View Full Version : Are the Spurs "soft"?

06-16-2005, 10:56 PM
1 steal?

One thing I've noticed was that since game 3, Detroit has played much more physical and have kinda intimidated the Spurs from entering the paint. Parker & Manu have both been very hesitant in entering the paint in fear of getting hit. This reminds me of Seattle and I think the Pistons took some of Seattle's tactics and put it to good use.

That's fine, but...

If the Spurs are going to compete, Tim Duncan and Co have to play much more physical. Even if it means putting them on the line, the Spurs just have to put some guys on the floor. That is what Detroit has done since Game 3 and ever since, the Spurs have played scared. They're scared of passing the ball, scared of driving the hoop. Those are 2 things the Spurs have exceled at: passing and driving the hoop/pts in the paint.

All I can say is if we lose this series, I would not at all be against trading Parker for a PG that can play better defense and that is more hungry. Parker may have more upside offensively than say Jason Kidd, but I guarantee you that if this was Jason Kidd, he would be playing with much more fire and intensity than Parker tonight because Parker has what Kidd doesn't...a championship ring.

Game 5 will be interesting. If we go back to San Antonio down 2-3, I think we will choke just like last year.

I am surprised that a "Gregg Pop" coached team has been embarrassed like this. This is something I would've thought a very good coach would not let happen. Losing is one thing, but when you lose a game by 20+ pts for the second loss in a row, well that's got to go on the shoulders of the coach as well. Part of coaching is preparing your team and gameplanning.

Obviously, the Spurs learned nothing after Game 3's loss.

06-16-2005, 10:57 PM
they definitely were in games 3, 4

06-16-2005, 10:58 PM
the one thing i noticed is that detroit was soft in games 1 and 2 and then suddenly showed up in games 3 and 4. homecourt is shaping up to be the difference in this series.

06-16-2005, 10:59 PM
I came to the conlcusion tonight that the Spurs are having a problem with the Pistons "agressive" play with the hard fouls etc, they've been doing a whole lotta taking and almost no dishing out.

06-16-2005, 11:00 PM
in games 3 and 4, there's no question about it.

06-16-2005, 11:05 PM
I came to the conlcusion tonight that the Spurs are having a problem with the Pistons "agressive" play with the hard fouls etc, they've been doing a whole lotta taking and almost no dishing out.

i agree with you. and its the lack of the spurs being aggressive on both ends... and not taking those hard fouls well (whether or not they call them early) detroit is playing harder.

06-16-2005, 11:06 PM
and to answer the question... are the spurs soft... yes... in the head.

06-16-2005, 11:11 PM
The thing about the Spurs is that they just aren't very aggressive. They don't put guys on the floor, they don't intimidate anyone in the paint, they don't put anyone down. Tim Duncan just isn't the kind of guy that takes things too personal and puts guys on the floor. Ben Wallace is, and that's why he elevated his game the last couple days. He took it personal and ever since, Spurs have been flying all over the place left and right. Shaq takes it personally, which is why nobody dunks on Shaq. He may not always win, but he does win most of the time and does have alot more pride than Tim in getting dunked on. Hakeem took it personal and that's why he is considered one of the greats. MJ, you know Jordan takes it personal.

Spurs need to stop with the "robotic emotionless" mindset and start taking it personal or else we will be talking about how the Spurs "choked" 2 years in a row being up 2-0.

06-16-2005, 11:22 PM
a strong dose of tony massenburg knocking people down would be nice, but won't happen. pop wouldn't allow it. i predicted spurs in 6, but i thought they would at least show up for the games in detroit. sadly, they have not =[

06-16-2005, 11:53 PM
The question is RETHORICAL isn't it.

06-16-2005, 11:54 PM
Yes, the Spurs and their organization is fucking soft.

06-17-2005, 02:41 AM
Yes they are soft. Especialy Duncan :pctoss . he must do something not just looking the refs and throwing that ball away :pctoss

06-17-2005, 02:48 AM
Yes, the Spurs are soft. Not physically, but emotionally. they let teams get in their head. Detroit is in their head right now. Right now they probably feel humilitated. They can either bow their heads and cede the championship or take the 31 point finals drubbing personally and wake the hell up. unfortunately, spurs history tells us that san antonio's tail may be tucked between their legs now. man guys. play harder. play smarter.

06-17-2005, 02:49 AM
It happens to be a truth.
The Spurs are always loosing because of their week heads.
They have no toughness.
When U see how they look after the loos - heads down worry about the performance. But there is no adjustment to that.

You can talk about the spurs record in last 8 yaers but you not gonna tell me are tough.
Last year vs. LA They won two games and they they were dominated by LA who had more balls. Damn.
2001 same - even worst.

Fricking collapsess.

I've always defended spurs but now I do not have an answer to all who are saying to me: "The spurs won 2 at home, and U see how they are being destroit. Show me their mental toughness."

There isn't - I must say.

"Look at Detroit they just making cluch shoot after clutch shoot and Spurs can just watch like last years Lakers"

(I'm thinking LA were stronger)

where are the Spurs?
In a pschycologicly aspect they are nowere.
They are done.

(but I always be with my spurs now mater what- I m sory but this is one of the saddest day of my life) I'm not even mad right now - I'm destroyed

lovespurs forever
06-17-2005, 04:17 AM
They didn't pay atteion to the game enough.