View Full Version : The Russians Also Play The Fearmongering Game

11-29-2011, 01:59 PM
Interesting that Russia is in the news lately. Could it be that there is an election coming soon?

Fucking Medvedev and Putin know they are losing power and these elections could be crucial. taking fear mongering pages from Cheney/Bush/Rove books:

Medvedev: New Radar Demonstrates Russia's Might
President Dmitry Medvedev officially commissioned a new military early warning radar Tuesday, saying it shows Russia's readiness to respond to U.S. missile defense plans. :lol

Russia sees the U.S. missile defense plans in Europe as a security challenge, even though Washington says they are aimed at a potential Iranian missile threat and can't pose a threat to Russia's nuclear deterrent.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/world/2011/11/29/medvedev-new-radar-demonstrates-russias-might/#ixzz1f7dbefjA

Russia: Address concerns or we'll target missile shield
Russia may deploy missiles that it says could destroy NATO’s planned missile defense system in Europe – and withdraw from an arms control treaty with the United States – if Russia’s concerns about the shield aren’t addressed, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said Wednesday.


11-29-2011, 02:29 PM
Lord Putin must be paying consultant fees to Haliburton and the rest of Bush ex-administration officials