View Full Version : Romney Guarantees College kids will have jobs if elected

12-24-2011, 12:11 AM
I was wondering..this is a question for scott. it isn't really plausible right? i was under the impression that it would always correct back to the natural rate of unemployment on its own..and the only way the government could speed this up is with increasing aggregate demand through government spending and tax cuts, leading to cost push inflation. am i right, he's just blowing smoke out his ass right?

12-24-2011, 12:23 AM
Theoretically he could come up with SOME program that guarantees college kids get jobs... it would just be incredibly expensive, and kind of against the philosophy of "conservatism."

[Theoretical talk] It is possible to have unemployment lower than the natural rate (and we've seen as much in the past), but putting things simply, yes there will always be the gravitational pull of the theoretical natural rate.

Did he really say this? Because it seems incredibly stupid (as are any guarantees of this nature).

12-24-2011, 12:45 AM
yeah, he really said it. unbelievable.


Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney made a hefty promise (http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/politics/2011/12/romneys-absurd-political-campaign-promise/) to a college student on Thursday when he claimed that a vote for him meant a job after graduation.
"What I can promise you is this -- when you get out of college, if I'm president you'll have a job," Romney said during a New Hampshire appearance, according (http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/politics/2011/12/romneys-absurd-political-campaign-promise/) to ABC News. "If President Obama is reelected, you will not be able to get a job."
Romney made the promise to 21-year-old Kallie Durkit, who asked why college students should support the former Massachusetts governor over Obama. While he was answering just one student's question, he directed his answer toward all college students.
"I understand what it takes to get jobs in America," Romney said.
After revealing his jobs plan (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/09/06/mitt-romney-jobs-plan-_n_950243.html) in September, Romney said "America should be a job machine: jobs being created all the time, people looking for employees to join their enterprises." His plan was quickly criticized (http://content.usatoday.com/communities/onpolitics/post/2011/09/mitt-romney-jobs-plan-reaction-jon-huntsman-/1) by his GOP rivals, including Huntsman, who blasted Romney's plan as being "sadly similar to that of Obama's."

12-24-2011, 12:48 AM
getting the unemployment rate down so quickly would almost certainly be accompanied by high inflation..i think i'd rather have the unemployment than hyperinflation tbh.

12-24-2011, 01:20 AM
and 90% of the college kids guaranteed jobs are IMMIGRANTS. local students are dropped due to tuition which's skyrocketing and the unemployment rate would be even HIGHER than it currently is. if you really want someone to salvage the sinking ship, vote for Ron Paul and FUCK the rest

12-24-2011, 02:10 AM
Romney's a Repug, ERGO he lies (echoes of McLiar 2008, called out for lying by even MSM)

"But now consider what Mr. Romney actually said on Tuesday: “President Obama believes that government should create equal outcomes. In an entitlement society, everyone receives the same or similar rewards, regardless of education, effort, and willingness to take risk. That which is earned by some is redistributed to the others.”

And in an interview the same day, Mr. Romney declared that the president “is going to put free enterprise on trial.”

This is every bit as bad as my imaginary Obama statement. Mr. Obama has never said anything suggesting that he holds such views, and, in fact, he goes out of his way to praise free enterprise and say that there’s nothing wrong with getting rich. His actual policy proposals do involve a rise in taxes on high-income Americans, but only back to their levels of the 1990s. And no matter how much the former Massachusetts governor may deny it, the Affordable Care Act established a national health system essentially identical to the one he himself established at a state level in 2006.

Over all, Mr. Obama’s positions on economic policy resemble those that moderate Republicans used to espouse. Yet Mr. Romney portrays the president as the second coming of Fidel Castro and seems confident that he will pay no price for making stuff up.

Welcome to post-truth politics.

Why does Mr. Romney think he can get away with this kind of thing? Well, he has already gotten away with a series of equally fraudulent attacks. In fact, he has based pretty much his whole campaign around a strategy of attacking Mr. Obama for doing things that the president hasn’t done and believing things he doesn’t believe.

For example, in October Mr. Romney pledged that as president, “I will reverse President Obama’s massive defense cuts.” That line presumably plays well with Republican audiences, but what is he talking about? The defense budget has continued to grow steadily since Mr. Obama took office.

Then there’s Mr. Romney’s frequent suggestion that the president has gone around the world “apologizing for America.” This is a popular theme on the right — but the so-called Obama apology tour is a complete fabrication, assembled by taking quotes out of context.

As Greg Sargent of The Washington Post has pointed out, there’s a common theme to these whoppers and a number of other things Mr. Romney has said: the strategy is clearly to portray the president as a suspect character, someone who doesn’t share American values. And since Mr. Obama has done and said nothing to justify this portrait, Mr. Romney just invents stuff to make his case. "

If Mr. Romney is in fact the Republican presidential nominee, he will make wildly false claims about Mr. Obama and, occasionally, get some flack for doing so. But news organizations will compensate by treating it as a comparable offense when, say, the president misstates the income share of the top 1 percent by a percentage point or two.



Even "truth telling/fact finding" Politifact LIED about the Dem "Lie of the Year" being that Ryan's plan would end Medicare, which is exactly what Ryan's plan intends to do.

smears, slander, lies, swift-boating, it's the only kind of politicking Repugs know.

12-24-2011, 02:19 AM
its hard to read a single speech or interview from Mitt in which he doesn’t fabricate a vicious lie about something Obama neither said nor did. And the result of this unchecked permissiveness towards lying, Krugman predicted, would be more and more political dishonesty.

But that’s the smallest part of what’s now a standard GOP lie. The bigger lie Brooks told is the claim that Congress has been raiding the Trust Fund for years. It’s false.

The Social Security Fund is set up as a separate account that is credited with the receipts from the payroll tax. Those funds don’t just sit there, like dollar bills piled in a vault or stuffed under mattresses of the Social Security administrators. Instead, Congress pays the Trust Fund interest on the surplus account, and that interest is also credited to the Trust Fund and can be/is used to help make Social Security payments — it happens every day, because that’s how it’s supposed to work.


Romney can't deliver on his promise, he's lying, that he will have jobs for college grads. His party is cutting 10Ks poor kids off from starting or finishing colleges by slashing Pell grants.

12-24-2011, 03:01 AM
"College kids are gonna like the way they look. I guarantee it."

12-24-2011, 10:33 AM
Theoretically he could come up with SOME program that guarantees college kids get jobs... it would just be incredibly expensive, and kind of against the philosophy of "conservatism."

[Theoretical talk] It is possible to have unemployment lower than the natural rate (and we've seen as much in the past), but putting things simply, yes there will always be the gravitational pull of the theoretical natural rate.

Did he really say this? Because it seems incredibly stupid (as are any guarantees of this nature).

I always find it sad and disappointing when ANY Presidential candidate makes promises that he intellectually knows are outside the Presidents ability to deliver.

They are ALL guilty of it.

12-24-2011, 10:37 AM
I always find it sad and disappointing when ANY Presidential candidate makes promises that he intellectually knows are outside the Presidents ability to deliver.

They are ALL guilty of it.

:tu And I promise you they will do it again.

12-24-2011, 10:45 AM
Not all campaign lies are the same. Promises are one type of campaign lie, smearing and slandering are very different.

Barry campaigning on a hard-core public insurance option was something that would have been extremely beneficial to the country, but of course he was blocked by the greedy, gouging Medical Industrial Complex. A public option is certainly feasible and was widely desired.

Romney promising jobs to every college graduate is nothing but a fantasy, a pure lie, the neither he or any President could ever deliver.

Romney's attack lies, like McLiar's, about Obama are also complete bullshit, pandering to the ignorant red-state bubbas and Fox Repug network sheeple

12-24-2011, 11:12 AM
If elected Class President, I promise a soda machine in the cafeteria and longer recess!!!

12-24-2011, 11:36 AM
I thought Romney was supposed to be the sensible one. What a ridiculous promise.

12-24-2011, 11:49 AM
Romney made the promise to 21-year-old Kallie Durkit, who asked why college students should support the former Massachusetts governor over Obama. While he was answering just one student's question, he directed his answer toward all college students.

Maybe he was just making the promise to Kallie? In which case lol Romney bribing voters with jobs

12-24-2011, 12:06 PM
fucking moron...it's hard to top the GOP this election for having the biggest retards as nominees. This group is hysterical.

12-24-2011, 12:32 PM
College students who major in liberal arts and political science shouldn't be guaranteed a job.

12-24-2011, 12:34 PM
If elected Class President, I promise a soda machine in the cafeteria and longer recess!!!

12-24-2011, 12:36 PM
Willard Gecko knows (now?) that adult, serious, responsible, sensible is NOT what the Repug voters are looking for.

Wild Cobra
12-24-2011, 10:30 PM
I always find it sad and disappointing when ANY Presidential candidate makes promises that he intellectually knows are outside the Presidents ability to deliver.

They are ALL guilty of it.:tu And I promise you they will do it again.
Too bad so many people fall for it.

12-26-2011, 02:40 PM
Romney Falsely Claims Obama ‘Has Not Created Any New Jobs’

“I know that the Democrats will try and make this a campaign about Bain Capital; … 25 million people are out of work because of Barack Obama. And so I’ll compare my experience in the private sector where, net-net, we created over 100,000 jobs.”

“I’ll compare that record with his record, where he has not created any new jobs.”

the private sector has added 2.3 million new jobs since March 2010, and it took the Obama economy one year to create more jobs than the economy under President Bush did in eight. There are, indeed, fewer net jobs now than when Obama took office early in the recession, but his policies, including the stimulus, effectively turned months of job losses into months of consistent job gains.

Along with distorting Obama’s record, Romney is distorting his own. While he claims his record includes plenty of job creation, he ignores his time as governor of Massachusetts. From 2003 to 2007, in fact, the state ranked 47th in job creation. Romney also refuses to provide evidence to back up the claim that Bain created 100,000 jobs on his watch. Romney may want to talk about jobs, but without adding distortions and baseless claims, his record sure doesn’t appear like something worth touting.



A typical example Bain's predator capitalists rape companies for Bain's fun and profit:

Ampad: A controversial deal

Bain Capital put $5 million into its purchase of American Pad & Paper and quickly began charging management and other fees. It also made payments to investors. In all, Bain and its investors reaped more than $100 million even though Ampad went into bankruptcy, workers lost jobs, and stockholders were left with worthless shares. [And creditors got less than 50 cents on the dollar.] A look at the deal:

· 1992: Bain buys American Pad & Paper from Mead Corp. They invest $5 million.

· 1993: After Bain takes control, Ampad pays advisory fees to Bain under a management agreement.

· 1994: Bain acquires plant in Marion, Ind. Workers strike over layoffs and wage benefit cuts. The events become a campaign issue in Romney's challenge to Senator Edward M. Kennedy.

· 1995: Bain shuts down the Marion, Ind., plant. Roughly 200 lose jobs. Bain gets at least $2 million in annual fees, plus additional fees for each acquisition Ampad makes. Ampad borrows more to acquire an envelope and stationery maker and uses some of the proceeds, about $60 million, to pay Bain investors.

· 1996: Ampad completes an initial public offering. Bain sells about 3 million shares, reaping about $45 million to $50 million for investors and itself. It also takes $2 million in fees for arranging the IPO, plus other fees.

· 1998: With Ampad struggling, Bain agrees to cut the annual fee $1.5 million a year. It also agrees to start forgoing payment until the company turns around.

· 1999: Revenues continue to slide. Ampad closes a plant near Buffalo, with up to 185 losing jobs.

· 2000: Creditors force Ampad into Chapter 11 bankruptcy to reorganize.

· 2001: Judge puts Ampad into Chapter 7 to liquidate assets and pay creditors. Senior secured lenders get less than 50 cents on the dollar.


July 2, 1996: $15.13 - IPO Price

Jan. 27, 1997: $26.00 - Peak

Sep 16, 1997: $13.13 - Stock loses 42% of its value

Nov 1, 1999: 35 cents - Ampad looks to sell assets to reduce debt

Jan 14, 2000: 15 cents - Ampad forced into bankruptcy



A closer look at Mitt Romney's job creation record

Four of the 10 companies Bain acquired declared bankruptcy within a few years, shedding thousands of jobs. The prospectus shows that Bain investors profited in eight of the 10 deals, including three of the four that ended in bankruptcy.


12-26-2011, 02:44 PM
Former Romney Business Partner: ‘I Never Thought Of What I Do For A Living As Job Creation’

Bain managers said their mission was clear. “I never thought of what I do for a living as job creation,” said Marc B. Walpow, a former managing partner at Bain who worked closely with Romney for nine years before forming his own firm. “The primary goal of private equity is to create wealth for your investors.”

Plenty of the former employees of companies that Bain bought would certainly agree with that assessment. For instance, Bain Capital formed GS Industries by snapping up steel companies. GSI went bankrupt, and “more than 700 workers were fired, losing not only their jobs but health insurance, severance and a chunk of their pension benefits. GSI retirees also lost their health insurance and other benefits.” However, “Bain partners received about $50 million on their initial investment, a 100% gain.”



Willard Gecko is just another 0.1% Repug slimebag liar.