View Full Version : Trump dumps GOP

12-23-2011, 04:28 PM

(CNN) - Donald Trump continued to tease a potential presidential run by changing his voter registration Thursday from Republican to "unaffiliated" and publicly denouncing the behavior of members of his former party.

Michael Cohen, an aide to Trump, said the real estate mogul and reality television star made the switch "in order to preserve his right to run for president as an independent if he's not satisfied with who the Republicans nominate."

The change was made with the New York State Board of Elections.

Cohen added that Trump was "disgusted with the way Republicans are handling" the payroll tax cut extension, saying the actions of Republicans were partly to blame for his party change.

Cohen also cited foreign policy issues, claiming Trump had been ahead of the curve in predicting security issues in Iraq after the U.S. pulled out troops.

"Iraq is imploding. Who else has been saying this except Trump?" Cohen said.

Trump's party switch is just the latest move taken by the businessman to indicate he might run for president. He very publicly contemplated a run in the Spring before announcing he wasn't willing to give up his reality show "The Apprentice" to launch a campaign.

Trump's presidential aspirations sprung up again in December, when he cancelled his appearance as moderator of a presidential debate, saying he wasn't "willing to give up my right to run as an independent candidate."

~~He'll never run for POTUS. Just another attention whore like Palin.

12-23-2011, 04:53 PM
another Donald Trump presidential campaign scare. nothing to get too worked up about.

Prediction: the Trump will retire pompously after pretending to ready himself to jump in again, around convention time.

12-23-2011, 06:24 PM
His act is old. No one is buying this.

12-23-2011, 11:35 PM
What a shock. He was a republican for, what, a year? Less? I think I was more surprised when Magic Johnson used his resignation from the AIDS panel as a political football right before an election.

12-24-2011, 12:29 AM
This is awesome. I hope he gets just enough traction to get invited to the Presidential Debates, just so we can watch him embarrass himself.

Oh, Gee!!
12-24-2011, 07:37 PM
He can take sarah and the tea party with him. It will be about as successful as his bid to take the USFL head-to-head against the NFL.

12-24-2011, 07:53 PM
Cue the runway lights for Obama 2012.