View Full Version : Detroit must still win in SA

06-17-2005, 07:31 AM
Wow. I am utterly amazed at all the so-called Spurs fans ready to throw in the towel already. The series is now tied. That's all. The Spurs are not down 3-2, late in the 4Q, trailing by 30.

Come on people.

One thing that needs mentioning is the fact that Detroit must still win one (or maybe even two) games in San Antonio. A feat they have not accomplished in these playoffs or all season. On the road, Detroit becomes a different animal than they are at home. They are nearly unbeatable at home with a record of 9-2 this post-season, yet their road record stinks: 4-6.

I STILL say they'll win in 6, but if Detroit manages to take game #5, the Spurs will ein in 7.

06-17-2005, 08:02 AM

06-17-2005, 08:08 AM
Actually, the Pistons are 5-6 on the road in the playoffs. But you're right; They must win in SA. I say that if the Spurs win Game 5 it is over. If the Pistons win, I give them a 60% chance of stealing one of the two in Texas.

06-17-2005, 08:20 AM
The Stones won in Miami.. Teams have won in S/A this year. They are a good road team. Momentum will play a huge role. Confidence also.

06-17-2005, 08:20 AM
Whoever wins game 5 will win the series. No matter where they are playing at.

06-17-2005, 08:26 AM
Whoever wins game 5 will win the series. No matter where they are playing at.

Miami won game 5. Then they lost two in a row, including one at home.

06-17-2005, 09:09 AM
Mad dog but that was b/c Wade got hurt & wasn't the same player destroying DET.

Wade has a nice jumper which made DET's DEF still have to respect & defend which allowed him to still attack the rim effectively.

Problem with TP is his jumper is inconsistent & DET knows this, he's not as effective when made solely a jump shooter.

06-17-2005, 09:31 AM
Actually, the Pistons are 5-6 on the road in the playoffs. But you're right; They must win in SA. I say that if the Spurs win Game 5 it is over. If the Pistons win, I give them a 60% chance of stealing one of the two in Texas.

SoundTheToll, very respectable post. I couldn't agree with you more!

06-17-2005, 09:33 AM
Miami won game 5. Then they lost two in a row, including one at home.

They did not have the 2-3-2 format, had they had that format, miami would be in Finals.

06-17-2005, 09:50 AM
They did not have the 2-3-2 format, had they had that format, miami would be in Finals.

That's the silliest thing I've ever heard. If you can only win 2-2-1-1-1 and not 2-3-2, you don't deserve to win and advance.

Miami didn't win because Shaq and Wade were not 100% and they didn't have enough depth to play hard for 7 games.

That shouldn't be SA's problem. They're deeper and more talented than the Pistons. Pistons got hot last night, and early, so by the time the Spurs had any shred of a run in them, they were able to squelch it. How many times did the Spurs play excellent D and force the Pistons into tough shots at the buzzer of the shot clock - I counted at least 5 times. But that won't happen all series long. Pistons are inconsistant on offense.

They wanted Game 4 more. I don't know why the Spurs didn't want Game 4, but they didn't. By the time they started playing like they did, it was too late.

I think Manu and Tim wil bounce back in Game 5. I am encouraged by the fact that in the 3rd quarter Manu was back to driving and making shots. He didn't do that at all in the first half, he was playing scared. I don't think that will happen again in Game 5.


SWC Bonfire
06-17-2005, 09:58 AM
Pistons return to SA and .... air conditioner failure!

97 degrees and 90% humidity is a hell of an advantage. It'll be too hot for Ben Wallace to wear the 'fro, thus giving the spurs extra visibility over his head to actually pass the ball in the lane.:lol

06-17-2005, 10:07 AM
Pistons return to SA and .... air conditioner failure!

97 degrees and 90% humidity is a hell of an advantage. It'll be too hot for Ben Wallace to wear the 'fro, thus giving the spurs extra visibility over his head to actually pass the ball in the lane.:lol

LOL. I don't think we'll be seeing those cornrows again anytime soon. Wife told him "no"!

06-17-2005, 10:10 AM
This is all going as I predicted.except for the scores :)

Spurs win 1,2. Pistons 3,4. Spurs 5,6.
Spurs in 6.

06-17-2005, 11:15 AM
Why do you want it to come down to the last 2 games. Detroit is more than capable of winning a game in SA. If you are San Antonio they better play like their lives depended on it in the next game.

06-17-2005, 11:23 AM
Why do you want it to come down to the last 2 games. Detroit is more than capable of winning a game in SA. If you are San Antonio they better play like their lives depended on it in the next game.

I absolutely agree. I'm not saying the Spurs can't win the last two here --- but that is taking an awful big chance against a proven road team like the Pistons. Game 5 is not the series but is very important.

Extra Stout
06-17-2005, 12:20 PM
The SBC Center is not some magic basketball kingdom that turns crap into gold. I certainly hope the Spurs aren't counting on their arena to change the dynamic of the series. Bad passes and lack of aggression lead to low-percentage shots, turnovers, and easy points for the opposition no matter where the game is played. The Spurs themselves, not the buildings, determine how well they execute.

06-17-2005, 12:31 PM
They did not have the 2-3-2 format, had they had that format, miami would be in Finals.

I'm glad GOD checked in to let us know how it would have went if it was a different format... WE all know you guys wanted Miami to win so that you could route your way to the championship. You have to EARN it..

06-17-2005, 01:01 PM
The SBC Center is not some magic basketball kingdom that turns crap into gold. I certainly hope the Spurs aren't counting on their arena to change the dynamic of the series. Bad passes and lack of aggression lead to low-percentage shots, turnovers, and easy points for the opposition no matter where the game is played. The Spurs themselves, not the buildings, determine how well they execute.

You must be joking.

CRAP = http://www.nba.com/games/20050616/SASDET/boxscore.html
CRAP = http://www.nba.com/games/20050614/SASDET/boxscore.html

GOLD = http://www.nba.com/games/20050612/DETSAS/boxscore.html
GOLD = http://www.nba.com/games/20050609/DETSAS/boxscore.html

SBC Center = Magic Basketball Kingdom

06-17-2005, 01:19 PM
Wow. I am utterly amazed at all the so-called Spurs fans ready to throw in the towel already. The series is now tied. That's all. The Spurs are not down 3-2, late in the 4Q, trailing by 30.

Come on people.

I STILL say they'll win in 6, but if Detroit manages to take game #5, the Spurs will ein in 7.

You ain't kiddin! Start one thread about it and they all a come chirpin too!

Anyway you're right, until someone loses at home a series never really begins; there's no real sense of urgency. And, Detroit hasn't won in SA in what.. 5 or 6 years?? Wait til they're down 3-2 before worrying about the sky falling.

06-17-2005, 01:24 PM
Pistons return to SA and .... air conditioner failure!

97 degrees and 90% humidity is a hell of an advantage. It'll be too hot for Ben Wallace to wear the 'fro, thus giving the spurs extra visibility over his head to actually pass the ball in the lane.:lol


Don't make me have to sneak into the SBC early and sabotage the cooling system. Can you imagine the B.O. of 18,797 rabid fans?

:vomit :lol

T Park
06-17-2005, 02:43 PM
They still have to win in SA. true.

But, think about it. I mean how long can it go??

Its bound to end someday.

More than likely in game 6.

I guess Stephen A was right.

God thats disgusting to say.

06-17-2005, 02:44 PM
Don't make me have to sneak into the SBC early and sabotage the cooling system. Can you imagine the B.O. of 18,797 rabid fans?

Boston pulled that shit on LA in the 80's...it would work even better here! :lol

06-17-2005, 02:47 PM
I am SO glad TPark is not a Blazers fan! I would hunt him down and give him a beat down if he was. This series is up for grabs now. I think Detroit must win game 5 in order to win the series though. Even if they do, the Spurs could easily win the last 2 in San Antonio.

SWC Bonfire
06-17-2005, 02:52 PM

Don't make me have to sneak into the SBC early and sabotage the cooling system.

You won't have to sneak in SW, that's what we have Danny Ferry for!

Can you imagine the B.O. of 18,797 rabid fans?

It's called biochemical warfare, darlin'... :devil

06-17-2005, 03:30 PM
Miami didn't win because Shaq and Wade were not 100% and they didn't have enough depth to play hard for 7 games.

That shouldn't be SA's problem. They're deeper and more talented than the Pistons...But that won't happen all series long. Pistons are inconsistant on offense...They wanted Game 4 more. I don't know why the Spurs didn't want Game 4, but they didn't.

The disrespect continues...Miami would've been in the Finals had they been healthy, last year it was Indiana that would've had they been healthy...Health and stamina are part of the game every bit as much as making shots...Detroit hasn't been 100% healthy either, this year or last (Rasheed could barely walk last year in the playoffs)...The injury card is weak.

As for opinions about depth and who is better, there's only the scoreboard that can refute a fan's claims...I suspect that the series begins now, 3 games...And, yes, Detroit still has to win on the road for them to win it all.

So, San Antonio remains in the driver's seat...Should the Spurs lose, however, will fans like you continue to claim injuries or 'They just didn't want it more than the Pistons'?

06-17-2005, 03:32 PM
'They just didn't want it more than the Pistons'?

Actually, I think that is valid. They way Detroit has played the last two games, they seem to want it more. That is not an insult to Detroit.

06-17-2005, 03:32 PM
Actually, I think that is valid. They way Detroit has played the last two games, they seem to want it more. That is not an insult to Detroit.

Yeah, but we said the same thing about SA in Games 1 and 2.

06-17-2005, 03:34 PM
and seemed to be true at the time. Detroit so far has proven otherwise.

06-17-2005, 03:35 PM
You won't have to sneak in SW, that's what we have Danny Ferry for!

OOooooo.....Dannny Ferrrrrrry......... :cooldevil

It's called biochemical warfare, darlin'... :devil


06-17-2005, 03:35 PM
Right now, the Pistons are simply playing better than the Spurs.

Much better.

But, no point saying who the Best Team is until one of them wins, right?

06-17-2005, 03:36 PM
Don't say Danny Ferry! She will get distracted! :)

06-17-2005, 03:39 PM
I'm glad GOD checked in to let us know how it would have went if it was a different format... WE all know you guys wanted Miami to win so that you could route your way to the championship. You have to EARN it..

In case you forgot...you must earn it too.

06-17-2005, 03:44 PM
Detroit was backed into a corner with no way out except over our face...they walked over it. If Spurs get backed into a corner...expect the same reaction...Spurs are unbeatable when they play their best...I don't give a damn what Detroit does. The style of play will change when they come back here and Pistons won't be able to change that. Utmost respect to Detroit for responding the way they did, but Spurs still win this series...it won't be easy!

06-17-2005, 08:26 PM
For the majority of you.



As soon as they win, win, win...you all jump the bandwagon..
but when they lose a few...you all bail, bail, bail!

It's nowhere near over. They will WIN the series.
If they win on the road this Sunday, it's a major advantage.
If they lose on Sunday, they still have home court advantage...and yet you all doubt they'll win?

Shame on you people...

"All aboard...bandwagon fans departing San Antonio, destination no-man's-land" where you all belong!

Where is your HEART?!

06-17-2005, 08:51 PM
I 'm still wearing my Spur shirt around the town and preaching the word. They the (Pistons ) won't now way in Hell stay that hot. There will be a let down ..its comming...

06-17-2005, 09:10 PM
The only thing that worries me is if it goes to a game 7. Yes, I know the Spurs will HCA, but when was the last time a Spurs team actually played in a game 7? This would be new territory for this team. Sure they've played in elimintation games before, but I can only imagine the pressure of "if you win this game you're the champions, if you lose the Pistons are the champions". Detroit would have the advantage in terms of that experience. I still think the Spurs will win in 6, but a game 7 makes me nervous.

06-17-2005, 10:16 PM
And there it is...Detroit still has to win a game on the road so all this talk of it being over or Detroit about to punish the Spurs is ridiculous...It's a 3 game series and Detroit has to win 2 of 3 just like SA, with SA getting 2 at home...Winner of Game 5 has huge advantage going back to San Antonio as we all know...Advantage San Antonio, for now

06-17-2005, 10:46 PM
And there it is...Detroit still has to win a game on the road so all this talk of it being over or Detroit about to punish the Spurs is ridiculous...It's a 3 game series and Detroit has to win 2 of 3 just like SA, with SA getting 2 at home...Winner of Game 5 has huge advantage going back to San Antonio as we all know...Advantage San Antonio, for now

Good synopsis.

Do you think Detroit has the advantage of momentum at this point?

06-17-2005, 10:53 PM
Good synopsis.

Do you think Detroit has the advantage of momentum at this point?

Of course detroit has the advantage of momentum.. the last two box scores make that quite clear.

Detroit has shown they can outplay the spurs, now it's just a matter of follow through. As always, the meaningless stats (Nobody scores 90 against the spurs in the finals, nobody wins the middle three at home, nobody wins a game 7 on the road) are falling by the wayside. Next will be the myth of pistons can't win in san antonio. The pistons have taken the spurs best shot and solved them. Pistons in six.

06-17-2005, 10:56 PM
I don't believe in momentum. Every player has his good days and bad days. I do believe that some players can't handle the pressure in the playoffs.

06-17-2005, 11:51 PM
Like the old cliche goes, 'It is what it is' as far as momentum goes...I really believe Game 5 is for all the marbles, momentum or otherwise...SA wins, we start looking for a new coach...Detroit wins, we start looking for a new coach...It's all the same really :lol

06-17-2005, 11:56 PM
Like the old cliche goes, 'It is what it is' as far as momentum goes...I really believe Game 5 is for all the marbles, momentum or otherwise...SA wins, we start looking for a new coach...Detroit wins, we start looking for a new coach...It's all the same really :lol

Except that looking for a new coach with 2 Championships in a row is easier to swallow, isn't it?

I've been meaning to ask this, what are Piston fans feelings on next year?

Do you think Larry as done all he can do with this team, and the new coach will still keep Detroit in Final Contention?

Or do you think this could be the Pistons last huzza for awhile?

06-18-2005, 01:43 AM
Except that looking for a new coach with 2 Championships in a row is easier to swallow, isn't it?

I've been meaning to ask this, what are Piston fans feelings on next year?

Do you think Larry as done all he can do with this team, and the new coach will still keep Detroit in Final Contention?

Or do you think this could be the Pistons last huzza for awhile?

Bias prevails of course but this team, IMHO, is built to contend just as long as San Antonio will...The building blocks are there already and guys like Tayshaun & Ben are still getting better...And while Darko remains a cocktail joke, Piston fans are fully behind this kid...He's got a lot of upside and has a bright future, hopefully he'll get playing time under the next coach (Another advantage to seeing LB leave)...Carlos Delfino is no Manu but he has a lot of intangibles that is going to make him a great part of the Pistons for some time as well.

That being said, LB has done what he never could do anywhere else...He won it all...He's peaked in so far as someone with OCD like he has can...The guy is starved for a new challenge, he simply gets bored in one place for any period of time...Spurs fans must remember that with him as well...I think he craves the challenge and now with Detroit there's not a lot of challenge for him...Strange, I know...But as it is, the guy has worn out his welcome in Detroit with all his constant flirtations and his apparent disdain for the foreign born players.

Do I think the Pistons will continue to contend for the title?...Absolutely...Will they be as sound a team as they have been under LB?...Very hard to say, honestly...I would never dream of discounting what LB has done in Detroit, he definitely took them to the next level that Carlisle frankly could not...But like in any sport, challenge is part of the game and it'll be a new challenge to win with Saunders or whomever takes over for LB....The mantra is played out to be sure but 'Playing the Right Way' really has been what this team has been about under LB...I hope it continues.

06-18-2005, 01:59 AM
Bias prevails of course but this team, IMHO, is built to contend just as long as San Antonio will...The building blocks are there already and guys like Tayshaun & Ben are still getting better...

Don't the contracts of Prince, Ben, as well as Chauncey expire in 06?

06-18-2005, 02:42 AM
I don't care if the Spurs play the Pistons on their home court or in their backyards, if the Pistons continue to close down the lanes on defense and keep Parker and Ginobili from driving to the basket I just can't see the Spurs winning another game.

It's as if there were doors to each driving lane and the Pistons have slammed them shut tight and deadbolt locked them because there's absolutely no room for the Spurs to get to the basket.

06-18-2005, 02:49 AM
Sa Needs To Stop Being Intimidated And Playing Scared. Have The Will To Action And Take The Piston's Will To Win. Stop Playing Nice And Show What Is Like To Hurt. We Have Champions On Our Team, So It's Time To Show It. Win In 6.

06-18-2005, 07:06 AM
Just to let you know since Larry Brown came to the Pistons, they are undefeated in elimination games :)

06-18-2005, 07:08 AM
About the Pistons next year, i expect Joe D to make a few moves in the off season to deepen our bench and we will be a contender again next year.

Man i would love for Darko to get some more playing time though.

Did you guys see the bucket he made when he came into the game? I was impressed, sure it was against your guys deep bench players but I was geeked for him to come out and be agressive like that.

06-18-2005, 07:09 AM
I would also like to see Dupree get some playing time that guy is awesome, the few times ive seen him actually get to play he brought high energy to the game, he can jump out of the gym.

06-18-2005, 07:54 AM
I ain't throwin in no damn towel. And I'm glad I've been away and therefore missedthe mass exodus if it has occured.

I'm sticking with my Spurs thru hell and highwater adn I still believ that we can and will win this series! Were Detroit fans dropping like flies when we when they were down 2 games? no. So why would a Spurs fan??? Like we've never lost games before.
p a t h e t i c

I'm rootin, cheering and praying for my team all the damn way weather it be a victory parade down the riverwalk or a titanic like sinking.

I'm sticking by my boys!

06-18-2005, 10:01 AM
1) San Antonio will throw everything but the proverbial kitchen sink at Detroit on Sunday...I think they will drive and force the refs to make calls...Which brings me to the key to the game, officiating...As a series goes on, refs tend to avoid deciding games...I say tend to because you never know these days.

2) Dupree has a player option clause on his contract and while he likes it here in Detroit, I think LBs departure may be enough incentive to stay but you never know...The guy just wants some playing time.

3) Joe D is the biggest reason to believe Detroit will continue to challenge for the title...As GMs go, Piston fans have their own logo and I have no fear that he will tirelessly build a competitive team...Those dark years are over as long as he is at the helm.

4) It'll be interesting to see what is done with Arroyo...LBs absence will factor into it like with Dupree but his salary slot is too large for a guy getting 10 minutes a game...So either his minutes will have to increase or he'll be packaged outta town (Personally, I'd like to see him remain but then there's reality)...Ironically, Utah looks like they are practically down to 0 PGs since trading Arroyo for a bag of peanuts to Detroit.

5) EC retires, Ham is done and contract extensions for Ben and Tayshaun...As for Chauncey, it'll get done as Joe does...Plus, for a journeyman like Billups, the guy has found a home here and I am doubtful he's going anywhere either...Then again, stranger things have happened.

06-18-2005, 10:05 AM
Who gives a crap about all these Detroit Pissies?

06-18-2005, 10:07 AM
Did you guys see the bucket he made when he came into the game? I was impressed, sure it was against your guys deep bench players but I was geeked for him to come out and be agressive like that.

Well, what was more impressive to me was how assured and confident he seemed out there even in limited action...It is the Finals afterall and the guy is being 'Cheered' onto the court when the outcome is set already...It's mopup time and he's being lauded by the crowd after sitting for 45 minutes, not exactly the kinda thing that lights a fire under ya.

Yet, he looked very active, especially rotating on pick & rolls...Very focused and mature...That baby left hook off the glass, that is a shot that will become his patented move in the future and Piston fans will grow accustomed to seeing that much like Spurs fans see that bank shot from the elbow by Duncan.

I know this, if you want to become a great frontcourt player, playing against Sheed and Ben everyday in practice is a pretty good way to season ya, don't ya think?

Mr.Vas Deferns
06-18-2005, 10:36 AM
I'd like top see Pop not change the line-up every 3 minutes. Here would be my SOLID starting line-up this sunday:

He'll have to play these guys for the first quarter at least:


Yes, I did say Rasho.
I think my man can hang in there. What do they have to loose? The series? It may be tied but it is in actuality the "bottom of the ninth", "2 minute warning" and these ARE ALL THE MARBLES.


06-18-2005, 11:08 AM
This is what I've been preaching all year long and I'm going to preach it one more time!

Defense and POISE!

Yes, I'm sure you all get tired of me saying that, but it's truth....

nuff said...

06-18-2005, 11:16 AM
I'd like top see Pop not change the line-up every 3 minutes. Here would be my SOLID starting line-up this sunday:

He'll have to play these guys for the first quarter at least:


Yes, I did say Rasho.
I think my man can hang in there. What do they have to loose? The series? It may be tied but it is in actuality the "bottom of the ninth", "2 minute warning" and these ARE ALL THE MARBLES.


Interesting lineup. Put Manu on Rip, he does a pretty good job, then we would have Horry on Prince, there goes the matchup problem, and then stick Rasho on Ben. I would try that at some point in the game if things aren't working out. I would just def. make some adjustment. We can't do the same thing we have been doing.

06-18-2005, 11:49 AM
Don't the contracts of Prince, Ben, as well as Chauncey expire in 06?

Prince is this year, Ben next, and Chauncey I will almost swear is 07. JD has been planning for the Prince and Ben resigning for quite some time. One of the reasons for getting rid of signed for a longer term Corliss Williamson and takng on an expiring Derrick Coleman contract, was to clear space for the Tayshun signing....Ben while great, IMHO has peaked. I sure would hate to see some offer of a close to max contract for him. He deserves to cash in, but please Joe just do it for a shorter period of time.....As far as Larry Brown goes, inside sources with the Pistons are saying they have had enough of his act. The old fella that owns the Pistons, while kindly looking, didn't become a billionaire without demanding some loyalty, which Larry doesn't know the meaning of.

Kori Ellis
06-18-2005, 11:57 AM
Prince is this year, Ben next, and Chauncey I will almost swear is 07.

Prince's contract doesn't end this year. It's guaranteed through 05-06 (they picked up the team option on his fourth year, I believe). Ben ends after 05-06 and Chauncey 07-08.

06-18-2005, 12:03 PM
Prince's contract doesn't end this year. It's guaranteed through 05-06 and then they have a team option for 06-07, I believe. Ben ends after 05-06 and Chauncey 07-08.

Well there's loads of talk around town about Tayshun being resigned in the off season.

06-18-2005, 12:06 PM
According to the local rumor mills, Prince will most likely get a contract extension with a healthy raise this summer. His rookie contract is good for another year but they know they want to lock him up and won't wait around to do it.

Ben will probably get his next year. He's not greedy and Dumars won't low-ball him, don't expect any bumps in the road with him finishing his career as a piston.

Billups is signed through the 07/08 season, Rasheed through 08/09 and Hamilton through 09/10.

Barring injury or Dumars finding an opportunity to swindle some team in a lopsided trade, the starting five is set for the forseeable future.

06-18-2005, 12:13 PM
Well, no matter what happens from here on out, I give props to the Pistons and Spurs.

They finally made a Finals interesting to watch. It's just too bad no one is watching except us....

But NBA Fans better get used to it. I see these two teams in the Finals again next year.

06-18-2005, 12:14 PM
According to the local rumor mills, Prince will most likely get a contract extension with a healthy raise this summer. His rookie contract is good for another year but they know they want to lock him up and won't wait around to do it.

Yep, it's one of the reasons why the Pistons respond so well when they really have to on the court. They appreciate the loyalty and respect shown them from the top down...Take Lindsey Hunter situation. His best friend Dumars traded him right off the bat after becoming President. Yet has brought him back twice out of loyalty and look how hard Lindsey plays for him, and came up big in game 4.

Also I have been very impressed at what a fine, quality person Tim Duncan is. What a model citizen that some of these kids should imitate.

Kori Ellis
06-18-2005, 12:18 PM
According to the local rumor mills, Prince will most likely get a contract extension with a healthy raise this summer. His rookie contract is good for another year but they know they want to lock him up and won't wait around to do it.

I guess he's in the same situation as the Spurs were with Tony Parker last summer - he has one more year on his rookie contract, but they'll try to extend his this summer.

Do you guys know how much money he's looking for?

06-18-2005, 12:26 PM
I guess he's in the same situation as the Spurs were with Tony Parker last summer - he has one more year on his rookie contract, but they'll try to extend his this summer.

Do you guys know how much money he's looking for?

The radio guys think in average 5-7 mil range. Rip Hamilton type money, and a 5 year contract....Ben I think should be 3 years, and the quiet promise of don't be a jerk about this, and you'll have a job in the organization for life.

06-18-2005, 08:44 PM
Also I have been very impressed at what a fine, quality person Tim Duncan is. What a model citizen that some of these kids should imitate.

And that's it really...The media love to dissect whether or not this is a boring series but what it is is devoid of real villains or megalomaniac personalities...As far as I can tell, these are teams with a lot of very likable personalities.

Bruce Bowen gets a lot of criticisms around the league despite coming off as a very likable guy...I heard him in an interview in the Bay Area several times and any distate I had for the guy was muted by his charm and personality.

Rasheed Wallace gets a lot of grief around the league, particularly from the officials but Piston fans know this guy to be a fundamental cog to the Pistons success and love his personality, Ts and all...To quote the Jerry Maguire movie 'He's all heart baby'.

06-18-2005, 09:31 PM
Esp. for 200dollar tickets lolq