View Full Version : Realgm: "Lakers Are CP3's New Preferred Destination"

12-08-2011, 12:04 AM
I agree with Cully on this not sure we should pull the trigger on Paul...unless it's it's a Gasol and Artest swap for Paul and Ariza...:lol

Lakers Believed To Be Paul's New Favorite Landing Spot

Dec 07, 2011 11:11 PM EST

The Lakers, Clippers and Warriors are the leading contenders for Chris Paul, according to a source.

Because a trade to the Knicks is highly improbable, Paul's new favorite destination is the Lakers. Either Andrew Bynum or Pau Gasol would be moved to the Hornets as the central aspect of a package for Paul.
A source confirmed that talks between the Warriors and Hornets slowed down on Wednesday. While the Warriors can't offer as good of a chance to win as the Lakers and Clippers, Paul is said to have a lot of respect for new head coach Mark Jackson.

Read more: http://basketball.realgm.com/wiretap/217111/Lakers_Believed_To_Be_Pauls_New_Favorite_Landing_S pot#ixzz1fusdeyc1

http://basketball.realgm.com/wiretap/217111/Lakers_Believed_To_Be_Pauls_New_Favorite_Landing_S pot

12-08-2011, 12:07 AM
Which means nothing. It's up to New Orleans, not Paul. They're going to send him wherever they can get the better deal for themselves. They, as well as everyone else, know he's going to NY after next season. They're going to get whatever they can get. If LA gives them the best deal, he'll go there...if not, he won't.

12-08-2011, 12:11 AM
Which means nothing. It's up to New Orleans, not Paul. They're going to send him wherever they can get the better deal for themselves. They, as well as everyone else, know he's going to NY after next season. They're going to get whatever they can get. If LA gives them the best deal, he'll go there...if not, he won't.

A package around Gasol is the best deal...He's a mobil big with a great feathery touch...right up the Hornets alley

12-08-2011, 12:13 AM
A package around Gasol is the best deal...He's a mobil big with a great feathery touch...right up the Hornets alley

Do you really want to give up Gasol for one year with CP3?

12-08-2011, 12:15 AM
Do you really want to give up Gasol for one year with CP3?


12-08-2011, 12:24 AM
The OP gets so giddy about any star name that's ever mentioned in the same sentence with the Lakers. Perhaps he, like the rest of the forum, realizes bone on bone is done on done.

12-08-2011, 12:25 AM
updated Spursfan....

Sources: Paul Won't Commit To Extension With Warriors Or Clippers

Dec 08, 2011 12:09 AM EST

Chris Paul will not commit to signing a contract extension this summer with either the Warriors or Clippers, citing the potential financial ramifications of doing so rather than becoming a free agent and signing a new dea, according to sources.
It is unknown if Paul has a similar reluctance with the Lakers.
While both the Warriors and Clippers understand Paul's position, neither team feels comfortable paying a high price via trade without an assurance.
Paul has only reportedly told the Knicks that he willing to sign an extension after the season.

Read more: http://basketball.realgm.com/wiretap/217112/Sources_Paul_Wont_Commit_To_Extension_With_Warrior s_Or_Clippers#ixzz1fuy0WP10

12-08-2011, 12:28 AM
The OP gets so giddy about any star name that's ever mentioned in the same sentence with the Lakers. Perhaps he, like the rest of the forum, realizes bone on bone is done on done.

speaking of bones I hear Luva offered your little Spanish rice a bone she couldn't refuse...:lol

12-08-2011, 12:37 AM
A package around Gasol is the best deal...He's a mobil big with a great feathery touch...right up the Hornets alley
:lol aging soft euro and world peace for the best PG in the Game today and the player LA should have never let walk.

12-08-2011, 12:41 AM
No way I package Gasol for Paul. Not with glass knees being our only big left. Also, Bynum shut down his twitter. Wonder if hes knows something. I say we keep what we got if we cant get Howard. Got after a PG .

I would prefer Gasol and Dwight with Kobe but Dr. Buss is a high roller...he likes to be thoroughly entertained in his old age...so I'm looking at worst case or best case scenario depending on perspectives..

In a not so perfect world the way it should go down is as follows:

1st package... built around Pau straight up..... or 2nd option Pau and Artest for CP3 and Ariza. I would only trade 1 player for Paul...

2nd package...to Orlando straight up trade Bynum for D12 or Bynum and Odom for D12 and maybe Turk or their point guard

12-08-2011, 12:57 AM
Paul and Howard could become epic. You dont need a star PG with those two.
Paul is a star PG.

Is this the "I'm drunk ergo I have a social life" shtick?

12-08-2011, 01:02 AM
Its a good thing I got you as my designated driver. My dictionary, and my very owner fluffler.

As the Ghost of Gashir, you owe it to your fans and the children who look up to you to be straight (not sexually, that's asking too much).

Preach on! I don't have a lot of stuff, and I don't need much to survive. I have my DVD player, my Naruto collectables and a Kobe Bryant bobblehead that I keep on my night stand. It actually has a light inside so I hope to find a converter when I come to Japan. I also have some tract lighting but I would let that go before I left here.

I think small things are cute. I have often wanted to miminize my possessions and just exist as the Ghost of Gashir, but we know that's probably just a fantasy.

12-08-2011, 01:08 AM
As the insecure husband that got cheated on, you owe it to us to let us know if she was fucking a nlgga.:lol Kool sent me this great video that just might send you into convulsions.

Is it you kissing a guy? That's pretty gross but hey, don't ask don't tell.

12-08-2011, 01:16 AM
Hey, does this make you sweat?


I don't click links from questionable sources or faggot Naruto boys.

Either way, I've been around the block a few times, videos don't do much for me. Glad they get you there though, whatever blows your skirt up.

12-08-2011, 01:23 AM
Paul and D12 want to go to a contending team, there are only a few choices out there.

12-08-2011, 01:26 AM
Paul and D12 want to go to a contending team, there are only a few choices out there.
That's what everyone says (contending team). They eventually want to go to a team where they get air time, big names and advertising contracts.

That's code for "show me the money" even in endorsements.

12-08-2011, 01:38 AM
That's what everyone says (contending team). They eventually want to go to a team where they get air time, big names and advertising contracts.

That's code for "show me the money" even in endorsements.

D12 made it very clear he's chasing his ring, CP3 probably is in the same mindset. I think right now the fame and money are second, they seem hungry.

That being said, LAL is just one of the few choices. Knicks seem likely to have a strong go at taking one of them. Not really sure what the Heat could do, but they are mulling the possibility.

12-08-2011, 03:25 AM
Fuck Chris Paul. If you have a frontcourt of Howard and Gasol, add Kobe on the wing, then frankly my dear i dont give a fuck who our PG is.

Get Howard. Nothing else matters.

Baron Davιs
12-08-2011, 05:51 AM
lol at the idiots who wouldn't do a Gasoft for Paul swap.

Gasoft's 18 and 10 isn't that valuable you dimwits.

Lakers would pull the trigger if that deal (Gasoft/Filler for Paul/Filler) was offered in a heartbeat.

12-08-2011, 06:12 AM
2nd package...to Orlando straight up trade Bynum for D12


12-08-2011, 06:26 AM
Los Angeles Knee Reconstruction Centre is Paul's most likely destination

12-08-2011, 09:35 AM
lol at the idiots who wouldn't do a Gasoft for Paul swap.

Gasoft's 18 and 10 isn't that valuable you dimwits.

Lakers would pull the trigger if that deal (Gasoft/Filler for Paul/Filler) was offered in a heartbeat.

A good pg isnt a necessity in the nba...if you haven't figured that out by now then try following a different sport.

This deal only makes sense if we get Howard first. Without D12 we'd have a pg with knee issues, a center with knee issues, and a 33-yr old Kobe with knee issues. Watch out NBA!


12-08-2011, 09:39 AM
& it's bad enough that the cream of the NBA free agent crop is Paul & Howard. What makes it an absolute fucking hoot--according to Media these two also double as the premier players at their positions.

Fuck me.

12-08-2011, 09:48 AM
True, but Howard changes everything for this franchise and ensures our dominance for many years. I know you rag on him for his happy-go-lucky attitude, but if you remember Shaq was also kind of a clown back in his early days. Kobe would set his mind right and he'd become a monster. Dwight gives us hope, Paul gives us jackshit by himself.

12-08-2011, 09:54 AM
Howard, 7 years in is not accomplished. He's still struggling to put his game together.

He's the epitomy of symbolism over substance. I don't want it.

& Paul, he separated once in his ongoing 6 year pity-party to act like somebody:::this past Spring against us.

12-08-2011, 09:58 AM
Just call me Nostradamus.

12-08-2011, 10:03 AM
Disagree...he's the biggest defensive force in the game, took his team on a surprising finals run in 2009, and has slowly but surely improved his postgame. The scariest thing is that he will get better--as a passer too--something that made Shaq great.

He's easily the best big in the game right now, and he cant be defended one-on-one. Free agents want to play with him, he's a good teammate, and he's not fat and lazy.

Get Howard, ship Bynum's ass out.

12-08-2011, 10:40 AM
^Mentioning him with Daddy does a grave injustice to them both.

12-08-2011, 10:53 AM
^Mentioning him with Daddy does a grave injustice to them both.

He's not Shaq, nobody is...but he's the closest thing in today's game to him. Shaq was obviously a much much greater offensive force, but D12 is the better defender--he's also going against lesser centers than shaq had to go against, so his offensive impact can end up being great as well.

This is what LA does, Cub. We grab the best big man out there, make him a Laker, and win rings:


That formula has worked for close to 50 years...more if you take into account Mikan w/ Minneapolis.

Why mess with a half-century of success?

12-08-2011, 10:54 AM
Because Dwight is black and Gasol is white

12-08-2011, 10:58 AM
Because Dwight is black and Gasol is white


Baron Davιs
12-08-2011, 11:03 AM
This deal only makes sense if we get Howard first. Without D12 we'd have a pg with knee issues, a center with knee issues, and a 33-yr old Kobe with knee issues. Watch out NBA!


Trade for D12 will probably come at a cost for Bynum & Gasol.

but still nothing's guaranteed.
You're telling me if that deal was even negotiated lakers would decline it?

Of course getting D12 would be more ideal b/c legit center's in the league are a rare commodity, but if you can get a Superstar like CP3 for just giving up Pau freakin' Gasol?

It happens.
You act like Bynum/Gasol tandem have done so well --- how many laker threads have complained that these 2 wont work, just look what CP3 does for someone like a Tyson Chandler offensively, imagine what that would do for Bynum.
If you didn't have Bynum and Odom to rely on for the inside game, then the trade turns into "risk territory"
(but the discussion seems to only have Gasol as the center piece)
But again I emphasize the trade would be for 31 year Old Pau Freakin' Gasol.

Otherwise Lakers risk of not getting either and having to stand pat with a team who got beat by 36 points in a Must-Win game just to avoid a Sweep.

12-08-2011, 11:20 AM
I see what you're saying, and for all we know LA has already offered Pau for Paul (as that seems to be the indication). But i'm just hesitant to trade big for small in the NBA. Gasol was crap in the playpffs last year, but i believe it was more mental than physical. Players dont usually go from champs to dogshit in one season, so i'd be more comfortable keeping him (assuming LA doesnt land D12), and getting a pg like...baron davis in free agency as a stopgap.

Paul wont change LA's fortunes, so I'd rather not part with bigs (a rare commodity) to get him--unless.of course Dwight comes.

Baron Davιs
12-08-2011, 02:09 PM
Point Acknowledged,

Not that these are similar situations but Hornets and L.A did a big for small swap before.

Remember? Landed you guys Mr. Kobe Bryant.

Not that bad, IMO.


League sources say the Houston has been trying to put together a three-team deal with the Lakers and New Orleans in which Paul goes to LA.

Ode to Triple Ocho
12-08-2011, 02:16 PM
I see what you're saying, and for all we know LA has already offered Pau for Paul (as that seems to be the indication). But i'm just hesitant to trade big for small in the NBA. Gasol was crap in the playpffs last year, but i believe it was more mental than physical.

It was and nothing we haven't seen before. Pau has collasped mentally in the playoffs many times before 2011.

Players dont usually go from champs to dogshit in one season, so i'd be more comfortable keeping him (assuming LA doesnt land D12), and getting a pg like...baron davis in free agency as a stopgap.

Pau went from dogshit to champ. He's 31 at this point, still completely soft and mentally unreliable. You're trading a rapidly declining asset that will never be more valued for the best point guard in the NBA. Pau won't be movable 1-2 years from now and then you're stuck with a 20 million dollar rotten vagina.

Paul wont change LA's fortunes, so I'd rather not part with bigs (a rare commodity) to get him--unless.of course Dwight comes.

Bullshit. Paul is an astronomical upgrade over Fisher. The Lakers instantly solve their biggest issue of the last 10 years while maintaining a fantastic front line.

You give up significantly more for a marginal upgrade at center with Howard. You give up significantly less for swapping out the worst point guard in the NBA for the best by moving a dude that posted 13/6 on 42% shooting in the postseason :rollin

:lol:lol @ Laker fans giving Pau Gasol a pass when he pulled the same exact shit in 2005, 2006 and 2008 hoping he'll magically de-pussify himself and become 4 years younger.

Ariza would just be icing on the championship trade cake.

12-08-2011, 02:18 PM
Paul is an astronomical upgrade over Fisher.

Only difference is Paul never actually acomplished anything in 6 years. At 13 down in the 3rd in June of '10 Fisher grabbed some jacks & timbers and he started back down.

12-08-2011, 02:24 PM
Point Acknowledged,

Not that these are similar situations but Hornets and L.A did a big for small swap before.

Remember? Landed you guys Mr. Kobe Bryant.

Not that bad, IMO.


No, but your point is duly noted. We did cash in on Kobe for sure...

12-08-2011, 02:24 PM
Only difference is Paul never actually acomplished anything in 6 years. At 13 down in the 3rd in June of '10 Fisher grabbed some jacks & timbers and he started back down.

Neither did Gasol, Curly.

12-08-2011, 02:27 PM
Paul is an astronomical upgrade over Fisher. The Lakers instantly solve their biggest issue of the last 10 years while maintaining a fantastic front line.

You give up significantly more for a marginal upgrade at center with Howard. You give up significantly less for swapping out the worst point guard in the NBA for the best by moving a dude that posted 13/6 on 42% shooting in the postseason :rollin

The Lakers have made out just fine with less than effective PG's.

If you'd rather have CP3 than D12 then you're on crack. D12 is more than a "marginal upgrade" over Bynum, don't be stupid. If we can get both, great...but D12 is the most important piece.

12-08-2011, 02:28 PM
Neither did Gasol, Curly.

Fine. Get 'em to take Kwami, I mean Walton for Paul and I'll come a runnin'.

12-08-2011, 02:29 PM
Fine. Get 'em to take Kwami, I mean Walton for Paul and I'll come a runnin'.

and a 2nd round pick that later is to become a franchise player.

12-08-2011, 02:30 PM
You give up significantly more for a marginal upgrade at center with Howard.

:lmao marginal upgrade

12-08-2011, 02:30 PM
and a 2nd round pick that later is to become a franchise player.

& I'll come a runnin'.

12-08-2011, 02:31 PM
Trading Pau for Paul gets the Lakers a trip to the second round, trading for Dwight gets them to the Finals and getting both will probably win them the 'ship.

12-08-2011, 02:32 PM
& I'll come a runnin'.

They say lightnin' never strikes twice, but they also said LeBron would be the next Jordan.

Ode to Triple Ocho
12-08-2011, 02:33 PM
The Lakers have made out just fine with less than effective PG's.

Like last season when a certified midget took a dump all over the Lakers? Oh, ok.

If you'd rather have CP3 than D12 then you're on crack. D12 is more than a "marginal upgrade" over Bynum, don't be stupid. If we can get both, great...but D12 is the most important piece.

I'd rather have Bynum/Odom/Kobe/Paul than Howard/Gasol/Kobe. If you think the latter is the better team then you're the one on a crack binge. Not only is the former a better squad, it has way more flexibility going forward. You can even revisit the Howard stuff in the summer.

12-08-2011, 02:33 PM
Trading Pau for Paul gets the Lakers a trip to the second round, trading for Dwight gets them to the Finals and getting both will probably win them the 'ship.

Gets it.

12-08-2011, 02:38 PM
^Hell yeah, all Muse has to do is say it. It's always easy in December.

12-08-2011, 02:39 PM
Ok, so we lose our biggest offensive threat in the frontcourt and are left with a center who plays half a season of uninspired basketball and can't stay out of foul trouble (STILL)...AND Mr. Kardashian, who puts up 17 and 11 one night and 3 and 6 the next. But hey, we'd have a beast backcourt that Miami would have NO problem defending.

12-08-2011, 02:41 PM
http://a3.twimg.com/profile_images/1620875087/284955_2177345123595_1545872200_2314872_8272308_n_ normal.jpeg (http://twitter.com/#%21/BryanDFischer) @BryanDFischer (http://twitter.com/#%21/BryanDFischer) Bryan Fischer

o_O RT @WojYahooNBA (http://twitter.com/#%21/WojYahooNBA): As SI reports, the Lakers, Hornets and Rockets are engaged in 3-way talks on deal that would send Chris Paul to Lakers.

Baron Davιs
12-08-2011, 02:43 PM
Core of Bynum-Odom-Bryant-Paul isn't bad at all.

and lol at thinking Bynum won't be improved if Lakers acquire Paul.

You guys have become so enraptured with acquiring Dwight, you've become somewhat oblivious to what CP3 can do for you.

12-08-2011, 02:46 PM
Getting Paul is fine, but only as long as D12 comes too...that's all I'm saying.

I'm just not crazy about PG's...recent history (last 20 years) shows you don't need one.

12-08-2011, 02:52 PM
Any trade leaving Bynum as the lone center is a disaster waiting to happen.

If you can bank on getting Howard, you pull the trigger. If not, wait.

12-08-2011, 02:52 PM
I'd rather have Bynum/Odom/Kobe/Paul than Howard/Gasol/Kobe.

...and for the record, I'd rather have the latter. Teaming one of the most skilled offensive big men with the reigning DPOY (who's also improving on offense) would be a nightmare for any team. Throw Kobe in there and it's not even fair, imo.

You never know what you'll get from Bynum and Odom. They are consistently inconsistent.

12-08-2011, 02:53 PM
I would EASILY rather have Dwight/Pau/Kobe

12-08-2011, 02:57 PM
If Lakers get a BS deal in favor of them. shit is stupid. especially from a organization owned by NBA itself.

12-08-2011, 02:58 PM
If Lakers get a BS deal in favor of them. shit is stupid. especially from a organization owned by NBA itself.

Are you going to quit the NBA, or, demand a Congressional investigation like Sac fans did after that '02 playoff series?

tee, hee.

Baron Davιs
12-08-2011, 03:07 PM
I would EASILY rather have Dwight/Pau/Kobe
Of course that's the better core -- but Dwight being acquired by LA may not even happen, so Lakers run the risk of standing pat with the same team who got steam rolled last year.

The discrepancy between Dwight/Pau/Kobe versus Bynum/Odom/Kobe/CP3
isn't wide enough for me to risk the wait and pass on the Paul Deal.

+ Ace in the hole is if only Pau is going out in CP3 deal, you can still make the Dwight deal if it presents itself later.

12-08-2011, 03:10 PM
steam rolled..smoked..shit out the ass rolled.

12-08-2011, 03:16 PM
Walton and one of our 2nd round draft picks for Paul

12-08-2011, 03:18 PM
Of course that's the better core -- but Dwight being acquired by LA may not even happen, so Lakers run the risk of standing pat with the same team who got steam rolled last year.

The discrepancy between Dwight/Pau/Kobe versus Bynum/Odom/Kobe/CP3
isn't wide enough for me to risk the wait and pass on the Paul Deal.

+ Ace in the hole is if only Pau is going out in CP3 deal, you can still make the Dwight deal if it presents itself later.

I agree but I was just commenting on the guy that said he'd choose one over the other.

12-08-2011, 03:19 PM
...and for the record, I'd rather have the latter. Teaming one of the most skilled offensive big men with the reigning DPOY (who's also improving on offense) would be a nightmare for any team. Throw Kobe in there and it's not even fair, imo.

You never know what you'll get from Bynum and Odom. They are consistently inconsistent.

This I agree with. I think the key is making sure to leave something left to acquire Howard.

12-08-2011, 03:20 PM
BTW stupid ass NO if they do this. Other teams offering much better talent than HOU. Scola is decent and same w Kmart but neither do anything to change your now or future.

Ode to Triple Ocho
12-08-2011, 03:40 PM
...and for the record, I'd rather have the latter. Teaming one of the most skilled offensive big men with the reigning DPOY (who's also improving on offense) would be a nightmare for any team. Throw Kobe in there and it's not even fair, imo.

Bynum is statistically similar to Howard in every defensive advanced stat that matters.

Pau is obviously declining and has choked on his own feces whenever he has faced Dirk in the playoffs. This is going to change next season... because?

You never know what you'll get from Bynum and Odom. They are consistently inconsistent.

By that grand logic, you never know what you'll get from Pau Gasol. But you also know he's 7 years older than Bynum and mentally soft. Odom has consistently been the superior defender at the 4.

An aging Pau Gasol is more suited at center than he is PF. There is a reason Bynum was forced to defend the Amare and Bosh's as Pau's footspeed couldn't hack it. This will only get worse looking to the future. Going to play Pau 35 minutes a night at PF? :lol He's going to get torched religiously and cry himself to sleep every night from the the constant Kobe scoldings. What happens when his balls go missing again and can't hit a jumper? Good teams don't need to double Dwight; would be the exact same result as last season: Kobe sees doubles and trips all game while Fisher/Blake stand around with thumbs up ass while being completely ignored.

People are completely underrating Chris Paul in this thread and acting like Howard was never shut down 1v1 against a fat turd like Kendric Perkins in the playoffs. Which could easily happen again while Westbrook averages an efficient 40 going against the worst PG defense in the NBA.

The reality is, Bynum/Odom/Kobe/Paul is not only a better defensive team (even more so if they can snag Ariza in the CP3 deal), they would be more dangerous offensively with CP3's ability to create, push the ball in transition and again, Bynum's contract can still be shopped in the summer if need be.

12-08-2011, 03:44 PM
If you'd rather have CP3 than D12, I don't know what to tell you.

I really don't.

Ode to Triple Ocho
12-08-2011, 04:00 PM
If you'd rather have CP3 than D12, I don't know what to tell you.

I really don't.

If you'd rather have Pau Gasol and less cap flexibility than CP3. I don't know what to tell you. I really don't.

Cp3 to the Lakers is more realistic than Dwight the Lakers. Paul is a goner no matter what. The city of Orlando isn't Cleveland, Ohio either. Dwight could very well end up staying.

12-08-2011, 04:05 PM
A trio of CP3/Kobe/Bynum cannot beat Miami. Kobe/Pau/D12 can. At the end of the day, the goal is to win the NBA title, not just make it there, right?

Ode to Triple Ocho
12-08-2011, 04:14 PM
A trio of CP3/Kobe/Bynum cannot beat Miami.

CP3/Kobe/Ariza/Odom/Bynum could beat Miami. I've seen worse teams beat Miami.

Kobe/Pau/D12 can. At the end of the day, the goal is to win the NBA title, not just make it there, right?

The Lakers aren't making it there if Pau goes emo-mode and if Fisher or Blake are starting, which is basically a 50/50 possibility.

Reports are NOH want CP3 dealt before the season starts. It's now or probably never. You do the obvious no-brainer trade Pau for CP3/filler (hopefully Ariza) and you still have arguably the best front court in the West. Dwight: The Decision will probably last throughout the season.

12-08-2011, 04:17 PM
A trio of CP3/Kobe/Bynum cannot beat Miami. Kobe/Pau/D12 can. At the end of the day, the goal is to win the NBA title, not just make it there, right?

CP3/Kobe/Bynum doesnt even get LA past OKC IMO.

Switching Paul out for Gasol leaves you a PG and a C with two shaky knees and doesnt really do much to address the Lakers lack of athleticism on the wings....

lol Kobe now needing both Paul/Dwight to drag his old ass to the 'ship.

Ode to Triple Ocho
12-08-2011, 04:20 PM
CP3/Kobe/Bynum doesnt even get LA past OKC IMO.

Switching Paul out for Gasol leaves you a PG and a C with two shaky knees and doesnt really do much to address the Lakers lack of athleticism on the wings....

lol Kobe now needing both Paul/Dwight to drag his old ass to the 'ship.

Chris Paul on 'shaky' knees last playoffs: 22/12/7

What a horrifying thought.

12-08-2011, 04:22 PM
We'll see...btw Memphis would have the best FC in the West if Pau was dealt (Gay, Gasol, Z-Bo). With Dallas losing Chandler, Butler, and likely Barea too, LA will almost assuredly make it to at least the WCF if they stand pat this offseason with their bigs. Ariza is also not guaranteed as the filler either, so if we don't get him then are we really better off with CP3 and a weakened FC?

That's my point, and where we disagree. I don't think Paul is the difference maker you're hoping for. D12 is that guy, imo.

12-08-2011, 04:23 PM
Chris Paul on 'shaky' knees last playoffs: 22/12/7

What a horrifying thought.

well he did put that up against D-Fish :lmao

12-08-2011, 04:24 PM
PG's sell shoes. Bigs win titles.

Ode to Triple Ocho
12-08-2011, 04:28 PM
We'll see...btw Memphis would have the best FC in the West if Pau was dealt (Gay, Gasol, Z-Bo).

Gay is a wing. His game is mostly perimeter. So no, Bynum/Odom > Chubby/Chubbier

LA will almost assuredly make it to at least the WCF if they stand pat

:rolleyes :rolleyes :rolleyes

this offseason with their bigs. Ariza is also not guaranteed as the filler either, so if we don't get him then are we really better off with CP3 and a weakened FC?

Yes, the Lakers are better off since they would be much better defensively.. Gasol was a liability last playoffs and Odom/Bynum were the better defensive duo. If Ariza isn't in the deal then Okafor might be in.

That's my point, and where we disagree. I don't think Paul is the difference maker you're hoping for. D12 is that guy, imo.

No that isn't where we disagree. Try reading.

CP3 for Pau quite obviously improves the Lakers in the now and going forward. And they can still bid for Dwight so its a win/win.

12-08-2011, 04:40 PM
Gay is a wing. His game is mostly perimeter. So no, Bynum/Odom > Chubby/Chubbier

:rolleyes :rolleyes :rolleyes

Yes, the Lakers are better off since they would be much better defensively.. Gasol was a liability last playoffs and Odom/Bynum were the better defensive duo. If Ariza isn't in the deal then Okafor might be in.

No that isn't where we disagree. Try reading.

CP3 for Pau quite obviously improves the Lakers in the now and going forward. And they can still bid for Dwight so its a win/win.

No, we started disagreeing when you posted this stupid shit:

You give up significantly more for a marginal upgrade at center with Howard. You give up significantly less for swapping out the worst point guard in the NBA for the best by moving a dude that posted 13/6 on 42% shooting in the postseason

I AGREE, GETTING BOTH WOULD BE NICE, but you're the one who said you'd rather get CP3 than D12.

What has Bynum shown you in his injury-riddled, lazy, fat-ass career that proves he's ready to man the Lakers FC? Banking on Odom to consistently show up was also a good one:lol

Oh, and the SF position is considered the front court.

12-08-2011, 04:41 PM
Of course Paul helps make us better. We went to the 2nd round Last year with very little from Pau. IF bynum can stay healthy (i know) and you add PAul to that team (minus Pau) not sure we could beat Dallas the way they were playing, but no way we get swept.

IF i have to choose of COURSE I take Dwight. But that deal is not yet available. You get Paul but make sure you have something left to get Dwight. It will probably take a 3 team deal as well ... unless you dont give up too much for Paul.

12-08-2011, 04:42 PM
Saying Howard is a "marginal upgrade" over Bynum is one of the single dumbest things I've ever read on this site.

Ode to Triple Ocho
12-08-2011, 04:49 PM
No, we started disagreeing when you posted this stupid shit:

I AGREE, GETTING BOTH WOULD BE NICE, but you're the one who said you'd rather get CP3 than D12.

Not exactly, no. I said Bynum/Odom/Kobe/CP3 > Howard/Gasol/Kobe, with the bonus of still being able to get Dwight. Statistically and depth wise: Fact number 1.

What has Bynum shown you in his injury-riddled, lazy, fat-ass career that proves he's ready to man the Lakers FC? Banking on Odom to consistently show up was also a good one:lol

Banking Pau Gasol to consistently to show up is a good one :lol Acting like his mental collapse hasn't happened before :lol

Bynum can defend at a similar level to Howard when healthy and he was healthy last season + playoffs and no rehabbing to do this offseason. .

Statistics back what I said up. Why can't your brain understand that fact? It's a marginal upgrade statistically - is not an untruth, but fact. Nobody is saying Bynum is better than Howard. But the upgrade isn't even in the same realm as Fisher to CP3, which fill two huge needs for the Lakers. The Lakers front court, outside of Pau, wasn't the problem in the playoffs. It was the worthless perimeter not named Kobe.

Oh, and the SF position is considered the front court.

No, they are considered a wing unless they play heavy minutes at PF/C, which Gay doesn't.

Ode to Triple Ocho
12-08-2011, 05:00 PM
Saying Howard is a "marginal upgrade" over Bynum is one of the single dumbest things I've ever read on this site.

Acting like Pau is a better player than CP3 is much dumber

I stated a statistical fact. With Pau gone, Bynum would be getting more touches/minutes, which equates to more points and rebounds. Bynum plays elite defense at his position, not as well as Dwight consistently, but elite nonetheless.

Ode to Triple Ocho
12-08-2011, 05:03 PM
LA will almost assuredly make it to at least the WCF if they stand pat

Speaking of dumbshit :lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol

Advocating the Lakers play a Fisher/Blake rotation :lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao

12-08-2011, 05:11 PM
Just to make sure we're 100% clear on this, you're saying that if the Lakers were to swap out Bynum for Howard, we'd only see a marginal difference in production? The same Laker team (but with Howard, instead of Bynum) would only be marginally better than last year? :rollin

Gasol played great in 11/12 playoff series from 2008-2010 (2008 Finals lone exception), but he's garbage b/c of one bad postseason with the Lakers. However, Bynum--who has done nothing in his playoff career except injure Kendrick Perkins--is somehow ready to man the Lakers FC? That doesn't make any sense.

Everybody not named Kobe was awful against Dallas last year, and even he wasn't all that great. The team just sucked all-around for some inexplicable reason, and should've won Games 1 and 3. They just weren't mentally right. Give Dallas credit too, cause they proved they were legit.

Look dude, I'm all for shipping Gasol's ass out, but not unless we're damn sure we can get D12 at some point...or else we lose our best offensive big and are stuck with an oft-injured, underachieving center and an inconsistent LO.

12-08-2011, 05:16 PM

Speaking of dumbshit :lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol

Advocating the Lakers play a Fisher/Blake rotation :lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao

Here's my actual quote that you cut-off to your liking, but were caught red-handed:lol

We'll see...btw Memphis would have the best FC in the West if Pau was dealt (Gay, Gasol, Z-Bo). With Dallas losing Chandler, Butler, and likely Barea too, LA will almost assuredly make it to at least the WCF if they stand pat this offseason with their bigs. Ariza is also not guaranteed as the filler either, so if we don't get him then are we really better off with CP3 and a weakened FC?

That's my point, and where we disagree. I don't think Paul is the difference maker you're hoping for. D12 is that guy, imo.

I think it's safe to say they'd at least make a play for a stopgap FA pg like a Davis or Billups (should he become available). You're acting like the PG position is the be-all end-all of the Lakers. It's not. PG means dick in the big picture.

Ode to Triple Ocho
12-08-2011, 05:22 PM
Just to make sure we're 100% clear on this, you're saying that if the Lakers were to swap out Bynum for Howard, we'd only see a marginal difference in production? The same Laker team (but with Howard, instead of Bynum) would only be marginally better than last year?


Come back when you learn to read. I never said that at all.

Gasol played great in 11/12 playoff series

Nope. He was terrible against Denver/Houston in 2009 and pretty mediocre in a few others.

but he's garbage b/c of one bad postseason with the Lakers. However, Bynum--who has done nothing in his playoff career except injure Kendrick Perkins--is somehow ready to man the Lakers FC? That doesn't make any sense.

It wasn't one bad post season. 2005 and 2006. 08 Finals. Dirk shit all over Pau in 2011 the exact same way he did in the past. 0-12. There is absolutely no reason to think it won't happen again when he's 1 year old and rapidly declining.

Everybody not named Kobe was awful against Dallas last year, and even he wasn't all that great. The team just sucked all-around for some inexplicable reason, and should've won Games 1 and 3. They just weren't mentally right. Give Dallas credit too, cause they proved they were legit.

Nobody was as awful as Pau Gasol on the paid to produce scale. Not even close. Pau was a liability on both ends of the floor. That wasn't the case with Bynum, Odom and Kobe.

Look dude, I'm all for shipping Gasol's ass out, but not unless we're damn sure we can get D12 at some point...or else we lose our best offensive big and are stuck with an oft-injured, underachieving center and an inconsistent LO.

You would prefer to keep Pau Gasol and stand pat over trading him for CP3 if they can't get Howard. Sounds like the dumbest position the Lakers could possibly take. :lol

I'm advocating: get better now. Trade an overrated, mentally soft and inconsistent Pau for a the best PG in the NBA. Improve the team. Howard is still a pipe dream and if it happens it happens. If it doesn't, the Lakers are much improved team offensively and defensively compared to last season with a promising young PG/C in their mid-twenties.

12-08-2011, 05:28 PM
If this trade goes through and Howard doesn't come, Bynum's knees will explode by February. 35+ minutes per night + b2b2b + 17b2b's.....

LA must know something we don't. Cause no way they're stupid enough to hand the C keys to Bynum for an entire condensed season.

Ode to Triple Ocho
12-08-2011, 05:42 PM
Then again, Bynum could produce well in a condensed season (he's already used to playing 50-60 games), benefiting from CP3 and that would just confirm that he's the best Orlando could trade for. Worst case scenario the Lakers still have a young center that has been improving every season on a team option. :lol

12-08-2011, 05:45 PM

Come back when you learn to read. I never said that at all.

Then what was your point in your "marginal upgrade" babble, you dumbshit?
Go back to your original post...you said Howard was a marginal upgrade over Bynum. Then you implied that since he was statistically close to Howard defensively, he must have a similar impact on the game.--If I'm wrong in that assumption, then why the fuck would you even attempt to make a case for Bynum in the first place? Howard>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Bynum. Can I make it any fucking clearer to you?

Nope. He was terrible against Denver/Houston in 2009 and pretty mediocre in a few others.

It wasn't one bad post season. 2005 and 2006. 08 Finals. Dirk shit all over Pau in 2011 the exact same way he did in the past. 0-12. There is absolutely no reason to think it won't happen again when he's 1 year old and rapidly declining.

Again...what was Bynum doing during all of this? That's right, he was injured or fouling out.

Nobody was as awful as Pau Gasol on the paid to produce scale. Not even close. Pau was a liability on both ends of the floor. That wasn't the case with Bynum, Odom and Kobe.

4-0 is 4-0...if you wanna put that all on a guy who put up 19 and 18 in a Game 7 against the Celtics, be my guest (what were Drew's #'s?). Chris Paul would not have saved us that series. He played like shit. Dirk owns him, but Pau's not the only one to blame for the Lakers collapsing down the stretch in Games 1 and 3.

You would prefer to keep Pau Gasol and stand pat over trading him for CP3 if they can't get Howard. Sounds like the dumbest position the Lakers could possibly take. :lol

I'm advocating: get better now. Trade an overrated, mentally soft and inconsistent Pau for a the best PG in the NBA. Improve the team. Howard is still a pipe dream and if it happens it happens. If it doesn't, the Lakers are much improved team offensively and defensively compared to last season with a promising young PG/C in their mid-twenties.

You're advocating getting rid of our best big (and he IS, like it or not), and HOPING that Bynum's knees hold up for an entire season. If by some miracle they do, what has he shown so far that indicates he's ready to take over? Bynum is a ticking time bomb, and his ass needs to go (for Howard) while he still has the illusion of value.

I'll take whomever, as long as D12 is priority #1.

12-08-2011, 05:49 PM
Then again, Bynum could produce well in a condensed season (he's already used to playing 50-60 games), benefiting from CP3 and that would just confirm that he's the best Orlando could trade for. Worst case scenario the Lakers still have a young center that has been improving every season on a team option. :lol

Or he could shred his knee (50/50 chance at the rate he's going) and be useless...then we're stuck with only Lamar Odom manning the paint. But damn if we wouldn't have a sick backcourt! GREAT PG=AUTOMATIC TITLE EVERYTIME

12-08-2011, 06:03 PM
Adrian Wojnarowski
The Hornets have started to inform teams that they're sending Chris Paul to the Lakers for Bynum and Odom, league sources tell Y! Sports.
4 minutes ago via web Favorite Retweet Reply

12-08-2011, 06:05 PM
Then what was your point in your "marginal upgrade" babble, you dumbshit?
Go back to your original post...you said Howard was a marginal upgrade over Bynum.

Yes, go back and see where I said CP3 is an astronomical upgrade over Fisher compared to Dwight being a marginal upgrade over Bynum. Context. Not to mention, you're also sending Odom out on the deal you big dumb idiot :lol

Dwight's production does not fully replace Bynum and Odom's. Your starting lineup improves, bench and depth get significantly weak

ThenThen you implied that since he was statistically close to Howard defensively, he must have a similar impact on the game.--If I'm wrong in that assumption, then why the fuck would you even attempt to make a case for Bynum in the first place?

Bynum's defensive impact is similar to Howard's. Check the stats.

Howard>Bynum. Can I make it any fucking clearer to you?

I agree.

Can I make it any fucking clearer to you? :lol

Again...what was Bynum doing during all of this? That's right, he was injured or fouling out.

4-0 is 4-0...if you wanna put that all on a guy who put up 19 and 18 in a Game 7 against the Celtics,

On 30% shooting and while getting torched by KG all game

What does 2010 have to do with Pau'ls abysmal 13/7, 42% shooting (as a big) and playing no defense at all. Matt fucking Barnes did a better job defending Dirk than Pau :lmao

be my guest (what were Drew's #'s?). Chris Paul would not have saved us that series. He played like shit. Dirk owns him, but Pau's not the only one to blame for the Lakers collapsing down the stretch in Games 1 and 3.

Actually, Pau is to blame for game 1. No defense, worthless offense and a dumbest foul you could possibly commit towards the end of the game. Phil should take a bit of that blame for even having Pau Gasol on the court when Bynum had been out-playing Pau all playoffs (and the last 3 months of the season for that matter).

You're advocating getting rid of our best big (and he IS, like it or not),

Past tense. Pau was the Lakers best big and his value won't ever be bigger than what it is now.

and HOPING that Bynum's knees hold up for an entire season. If by some miracle they do, what has he shown so far that indicates he's ready to take over? Bynum is a ticking time bomb, and his ass needs to go (for Howard) while he still has the illusion of value.

1) Bynum's knees held up last season and they held up the year prior while he was playing injured

2) Who the fuck said anything about Bynum taking over? Haha, dumbass. Yeah Bynum's taking over when CP3 and Kobe are on the team. :lol

3) I'm all for trading Bynum after the Lakers get CP3. The more the merrier. Bynum's trade value is only going to go up at his age though.

I'll take whomever, as long as D12 is priority #1.

Improving the team by trading Pau for CP3 doesn't mean D12 isn't priority number 1. Arguing with yourself :lol:lol

12-08-2011, 06:06 PM
CP3 and Dwight works for me. Maybe I can convince Otis to love Gasol as much as Laker fans.

12-08-2011, 06:09 PM
CP3 and Dwight works for me. Maybe I can convince Otis to love Gasol as much as Laker fans.

This must be a hard time for you. At least you no longer have to wait for Bynum to actually become something.:lol

12-08-2011, 06:19 PM
This must be a hard time for you. At least you no longer have to wait for Bynum to actually become something.:lol

Why would it be a hard time for me? :lol

08-26-2013, 10:07 PM

Michael Jordan.
08-26-2013, 10:08 PM

08-26-2013, 10:47 PM
Fuck Chris Paul. If you have a frontcourt of Howard and Gasol, add Kobe on the wing, then frankly my dear i dont give a fuck who our PG is.

Get Howard. Nothing else matters.

guess that turned out pretty well

Kool Bob Love
08-26-2013, 10:56 PM
...and for the record, I'd rather have the latter. Teaming one of the most skilled offensive big men with the reigning DPOY (who's also improving on offense) would be a nightmare for any team. Throw Kobe in there and it's not even fair, imo.


Kool Bob Love
08-26-2013, 10:57 PM
A good pg isnt a necessity in the nba...if you haven't figured that out by now then try following a different sport.

This deal only makes sense if we get Howard first. Without D12 we'd have a pg with knee issues, a center with knee issues, and a 33-yr old Kobe with knee issues. Watch out NBA!



Kool Bob Love
08-26-2013, 10:57 PM
True, but Howard changes everything for this franchise and ensures our dominance for many years. I know you rag on him for his happy-go-lucky attitude, but if you remember Shaq was also kind of a clown back in his early days. Kobe would set his mind right and he'd become a monster. Dwight gives us hope, Paul gives us jackshit by himself.

lmao dumbass

Kool Bob Love
08-26-2013, 10:58 PM
He's not Shaq, nobody is...but he's the closest thing in today's game to him. Shaq was obviously a much much greater offensive force, but D12 is the better defender--he's also going against lesser centers than shaq had to go against, so his offensive impact can end up being great as well.

This is what LA does, Cub. We grab the best big man out there, make him a Laker, and win rings:


That formula has worked for close to 50 years...more if you take into account Mikan w/ Minneapolis.

Why mess with a half-century of success?

Jerry BussPERIOD

08-26-2013, 10:59 PM

08-26-2013, 11:00 PM

Kool Bob Love
08-26-2013, 11:00 PM
Trading Pau for Paul gets the Lakers a trip to the second round, trading for Dwight gets them to the Finals and getting both will probably win them the 'ship.

Fucking dumbass.


08-26-2013, 11:00 PM

08-26-2013, 11:00 PM

Kool Bob Love
08-26-2013, 11:02 PM
Are you going to quit the NBA, or, demand a Congressional investigation like Sac fans did after that '02 playoff series?

tee, hee.

You've nary room you quit after THE SWEEP, chicken shit.

08-26-2013, 11:03 PM

Kool Bob Love
08-26-2013, 11:04 PM
Gets it.

Nah he's a moron like you.


Clipper Nation
08-26-2013, 11:05 PM
:lol at Lakerfan bashing CP3 as a flopper and choker now when they were begging for him not too long ago....

Kool Bob Love
08-26-2013, 11:06 PM
I would EASILY rather have Dwight/Pau/Kobe

Another idiot spurs fan.


08-26-2013, 11:06 PM
You've nary room you quit after THE SWEEP, chicken shit.

Cully had excellent preparation for it, though:


No one take this.

He's only doing this because he wants to avoid the shitstorm on here if the Spurs beat the Lakers in the first round.

Kool Bob Love
08-26-2013, 11:11 PM
If you'd rather have CP3 than D12, I don't know what to tell you.

I really don't.

Let me help you out....how about ":cry#stayd12:cry"

08-26-2013, 11:15 PM
DeadlyDynasty with some fantastic analysis in here.

Kool Bob Love
08-26-2013, 11:16 PM
Cully had excellent preparation for it, though:



Wow. Damn I was to busy lurkin and posting upstairs to see this. Oh well.

Michael Jordan.
09-21-2013, 11:00 AM
I agree with Cully on this not sure we should pull the trigger on Paul...unless it's it's a Gasol and Artest swap for Paul and Ariza...:lol

Lakers Believed To Be Paul's New Favorite Landing Spot

Dec 07, 2011 11:11 PM EST

The Lakers, Clippers and Warriors are the leading contenders for Chris Paul, according to a source.

Because a trade to the Knicks is highly improbable, Paul's new favorite destination is the Lakers. Either Andrew Bynum or Pau Gasol would be moved to the Hornets as the central aspect of a package for Paul.
A source confirmed that talks between the Warriors and Hornets slowed down on Wednesday. While the Warriors can't offer as good of a chance to win as the Lakers and Clippers, Paul is said to have a lot of respect for new head coach Mark Jackson.

Read more: http://basketball.realgm.com/wiretap/217111/Lakers_Believed_To_Be_Pauls_New_Favorite_Landing_S pot#ixzz1fusdeyc1

http://basketball.realgm.com/wiretap/217111/Lakers_Believed_To_Be_Pauls_New_Favorite_Landing_S pot