View Full Version : Vegans

12-20-2011, 12:50 PM
Why do they preach it like religion?

12-20-2011, 12:58 PM
I eat my veggies religiously.

12-20-2011, 01:02 PM
Vegans are gay hippies

Viva Las Espuelas
12-20-2011, 01:24 PM
They are pretty militant about it.

12-20-2011, 01:31 PM
It's a first world issue.

12-20-2011, 02:32 PM

baseline bum
12-20-2011, 02:40 PM


12-20-2011, 02:51 PM
Because eating meat (especially factory farmed US meat) is morally fucking inexcusable. Like there's no debate on just how immoral it is, which is to say highly. Eating meat is eating the steroid and anti-biotic infused carcass of a sentient being that was tortured against its will. Nothing more.


Plus, we feel physically great all the time and want you to feel the same.

12-20-2011, 03:01 PM
when I saw balli in the last post column I knew I was in for a good laugh

12-20-2011, 03:09 PM
Because eating meat (especially factory farmed US meat) is morally fucking inexcusable. Like there's no debate on just how immoral it is, which is to say highly. Eating meat is eating the steroid and anti-biotic infused carcass of a sentient being that was tortured against its will. Nothing more.


Plus, we feel physically great all the time and want you to feel the same.

Animals want to be eaten. There is no greater joy in a cow's life than being killed and used as delicious fuel for humans.

12-20-2011, 03:11 PM
when I saw balli in the last post column I knew I was in for a good laugh

Fuck off, you white trash shit head. And next time I quit posting for a year, stay off my profile page and don't ask everybody where I went.

12-20-2011, 03:11 PM
While I'm not quite as passionate about it as balli, and I like the taste of red meat too much to give it up completely, he's 100% right about vegan being the healthiest diet possible. Humans were not meant to have a meat-based diet.

12-20-2011, 03:14 PM
Fuck off, you white trash shit head. And next time I quit posting for a year, stay off my profile page and don't ask everybody where I went.

I was getting bored without you. Something for you to be proud of

12-20-2011, 04:19 PM
Vegan girls smell funny.


12-20-2011, 04:28 PM
They want you to believe in what they believe in. That's really it. No different from religion.

12-20-2011, 04:33 PM
he's 100% right about vegan being the healthiest diet possible. Humans were not meant to have a meat-based diet.

uhh.. I don't know about that. The human body utilizes important nutrients found in meats that is not found in plants. To say it is the healthiest diet possible is quite a big claim. A mix of both would be the best diet, IMO.

12-20-2011, 04:33 PM
I agree, vegans suck. Mink coats and bludgeoned hapless cattle make me smile.

12-20-2011, 04:39 PM
Because eating meat (especially factory farmed US meat) is morally fucking inexcusable. Like there's no debate on just how immoral it is, which is to say highly. Eating meat is eating the steroid and anti-biotic infused carcass of a sentient being that was tortured against its will. Nothing more.

Let's not group ALL meat production into one negative boat here. There are some good people out there wanting to make things better with that.

12-20-2011, 04:39 PM
uhh.. I don't know about that. The human body utilizes important nutrients found in meats that is not found in plants. To say it is the healthiest diet possible is quite a big claim. A mix of both would be the best diet, IMO.
I agree, but it should still be a plant-based diet with meat here and there. It shouldn't be the other way around.

12-20-2011, 04:41 PM
I agree, but it should still be a plant-based diet with meat here and there. It shouldn't be the other way around.


12-20-2011, 04:42 PM
I agree that Animals shouldn't be tortured and all that shit, but give me a break about it being immoral to eat an animal. It's the food chain.

12-20-2011, 04:49 PM
uhh.. I don't know about that. The human body utilizes important nutrients found in meats that is not found in plants. To say it is the healthiest diet possible is quite a big claim. A mix of both would be the best diet, IMO.
Which specific nutrients are you aware of that can only be consumed by injesting animal flesh? If you are going to say b12 or vit. D, don't bother because they are both available in plant based foods.

I agree, vegans suck. Mink coats and bludgeoned hapless cattle make me smile.
In other words, I'm a fatty who's ashamed in a way I can never admit.

12-20-2011, 04:55 PM
In other words, I'm a fatty who's ashamed in a way I can never admit.

Am I seriously being talked down to by the pussy who raged on my profile about wishing my mom died in a fiery car crash? The same idiot who needs advice (because of his obvious sensitivity and anger issues) on fucking an 18 year old girl?


"ashamed in a way I can never admit" makes no sense at all anyway, retard boy.

I would, however, be ashamed of posting about how anyone who has a different political philosophy than I should die a painful death, or asking a sports forum how I could find someone on a forum in real life and harass them.

Remember those, don't you kid?

12-20-2011, 04:58 PM
I agree that Animals shouldn't be tortured and all that shit, but give me a break about it being immoral to eat an animal. It's the food chain.

No it's not. Your almost non existant, almost evolved out of you incisors do not make you a carnivore. And yeah, it's wrong to eat meat any way you slice it (no pun) but particularly when that meat is produced by Tyson farms and the McDonalds corporation. Torturous factory farms don't fit at all into the circle of life.

12-20-2011, 04:59 PM
Which specific nutrients are you aware of that can only be consumed by injesting animal flesh? If you are going to say b12 or vit. D, don't bother because they are both available in plant based foods.

zinc, iron, b12 all much better absorbed and utilized by having meat than plants/supplements do.

12-20-2011, 05:00 PM
No it's not. Your almost non existant, almost evolved out of you incisors do not make you a carnivore.

What a dumbass. Hint: it's not our teeth that put us at the top of the food chain.

12-20-2011, 05:01 PM
Balli, do you kill all the vendors who sell meat in Skyrim? What about the random hunters?

12-20-2011, 05:09 PM
I'm not gonna get any deeper into this because I know exactly how it's going to play out.

12-20-2011, 05:11 PM
http://rlv.zcache.com/i_didnt_climb_to_the_top_of_the_food_chain_to_be_p ostcard-p239490943394944189z8iat_400.jpg


12-20-2011, 05:20 PM
Because eating meat (especially factory farmed US meat) is morally fucking inexcusable. Like there's no debate on just how immoral it is, which is to say highly. Eating meat is eating the steroid and anti-biotic infused carcass of a sentient being that was tortured against its will. Nothing more.


Plus, we feel physically great all the time and want you to feel the same.
But you spackle shit everytime someone pulls out of you.

12-20-2011, 05:23 PM
But you spackle shit everytime someone pulls out of you.


baseline bum
12-20-2011, 07:12 PM
Seems like it might be tough to get 2000 calories a day eating only veggies. Vegan you can't eat stuff like eggs, so that kills pasta. You can't drink milk, so there goes a lot of protein. Maybe I'm misrepresenting veganism, but isn't it based off a lot of raw vegetables?

12-20-2011, 07:32 PM
leather basketball > plastic basketball

12-20-2011, 07:36 PM
I don't see how one could live without cheese.

baseline bum
12-20-2011, 07:44 PM
Now that I think about it, nuts could replace the protein in meat, while providing lots of unsaturated fat and calories. I don't know why I didn't immediately think of that, since I always make a point to pack tons of peanuts and cashews when doing outdoors shit where having lots of calories in your food is critical.

12-20-2011, 08:11 PM
I love veggies.

I also love meat.

And tbh why do vegans always have the most obscure fucking health problems? "I had some wheat gluten earlier and now my spleen hurts!"

Meanwhile the dude living off Taco Bell and Mountain Dew never gets sick.

12-20-2011, 08:12 PM
Now that I think about it, nuts could replace the protein in meat, while providing lots of unsaturated fat and calories. I don't know why I didn't immediately think of that, since I always make a point to pack tons of peanuts and cashews when doing outdoors shit where having lots of calories in your food is critical.


12-20-2011, 08:18 PM
Here's the thing about it. I know exactly, like exactly, how many grams of protein I've eaten today. I know the amount and where it's come from. I'm the only poster in this thread who can say that. Look, I get that veganism is arrogant, but I lack for nothing in my diet. Everything I eat I'm amazed by. I am so happy and grateful, daily, for the quality of food I get to eat. Everyday I am blessed with the cleanest and most pure food available. Quinoa, amazing almonds, hemp seeds, lentil pilafs, vegetables. The list goes on and on and on. And it's a shame that so many misconceptions exist about food. Because I feel great. Always. I never, ever, get headaches. My shit and digestive system is always perfect. My fingernails are stronger. My hair and skin are healthy. I always have energy. I never push away from a huge meal and feel like shit. I'm never lethargic or sick. I don't own a microwave. Nothing that thinks ever has to die in order for me to live. Everything I eat makes me feel great and nothing I eat makes me feel bad, ever. Everything in my life is better because of what I eat. I want for nothing. I have a hard time explaining to people how good I always feel, because anybody eating meat and cheese has never come close to feeling this way and cannot relate. And it's a shame that people scoff it, because what they're missing out on is simply the truth. And the lie is so short of what anybody can choose to have. That's why we're so evangelical about it.

12-20-2011, 08:20 PM
I love veggies.

I also love meat.

And tbh why do vegans always have the most obscure fucking health problems? "I had some wheat gluten earlier and now my spleen hurts!"

Meanwhile the dude living off Taco Bell and Mountain Dew never gets sick.

Cause the shit body can't react to the smallest impurity. Small changes jyst add to the overall shit fest. If you're clean, what is dirty, fucks you up.

12-20-2011, 08:22 PM
I could never go vegan. I just couldn't.

And it's not because I'm a stubborn carnivore. I love meat. All kinds and cuts. Love and consume veal, even. But it doesn't make up a huge percentage of my daily diet -- I very seldom cook meat, especially when I'm cooking for just myself, which limits my consumption to dinners out or large meals/dinner parties. If dietary or political concerns ever pushed me away from meat, I could probably give it up pretty easily.

It would be really, really, REALLY hard for me to give up dairy, cheese, and eggs, though. Like, impossible.

12-20-2011, 08:32 PM
I am so happy and grateful, daily, for the quality of food I get to eat. Everyday I am blessed with the cleanest and most pure food available. Quinoa, amazing almonds, hemp seeds, lentil pilafs, vegetables. The list goes on and on and on. And it's a shame that so many misconceptions exist about food. Because I feel great. Always. I never, ever, get headaches. My shit and digestive system is always perfect. My fingernails are stronger. My hair and skin are healthy. I always have energy. I never push away from a huge meal and feel like shit. I'm never lethargic or sick.

And here is the only place where the vegan arrogance bothers me. I've never lived fully vegetarian or vegan, and have generally never denied myself any type of food -- the only things I don't eat are things I don't like the taste of, things that are overly processed, and citrus (due to an allergy) -- but I can make the majority of the same claims as above. My diet includes meat and dairy, but I have ALWAYS been careful about paying attention to what my body actually needs; what goes in my body, how much, and how frequently.

In short, there's a HUGE amount of grey area between healthy vegan mountain climber and gluttonous carnivore with high cholesterol and blood dripping down their chin.

baseline bum
12-20-2011, 08:46 PM

Yeah, but beans require pork tbh.

12-20-2011, 08:51 PM
No it's not. Your almost non existant, almost evolved out of you incisors do not make you a carnivore. And yeah, it's wrong to eat meat any way you slice it (no pun) but particularly when that meat is produced by Tyson farms and the McDonalds corporation. Torturous factory farms don't fit at all into the circle of life.


Its not wrong to eat meat. It may be wrong by your standards, but I think I speak for 99.9% of us who think that your standards are wack as shit. I can get on board with not eating from the big ass animal farms but saying eating any meat is wrong is some crazy talk.

12-20-2011, 08:53 PM
I don't see how one could live without cheese.

Aside from mozzarella I hate cheese.

12-20-2011, 08:56 PM
This balli person is trolling right?

12-20-2011, 08:57 PM
Here's the thing about it. I know exactly, like exactly, how many grams of protein I've eaten today. I know the amount and where it's come from. I'm the only poster in this thread who can say that. Look, I get that veganism is arrogant, but I lack for nothing in my diet. Everything I eat I'm amazed by. I am so happy and grateful, daily, for the quality of food I get to eat. Everyday I am blessed with the cleanest and most pure food available. Quinoa, amazing almonds, hemp seeds, lentil pilafs, vegetables. The list goes on and on and on. And it's a shame that so many misconceptions exist about food. Because I feel great. Always. I never, ever, get headaches. My shit and digestive system is always perfect. My fingernails are stronger. My hair and skin are healthy. I always have energy. I never push away from a huge meal and feel like shit. I'm never lethargic or sick. I don't own a microwave. Nothing that thinks ever has to die in order for me to live. Everything I eat makes me feel great and nothing I eat makes me feel bad, ever. Everything in my life is better because of what I eat. I want for nothing. I have a hard time explaining to people how good I always feel, because anybody eating meat and cheese has never come close to feeling this way and cannot relate. And it's a shame that people scoff it, because what they're missing out on is simply the truth. And the lie is so short of what anybody can choose to have. That's why we're so evangelical about it.

You're also the angriest poster in here a lot of the time. On the other hand, I just ate sushi and I'm likely now the happiest poster in here.

12-20-2011, 08:58 PM

Its not wrong to eat meat. It may be wrong by your standards, but I think I speak for 99.9% of us who think that your standards are wack as shit. I can get on board with not eating from the big ass animal farms but saying eating any meat is wrong is some crazy talk.

You gotta read that Tolstoy essay Manny. It's very simple- there exists a moral aversion, in all of us, to causing death. Don't deny that shit, especially for something as shallow as the gustatory. You should also google 'consider the lobster' by David Foster Wallace, a meat eater.

I could post in this thread a lot more, but I'm drunk and on my phone and can't hang. That's my vice.

12-20-2011, 08:59 PM
Yeah, but beans require pork tbh.

This is true.

12-20-2011, 09:00 PM
You gotta read that Tolstoy essay Manny. It's very simple- there exists a moral aversion, in all of us, to causing death. Don't deny that shit, especially for something as shallow as the gustatory. You should also google 'consider the lobster' by David Foster Wallace, a meat eater.

I could post in this thread a lot more, but I'm drunk and on my phone and can't hang.

Your body casues the death of many forms of life on a daily basis. Plants are also alive.

12-20-2011, 09:02 PM
You're also the angriest poster in here a lot of the time. On the other hand, I just ate sushi and I'm likely now the happiest poster in here.

The crown is heavy yo. And toleration ain't easy.

12-20-2011, 09:07 PM
Your body casues the death of many forms of life on a daily basis. Plants are also alive.

Is the average lettuce leaf more sentient or smart than your pet dog? Cause the sausage you recently ate was.

12-20-2011, 09:08 PM
Is the average lettuce leaf more sentient or smart than your pet dog? Cause the sausage you recently ate was.

"Yeah, but a dog's got personality. Personality goes a long way."

12-20-2011, 09:08 PM
balli reminds me of the guy from Scott Pilgrim who had the vegan powers.

12-20-2011, 09:08 PM
This thread makes me want to go to Cochon.

12-20-2011, 09:09 PM
Is the average lettuce leaf more sentient or smart than your pet dog? Cause the sausage you recently ate was.

So you pretty much set the bar where you need to for your morality to be satisfied. I do the same, except mine is high enough to include that piece of bacon walking around.

12-20-2011, 09:10 PM
Most of the stuff Vegans eat is pretty damn good. But I'll never give up sushi and bacon. Never.

12-20-2011, 09:11 PM
So you pretty much set the bar where you need to for your morality to be satisfied. I do the same, except mine is high enough to include that piece of bacon walking around.

Well that's fucked up. And indwfensible. And you probqbpy know this. fuck it. i am not fixing the phone typos.

12-20-2011, 09:12 PM
"Yeah, but a dog's got personality. Personality goes a long way."


12-20-2011, 09:12 PM
And here is the only place where the vegan arrogance bothers me. I've never lived fully vegetarian or vegan, and have generally never denied myself any type of food -- the only things I don't eat are things I don't like the taste of, things that are overly processed, and citrus (due to an allergy) -- but I can make the majority of the same claims as above. My diet includes meat and dairy, but I have ALWAYS been careful about paying attention to what my body actually needs; what goes in my body, how much, and how frequently.

In short, there's a HUGE amount of grey area between healthy vegan mountain climber and gluttonous carnivore with high cholesterol and blood dripping down their chin.
Exactly. I have actually built my body from the ground up eating pretty much what I want. I've learned to moderate certain things in order to accomplish my goals but I can also say most of what balli said and more. I am not naturally athletic at all, yet my diet has not hindered me from getting in better shape than the majority of people my age and I haven't seen any evidence in my personal journey that suggests I need to change anything.

12-20-2011, 09:13 PM
Most of the stuff Vegans eat is pretty damn good. But I'll never give up sushi and bacon. Never.

Bacon is the most overrated thing on the planet.

12-20-2011, 09:14 PM
Most of the stuff Vegans eat is pretty damn good.

Agreed, for the record. Just not something I feel compelled to make my whole diet.

12-20-2011, 09:18 PM
Is the average lettuce leaf more sentient or smart than your pet dog? Cause the sausage you recently ate was.

Plants communicate with each other through runners and chemicals, letting them know of damage/pests/pollinators and triggering changes in neighboring plants. This can cause leaves to grow thicker, harder to chew, or even flowers to open up more for pollinators. They may not be "sentient" or "smart" but they are nowhere near passive or unresponsive.

12-20-2011, 09:19 PM
And btw, when you pluck an applw off a tree, you aren't killing the tree. You're accepting what thw tree peovides, in order that it can provide again.

12-20-2011, 09:21 PM
This is true.

you can make pretty damn good beans with water, onion, and garlic.

12-20-2011, 09:22 PM
And btw, when you pluck an applw off a tree, you aren't killing the tree. You're accepting what thw tree peovides, in order that it can provide again.

When you kill one bacterial meatsuit, you are nourishing another.

12-20-2011, 09:26 PM
You gotta throw some seaweed into the pintos. Natty sea salts. So fuckin good.

12-20-2011, 09:35 PM
I know what yall are sayin regarding the whole 'i could never be vegan' thing. thats how i feel about gluten. fuckin beer is holding me down. it took me 8 months to wrap my head around veganism. but in 8 months ill be gluten free too. you should all start thinking about animal shit though. theres a new world at your fingertips.

12-20-2011, 09:40 PM
How does one become a vegan?

12-20-2011, 09:51 PM
Its simple katy baby. No meat, no cheese, no yogurt milk or otherwise dairy. You're an empress girl; recognise how beautiful your stunning, human, female self is and give that shit up. You deserve it.

baseline bum
12-20-2011, 10:00 PM
you can make pretty damn good beans with water, onion, and garlic.

But you make them great by also adding bacon, poblanos, cilantro, and a can of beer tbh.

12-20-2011, 10:13 PM
But you make them great by also adding bacon, poblanos, cilantro, and a can of beer tbh.

Say you were hungry though? And anything you made would look good? So you skip the bacon and and make the beans with just the cilantro and chili. Afterwards, when you are full, do you think you'd really be sad without having eaten the pig flesh. The answer is: No. You'd feel good.

baseline bum
12-20-2011, 10:13 PM
Its simple katy baby. No meat, no cheese, no yogurt milk or otherwise dairy. You're an empress girl; recognise how beautiful your stunning, human, female self is and give that shit up. You deserve it.

Don't listen to him katy; having a booty is a positive thing.

12-21-2011, 12:15 AM
But you make them great by also adding bacon, poblanos, cilantro, and a can of beer tbh.

i'll keep cilantro far away from my beans. i am of that percentile of the population it tastes like soap to.

12-21-2011, 12:20 AM
I know what yall are sayin regarding the whole 'i could never be vegan' thing. thats how i feel about gluten. fuckin beer is holding me down. it took me 8 months to wrap my head around veganism. but in 8 months ill be gluten free too. you should all start thinking about animal shit though. theres a new world at your fingertips.

if you're drinking beer, there is a decent chance you have been consuming traces of isinglass and/or gelatin.

silverblk mystix
12-21-2011, 08:18 AM
Here's the thing about it. I know exactly, like exactly, how many grams of protein I've eaten today. I know the amount and where it's come from. I'm the only poster in this thread who can say that. Look, I get that veganism is arrogant, but I lack for nothing in my diet. Everything I eat I'm amazed by. I am so happy and grateful, daily, for the quality of food I get to eat. Everyday I am blessed with the cleanest and most pure food available. Quinoa, amazing almonds, hemp seeds, lentil pilafs, vegetables. The list goes on and on and on. And it's a shame that so many misconceptions exist about food. Because I feel great. Always. I never, ever, get headaches. My shit and digestive system is always perfect. My fingernails are stronger. My hair and skin are healthy. I always have energy. I never push away from a huge meal and feel like shit. I'm never lethargic or sick. I don't own a microwave. Nothing that thinks ever has to die in order for me to live. Everything I eat makes me feel great and nothing I eat makes me feel bad, ever. Everything in my life is better because of what I eat. I want for nothing. I have a hard time explaining to people how good I always feel, because anybody eating meat and cheese has never come close to feeling this way and cannot relate. And it's a shame that people scoff it, because what they're missing out on is simply the truth. And the lie is so short of what anybody can choose to have. That's why we're so evangelical about it.

He may be trolling, but I know exactly how this feels. In the mid 90's to until about 2003...I ate almost no animal products and I felt....superior to other people...

I would see people eating stuff that I could only smh to and I kinda looked down on...just thinking what this junk was doing to their bodies...

Eventually...I transitioned back into a diet which is probably 85-90% fruits/veggies...with about 10-15% meats and/or animal products ...probably because old habits die hard and also the love for things like Sushi and certain other animal based foods...

I might satisfy a burger craving or a philly cheesesteak once and then afterwards....I feel shitty...so I won't crave the burger/steak for about 6-8 months...

On the one hand I agree with what Balli is saying here...and do agree that the less animal products one consumes the healthier one is...I also believe that many diseases are caused by eating a lifetime's worth of animal products,etc...

On the other hand I still feel great and always appreciate the genuine look of shock when someone asks my age and thinks I am lying when I tell them...they always state that they woulda' guessed 15-20 years younger....

Or they could be just fuckin' with me....:lol

12-21-2011, 08:59 AM
Cause the shit body can't react to the smallest impurity. Small changes jyst add to the overall shit fest. If you're clean, what is dirty, fucks you up.

I understand what you're saying here. I quit eating pork, and the times that I cheat and go back and eat pork, then I get sick. Usually throwing up or diarrhea. It's not pleasant.

12-21-2011, 11:28 AM
I understand what you're saying here. I quit eating pork, and the times that I cheat and go back and eat pork, then I get sick. Usually throwing up or diarrhea. It's not pleasant.

Have you been tested for food allergies?

12-21-2011, 11:29 AM
Bacon is the most overrated thing on the planet.

Hyped products with bacon in them like chocolate, cupcakes, etc, yes. But bacon itself is the shit.

12-21-2011, 01:30 PM
Becoming a vegan would mean I would have to give up these...


...and that, my friend, is not happening.

12-21-2011, 01:47 PM
Have you been tested for food allergies?

A few members of my church have had the same thing happen to them, so I wouldn't think it was a food allergy (unless we all suffer from the same allergy).

12-21-2011, 01:48 PM
Becoming a vegan would mean I would have to give up these...


...and that, my friend, is not happening.


Kori Ellis
12-21-2011, 01:57 PM
After timvp was sick this past summer (I think most of you know that he almost died), we went vegan, and no meat, no dairy, no wheat, no sugar -- pretty much no anything except vegetables, fruit, beans and nuts/seeds. After a few months, we decided that we wanted to add fish into our diets though. So, we eat fish twice a week, and stick to the restricted diet the rest of the week. So far, it's worked out really well for us. We still let our kids eat a little bit of poultry and lean red meat on occasion, but one of our daughters really loves vegetables more than anything else. I think everyone has to figure out what works best for them. I thought I'd die without red meat, but it hasn't been bad.

We do eat "poorly" on holidays though -- so we are looking forward to Christmas :lol I'm baking cookies starting tomorrow.

baseline bum
12-21-2011, 01:57 PM
Hyped products with bacon in them like chocolate, cupcakes, etc, yes. But bacon itself is the shit.

No love? :cry


12-21-2011, 02:00 PM
No love? :cry


I prefer my bacon crisp! But I would try it

12-21-2011, 02:00 PM
I am pretty sure if someone doesn't eat any meat fir awhile and then has meat suddenly That affects them, there is a mental aspect to that. I am pretty sure most humans share the same digestive means to handle a properly cooked piece of pork chop LOL.

12-21-2011, 02:15 PM
I was Googling to see if others have gotten sick from eating pork as well.. and I found people suggesting it was because of "Swine Flu." :lol

12-21-2011, 02:17 PM
S.A.D., standard American diet, is pathogenic, and is one of the real drivers of the exorbitant national health bill (but still second to predatory greed of the Medical Industrial Complex).

baseline bum
12-21-2011, 02:23 PM
After timvp was sick this past summer (I think most of you know that he almost died), we went vegan, and no meat, no dairy, no wheat, no sugar -- pretty much no anything except vegetables, fruit, beans and nuts/seeds.

It's good to still have pizza.

baseline bum
12-21-2011, 02:25 PM
I prefer my bacon crisp! But I would try it

Braver than me, lol. I like bacon (wouldn't say I love it), but that makes me want to puke all over the monitor.

12-21-2011, 02:27 PM

silverblk mystix
12-21-2011, 02:36 PM
After timvp was sick this past summer (I think most of you know that he almost died), we went vegan, and no meat, no dairy, no wheat, no sugar -- pretty much no anything except vegetables, fruit, beans and nuts/seeds. After a few months, we decided that we wanted to add fish into our diets though. So, we eat fish twice a week, and stick to the restricted diet the rest of the week. So far, it's worked out really well for us. We still let our kids eat a little bit of poultry and lean red meat on occasion, but one of our daughters really loves vegetables more than anything else. I think everyone has to figure out what works best for them. I thought I'd die without red meat, but it hasn't been bad.

We do eat "poorly" on holidays though -- so we are looking forward to Christmas :lol I'm baking cookies starting tomorrow.

Have you felt better health wise since this change? Have you noticed changes like clearer vision, healthier looking hair,skin, eyes, nails,etc..?

Have you noticed that the kids have fewer colds, sinus issues, and now have extra energy?

baseline bum
12-21-2011, 02:42 PM
I once went vegetarian for about 3 months, with the only animal product I ever ingested being milk, and I got way too skinny. I gave it an honest try, but my body never got used to the reduced calories. It did get me to start eating vegetables consistently when I had never done it before though.

12-21-2011, 02:50 PM
I once went vegetarian for about 3 months, with the only animal product I ever ingested being milk, and I got way too skinny. I gave it an honest try, but my body never got used to the reduced calories. It did get me to start eating vegetables consistently when I had never done it before though.

I always make sure to have vegetables and/or a salad to go along with my meal (if I don't eat fast food). That's how I ate growing up, and I've continued doing it.

12-21-2011, 02:56 PM
you can make pretty damn good beans with water, onion, and garlic.
and beans

Kori Ellis
12-21-2011, 03:00 PM
Have you felt better health wise since this change? Have you noticed changes like clearer vision, healthier looking hair,skin, eyes, nails,etc..?

Yes, for sure.

(For the record timvp's health issues weren't caused by poor diet in any way. We just decided to make some lifestyle changes after the ordeal.)

Have you noticed that the kids have fewer colds, sinus issues, and now have extra energy?

No actually :lol But that's highly due to my son started preschool in September and brings home crap every week. But I know that the kids are much healthier overall.

12-21-2011, 03:18 PM
Per the pork thing: when you stop eating meat, you lose the digestive gut flora that your body needs in order to digest it. (Although, when it comes to meat, digestion is a word I use very loosely.) I'd suspect that by never eating pork you are altering the makeup of bacteria in your intestines and thereby getting sick.

I myself would become incredibly ill were I to eat meat. Hell, back in June I relapsed and ate a just huge pile of low quality parmesan cheese. I was fucked up for two days. Like full on sick; stuffed nose, terrible headache, the runs. It was no fun.

12-21-2011, 03:24 PM
I dont get why on earth anybody thinks eating butter fats and cow milk products is qt all natural. Cows milk is infant formula from another species that's purpose is to turn a baby calf into a several hundred lb hulking beast in less than a year. There's nothing about it that suggests we should be drinking it. The only humans who need to consume milk are infants and in that case it should only be human breastmilk. Anything else is fucking gross and un-natural.

silverblk mystix
12-21-2011, 03:51 PM
I dont get why on earth anybody thinks eating butter fats and cow milk products is qt all natural. Cows milk is infant formula from another species that's purpose is to turn a baby calf into a several hundred lb hulking beast in less than a year. There's nothing about it that suggests we should be drinking it. The only humans who need to consume milk are infants and in that case it should only be human breastmilk. Anything else is fucking gross and un-natural.


...but the dairy association has spent billions brainwashing people that...

"milk does a body good"

"breakfast is the most important meal of the day"

complete bullshit...but if you spend enough money...people will start to believe it is the truth...

12-21-2011, 04:09 PM
Per the pork thing: when you stop eating meat, you lose the digestive gut flora that your body needs in order to digest it. (Although, when it comes to meat, digestion is a word I use very loosely.) I'd suspect that by never eating pork you are altering the makeup of bacteria in your intestines and thereby getting sick.

I myself would become incredibly ill were I to eat meat. Hell, back in June I relapsed and ate a just huge pile of low quality parmesan cheese. I was fucked up for two days. Like full on sick; stuffed nose, terrible headache, the runs. It was no fun.

"Huge pile." And "low quality."

I'm aware of how digestion works, and that changing what you eat changes how your body is able to deal with different foods, but the above may have had at least something to do with the negative effect.

12-21-2011, 04:17 PM
I've toyed with the idea of trying veganism for a while, but I don't want to be the guy you have to make sure to have a vegan alternative for if you're hosting a Super Bowl party or a Christmas party or any other party where food is served.

Also, I fucking love sushi.

12-21-2011, 04:25 PM
"Huge pile." And "low quality."

I'm aware of how digestion works, and that changing what you eat changes how your body is able to deal with different foods, but the above may have had at least something to do with
Yeah, sure, God knows what goes into that shit Kraft parm. But still, I wouldn't expect much different were I to eat an organic fillet steak or something.

12-21-2011, 06:09 PM
Couldnt live w/o seafood.

12-21-2011, 06:14 PM
Becoming a vegan would mean I would have to give up these...


...and that, my friend, is not happening.

Sup dejaun

12-21-2011, 06:50 PM
"it's not natural" is the last resort for vegans and homophobes.

12-21-2011, 07:00 PM
I went vegetarian for 9 months. No chicken, fish, etc. I don't remember feeling substantially better, but then, I was in the best shape of my life when I started. It ended because I went to the renaissance festival and couldn't resist two very "pushed up" women selling muffaleta sandwiches by asking me "would you like to try a bit of the queen's muff". After that all bets were off (I felt horrible that night). I wouldn't say that I could never go vegan, because I thought I could never do vegetarian, but it would be difficult to do. I mean, the two things that I can make that are just out of this world are steak and chili (with a major edge going to the chili). I can't give those up.

12-21-2011, 07:08 PM
I went vegetarian for 9 months. No chicken, fish, etc. I don't remember feeling substantially better, but then, I was in the best shape of my life when I started. It ended because I went to the renaissance festival and couldn't resist two very "pushed up" women selling muffaleta sandwiches by asking me "would you like to try a bit of the queen's muff". After that all bets were off (I felt horrible that night). I wouldn't say that I could never go vegan, because I thought I could never do vegetarian, but it would be difficult to do. I mean, the two things that I can make that are just out of this world are steak and chili (with a major edge going to the chili). I can't give those up.

Quite compelling tbh.

Ahem,...the sandwich that is.

baseline bum
12-21-2011, 07:21 PM
I went vegetarian for 9 months. No chicken, fish, etc. I don't remember feeling substantially better, but then, I was in the best shape of my life when I started. It ended because I went to the renaissance festival and couldn't resist two very "pushed up" women selling muffaleta sandwiches by asking me "would you like to try a bit of the queen's muff". After that all bets were off (I felt horrible that night). I wouldn't say that I could never go vegan, because I thought I could never do vegetarian, but it would be difficult to do. I mean, the two things that I can make that are just out of this world are steak and chili (with a major edge going to the chili). I can't give those up.


12-21-2011, 07:24 PM
I used to be a vegetarian, but eat meat occasionally now. (I'm lazy.) One thing that I haven't seen Balli mention is that eating vegetables lowers the amount of energy burden that you place on the planet. We could feed a ton more people by lowering the amount of energy cycles in a diet. (to wit, we could feed a lot more people on algae than we could on beef)

12-21-2011, 07:44 PM
Side note Balli - you a fan of Epic? I brought a few of theirs home (Imp Stout, Imp IPA) I bought in Denver, and they were fantastic.

12-21-2011, 07:57 PM
Side note Balli - you a fan of Epic? I brought a few of theirs home (Imp Stout, Imp IPA) I bought in Denver, and they were fantastic.

lol, I mentioned last night being too inebriated to type. Epic was to blame. Yeah, they're great. Except the smoked porter which I more or less dislike as a concept. Glad you enjoyed em. Cheers!

12-21-2011, 07:58 PM
we could feed a lot more people on algae than we could on beef

Sounds delicious.

I tried vegan for awhile but I felt horrible. Never satisfied and I had lots of trouble sleeping. It does seem like an extremely healthy lifestyle from the studies I've seen so congrats to those who are able to stick with it. Although, I've never understood why vegans have such bad attitudes if they feel as great they claim.

12-21-2011, 09:04 PM
Sup dejaun

12-21-2011, 09:53 PM

I will give my recipe for my steak and my margaritas. My chili, however, is just one of those things that I can't bring myself to let go of. I wouldn't even let my wife shop for the ingredients until we were married. Stupid? Yeah probably, but I guess I think that I might market it someday. I could make a pot and bring it to a gtg though.

12-21-2011, 11:59 PM
Yeah, sure, God knows what goes into that shit Kraft parm. But still, I wouldn't expect much different were I to eat an organic fillet steak or something.
If shit ever hits the fan, you better hope you stumble upon a nice garden.

12-22-2011, 12:59 AM
If shit ever hits the fan, you better hope you stumble upon a nice garden.

If shit REALLY hits the fan, I'm eating that condescending faggot balli first on principle.

12-22-2011, 01:13 AM
If shit REALLY hits the fan, I'm eating that condescending faggot balli first on principle.

You'd be lucky. My vegan flesh is so gourmet. I wouldn't eat you what with all the grime and stringy gristle.

12-22-2011, 01:18 AM
holy shit if you were any gayer it would be mandatory of you to walk around in assless pants with a dildo shoved up your gooch.

12-22-2011, 01:19 AM
holy shit if you were any gayer it would be mandatory of you to walk around in assless pants with a dildo shoved up your gooch.


12-22-2011, 01:22 AM
If shit REALLY hits the fan, I'm eating that condescending faggot balli first on principle.
You don't need to. You can pasture him and wait until the hunters are all extinguished before eating the bovine, the fucking ruminant.

baseline bum
12-22-2011, 02:30 AM

12-22-2011, 03:33 AM
holy shit if you were any gayer it would be mandatory of you to walk around in assless pants with a dildo shoved up your gooch.


12-22-2011, 09:28 AM
holy shit if you were any gayer it would be mandatory of you to walk around in assless pants with a dildo shoved up your gooch.


12-22-2011, 09:37 AM
Plants are living organisms too, you god damn murdering bastards

12-22-2011, 12:40 PM
Sounds delicious.

I never implied it would be. Thankfully, we can still go up a level or two from algae and have good tasting food. :)

silverblk mystix
12-22-2011, 12:50 PM
I just had an early lunch...

The Veggaletta Muffaletta (gayest sounding name ever)...from Jason's Deli...

...but it was a great veggie lunch....

12-22-2011, 01:06 PM
I had a steak, some scrambled eggs and half a grapefruit for breakfast.

I wouldn't go vegan, even if my life depended on it. Thankfully, my health is good.

12-22-2011, 01:17 PM
holy shit if you were any gayer it would be mandatory of you to walk around in assless pants with a dildo shoved up your gooch.

I know you don't have any friends or a girlfriend because you such a shitty person, but I hope the only two people who give a shit about you (your parents) die in a car crash sometime soon. Your cunt of a mother deserves as much for dropping a fuckhead like you out of her festering moldy ass snatch.

12-22-2011, 04:16 PM

12-22-2011, 04:25 PM
Quite compelling tbh.

Ahem,...the sandwich that is.


Yes, after all these years (14). I couldn't tell you anything about the sandwich. I remember the situation quite clearly though. After that "experience" it seemed that I got quite ravenous for the entire day and carrot sticks, broccoli heads, and even portobella mushrooms werent going to satisfy. LOL

12-22-2011, 04:25 PM
http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTmGY7G6yfqJnu3g2v4fVO79ddy7lmAN pPaZ3B-nrQ1GKpKsqozdg2zsgJ-

12-22-2011, 05:26 PM
It's good to still have pizza.

I love all that shit, fast food, candy, meat, French cheese, packaged food-like substances. It's ENGINEERED to be addictively tasty, stimulates the same brain centers as narcotics.

Trying follow the DASH or Mediterranean diet perfectly is way too hard, too stressful. One doesn't have to be perfect, 95%. 19 days out of 20, eat only the good stuff, then one day eat some pure crap, pathogenic "mouth candy". ain't gonna kill ya. It might make your stomach complain, it being a lot smarter than your mouth, but it won't kill ya.

Probably $200B - $300B/year of the national health bill is for self-inflicted life-style diseases, the whole gamut of nasty stuff, obesity-related/worsened diseases, cancer, stroke, CVD, kidney, diabetes. All predictions are that all of it will continue to get worse.

I think vegans and vegetarians can be so proselytizing, wanting everybody to convert to food-based health, is that they see from their own experience how wonderful, transformative a healthy diet is.

12-22-2011, 05:46 PM
The other night I ate 2 authentic Philly cheesesteaks in one sitting. :depressed

12-22-2011, 06:04 PM
hey ballijuana, considering how much polesmoking you do, can you really call yourself a vegan? Pretty sure swallowing another dude's jizz counts as consumption of an animal product.

12-22-2011, 07:47 PM
I know you don't have any friends or a girlfriend because you such a shitty person, but I hope the only two people who give a shit about you (your parents) die in a car crash sometime soon. Your cunt of a mother deserves as much for dropping a fuckhead like you out of her festering moldy ass snatch.

Anyway, fuck off, I'm not interested in talking to a gaping asshole who checked into this thread with trembling hands and a shitty attitude to go immediately and completely off the deep end in a discussion that didn't involve you. You have proven time and again that you can't handle your posts without putting your prolapsed asshole on public display and everybody hates you for it. Nobody on this board or IRL has any interest in anything you have to say. You can't handle communication, so do us all a favor and check out of life you crying faggot. And yes, I hope your cunt mother gets raped and left in a ditch somewhere.

12-22-2011, 09:30 PM
The other night I ate 2 authentic Philly cheesesteaks in one sitting. :depressed
That's impressive. I walked a mile in the rain in Philly to get a cheesesteak. It was worth it. I got sick as hell though. I also had two. :toast