more like Neal than we know....:lmao

11-28-2011, 09:30 PM
Tim Duncan Releases Decade Worth Of Pent-Up Emotion After Spurs Preseason Loss (http://www.onionsportsnetwork.com/articles/tim-duncan-releases-decade-worth-of-pentup-emotion,2069/)

11-28-2011, 09:30 PM
I could give a rats ass...it's news ta me....if we hold Kobe to a higher standard then 4 sho I'm holding this clowns feet to the fucking fire...I dont give a shit if it was from the days of Moses...dude is more like Neal than we know....:lmao
MJ to retire from the Bulls... check it out.

11-28-2011, 09:34 PM
Tim Duncan Releases Decade Worth Of Pent-Up Emotion After Spurs Preseason Loss (http://www.onionsportsnetwork.com/articles/tim-duncan-releases-decade-worth-of-pentup-emotion,2069/)

uh uh...don't even try it..everybody and their mama knows Deadspin is legit... fail Elhomo...fail...:lol

Roger Freemason Jr.
11-28-2011, 09:34 PM
That was fucking stupid.

11-28-2011, 09:35 PM
Deadspin is legit...


11-28-2011, 09:38 PM
Yeah some random dude's recounting is totally legit :lmao

11-28-2011, 09:40 PM
It comes to us from someone named "Johnny Lazz." (Ed. Note: We're still a LITTLE skeptical ... but this guy didn't seem like he was bull-shitting to us.)


11-28-2011, 09:40 PM
Yeah some random dude's recounting is totally legit :lmao

nope...dude has dozens of witnesses...dozens

11-28-2011, 09:43 PM
Where's their testimony?

11-28-2011, 10:00 PM
Where's their testimony?

don't need it...I never heard Tim refute the story...I beleive the dude 500%

11-28-2011, 10:14 PM
Merlin gets pussy :toast

11-29-2011, 12:21 AM
Kool you are a fucking blood hound, homie. These nlggas swept this one under the rug. That sounds just like Jim. What amazes me is, even on my worst night a bitch would never react that way to me grabbing her by the waist. This clown must have no game at all. Its no wonder why he married a mail order bride.:lol I'm dedicating this one to you, homie:toast


we're not letting this shit die...it deserves a sticky :toast

Roger Freemason Jr.
11-29-2011, 12:24 AM
Kool you are a fucking blood hound, homie. These nlggas swept this one under the rug. That sounds just like Jim. What amazes me is, even on my worst night a bitch would never react that way to me grabbing her by the waist. This clown must have no game at all. Its no wonder why he married a mail order bride.:lol I'm dedicating this one to you, homie:toast


Lol, TimVP acting like he knows TD and his demeanor.

Also, you dedicating that song to Kool, is all sorts of gay.

11-29-2011, 12:58 AM
Sorry man, someone already tried this one.

Also: Naruto.

11-29-2011, 05:26 AM
LOL, Kool and Naruto trying too hard.

11-29-2011, 06:13 AM
Timmy is just doing what he thinks he needs to do for #5. Kobe raped a chick, so he's gonna do the same

11-29-2011, 10:44 AM
Timmy probably just can't handle his liquor